Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 323: The big soldiers are pressing the border!

There is no reason for it, that is, the resources that can refine the super-Jiuzhong Dan are too scarce.

Think about it, the vast resources of the entire Jiuzhongtian mainland, plus those given by the purple evils, except for those that cannot be used once, only a total of twenty super-seven Jiu Dan will be extracted.

In addition to a small part of the purple evil sentiment, it was consumed by Chu Yang during this time.

Speaking of the number of twenty, it seems a lot, but ..... that is the resources of the entire continent!

Just after a service, Chu Yang felt that a strong aura of fire was suddenly exploding in his own body. For a time, he was rushed to have a sense of looseness in his heart, and then he gave birth to all his limbs. The feeling of immersing in hot water, all the injured parts of the body slowly began to pain, itching, and then an unspeakable feeling of comfort.

Chu Yang finally let go of his mind, relaxed his body, lying on the bed, only feeling that his eyelids are getting heavier and heavier, and he actually slept in the past.

It is like the comfort of a baby sleeping in his mother's arms, and he sleeps peacefully.

Under the super-plate version of the heavy and mellow warmth of the medicinal herbs, Chu Yang even completely forgot the dangers that might be encountered, forgot everything around him, and slept so quietly.

In his body, like the infinitely gentle spiritual power, he constantly nourishes his damaged meridians, repairs his devastated body, and all the bad physical functions are moving in the right direction.

Time has passed so quietly.

The army of Mo Yuntian, although temporarily stationed outside the city of Lonely Bamboo, has begun to negotiate with the official of Lonely Bamboo City in a race against time, striving for all powerful conditions for himself.

Before the Moyun Tiandi Yuantian limit has been implied, the demon emperor will give considerable convenience, and there will never be a bad situation like the East Emperor. The people who traveled in this way are naturally very confident!

As for the three martial arts people, they have been ordered to decapitate all the devils, and the deaths can be described as grievous. The elders are dying and regretting that they will die so badly. It is better to directly confront the mysterious enemy. Fight it, but what medicines in this world can be bought, found, refining, is the exception of regret medicine is absolutely nowhere!

For this matter, the military of Mo Yuntian expressed an indifferent attitude, not only did not ask, as if there was no such person in the eyes, and died when he died.

Let you come to catch Chuyang, you not only did not catch it, but also offended the son of Mo Yuntian's prince... This is called death and embarrassment! I was going to pack up your encounter with this kind of thing, or stand by and watch.

Perhaps the three sects did not expect to die. The demise of their own sects was in such a way that the princes were ruthlessly dead, so that they became fools, and then they sinned for their own princes. Another world of Prince Edward...···

Eventually, he was chopped and confused.

This kind of ending is probably something that no one can dream of.

People, even if you can fool yourself, can you fool the sky? Who said that heaven is not worth it? !

It was only the indifference that the military showed, and it still made the people of the Emperor Heaven feel a little surprised and surprised.

In the demon emperor's official wants to come, even if the people of Moyun are not pleading for their grievances, how can they have some incense and friendship, and they should always give some sympathy...·····

Mo Yuntian, deputy handsome rain, gave a very quiet sentence: "The three major sects have not been motivated in recent years, and their strength has declined a lot. They are not arrogant and disciplined. The Donghuang and his entourages have even sent off the life of the nine princes. It’s not cheap, it’s already cheaper to kill them.”

This sentence, let Hu Shushu and Ma Shushu both feel a few heartfelt chills.

The attitude of the rain to the three major sects is more faintly revealing the degree of anger of the Moyun Heavenly Emperor Yuantian.

In fact, at the moment when the three sects of the East Gate of the Emperor’s trip to the Yuan Dynasty, they had already announced their declining endings, whether they died here or died in Mo Yuntian, I am afraid that the end result will be the same.

This result, on the other hand, shows the degree of favor of Yuan Tianyuan for Yuan Shutu.

It can be seen from this that the Chu Yang······ who directly killed the Yuanshu Road has been treated with Yuan Tian’s limit.

"The only usefulness of the three sects is just to confirm one thing." Rain said slowly, "That is, Chuyang, they are now in the city!"

Uncle Hu said: "This section, I am afraid I have yet to be verified, at least so far, there is no evidence that the Chuyang has a real appearance."

The rain slowly appeared on the face with a smile that was not like a smile. "Hu brother does not have to worry about anything. The purpose of our trip is to catch Chu Yang, and the decision will not involve other people."

He paused and said: "Or, something!"

Uncle Ma’s long horse’s face couldn’t help but sighed and said: “The rain is handsome and polite.”

The rain was delayed and the face was also awkward.

Uncle Ma’s hate is that there are “outsiders” in the demon emperor’s glory, and the rain is slow and the moment is such a sturdy gesture that makes him look the most unsatisfactory.

