Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 297: Reunion, how much joy and joy

Although the heart is extremely unhappy, but the demon never dare to take the whole demons to adventure

Donghuang Snow Tears has this guts and has this ambition...·····

Although the heart is extremely unhappy, but the demon never dare to take the entire demon emperor to adventure!

Donghuang Snow Tears has this guts, and there is such a discouragement, but after the demon, there are absolutely many concerns...···

"Oh, the situation is stronger than people, even if it is offended by Yuan Tian, ​​it is better than offending the snow and tears. The two evils are taken lightly." After the devil, he was thinking: "Anyway Yuan Tian's guy can't beat me. ······························································································· , how to say it is mine..."

Thinking about it, the face of the demon is white and red. Then there was anger: "That bastard! It has been so many years, and I don't know a little convergence. I am still threatening! I am still threatening! It's really abominable!"

"It’s just Chu Yang, what kind of person is it..." The violent anger of the demon gradually subsided and began to meditate: "This kid is not afraid of it..." not only kills the young son of the Emperor Yunyun, but also the east. Emperor of Heavenly Emperor..."

Speaking of this, an angry rushed up again: "The **** snow and tears, you only know that you are worried about your brother, you can come directly to take him away? Why do you still stay here?! Put this scourge What is the matter of staying in the aging mother's demon day?!"

Immediately ordered: "Come, come over and call me the Prince!"

Someone trembled and reported: "Prince... Prince is in the city of Falling Flowers······"

"I still don't know if he is in the city of Falling Flowers?" After the demon, he yelled: "I am talking about letting him roll back to me as quickly as possible! I will control where he is! Hurry and do it!"

"Yes!" The three men quickly tidy up the mess in the hall, and they quit with a cold sweat. I really don't know who is provoked by the demon today, and the thunder is so angry!

Immediately, the three people were shocked because they clearly felt that the gods of the demon were suddenly dissipated.

Within a few thousand miles of a time, all of them are under the control of the demon. Moreover, it won't be long!

This move after the demon seems to be searching for something?

The whole process of searching for God actually lasted for half an hour.

After half an hour, the demon finally sighed: "I can't find it."

"When the little **** comes back, let him go directly to Chuyang. Let the stinky boy learn the skills of others, so as not to follow the skirts of the girls every day, but they can't even get a good face. Oh, no good news!"

After the demon vomited a spit: "Hey! This **** kid is just like the same as he used to be! The chasing woman is not stalking, there are no other tricks! Really hey! I am all can not watch anymore!"

a table.

White jade table!

The feeling of dancing in the city is so sensitive that the white jade table in front of you is actually not even a bit of impurities, and the whole body is crystal clear! At a glance, I can even look through the white jade table and see the ground below - even ordinary people can see it.

There are only four wine glasses on the table!

The dancing city sat on the top and looked at this huge table for a long time.

The three great men sat down in the first place, the wine was placed in the wine, the serving of the dishes, the cooking of the dishes, and their duties, everyone was red-eyed.

Everyone seems to have a thousand words to say; but when they say it, they can't even say a word.

Ximen Wanli, which has always been the most skilled in cooking, has reversed the soy sauce and vinegar in an unprecedented way. After rushing to adjust and adjust without any results, they have to dump the dishes and re-do it.

But this time when I was cooking, I dripped a tear in the iron pot.

With a slap, the tears have already turned into a burst of blue smoke.

"Two brothers..." These years...······························································································· The trembling, but, talking, is just a few short words, the sound is still unknowingly trembled.

The dance city closed her eyes and felt that the emotions in her heart were folded back and forth in the heart. Several unspeakable sour feelings poured into my heart, and the voice was hoarse: "I am fine, you, Ok?"

A few brothers, nothing at all.

In the kitchen, there was a sound of "stinging", and it was not the tears of Ximen Wanli that caused this sound, or the oily salt and vinegar in his hand.

Under the light of the lights, everyone's expressions are like crying, but they try their best to endure them, laughing one by one, even though the smile is ugly than crying, still laughing with enthusiasm.

"Hehehe······" Another man twisted his face and smiled hard: "The second brother..." is the end of the nine heavens... can you be innocent?"

The dance city trembled a little, and said with a whispered voice: "Jiuzhongtian····· is still Jiuzhongtian, not bad.

Smoke seven brother, you... can rest assured. ”

The ‘small seven brother seems to be relieved, but it seems to be a little disappointing, slamming down

The seven brothers of the smoke, it was the old seven of the nine generations of the brothers who danced in the city, the dream of smoke.

