Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 326: Heavenly transformation

Demon Ning Ning touched his head and said: "Big brother, you listen to me, I, I, I... This is just thinking about it... There are so many things in my ring, where I remember so much, you I don't know, I last found a thing, I found it for three days, it was too big and too complicated..."

Chu Yang and Tan Yi at the same time fainting, can this be a reason? ! .

There are too many things inside...

Fortunately, the two brothers were not robbed. They were really robbed. This time, they really encountered a super cooperation robbery object.

That’s not going to burst, as for now...

No, I have never heard of being a big brother, big brother, grabbing the younger brother's things, especially the stuff of the dog legs!

Although Chu Yang and Tan's face are notoriously thick, but this kind of work is really impossible!

The three drunk, eating vegetables, chatting about the sky, there is no limit to the true happiness.

The demon Ning Ning clearly has some meanings of borrowing wine words: "Big brother ······You pick up the girl, you have to teach the younger brother a few hands to slap the hand."

Chu Yang haha ​​smiled, and took a shot: "You can rest assured that you are not chasing girls. I will help you with an idea. I believe it can be easily taken. However, this male and female loves this stuff, first and foremost. Pay attention to it is your feelings and I wish... If the girls are not willing to live and die, then it is not interesting, isn’t it?”

Demon Ning Ning shot the thigh: "Big brother, you said this is too right, it makes sense. Although my favorite girl is not bad, but if I use it, how can she resist it? If I use strong words, then it’s really boring, and the strong twisted melon is not sweet.”

"Not bad." Chu Yang agreed: "It is such a truth, I always feel that your kid is not adjusting, but now it is more pleasing to see your kid."

Demon Ning has won praise, more and more eyebrows dance, only feels met the companion · comfort and peace.

Tan Yi said on the side of the contempt: "I said the demon, your kid knows the highest state of picking up the girl?"

Demon Ningning asked humbly: "What is it? Please ask the older brother!"

"To say the highest state of picking up a girl, in fact, it is very simple and clear, that is, being sucked by a girl!" Talk about the nostrils in the sky: "My wife's many wives are all chasing each other, understand? No, in other words, my brother is light. Waiting for...····· Seeing that you are just chasing one, actually chasing this kind of burnt head, so hard. I really feel sad for you!”

The demon Ning Ning looked at Chu Yang’s eyes and looked even higher in the mountains: “Big Brother······You are this...”

Chu Yang tilted up Erlang's leg: "Haha... I am not as exaggerated as the little talked about... I didn't understand things at first, I didn't even think about the feelings of men and women, um 哼······"

So, a blow, a gang, a pair of eyes that are illuminating, listening, concentrating, and meticulous...·····

I don’t know if it’s now in a dangerous crisis like never before...·····

For a long time, Tan Yi finally asked: "Brothers... Who is that..." Xie Danfeng, the happy little girl... Where?"

This problem has definitely been in his heart for a long time.

I saw Chu Yang here, I didn't see Xie Danfeng, and I was a little ominous. I also know that Chu Yang has always been in a bad situation. I have been chased and killed, and I have been afraid to ask.

I still couldn’t help but ask until now.

Chu Yang looks like a smile: "Do you think I lost your wife?"

Talking about this expression of Chu Yang, suddenly his heart widened, big - happy said: "Where is the little girl skin? Mom's find me such a peerless beauty man to be a husband, happy to be embarrassed to come out?"

"Ve~~~" Demon Ningning retched, and in the eyes of the murderer, he said dryly: "No..." is not yours... Because I have a lot of drinks. ·····”

Chu Yang laughed.

"They practiced in a safe place. It won't take long for you to see her." Chu Yangdao: "Absolute hair is not damaged!"

Suddenly angry: "You guys bastard, just throw your wife here, you know what time I spent this time!"

Donghuangtian, red dust like Mengxuan.

Mo light dance and wake up, feeling that his own cultivation has increased a few points, can not help but feel gratified, the dark road: "The treasure of this collection is really amazing. I can't think of the pain that was yesterday, after today's complete digestion. However, it has taken two levels, and when it’s true, it’s hard to eat, and it’s a good person. This is really a famous saying...”

Some joy in my heart, instinctive touch pocket, but under this touch, but touched an empty, could not help but be surprised.

Wind fox?

The wind fox is always honestly staying here, and today it is gone.

I feel that the wind fox in my pocket is gone, only one note left?

