Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 298: Name the boss! 【on】

Jun Wei Ling’s eyes are tearful: “Second brother! Even though our brothers have become monks or higher, but... you are still the second brother of all of us! Forever! Who dares Disrespectful, everyone cuts him together!"

Dance the city cold and cold: "I have a bit of status in your heart, then, big brother? What are you when he is?!"

The three of them fell into silence at the same time, and they were speechless.

Who is Big Brother?

Nine robbery sword master!

The nine generations of the previous generation!

The nine-robbery master of their time!

The dance city slowly stood up, faintly said: "On the foot of the sky, the sword refers to the east of the cloud! Who remembers, the name Yundong? Is there?!"

The three are still like clay sculptures, and they don’t say a word. But the breath was heavy and rushed in an instant.

"It seems that you don't remember it? It's so good!" The dancing city sneered and laughed: "Or you just remember, what moment was the last betrayed by the boss?! 'Buy the sky,?! But never remember from At the end of the micro-end, the boss support all the way?"

"Second brother, don't say it!" Jun did not slam a hand.

"Second brother! What do you mean by saying this now?" Jun Weiling said painfully: "On the foot of the sky, the sword refers to the east of Baiyun! We all remember how we might have to forget! But, that year When we were betrayed... the pain of heartbreaking...·····

"Ha ha ha ·····" dances the city and shouts: "You are suffering? Are you suffering? Hahaha, are you suffering? You actually say what you are suffering?! Hahahaha..."

"Are you suffering? Are you really suffering?! The pain you suffer, all the pain, is nothing more than a phantom, your self-righteous phantom! Is your little bit of pain comparable to the pain of the boss?" "The dance of the city is full of tears, and the fingers tremble: "You are a bunch of things that have no conscience... no conscience! No conscience!"

"You don't have a conscience, there is no point at all!"

Suddenly smirked: "Yes, you are now a saint to repair... I am really arrogant! Where else do you need to remember what the nine robbers sword master! Where do you remember what love is...·ha... ..."

Jun Weiling three people at the same time with a red face, angrily got up: "You nonsense! You talk nonsense, second brother, we respect you as the second brother, but you can not reverse this black and white in any case, our brothers these tens of thousands of years In the case, which one is not painful, although the past is unbearable, but when I missed the midnight dream, I didn’t cry? Do you know that? Why do you blame us?!”

"In this long tens of thousands of years, everyone didn't even dare to make new friends!"

"This kind of pain, do you understand? Do you understand? Do you know?" Jun Weiling said: "Answer me, do you understand? Do you really understand?"

"I understand! I don't understand?! You have endured, haven't I ever to bear it?"

Jun Wei Ling three eyes at the same time burning.

Yes, I have been experiencing the pain of my brother, how could my brother not have experienced it, or even, there are many brothers waiting for him, and the second brother, he is only alone, staying alone in Jiuzhongtian, that is unbearable. Hometown!

I waited for what the three people had just done, and actually stunned the second brother who had not reunited for a long time, really **** it!

The dance city is sitting down and down. "Three saints, don't look at me with the eyes that understand my feelings. I don't need your sympathy. You don't deserve it. You don't have this qualification! I dance the city, a new one. Jin Fei’s little ants who have risen to the Nine Heavens are here today to tell you a story...················································································· Listen, if you don't want to listen, I have never been to the city."

The sound of dancing at the moment of the city is so cold that it is extremely cold. Obviously, the heart has been hurt, and the person has been hurt.

"Second brother!" Simon Wan sighed with a cry: "Two brothers! No matter what you say, let us listen!"

"Yes, my second brother! We are all listening!" The three men also shed tears at the same time: "Just ask the second brother to talk about not to mention the saint, two words! We are always the original us, the second brother brothers!"

The dance city felt a little comforted and said slowly: "Good! I will not mention anything about the saints. I will tell you... Hehehe..."

"In the accident that year, I used my ancestors to grow up, and I was lucky to escape. The only thought was revenge. I was looking for revenge on that person. ···································································· Remove all the nine robbery masters and avenge their brothers..."

When the three people heard this, they all clenched their fists. What the second brother wanted to do was not something that the brothers wanted to do but could not do.

"...···It’s been until I met Fa Zun, I know...···································································· Another survivor!" Dance the city slowly: "... So I started..."

