Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 324: Teacher brothers meet

Hey, it’s good to give you Mo Yuntian’s face, but it doesn’t mean that we are afraid of you, Yunyuntian! If it is not the order of the demon, who is it that you are rare?

Now I dare to come up with them...

When Chu Yang wakes up, she only feels relaxed and relaxed. All the previous injuries have disappeared without any trace. Moreover, the self-cultivation has actually increased and the growth rate is quite small.

The super version of Jiuzhong Dan, the effect is indeed extraordinary.

"It seems that it is almost going to the peak of the heavens..." Chu Yang felt the power of his body, and some thought of it.

I was feeling, and suddenly I heard the wind screaming, and some people were touching it on their own side.

Through the induction of the air machine, it can be basically confirmed that there is no maliciousness in the coming person. This point can be judged by Chu Yang, but even so, Chu Yang can not help but frown.

It’s one thing to come to someone who is not malicious, but his identity is another matter!

It’s not that there’s nothing wrong with it, and that the war is at stake, and any accidental accident can lead to terrible consequences.

Chu Yang did not dare to neglect, quietly let go of the knowledge to see, only to confirm who is coming, it is better to do the next step of the corresponding strategy, and even at first glance can not help. I saw that Bai Yuchen and others are coming to their side. Although this group of people has been able to adapt, but this is a work written by Chu Yang, Chu Yang can be seen at a glance.

Now, Bai Yuchen's broken arm has been reborn with the power of creation, and the two arms are free to swing, which is no different from ordinary people.

Around the front, left and right, seemingly totally irrelevant dozens of people, in fact, are coming to their side.

Chu Yang sighed.

They are still unable to hold their breath.

Fortunately, now I have already eliminated the three martial arts people....

Otherwise, such a **** impulse will only die.

If you just send death, it will be enough. This **** impulse is very likely to detonate extremely terrible consequences, which may lead to the annihilation of the whole army!

Now Chu Yang doesn't know, just when he fell into deep sleep, the only remaining part of the three major sects has already been told to die. At this moment, there is no match for Bai Yuchen. Waiting for someone who is familiar with the living!

The wind stunned, and Bai Yuchen and others each went into this small courtyard in a minimalist way. After several twists and turns, several times, they entered the small courtyard. None of the people outside are aware of this subtle but unusual change.

Only when they really stood in front of Chu Yang, they did not talk one by one.

"I know what you are doing." Chu Yang smiled: "I am very pleased to tell the truth, but the facts are that you should not come out at all."

Bai Yuchen and awkward smile, respectful said: "The master of the Zhuang, even if it is for the worst situation, we are all mentally prepared. But it is always so hard to shrink, only the owner People are outside the blood and killing and protecting us. This kind of taste is not as good as death."

Chu Yang sighed silently: "Okay."

Each of those people is a super elite among their respective sects. Which one is also a natural generation of arrogant, Chu Yang protects them. They are naturally grateful; but the more grateful, the less they are allowed to enjoy themselves. No effort!

"I would rather stand dead than never give birth!" The words that Che Xuchu said are almost the common aspiration of all.

Chu Yang was silent for a long time, said: "If this is the case, I will let you know what you want, let us work together to make a big fight!"

Thirty people, standing tall and standing in front of Chu Yang.

When I left Mo Yuntian to Donghuangtian, the number of people was as many as a thousand. At this moment, only those people died!

"Big waves and sands began to see gold!" Chu Yang took a deep breath: "You, this battle has come down. You still live to the present, enough to prove that everyone has two brushes. My request is not high. Just keep alive, as long as you can still live, you must do everything you can to live, and never give up, this is my only request."

Everyone is awe-inspiring.

"Now the army of the Moyuntian military has come to this lonely bamboo city, the number must be at least 30,000 people! If the average distribution, each of us must deal with at least one thousand people, or even more, so that it can be slightly The odds of winning." Chu Yang face dignified.

"This time the situation is still undead, but the severity is even more serious than the enemy we faced when we fled! So I hope everyone..." Chu Yang's eyes are from everyone The face slowly slipped over: "Never give up, take care of yourself!"

"Never give up, the owner will take care!"

Thirty people respected the ceremony: "If this is a good fortune, I hope that he can accompany the Zhuangzhu together with the Nine Heavens; if this is the ultimate death, you can follow the thousands of thousands of miles of the owner. No regrets, no regrets!"