I took it out and saw that there was a tender and twisted handwriting on it. It seemed to be pulled out with a certain claw: "Master, I have to go to the Yaozu to see it. During this time, my progress is too fast. The law is gone in the inheritance, I go back and look for it. Rest assured, as soon as I find it, I will come back soon...

Mo light dance suddenly lost: "Wind fox, is this going to the Yaozu? She herself, how can I find it? How can it be so impulsive..."

On the road, a white girl, beautiful, moving, like a weak Liu Fufeng, all the way fluttering forward, the face is full of deep thoughts: "In fact, really reluctant to leave, the master is like a sister. ·····When I found the inheritance, I will go back quickly! If I leave, I will be reluctant.······I want to go back right away, oh, I’m really dying...······

The look is extraordinarily tangled, but the speed at the foot is not slow.

"Nine-Heaven Scorpio is not the other place. My current repairs can't help me a lot, or I can quickly find that the inheritance is serious. When I come back, I will help the main talents to help me."

In the distant world of the other side.

Nine robbers and sacred sacred sacred sacred squadrons, and looked at the top ten leaders below, the five lords, seventy rudder rudders, thinking about what; behind him, quietly standing two other people.

This is the two private bodyguards belonging to the Mo Tianji.

Since I rushed to the Nine Heavens, Mo Tianji basically did not have any free time to sleep. This extravagant behavior, to survive, to develop, to flee, to practice, to enrich the manpower, to plan, but all need a lot Time to carry out, normal human behavior of eating and sleeping, seemingly really can't take care of it...

Fortunately, these efforts are still rewarding. Now, in the eyes of Mo Tianji, his power in the Nine Heavens is finally beginning to take shape.

Now, the Tianbingge congregation of Mo Tianji has grown to the scale of tens of thousands of people, and all of them are military. Although there are no special high-ranking powerhouses, there is still no mediocrity. If all the staff are entangled, it can be regarded as A torrent of power. In particular, Mo Tianji used his own ability to count the ghosts of the gods, and for many expert guidance, it also collected a lot of masters who were convinced by Mo Tianji and sincerely attached.

This strength is now growing stronger and stronger.

There is no need for any more time. The Tianbing Pavilion now has become a force that cannot be ignored. Even if it is not enough for the super-class gates of all days, it is not necessarily a fight for the general sect. force.

In view of this, Mo Tianji considered whether to transform the Tianbing Pavilion.

Although from the beginning, the Tianbing Pavilion founded by Mo Tianji was also robbed all the way, relying on the home of robbery, but Mo Tianji has always been consciously cultivating something, and now, it is finally close to maturity.

"From now on, we will enter other industries." Mo Tianji said faintly: "In addition to some secret personnel, there is still a need to continue to engage in looting for the daily needs of the Tianbing Pavilion. Others, etc., follow me. Before the deployment of the division rudder deployment, began to collect relevant information! Heaven and earth, three teachings and nine streams, any information must be collected!"

Everyone is very surprised to look at Mo Tianji. I don’t understand why I have to change the road suddenly. The current development situation is very ideal. Without any blockage, it is necessary to suddenly change the direction of development. 7

Especially in a direction that I have never been involved before, it is not worth the loss!

However, since the establishment of Tianbing Pavilion, Mo Tianji has always been a gods, and has never had any flaws. In the eyes of everyone, it is omniscient, omniscient wise prophet, this time, is it his The first accident? !

"As far as the current situation is concerned, we may use robbing for further development, and the efficiency may be higher, but the danger is also proliferating. Before we were still weak, most of the robbery targets were targeted at some third-rate and last-end forces, at most. It is also aimed at second-rate forces."

"And we are now making great strides. If we are still targeting the second-rate forces, we will not be able to pay for it, and the benefits will be limited. However, if we rush to target first-rate forces and even super-first-class forces, we will be more likely to attract strong opposition from each other. A bad one, maybe when, we may be annihilated by a super power."

Mo Tiandao said: "On the contrary, if we give up most of the robbery, we can concentrate on building our own intelligence network and use the intelligence network all over the nine heavens as a means of development. As long as there are enough and accurate information, our development will undoubtedly It will be more rapid. After all, intelligence is the most important thing for the Jianghu people and even the government. There is absolutely no buyer."

"Once our Tianbing Pavilion's signboard is recognized by the entire rivers and lakes, to determine the authenticity, reliability and speed of our information, then our children and grandchildren will not eat and drink!"

嘿嘿······ It’s still a strong force for everyone.

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