Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 303: Amazing abduction

"Hey, I mentioned the name is a tear," Demon Ning Ning long sighed! · Niang and several elders, do not call me Ningning, although Ningning is too feminine, but always better than 'Tanning, nice. . ”

Prince Edward wants to cry without tears: "But they all call me Tanning... They all say that I am very good... You said, I am two? You said, I am two, I am two? It is really unreasonable. ·······”

The opposite geek has the same feeling: "Although it looks like you are a bit two, but you are not the second! I can guarantee!"

Prince Siren was grateful for zero, but some of them choked: "You are such a good person..." Only you can see that I am in this world..."

The two masters bowed their heads and covered their faces: it was because he was also two! Hey, the best two of the best goods under the sun, together to discuss the two....

Is this even more amazing?

"But my Yao is not the Yao you said..." The prince-in-law, Ning Ning, just said it, and he was twisted by Yao next to him. He hurriedly changed his mind: "On the ground..." is what you said That Yao······”

"Why do you talk to this person and bring it upside down? This is not good. The lords will say something like the wind, say a word, and throw a voice!" The strange man looked at him dissatisfied.

Prince Edward’s face is full of smiles and consciously loses his feelings: “Thank you for your guidance from Xiongtai, dare to ask Xiongtai, honor the name of the surname?”

The geek coughed, it was a pair of incomparable factions, and looked up: "To say my name, but it is really famous, like a slap in the face, squatting in the sky!"

Demon Ning Ning looked eagerly: "This is for sure. Although I have never seen a brother before, you will not be able to have this kind of knowledge. You must have heard of the name of Xiongtai. This is beyond doubt."

"That's for sure! My brother's name has shaken the entire nine-day drop!" The geek is confident: "Brother, my brother reminds you, you can sit still, wait until you hear my name and scare." under!"

Demon Ningning subconsciously stood upright: "You said, I am ready, with psychological preparation, even if I am surprised, I will not be scared."

Uncle Hu and Uncle Ma turned their heads at the same time and couldn’t bear to watch it anymore!

It is really too much to be frustrated!

What is this called! ?

The real top talents of the entire Nine Heavens are just a few!

Can this goods be more famous than the nine emperors?

Actually dare to claim to have shaken the entire nine-day Scorpio? !

This is clearly a white collision, where the self-lifting price, but how can our princes face the letter? People have not said that he has already expressed his belief in the car and horse. With regard to this IQ, he dares to argue that he is not at all... You are almost home!

"Brother, you listened, I called talk! I talked about me! I just talked about it!" This strange person is undoubtedly talking about it, and said to his nostrils: "Is it already heard? If you are a slap in the ear, you will be empty!" ”

Since the beginning, he has been practicing hard and robbing, and has not made a few friends. It is rare to find a person who admires such admiration today.

There is even a tendency to develop towards idols...···

For the first time, Tan Hao saw a "good guy" who could talk to himself so heartily. When he was excited, he couldn't help but say a few more words.

As a result, this guy actually was so stunned by himself... The two people are so rare, not to blow a little, it is really a little sorry for their vanity.

Usually with Chu Yang, they can't say a few words, the guys are squinting with their ears... It’s still a good thing, but it’s not running.······

Then let go, open up, break through and say it!

It’s not too far off to say that the talks are not too far off. In the meeting of Jiuzhongtian, except for Chu Yang, his repairs are indeed few people, including Ning Tianya and Wucheng, and may not be able to win. He, it can be said that the top three of the nine-day force, must have his name, is indeed a big man who once shocked the nine heavens!

However, here is not a nine-day, but a nine-day scorpion, so naturally, of course, certainly do not know what to talk about!

On the other hand, the prince-in-law, Niang Ningning, was also in this situation. When he was young, he was forced to practice. He did not touch any rivers and lakes. When he went out, he met the purple evil, and he was shocked to be a heavenly man. Then he naturally took the harem. But it was led to a sinister place, lying under the sneak attack for thousands of years.

Immediately after coming out, I went to pick up the girl, and I didn’t have a friend in this life.···················································································· So speculative...

Therefore, the wine has a thousand cups.

But now, the prince is stunned.

"Hey..." Demon Ningning’s face was a bit stunned.

To be honest, some Prince has just been prepared, ready to express the meaning of admiration after hearing the name of the "Gaoren" brother. What is the meaning of the long-awaited reputation? Already in the throat.

As long as the other person says his name, he will have a little bit of impression. But...·····But, but how is this name so strange? It seems that I have never heard of it? !