His sorrow at the moment seems to be because of a certain doubt in his heart, and he has not been answered.

On the other side, Jun did not take a deep breath and finally said: "Second brother, is that okay?"

As soon as this sentence came out, the screaming dream of the head suddenly caught his breath, and Ximen Wanli, who played the symphony of the pots and pans, stopped all the movements.

The room is full of silence!

Several people are quietly waiting for the answer to the dance city.

This moment, short but long!

It is only a short-lived situation waiting for a sentence. In the hearts of these people, it is as long as hundreds of years, thousands of years, and tens of thousands of years!

The dance city only felt that a heart knife was generally painful, and dumbly said: "The man... you said ‘that person, who? I don’t understand!”

The three people stopped their actions at the same time, staring at the dancing city, and they were speechless.

Then, three people bowed together.

Just the room was gone, because the sound of cooking in the kitchen rang again.

For a long time, all kinds of dishes were served on the table.

Ximen Wanli also finally put down the pots and pans in his hands and sat on the table. Washing his hands and washing the city clearly found that Simon Wanli still seems to wash his face, eyes, it seems that there are some signs of redness.

In the heart of the dance, I suddenly sighed and suddenly there was a feeling of ‘not drinking first drunk.

Hot steaming.

Wine is good wine.

"This wine is called 'heroic blood,'" Jun Weiling took the lead in raising the glass and said deeply: "Second brother, this is the spirit that was brewed after the Zixiao Emperor defeated the demon! The hero blood took a drink. Just like the blood of a hero, he will continue to rush in his body!"

"Second brother, please drink!" Jun Weiling raised his toes.

"Second brother! Please drink!" The smoke dream and the West Gate Wanli simultaneously toast.

"Hero's blood? Long-awaited the name of this wine! Hehe..." The dance city sneered and sneered: "Just..." Are you a hero? Are you also drinking this heroic blood?"

This sudden, like a group of ice, thrown into the fire.

For a time, the room was once again quiet, and the death was dead.

However, the dance city still seems to be not addicted. Suddenly stood up and raised the cup in his hand. He fell to the ground and shouted: "Why don't you tell me, what hero are you?"

"You ask yourself, are you qualified to drink this heroic blood?! Answer me!"

Three people hold at the same time!

The dance city still felt that the three people were not cold and cold, and suddenly they laughed, but the laughter was full of scorn and scorn.

"I will understand this table."

"Before we were drinking in Jiuzhongtian, even if only two people were eating together, even if it was just a single person, as long as the conditions permit, we will have ten people's tables! Everyone has one seat!"

The dance city is furious: "Why are there only nine traces of the chairs around this table? Tell me why?!"

"Who are you missing? Or, who have you abandoned?" The dance city was hoarse: "Who did you give up?"

The three men were silent at the same time, and they did not say a word.

The surface sinks like water.

The gasping sound of the dancing city couldn’t keep resounding in the air, kicking the table and the dishes on the table and shouting out: “Tell me, what are you doing now?”

Then I danced and screamed at the city and screamed and said, "Speak it out and listen to me! I have to see, how far I am with you! I am now a frog that has become a well." Or maybe it’s a humble cock!"

At the moment of sitting down in the city, three people stood up at the same time.

As they did in the past, they were in the same position when they accepted the instructions and guidance of their second brother.

"My brother, I am now, the saint intermediate!" Jun Weiling stood up and said straight.

"My brother, I am now, the saint intermediate." Simon Wanli also stood straight.

"Me too." The sound of the smoke dreams.

"Good cows, actually all are saints." The dance city is stunned: "I only have the peak of the day, it is really far worse than you, I am self-defeating, it seems that now I, in front of you, is really just a small ants. It’s better to change this seat to eight."

The dancing city ridiculed the laughter: "I have so much difference with you, even if you don't say it, I ask myself if I don't have a face and then be your second brother. The three saints, no longer revoke my seat, are not afraid of shame. ?"

"Two brothers!" The three men were flushed at the same time: "What are you talking about! Brothers are still afraid to abandon their second brother even if they die! Second brother is always a second brother, even if we are now Jiujun one, Or is it a holy prince, there will still be no change!"

"Over the years, we only need to drink, the top position, you must be the second brother!"

"No one dares to pass the brothers!"

"This will never change!"

"As long as one of our brothers is alive, it will always be the same!"

But I am really tired and want to die...

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