Thirty people came out.

When they get together, the goal is undoubtedly too big. Or according to the original set-up, three groups, each splitting their actions. Only at the moment of going out, everyone has some reluctance.

At the moment, it may be eternal, and there will be no more time!

Going out this time is life and death, or it is a strange road.

Perhaps this is the last time this life has gathered so neatly.

But this feeling just passed away, and then everyone was high on the head and went out.

With so little power, we can fight against one side of the world; we can be regarded as unprecedented!

Dead without regrets, this life is enough!

Simple deployment, sent away everyone, Chu Yang once again fell into meditation.

Although the people of the three martial arts were known to have sinned against the Emperor and the annihilation of the empire, they have fundamentally eliminated the hidden dangers of being easily identified, but the situation has not been reversed.

In fact, the current situation is even worse than when faced with the three major sects. The true strength of the Moyuntian military is too strong. According to the manpower of Chuyang, it is said that the car is elevated. It’s really a big difference, and the difference in power between the two sides is even worse than when the previous dreams were boundless!

In the face of such a bad situation, how to use the existing manpower to achieve the greatest results with the lowest casualties?

This question, Chu Yang thought for a long time, there is still no idea.

There are too few people available to them; although everyone is not low, it is still too weak compared to the reality.

When the strength of the two sides is too great, the absolute strength is to override all the wisdom of strategy and so on!

The situation that Chu Yang is facing now is basically close to this situation.

If the nine robbery space can be restarted now, Chu Yang can also take out a large number of incomplete version of Jiuzhong Dan, and give each person a few: Come, wait until you are seriously injured and eat immediately, then immediately recover, then Let’s go to the battle again, let’s go live and fight...·····

If that can be the case, even if it is just a consumption, it can consume a lot of enemies. As long as the medicine is enough, it is not necessarily impossible to completely exhaust the enemy.

But the problem is that the biggest super plug-in that you used to be can't be used at all.

Nine robbery space can not open!

When it was so critical, I lost the chain!

Chu Yang sighed deeply and prayed in his heart: God, you should stop playing with me, please let the nine robbery space open... I really can’t stand it...·····

I am thinking so much in such a way, suddenly there is movement outside, watching the movement, clearly still coming to my side!

Chu Yang’s heart is really wondering: What happened? I chose this place for the sake of concealment. Today, I can do it well, and the people who follow one after another are simply the ones in the market...·····

It seems that this time will definitely not be the class of Bai Yuchen. They seem to not return in such a short period of time. Who is this wave of visitors? It’s impossible for the Mo Yuntian military to come to the door so soon. ······En, it should not be, this wave of visitors is not murderous, very peaceful, but I seem to have no acquaintance in this city... ···

No, why don't you have an acquaintance, don't you hit it today? Is it really...·····

Two sounds, two people came in from the main entrance, and the light was coming in.

A male duck scorpion screams and screams: "Itching ang ~ ~ ~ itch ang ~ ~ ~ I know that you are here, your handsome teacher talks to visit you...·····

Chu Yang suddenly became angry, and a vertical lightning-like out, without saying anything, the girl shook the other side of the hair, and then there was a burst of kicks like a storm: "I let you tickle! I let you Itching! You are a confusing thing! You **** buddy stuff

The sultry voice instantly became the most miserable and sincere pleading: "Brothers, brothers, ah, ah, ah, you are forgiving, forgiveness, ah, ......"

"Right you?! Dreaming, Laozi will replace the master to clean up the portal today, killing you with this kind of ambiguous stuff!" Chuyang fist is like a meteor, no mercy, and the wind has gradually evolved. For storms and hurricanes.

Fucking, from the nine heavens to the nine heavens, and across the two worlds, this is the first brother to meet here, do not hurt how to vent their excitement!

The war crimes were not the right time for the right occasion. I was still sorry. I didn’t expect your kid to come to the door. I won’t take it, how can I get it, and I can see the pity, finally let me have a comfortable object!

After a long while, talking about it seems to be finally being stunned: "You still fight, almost..." I rely on you... you are a jerk, you play again I can regain my hand... I am really back... I still play in the trough... see the box..."


Puff puff……

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