Is it that I am too ignorant, walking on the rivers and lakes, I don’t know that there is such a big man who is famous in the world? !

Turning to look at the two demon masters, the two shake their heads together.

According to the master who said that he could shock the entire nine-day scorpio, he had no reason not to know.

But this talk...who is it?

"What? Don't you have heard of me? You are too ignorant." Tan said unhappy and looked at the demon Ning. A little discouraged.

Damn, Lao Tzu rarely reveals a card to a man, and actually encountered a person who did not know the goods. Talking about the big and small suddenly feels like a sigh. There are still some faces that can't be hanged.

Too hurt and self-respect.

Evil Ning Ning's face is embarrassed: "This is basically the younger brother who is always at home, less walking, so much that he is so ignorant..."

"Forget it, you don't see it at first glance." Talking about it, he said with a nasal voice: "When you come out to walk, you still need to bring two bodyguards to know that you have no experience in the rivers and lakes, and the man and man are walking alone in the world! Desperate and enmity! Just like me! Only lively and chic, live comfort!"

"Going out with a bodyguard, just like a child going out with a nanny, the constraint is not constrained, let alone, the momentum is stunned..." Talk about shaking his head: "哼哼哼····· · Say you are a bag, some can't say it, and then you can see that you are a bag, but I don't say that you are a bag, and some can't help my conscience, think about it, I still don't say that you are a bag, leave you some face."

Just because people don't know his name, they changed from brother to bag in a blink of an eye.

The two masters next to you are right: you haven’t said that our grandfather is a bag? You have said it eight times. Actually, there is still a face to say: I did not say that you are a bag. ····· actually still...·····Let you leave some face? !

Where is this face left?

Demon Ningning instantly blushes his neck thick, sighs and looks like a bell.

The two masters are pleased: the Prince finally knows how to get angry.

Oh, yes, if someone is being pointed at the nose, no one can stand it. It’s a matter of course that Prince Edward’s fire is a matter of course.

Both of them were ready, just waiting for the prince to attack, put the guy in the palm of his hand.

But seeing the Prince’s face flushed with a few breaths, suddenly turned his head and yelled at both of them: “I’ve told you not to follow me! Look at you and look down, people are looked down... It’s because of you, I’ve got a bag in the eyes of my friends.·····” said, grievances!

If you followed me, can I make a bag?

The masters of the two great demons were struck by lightning, squinting at the princes, and for a time the brains were actually turned around.

You are really my relatives... You should be angry, it seems that this is not this?


"Look at what! I told the two of you, don't follow me anymore!" Demon Ning Ning yelled out loudly: "I have to be alone, and I will be alone in the rivers and lakes, and I will indulge my enmity!"

Instantly, the two demon masters looked at the sly eyes and almost swallowed him!

Very, very urgent, I want to immediately smash the ugly ghost in front of me!

Look at what a big disaster you have done with this bastard!

Do you know what you are doing? !

"Yes! This is a good time!" Talk about screaming loudly: "Single person, facing the sinister rivers and lakes! Life and death, a moment of fighting, thousands of mountains and rivers trekking, watching the world's rise and fall, enjoying the beauty of the world, killing people who can kill, view Ten world views, friends from all corners of the country, don’t you?

Talking about Yang Tiantian’s shouting: "If life is like this, why not?"

Demon Ning Ning's heart suddenly burst into blood, but also a long shout, only feeling full of pride, it seems that he has been in the rivers and lakes, horses stepping the world, could not help but stand up and shouted: "Good! This way, indulge in travel, indulge in travel, It’s not too fast!”

"I decided, I want to be alone in the rivers and lakes! I want to build an immortal work, I want to be famous! I want to rush in the blood of the corpse, I am comforting in the cycle of life and death, in love and hate The rise of hatred is rising, and it’s going back and forth in the knife-sword rain!”

Demon Ningning shouted loudly and excitedly.

Now, the two demon masters are looking at the sly eyes that are getting worse and worse, and they have no choice but to smash the goods. What is the identity of Prince Edward, actually you have to go to the rivers and lakes to kill you in a few words...

It’s a bird... This is really finished...···

"Good! Well said!" Talked loudly and cheered: "This is what a hero man should do. The beauty of the world has a man who doesn't like it!"

Demon Ningning listened to this beautiful woman, and his eyes were brighter: "Good! I decided!"

"I support you!" Talk about clap and cheer: "This is the iron man, the hero!"


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