Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 310: I am from one person

Chu Yang said: "The situation is obvious now! You must be mentally prepared.

Everyone is silent, his face is exceptionally ugly.

Those who can live to the present are those who are calm in heart and firm in their minds. Even if the situation is bad, they will not give birth to shakes!

Bai Yuchen’s long sigh, said: “There are almost nine thousand people...·This is basically the foundation of the top three sects.”

Before Bai Yuchen was the third person of this door, his judgment is undoubtedly very accurate.

"Since we are trying to catch those of us, below the level of the holy level, we will not be able to take it. If this level is used as the criterion, then the three major sects will add up, and there will be only over 10,000 people who are full of counts. This is still inherited. The results of hundreds of thousands of years."

"It seems that they are really determined to win this time, and they are determined to take me down!" Bai Yuchen's voice is full of a vicissitudes of sadness. His words made everyone's face more ugly.

"Don't there be a person of justice among our martial art? Is there no one who distinguishes between right and wrong?" Although Che Xuchu is a new generation of young seed masters, he is always a young man, lacking basic experience, and is excited. The face is red: "Everyday everyone is so sloppy, talking and vocal. It seems that all of them are to save the rivers and lakes and save the people of the world. Why did they succumb to mistakes and chase them?"

"That is, the beginning of this matter is clearly caused by the violent robbing of the women by the nine princes. Is it true that in the eyes of the Emperor of the Clouds, the strong robbing of the women is not what it should be?" Someone filled with anger.

Bai Yuchen sighed a long sigh: "It's nothing more than reality! The Emperor's eyes are stunned. It is undoubtedly a big sin to rob the women. If you do this, it is not the nine princes but one of us. I am afraid that it has already been ordered by the Emperor of Heaven." Hey, tell the world! But the problem lies in the fact that the strong robbing of the women is the Prince Edward!"

"And the Royal Highness Prince was actually killed!" Bai Yuchen smiled, full of embarrassment.

"Oh, the son of others is not a son, his own son is a darling!" Some people are full of sarcasm and say: "So narrow-minded and qualified to sit in the world!"

"How can such a despicable act be convincing? It is really chilling!"

"嘿嘿······" Bai Yuchen sneered, saying: "I have already said it, but it is nothing more than reality! You don't want to comment on what is indignant. In fact, after all, it is not reconciled. I am asking you, if you haven’t been to Donghuangtian this time, you haven’t been forced to turn back, you’re still in the martial art... If you encounter such a thing, will you come to encircle our ranks? ?"

This question made everyone hang their heads.

Only Che Xuchu said loudly: "I won't, I will not!"

Bai Yuchen sneered: "Or you can't, it's because you are still young and don't recognize the reality! And the reality is that most people will do this! Since the reality is so, what are you blaming? The soldiers will block the water and cover it. That's it, it's not a big death! What is so angry? This is the rivers and lakes! This is the essence of the rivers and lakes!"

"The Emperor of Heaven is distressed by his son, not to take the son of others as a son. This is the right thing to do! The law is not the same, but the love is awkward! You are so arrogant, why not do the Emperor? Yuntiandi has the ability to become a party, and he is qualified to override the laws and regulations!"

"Since things have reached such a point, is the mouth useful? Now it is harder than who's fist! The so-called truth, but shit! The so-called fair but joke! The so-called legal system is just a piece of paper for the superiors! ... What is the use at the moment? At least for us, it makes no sense!"

"If you can't see through this, don't say anything about it!" Bai Yuchen's voice is low, but it is very strong: "If it is not Chu Zhuang, we will already have a dead bone, and it can be lived now." Thanks to the hard work of Chu Zhuang’s birth and death, you still have to be here to make noise, the old man is shameful for you, the martial art elite? I am!”

A word made everyone's face flushed, and he turned his head and no one spoke again.

Chu Yang sighed long and said: "The matter has come to this point. It is useless to say that. Everyone is just a little dissatisfied and complaining about it. How to do it or how to do it, I still believe this."

When Bai Yuchen saw Chu Yang’s words, he also borrowed the slopes and stopped squatting. Christine said: “Yes, the owner said.”

In fact, he did not know that these people’s anger was only because they were unwilling and unconvinced; there was no influence on the action. But if such anger can't be settled immediately, I am afraid that one day, one day, I will be impulsive. ,

An impulsive person is likely to bury all the people here!