The rain is late for the Yunyun Tianbingma deputy coach, although it is a high weight, but that! The deputy word is his biggest heart disease. Usually, his subordinates call him ‘big handsome, or Yu Shuai, yes, but once he is called ‘Yu deputy, he will be furious immediately.

This layer is not a privacy privacy. There are almost no one in the world of the nine generations of Heaven and Earth. Today, Uncle Ma openly violates his taboos and exposes his scars. There is also a face-to-face provocation. Can the rain be delayed?

But at this moment, I am always in the demon day. This breath can't really be attacked, at least not at this time.

Had to divert the line of sight, so as a majestic road: "What is the dream?"

The dream sighed in nowhere, and the rain was slow. The unknown fire was only venting on himself, but the situation was stronger than the people, and it could not be, even if he was reluctant, he had to come out: "What is the commander?" ?"

The injury that has no dreams has been restored in half during this time; it does not hinder its normal actions. Although it is still incapable of full-force combat, it does not matter.

The rain is slow and the face is cold and cold: "You used to move the expedition, and the result is a loss of the soldiers. It’s rare that you can be so hard at this moment. It’s not a good guy in the woods. 嘿嘿··································································· Not to? Introduce Chu Yang to the handsome man! You and him are also old rivals, even if it is not perfect, I want to know how much I want to know. I hope you don’t tell this handsome, not only can you take it, but even Nothing to know."

The marshal of the general manager of the Moyun Tianjun, is the wooden marshal mentioned by the rain.

And the dream is boundless, it is the general of Mu Shuai.

The words of the rain are slow, and it is clear that there are some meanings to play.

The dream is boundless, knowing that the rain is late and provoking, but the situation is obvious at this moment. I can only breathe a sigh of relief. "The young man of Chuyang is quite worthy..."

The rain was slow and impatient to interrupt his reply: "I didn't ask you that he couldn't get it. I only asked you, his habits, his heart, his possible hiding place, you didn't understand this handsome. The question is that you have to ask one question one by one, do you know what to say?!"

The dream is boundless and only feels like a sigh of relief. After a long while, he blushes and replies: "The Chuyang personality will be reported, and the mind will be persevering. At present, it may be hidden in the lonely city."

This sentence is equal to not saying.

However, the disagreement between the two major factions of the military has been long-standing, and the rain is slow and it is not such a disparate person, but as long as it faces the manpower of the wood system, it will pick the nose and squint, but his fault is not From today, everyone has long been eccentric.

Dreams are boundless and can only be explained in the shortest way.

Besides, he is really annoyed in his own heart: What is the relationship between your high-level fights and me? If you really have the ability, why don’t you go to the woods, why are you tens of thousands of miles away, or are you facing me on other people’s sites? Play your coaching power?

The rain was so angry that I was furious: "What are you talking about? What are you doing? You have been doing this for the last time. You will not be able to collect the useful information, and even the useful information is not collected. It is really nothing!"

The dream is cold and cold, and the hard state says: "The subordinates are not doing things well, and the Emperor of Heaven has already shaken the sky and lowered the punishment."

Nowadays, I can only hope that Yu Shuai can turn the tide. ”

The meaning is: You can arrange for me to work, but don't ask me anything else.

The rain is too late and violent: "Well, you are not doing things well, doing bad things, actually still think that you can't make a difference? Come, give me pressure, give him fifty poisonous dragon whip to let him wake up!"

The poisonous dragon whip is a whip with a barb. When the execution is executed, the prisoner must be repaired and sealed. The solid fight will go down, and each whip will bring a flesh and blood!

Such a whip down, especially the dream is boundless or seriously injured the unhealed body, even if it is not dead, I am afraid to fall into the root of the hidden disease!

"Grandma!" The faces of several people around him were discolored.

If it’s true, it’s a dream, how can you explain it when you go back? Wood Dashuai will not be willing to give up!

The rain delayed and waved his face: "Execution!"

Looking at the dream has been dragged out, the rain is too late to say: "All the people arranged according to the previous arrangements, immediately split the action, search for the whereabouts of Chu Yang! But if there are suspicious people, etc., all will be examined and interrogated!"

"Yes!" His Majesty will lead the battle together.

"This is a banquet for the main city of Lonely Bamboo City tonight, welcome Yu Shuai to come." Uncle Hu said reluctantly.

The rain slowly showed a smile: "Thank you for your kindness, but the hero is in the body. I really don't dare to delay. When this matter happens, Yumou is drunk with the brothers for three days! Leave a message."

Actually, I took it with me and I went away.

"Grass!" Uncle Ma pulled a horse's face almost to the chest: "What! Smelly fart!"

Other demon kings are also full of dissatisfaction.

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