Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 302: Love and intentions

The man walked up the stairs with his arms down, his head tilted up, his nostrils facing the sky, and his nose hair gently blowing his mouth out of his nose. In the elegant blowing of the nose hair, the man licked his hair and "brushed" it. The hair was full of sloppy hair.

"I am the guest who lives in the first room of Tianzi!" The man squinted: "In other words, I am the one you want to go out!"

Speaking, I actually twitched a bit, and I generally flexed my **** and said: "Is it very handsome? Just look at me so much, is it shocked by my face?!"

"嗬嗬嗬嗬······" The prince squinted and suddenly felt a blank in his mind.

Although I was really shocked by your "face", the results can not be erased, but the difference between the inner and the middle is too great, and it’s basically awkward and far-reaching!

As the prince of the entire Yaozu, it can be regarded as a high-ranking senior figure. Moreover, among the entire nine-day scorpio, the enchanting shape of the Yaozu is definitely in the first place. But even so, I never thought that someone in this world would be so wonderful!

I couldn’t even dream about it. ‘I’m not very handsome. Was it shocked by my face? Such words can actually be said from the mouth of the monster in front of me. What is the conscience? !

As for your virtue, I am also very embarrassed to ask me what is right? What is the principle of justice?

After a long, long time, Prince Siren suddenly became furious. In an instant, he forgot the thing that the other party refused to let the house. The infinitely angry screaming said: "You, you, you...", do you still have this? Conscience! You ask this, are you not losing money?!"

In a word, Hu Shushu and Ma Shushu, who are about to get angry, are in danger!

The other party's question is undoubtedly beyond common sense, but our prince's answer seems to be even more strange! God is gone!

The conflict that should have risen immediately, was taken aside by the other party... and it was biased to the point where it was not possible. Moreover, the words of Prince Siren are so good, and they are biased in the past, without looking back.

Of course, we must also guard against the sudden counterattack of this weird guy. The anger should be basically a foregone conclusion...·····

I don’t know that the weirdo heard this sentence. Suddenly it seems very very smug, saying: "Do you know my wife?"

The Prince’s grandfather suddenly was the second monk who couldn’t touch the mind. Which one of them was subconsciously scratching his head and asked: “I know your wife?” Is this person a neuropathy?

This man's eyebrows danced, and the two eyebrows were like two squats on his face. He jumped for a while, and he screamed at him. He laughed and said: "When my wife saw me, the first sentence was such a sentence. You said this sentence, I actually realized the taste of love, thank you...···"

"The taste of love ························································· I let you experience the taste of love? God...···

"When I wanted to, that little girl skin was a waste of my great effort, I thought it would be awkward..." The strange man had some memories.

This goods, actually after these things, turned over the eyelids into the thoughts of the past.

Even more ridiculous is that a certain Prince has actually felt a burst of pity in this situation, remembering that the hardships of chasing her women are still not available, can not help but nodded and deeply feel the same: "Yes..." It’s really too difficult, as long as I can laugh at the end. Any price is worth it...”

"Women, women, ······" The strange face has some nostalgia, but it seems to be hurtful.

"Women, women, ······" The princes sighed and sighed, and they really hurt.

For a time, Uncle Hu and Ma Shushu looked at each other.

Shouldn't these two people be fighting for a room?

Under normal circumstances, the process is - one must live, one is not to let, two people fight this, and then hit the human life, at least it is normal to break the bloodstream?

Now how do you know each other and talk about it?

What is the situation?

How could this be like this? !

But I saw the two people’s words in the east. You said a word to me. Everyone seems to understand what the other party is saying. But they feel that the other person’s words are very suitable for their own experiences. The more they say the more hot, the more they say. It’s time to meet each other.

"Brother! Everyone sees you, I invite you to drink, you must give me a face!" Prince's bold wave.

"This face must not be given!" The grotesque blinked, a bold wave: "Unless I am please!"

"Ha ha ha, good...····" The two laughed. Then, the geek laughed and walked, and it was so stunned that the shoulders of Prince Siren, a pair of brothers look good, and Prince Edward did not have any precautions, so he was shackled by the other side. The two men stalked their shoulders and talked hotly. They found a table and sat up.

Then the two started to shoot the table and began to yell and ask for food.

"Small two! On the wine! Good wine!" The geek patted the table.

"Man, cook, good food!" Prince Zi patted the table.

"Come on! Don't grind it!" The geek called out on his neck.