"At the end of the day, I finally faced the last nine robbery swords! The Lord is him, and he untied all the resentments and mysteries in my heart!"!

The dancers bite their lips and said painfully: "······We were all wrong, wrong and outrageous, and we were incurable..."

"Things of the year..." Danced the city and said, tears.

"Our boss..." is like this... Nothing...·····

In the eyes of the dance, the tears in the eyes are full, and muttered: "On the foot of the sky, the sword refers to Baiyun East, who dares to hurt my brother?"

Listening to all of these things, the three are not stunned.

Until I heard that sentence: "...Take the reincarnation channel, open the door outside the domain, the bone is the wall, the meat paves the road, the **** wind leads, the soul makes the green; send my brother, the extraterrestrial warfare; Reinventing the flesh, becoming the golden body of immortality; fulfilling my brother, - outside the domain, into an immortal work; let my brother, enjoy the world and the same life, the supreme glory!"

The three suddenly stopped at the same time!

The next moment, the three stood up at the same time!

Jun did not roar and screamed: "Two brothers, what you said, but really? You didn't lie to us?"

The voice of the speech was very great at first, but at the end it began to tremble.

Such a big thing, the dance city will not be used to make jokes. Although Junming Ling knows this, he still can't help but ask questions. When he asks questions, he will not answer the dance city.

The dance city closed its eyes and said: "I lied to you?······Is there a need? Is this still a lie?"

Instantly, the three are like a wooden chicken, like a woodcarving clay!

"If it is not true, I can't help but kill it. I don't want to believe it. What is different from yours before my heart confirms this..." The dance city said painfully: "It's a pity. This is the truth! This is Reality! And I have the responsibility to tell you this fact! The misperception of all of us has been going on for too long, and we are sorry for the boss, too much..."

The three people stood in a daze, for a long time, no one had any movement.

Only that face has become white and white...·····

The majestic body that is not moving is also slightly trembling.

"In fact, it is more than our boss. In fact, before us, the nine masters of the robbery swords are not as good as they are; if the nine robbery swordsmen really sold out a brother, only to fulfill himself, they, according to the cultivation at that time, live It’s not difficult to decide for tens of thousands of years, but why don’t we see one?”

"One or two can be said to be an accident. I believe you also know that in the nearly 100,000 years, the nine masters of the swordsmanship are not as good as they are. In fact, the true meaning of the matter has long been before us, but whether it is You, or me, always turn a blind eye and never notice!"

"It’s just because everyone sees themselves too seriously. When they are betrayed, they will complain to the first time, go to anger, but never think about the reason. One person is angry, but everyone Being angry with one thing together, it becomes a fact...·····It’s getting deeper and deeper, hate more and more...”

Dance the city chanting: "But, think calmly, you are so heavy? Are you so concerned about yourself? So, what about our boss?"

"What really wants to be sad is never to be us, but the nine masters of the swords of the past. They paid everything for their brothers. In the end, they only got resentment, only the name of the world..."

"And, you know why you can't even meet any of the descendants of the nine-robbery master?"

The dance city is stunned: "The reason is actually very simple... After the nine robbery swordsmen sent away the brothers, they are dead and dead... as for future generations...嘿嘿······"

"Historical books have always been written by the winners. This is a very reasonable statement. However, it is a tragedy that falls on the sellers and the beneficiaries. Humanity can betray their world before the great interests. Perhaps the facts are already It was completely annihilated by those winners."

"The boss is dead, nothing can be said, then, all things are what we said, how do we say, how the world listens... hahaha... ridiculous! Ridiculously ridiculous!"

“It turns out that we are actually winners? Such a winner?” The dance of the city is like a knife.

All three people bowed their heads with no land.

"I only know the story of a descendant of the Nine Robber Swordsman, the only surviving daughter of a female, her surname is Jun... Her family is later, after the disappearance of the Nine Robbery Sword Master, the descendants of the Nine Robbery Brothers Sneak attack on the siege assassination, until it is destroyed..."

The dance of the city is the story of Jun Xizhu. He did not know that Jun Qi was not the blood of the nine robbers, but now he said it.

The three faces turned pale, and they stood still again, and they were unable to sit down.

"Hey," he sat heavily in the chair.


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