Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 325: You are my idol

The two men punched their feet and did not evade, the fists came to the face, and the feet came to the hips for a moment. The two freshly-baked pigs were born and appeared.

On one side, the demon Ningning looked cold and sweaty, and the eyebrows leaped wildly. The only thing that seemed to be that only one of his own eyes was smashed out. This would have fallen on the ground and fell into eight petals...·····

What's happening here? !

I drop a mother-in-law... This is the legendary brother-in-law reunited... This is really too violent, too hot, too shocking... `·

After half a squatting and half a squatting, the two men sat on the ground and gasped. Look at each other's new image, but can't help but smile. After the reunion, it came from the heart of the almost exploding happiness. Now, let the two have an impulse, that is, grab each other and play another meal!

This kind of emotion is really like an old wine that has been precipitated for a long time but has been fermented. It is very heart-rending, but it is full of joy and explosion. I am happy to have some sadness...·····

(When intimate classmates and comrades-in-arms who have not seen for many years suddenly reunited, I don’t know if you have this feeling?)

"Come here!"

The demon Ning Ning smiled, the fart was fart, and the doglegs usually came together.

Talking about the face of the education of the younger brother: "This is my brother, my brother is the kind of truly amazing people, whether it is killing, fighting, living, being first-class in the first class, top in the top! My brother Can be strategized, and win thousands of miles away, my brother can prosper in one sentence, one sentence will be able to destroy the country! My brother and brother can be able to establish the country, Wu Neng calms the world! My brothers and gentlemen are literary, martial arts are strong! My brother has Through the talents of Tianwei, the power of the universe..."

He said that the demon Ning was nodded with a face of worship.

Even if the thickness of the dough is as thick as Chu Yang, I am getting a little embarrassed. Is this saying me? It should be, it should be, most of them are still very close to the facts, a little exaggerated and intoxicated, but they heard the conversation and turned around, showing off: "My brother can be said to be omnipotent, whether it is picking up girls, Or something else, such as theft, robbery, sap, extortion... It’s also a top-notch character, just like gambling, that’s the peak person’s people’s fear, flowers and flowers...”

Demon Ningning’s eyes are shining, and the excited throat is shaking up and down: “Idols······Is really an idol...”

Chu Yang looks black, is this boasting me?

Tan 昙兀 昙兀 : : : : : : “ “ “ “ “ “ 你 你 你 你 你 你 你 你 你 你 你 你 你 你 你 你 你 你 你 你 你 你 你 你 你 你 你 你 你 你 你 你 你 你 你 你 你 你 你 你 你 ? Sincerely ask my brother! I told you, my wife is looking for a wife who is the top of the national color, the country, the top is the snow and snow, the top one is... identity Noble, and superb ability!"

"The top one?" Demon Ning Ning's face is more admired: "How many wives are there?"

Talking about turning around and asking Chu Yang: "Senior brother, how many teachers are you now? Are there any more?"

Chu Yang heard the black line of a brain: "Roll! How far is the end of the world? How far away will you give me the code! I am annoying when I look at you!"

Talk about the neck, turn his head to the demon Ning: "Roll! What do you want to do with your kid? Didn't you see your kid worrying about my brother?!"

"Yes, yes, it is..." "Ning Ning Ning nodded again and again. Looking at Chu Yang's gaze is even more admired, from head to toe, from the heart, from the worship in the bones.

It’s an idol of this prince. This temper is too character, too masculine, too...

"I said, this is?" Chu Yang asked.

Chu Yang will synthesize the previous information, vaguely guessing who the stranger may be in front of him. But this guess is too illogical, and finally asked this question!

Talk about kicking the **** of the demon Ningning. "I don't hurry back, my brother asked you!"

"Idols···································································································· ·····”

"Dream Ning? You said that you are demon Ningning? You are really demon Ning?!" Chu Yang heard the truth really shocked, although there have been some vague speculation before, but this will be confirmed in person, or Chu Yang A big jump.

Demon, is a race.

Among the Yaozu, ‘the demon, this word is undoubtedly extremely noble! Only the royals in the Yaozu are eligible to be crowned with ‘devils in front of their names!

Chu Yang's face kept silent, but my heart jumped a bit: this face is two hundred and five, one does not adjust, a dog-legged, nodded and screaming dog-legged guy... Is it really a demon's royal character?

The world is really nothing wrong!

Talk about the irrelevant face, said: "Xie Ningning, I heard that it is the prince of the demon emperor, the only son after the demon."

Chu Yang snorted, his face was calm and calm, the ancient well had no waves, but the bottom of his heart felt that the whole universe seemed to explode in front of his own eyes.

This is not a joke, the demon prince? Actually being talked about as a younger brother?

Oh, I am going to drop my god.

Demon Ningning looked ashamed and said: "In fact, I am still not very sensible, I have to talk about my brother's finger.