"Dare to smash me out of your store!" The prince is fierce.

"Come on! So ignorant!" The two men yelled together.

Just like two gangsters!

Uncle Hu and Uncle Ma feel that their eyes are on the ground.

I rely on! This is also OK!

What is the situation, how can it be like this? !

The two puppets walked over and looked at the two people sitting there. They were talking about what was going on there. The two men sat down mechanically and were completely speechless.

Under such urging, where can the hotel dare to neglect? Not much time, the wine is on the same.

I saw the two people facing each other, all of them were flying, and the mouth was splashing. Pushing the cup for a change, the stock is speculative, and it is mentioned.

But, as I said, the situation changed.

It only became the weird person and said that a certain Prince was quietly listening and listening.

"...···Is it, I will kill the monster, and will take out the spirit of the beast and give it to her; hahaha, the heart is secretly...·then, his brother does not agree with our affairs, I am furious, you dare to interfere with me and my wife, this is enough, I will..."

The stranger said that the mouth is flying, the spirit is high, and it cannot be arrogant.

Prince Edward looked at his envious face and listened with envy.

Because people are finally catching up!

At this point, I have been much stronger than myself, too much!

"Women,······" The weirdo feels the envy of the other side, and there are a few jealous eyes, more arrogant: "···... my wife, at first it seems that it is very fierce, but Later, when I fell into the hands of 咱, it became a tender feeling like water. Of course, this tenderness is like water. It is like this to me alone, haha, haha...····

The prince-in-law raised the jug, diligently sipped, and admired his face: "It's amazing, admire, drink and drink."

"Ha ha ha..." The strange man smiled and smiled. He suddenly turned his eyelids and said, "Hey, I seem to have overlooked a very important thing &..."

The three looked at him at the same time.

Hu Shushu and Ma Shushu are also nervous at the same time: Is this guy thinking about fighting for a room at this time?

I saw this person slap his head and suddenly realized: "Everyone saw it as it was, I actually forgot to ask, brother, what is your name? Although it is a code name that is related to the name of the heart, but always know that this code is better!"

Prince Sidd also slaps his head: "Yes, yes, the younger brother listened to the big man's big fascination. It is really rude, and hasn't asked the dear friend to name him?!"

Both of them actually laughed at the same time, seemingly somewhat uninteresting, unified action: are scratching the scalp. While scratching, I smiled slyly.




The two super masters next to them fell under the chair at the same time. It was obviously not enough. They could only actually drill the table.

In this world, there are still such wonderful things in the world. His shoulders have been back for so long. His mother’s drink has been ten pounds. It’s like wearing a pair of pants intimately. Now I just think about asking each other’s name, and also two All are...

Is this the legend, not a family does not enter a door, this stinking is really not a little bit!

There are already too many such wonderful ones, and there are actually two. And it's still the chance to get together on the same table.

It is really an opportunity. The two masters are infinite in their hearts.

We both can witness this meeting, and it is true that his three life is fortunate!

"The younger brother called the demon Ningning, dare to ask the elder brother's name!" The Prince's direct pass and reported his real name, the two masters did not even have time to stop.

My dear prince, this "demonescent Ning" is the name of the demon emperor, who does not know the whole demon emperor? There will never be a duplication! If it is an ordinary person or maybe I don't know, but this guy is a strong sigh, obviously a person in the rivers and lakes, can you not know the name of the prince?

This knows who you are, and you can't be close to you. Just look at our prince's admiration for this guy's theory of picking up a girl, so don't give it to you. Prince, you can be too embarrassed!

You said that you want to make friends, this is no problem, but how can you pay if you are self-defeating? Just wait for the other person to bow to you.

I don't care if the geek laughs and laughs. "Yao Ningning? It's a woman, that one's mega' Yao, right? Brother, I have to say, how much is wrong with your name, it sounds like a girl name, too. Oh."

Actually began to comment on the foot.

The two masters look at each other: this best, actually do not know this is the name of the Prince?

"Who said that it is not?" Prince Yi shot a thigh, a pair of confidant money, cried: "I think so, but my mother is not to change me, I want to change the name, the result is my mother You still have a meal, you don’t know, oh, it’s hard to say...·····

"Your mother is really strong, you have a mother discipline..." The geek said very envious.

The two demon masters glanced at each other with a glance at each other, bowing their heads in unison, and drinking tea without a word.


Definitely super wonderful!

What is your mother? Hey, his mother is a demon! Can a generation of demon can not be arrogant?


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