Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 328: Nine hijacking




"Do you know who we are?"

In an inexplicable chaos, Gu alone and even the people with swords have fallen into the crowd, the long sword flashing, banging, and there are already seven or eight people falling under the sword! He was cold-faced, licking his lips, his face was cold, and he was killing.

Until now, those talents finally realized what happened; one by one to resist!

Gu Zhixing immediately felt that the pressure was increasing rapidly. Even with his current sacred peak, he actually felt the feeling of encountering a strong enemy!

In other words, these people are afraid of not being simple, at least their strength is not simple!

I couldn’t help but feel a little surprised. I didn’t expect such a villain to carry so many masters?

But Gu Zhixing still has so much attention at the moment? Fear up the gods, a sword opens and closes together, forgets the lonely sword and makes every effort to force it. I am invincible, there are forty or fifty people in front, but for a moment, thirty or forty people have been killed by him on the ground, others see No, shouting and screaming.

Gu alone kills the madness, can you let them escape? He said: "A group of people scum scum still want to escape? Give me a die!" Sui Jian chased, one enemy after another died in his sword.

But there is still one person who even fled and fled, and fell to the cliff with no choice.

Although Gu Danxing intends to confirm his life and death, but the cliff is not bottomless, I think that most people are difficult to survive, so stop.

When Gu was alone, he saw that the old man had been helped, led seven or eight women, and bowed to himself.

Gu alone sighed and said: "Let's get up, find another place, and spend the rest of your life well. There should be half-life savings in your life... I don't want to be too sad..." shook my head. Turn around and go.

"Engong please stay!" The old man called out.

Gu alone walked all the way on the mountain road, his face was calm; when he was eating, he took out a black wooden box from his arms. This is the reward of the old man’s life and death fortress.

"Well, the old family is because of this, the whole family is destroyed. ······························································································ Always feel great..."

Gu alone looked at the black wooden box in his hand and opened it. I saw that it was a jade slip. Trying to use the repair as a touch, but there is no movement, on the rise, and with his own sword, but suddenly see the jade on the light.

A sigh of swords, from the jade slips out of the air, the road shot into the forehead of Gu Lone.

Gu Zhixing only felt that the sky was turning, and it was a fall.

After a long, long time, this digested the huge information from Yu Jian, and I couldn’t help but look at it: "Shu Tianjian?"

Gu went all the way, but after going out for 800 miles, he again encountered a volley.

The reason for the attack was simple and simple. It was because his previous road was not smooth and he was smashing the sword!

And the person who killed him alone is undoubtedly the only son of a great big man!

In the midst of some **** killings, Gu was alone in the blood, rushing out of the encirclement and escaping all the way.

Gu Zhixing’s Tian Tiange’s owner of the heaven and earth suddenly changed from the front to the back and became a million-mile escape! When he started to flee, he even thought of Chu Yang.

"I don't want to be a brother. Even the encounters are almost the same. It will seem like a brother and a brother." Gu was alone and fled. While he was ridiculed in his heart, "The boss killed Muryun’s prince was chased, and I killed this while It’s not as good as the boss’s identity, but it’s not a simple item.··············································································

The enemy behind him is like a skeleton of the bones. Gu alone does not dare to neglect, so he is killing all the way.

No one knows that a great swordsman has grown rapidly in the escape of these nine deaths.

Perhaps, when Gu once again turned back and killed the terrible enemy, it was the moment when his sword shocked the world...

The other direction, the other side of the world.

Looks like there is no coincidence, or there is a coincidence!

Anyway, Dong Wu is also in the runaway of the wolverine. His Tianbing Pavilion, because he acted too unscrupulously, finally provoked big troubles. He was surrounded by two local officials and two major sects. The forces of thousands of people, It disappeared overnight and was uprooted!

Dong was not only injured, but all the way, when he was almost unable to support, he jumped into the cliff, and under the cliff, it was the Wujiang River.

Dong Wushou also got a chance to breathe!

It seems that what is a cliff or not is really not a dangerous place to take human life. Very few people who fall down will really be finished!

In the icy river, Dong’s face is full of anger.

Ink knife in hand, Dong did not hurt Yang Tianxiaoxiao: "Today's revenge! I don't swear to the sky, I will swear at all costs, if you swear by this oath, the sky will be destroyed!"