Chu Yang can no longer keep the old well, and the corner of his mouth can’t help but smash

After discovering that this grassroots rushed to the Nine Heavens, did the grievances happen to the princelings? There are princes who have been married, and the murderer is a prince. Now I know the Prince too, and there is also a prince in the clouds.

Have to say that your luck looks like a good look? Although not fortunate...····

Talk about the big thorns: "This is awkward. Let's buddy sway the rivers and lakes with their own real skills, and they don't expect the **** power. He is a sorcerer or a sorcerer, even if it is a civilian." Nothing is garbage, as long as you recognize him, isn't that all the same thing? Nothing, the demon prince, the same is nothing!"

Chu Yang suddenly opened his heart, could not help but laugh.

Today, I was told that I was educated, and in the words, I pointed to the core of the problem!

Yes, I didn’t even talk about it; in fact, the identity of the demon, or the heart is very shocking and very explosive, but what about it? ! As long as I don't plan to borrow from the other party, it doesn't matter what the other person is.

Friends meet, you are intimate, do you have to talk about family history first?

It must be said that since the birth of Chu Yang, he has been a very free and easy person. He has never been too concerned about his identity. It’s like he’s got out of the day, an unknown person, not a storm, facing the generals of Iron Cloud, Prince, The monarch’s talks were unscrupulous, and he did not do his best to act. Today’s performance is outdated. It’s mainly that Chu Yang’s life is too bitter.

On the surface, he saw a sword smashing and killing, and no one can stop it; but almost all the results are based on raids. And it is still a specific tactic that does not hit a single stroke and retreats.

If it is a positive confrontation, even if there are ninety-nine lives, it is already finished.

Even if there is no positive confrontation, if the other party is like a person like the Iron Sword Gate Elder, and wholeheartedly give up his life, it is estimated that this will be a certain king to go to see the real king!

Nowadays, it is the subtle-gate of the cloud-constrained army. Chuyang is even more stressful, and suddenly he heard the identity of the demon, and first thought of that. But at the moment, I was told by a slogan that I couldn’t help but open it.

When the heart is gone, the three talk about it, and there is no limit to being happy. Chu Yang Yuanbo's knowledge, the insights of the two worlds, the many scenery that rushed all the way, the sinister understanding of the rivers and lakes, everything that is said, all lead to the light of the demon, the degree of worship is one layer after another. floor.

Slowly, there is actually a kind of ‘If I am... can be so swaying in the rivers and lakes, how to experience such a colorful life, how good? The feeling is rising.

"Tell you a big secret, my brother is the one who killed the prince of Mo Yuntian nine before!" Tan said with a slap in the face, slowly said.

"Really?" Demon Ning Ning is not surprised, but full of excitement: "Wow! Too strong! Big brother, you are really fierce... Mo Yuntian nine Prince, that ..... The identity seems to be similar to me... I don’t mean, even if it’s me... Big brother just doesn’t want to be pleasing to the eye, but also wants to kill and kill?”

Speaking of this, suddenly more admired, it is simply to worship.

Chu Yang coughed twice, my heart was speechless: want to kill and kill? Can you afford me too much? ! Do you think that Laozi is really brain-dead? If you have nothing to kill you, these princelings are playing? Fucking, if it wasn’t for the dog’s day, I’m going to kill me, can I kill him? On that day, my initial plan was not to kill him, but to go with him. I thought it was so fun? !

Besides, is it that the Prince of Heaven and Earth is so good to kill? I didn’t see Laozi’s killing a dog that had been chased like a funeral house...····This is actually something that people worship so much. It’s really a slippery world...

This demon emperor seems to be too strange, too? !

"I decided, I must follow the big brother and big brother to go to the rivers and lakes!" Demon Ning was convinced that it was so fun, and even the princes of Mo Yuntian killed, it was really exciting, I was just Think about it, I feel excited...·····

Chu Yang’s face is speechless, and it seems that he will be shocked.

Talking and talking, they are more familiar with each other.

Demon Ning Ning's face is warm and drink from the inside of the space ring, drinking, meat, vegetables, everything, and is the top of the demon king's finest delicious.

Seeing the extremes of blinking heat, the psychology is extremely unbalanced. Suddenly a burst of chestnut hit him on his head: "Grass! Your kid actually has so much delicious food, how can I not take it out with me? Seeing my brother and seeing relatives, I have a big brother, I don’t remember my big brother, isn’t it?!”

第二 Yesterday second! >

The game company made a picture of Jun Moxie. I don’t think it’s like it. I will vote for it tomorrow. I didn't add my prestige and quickly added me. Everyone's feedback I want to take a screenshot to the game company. Let's talk about your views. The image of our evil lord is wow, rely on everyone. The public prestige search is in the wind, you can pay attention to me, thank you.

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