This section can never be prevented!

"The matter is here, everyone fights with him!" Several people's faces rose red and screamed!

"Yes! Fight with them! He doesn't blame us for being unjust!"!

"Pull! Fight!"

Chu Yang sang a low drink: "Silence!"

Everyone's boiling emotions suddenly calmed down, one by one, panting and looking at Chuyang.

"Here, I announced one thing!" Chu Yang's face is serious: "The situation in front of you is so grim, now you are for them, any disguise is disappointing, meaningless."

"So, during this period, no one can go out, there is no reason, no exception!" Chu Yang threw down two space rings, said: "There is food and water you need, and some cultivation. The medicine of the elixir. It is better than nothing..."

After a burst of silence, Bai Yuchen suddenly sighed: "Zhuangzhu, let us go out, simply do a positive with them, it is also a knot of this grievances, and the past, be a farewell!"

Everyone looked up at the same time.

Obviously, this is not the personal meaning of Bai Yuchen.

Everyone is a river and a lake, and everyone has a good art industry. Which one is not arrogant?

If the enemy is coming, but he can only huddle in the hole, like a mouse to hide, the taste is simply more uncomfortable than death!

Chu Yang was silent and said: "No! You can't shoot, you can't even come out; because, as long as you have shot, whether it has caused casualties; your relatives and family over there are doomed."

Che Xu began to blush: "But we are on the road, and our army has been fighting for 80,000 miles! The offended, has already been offended, what are you afraid of?"

"Not the same, the previous battle is essentially different from the enemy of this time!" Chu Yang said: "Mo Yun Tiandi is a party emperor. If it is because of this incident, he will undoubtedly appear to be small and narrow. The impact will only be greater, and even the Yuantian limit has to be scrupulous."

"But if you deal with the people of this sect, they will be martyrdom or ruined by the cronies or relatives in the martial art, or they will be ruined and persecuted, but they will be hard to prevent."

"So this time... you can't make a decision." Chu Yang smiled and said: "I think, your family is already uncomfortable now... don't make it worse for you. Since you follow me, Then I have to consider this aspect."

Bai Yuchen and others stood up at the same time, full of gratitude, and said from the heart of the lungs: "The heart of the Zhuangzhu adults, I am so grateful, thank you."

Chu Yang smiled faintly: "The husband acts, does something for others, is convenient for people, and is convenient for himself. But the ugly words have to be said in front, we have done our best; and the people there are even Most of them have been killed by me. They have still kept the whole body. They have thought about them. But if it is already, the relatives there have suffered...···································································· ...that's really no other way, I can only do so much."

"Yes!" Everyone is convinced. As a leader, Chu Yang is able to put himself in the place and think of such meticulousness. Everyone has already been grateful!

"Our current strength is not strong, not enough to fight the other side positively, but I believe that one day, we will kill Mo Yuntian, find Yuantian limit to recover this blood debt; more able to pick back the relatives over there!" Chu Yang took a deep breath: "So the kings... please work hard!"

Everyone was silent and watching Chu Yang wave away, everyone is echoing the words of Chu Yang.

"In this troubled world, strength is the root!"

Everyone feels warm in their hearts. Since the accident, they have been worried about the murder of their loved ones at home. They have been worried and sleepless, and they are not willing to eat.

But Chu Yang’s words came out, but everyone suddenly felt that their hearts were settled.

With hope, there will be a vision for the future. With this embarrassment, there will be motivation to continue!

What we can care about, what we can do, the owner has already thought of it, they have done it, and they have all done the ultimate. If there is something wrong with doing this, then there is really no way.

Worried or worried, but it is always beyond the reach!

Chu Yang re-entered, and restored the previous sorrowful juvenile demeanor; made the whole yard, all the medicine and fragrance.

Such a strong medicinal taste caused a few hundred waves of people to explore or visit the door within a day, but at first glance, it was such a ill-fated teenager who could not live for a few days, and all of them were uninterested.

At this moment, the sky is already near noon.

Chu Yang still coughs, and hard to close the door, squatting, going out, going, is the direction of the local vegetable market; the bleak cold wind blows on his body, the old clothes that have been washed and whitish with the wind Fluttering, a party is desolate.

All the people who saw him were unable to bear a long sigh.

Juvenile life, you can not sigh!

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