These deep hatreds rose for the first time in the heart of Dong Wu’s heroic, rooted!

In the same day, there is another Tianbing Pavilion force that is flying toward Dong’s injury.

The name of this Tianbing Pavilion is called the Dark Lord, its! The principal is -!

Ink tears.

It was because of this encirclement that the ink tears finally knew the specific whereabouts of Dong Wushou, and the rush of the spur of the stars was always a step later.

Until a few days later, when I finally met Dong, there was no injury. Dong was injured because of serious injuries and repeated battles. The injury was even more serious, and almost no adult shape!

Ink tears rate attack, grabbed Dong no injuries and left.

In this side of the world, the husband and wife fight all the way, killing all the way, all the way to **** days. There are people who have been sacrificed to death in the tears of the tears. The two people who have always loved the righteousness want to drop blood, but in the face of this powerful enemy, there is no way.

Can only continue to escape!

However, the seed of hatred is buried deeper and deeper.

No one knows that the first killer organization of the nine-day Scorpio in the future was originally due to this killing!

In the future, the Emperor of the Storm, in the escape of this road, really mastered his butcher!

Use a hot heart of revenge!

Other brothers have their own experiences.

It seems that a person from Chuyang’s side seems to have a chain reaction. The good days that everyone has been going smoothly have ended up unanimously.

Everyone is suddenly plunged into the storm.

Everyone is in the midst of a life of nine deaths.

Whether in the battle or when they fled, they were thinking: If at this moment, my brother is around... Who dares to bully me?

If it is at this moment, everyone will get together...

I don't know how they are doing now? Is it safe?

Every time you fall into a desperate situation, every time you are seriously injured in a heavy encirclement, there is only one belief that can support everyone to stick to it.

I have not reunited with my brothers! We have not yet joined together! We haven't seen it yet!

I can't die!

The boss once said that we have to stand on the peak!

I want to live!

I must live!

Join the brothers to climb the peak of our agreement!

Among these people, Ji Mo and Rock Enemies can be regarded as the two people who suffer the most, except for their own personality reasons, and because they are not afraid of the style of fearlessness, they can also offend. Don't say that there is hatred...

Two people in their respective worlds are almost attacked by the group!

However, it is such a **** river, the two iron man, so long!

It has faded away from the once green and smashing, all the way to the blood and fire!

It’s not a big deal for the nine robbery brothers to be placed in their own worlds, but when they move together, they will rise together. If someone familiar with them can sort through all these things, they will find out. The nine heavens are in full swing, and they are constantly upgrading because of these people...

And almost can be seen, these people, in these changes, constantly strong, constantly growing...

Another thing worth mentioning is the Xie Danqiong!

The world where the noble son is located is the ink cloud day; now the cloud cloud is turbulent, and Xie Danqiong has added many new colors to this sky.

After hearing the events of the Moyun Emperor's soldiers attacking the Chu and Yang, Xie Danqiong broke out after hearing the fact that the three sects did not care about the ups and downs and sent people to arrest Chuyang!

The splendid Qionghua was almost the first time in the Iron Sword Gate School!

Starting from the Iron Gate, Xie Danqiong began an endless harassment attack!

The gates of the three major sects are constantly being burned, and the disciples are constantly being robbed.

Not only the three major factions, but also the official Yunyuntian, or that they are the most hated by Xie Danqiong.

There are constantly official warehouses being robbed, and official stations and places are burned.

Xie Danqiong always thought carefully, decided to move backwards, and rarely had excessive behavior. There was almost no such crazy action, but at this time, Xie Danqiong alone led the Tianbing Pavilion he founded and started nothing in Mo Yuntian. No need for extreme revenge!

Once a very calm person is crazy, how much energy can it break out? !

Just like Xie Danqiong!

For a time, the area where Xie Danqiong was located suddenly fell into an unprecedented atmosphere of terror. The military, the official, and the three martial arts people did not know that they did not understand what the new kid was doing, but at the same time realized another point: "This **** will not die, will never have a day!"

Ever since, the top of the Mo Yuntian began a powerful cofferdam action!

Xie Danqiong said nothing about this. When he escaped from Tibet and fled, he still couldn’t forget the counterattacks at any time and place—destruction, attack, arson, murder...

He is using all the power to do something that makes some big people look very ridiculous: I drag the power here, and the boss can reduce some pressure relatively!


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