Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 329: Miss Tiandu is coming.

How big is the power of a heaven and earth? !

Even if Xie Danqiong can toss, the attention it attracts can not reach one thousandth of the overall strength of Mo Yuntian. Even one in ten thousand is not up to!

However, Xie Danqiong is so persistent and insists on using his Qionghua that blooms at any time, unyielding and fearless.

He harassed and fought with all the means that should not be used, and he was constantly improving himself by various means...

After a period of encirclement of many of the three major sects and official masters, it was a little surprising to find that although the number of Tianbing Pavilion is getting smaller and smaller, the destructive power is getting bigger and bigger! It’s like being a little strong, and it’s getting more and more annoying! ,

Especially the leader named Xie Danqiong, at the beginning, he can only retire, at best it is a small joke, but after a while, the blooming Qionghua can already kill the master!

Even effortless!

Fireproof anti-theft Qionghua!

"First kill Xie Danqiong! Say other!" With this decision, Xie Danqiong's situation is getting harder and more dangerous, but Xie Danqiong is not afraid, but more and more fighting spirit!

On one of the main roads leading to Lonely Bamboo City, there was a white girl who looked at the road blocking the road. The face was full of impatience and disdain.

The opposite side of the road is a group of bears, the head of the bears full of indignation.

"Oh, my people just want to make friends with you, you actually make such a vicious poison! Don't hand over the antidote quickly! If my family is dead, I will bury you!" "The bear man is drinking and looking worried."

Behind him, the two bears couldn’t help but spurt the white fog. Obviously they were doing their best and repairing the vitality of the bear man lying on the ground, but the eye-catching people had already seen it. The two men At most, it can only barely maintain that bear bear is not dead. And with the gradual spread of virulence, the effects of the two people's cultivation can be more and more unsatisfactory, and may not support at any time.

Many bears look at each other: What is this poison? Actually, even two masters of the holy level can't force it, not even enough to maintain vitality!

It is really a horrible poison!

The girl in white faintly said: "Do you make friends? Are you forced to make friends? Are you still having aphrodisiac? If you can make friends, then I will have a good knowledge today, or say The customs here are very unique, that's it."

She indulged and sneered: "If this is the case, then there are sisters, sisters, and sisters in the family. I don't mind introducing a few friends to them, I believe you will not Mind, no, it should be fun, right?!"

The other party never imagined, this looks soft and weak, the colorless city, the childish innocent girl who has never done it before, is actually such a slap in the face, a pinpoint of blood, no room left!

"Hey, you are looking for death!" The bear man who was headed was furious, and the intention of intimidation was no longer concealed. Apparently, he was ready to go.

The girl in white smiled coldly: "Why, I said the pain? I have to say it, but I have to do it? Listen to me and persuade. Let the road open is serious! Good dogs still don't stop, let alone bears! No, it won't work even more."

A few bears around him screamed and ran up.

The girls in white looked at them indifferently, and they were not nervous and nervous. They just said a little: "Do you have to try? That is, you are looking for death. No wonder me!"

Suddenly, the sleeves were raised, and the body fluttered back. The posture was as beautiful as a fairy. The castration seemed to be in no hurry, but quietly escaped under the bears.

After she retired ten feet, she suddenly said coldly: "I still don't fall, ah!"

啪啪啪·The few bears who had rushed up before suddenly fell neatly out of the air, all of them were numbness and numbness, and the movement was weak. Then they felt the blackness in front of them, and the strength of the body was not Out.

The previous things have already reminded them that this little girl who looks like a petite and weak wind is a poisonous master, and there is still no poison master who has the slightest mercy, so everyone has already held it at the beginning. Breathing, and repairing yourself as a whole body, it is necessary to make the other person's virulence free of charge...

But I couldn't think of dreaming. Even though I held my breath, I used it as a protector, but I was poisoned!

What the **** is this all about?

Why is this happening? !

Hundreds of thousands of years, with poison as an attacking means, can only be regarded as a trick that does not flow into the stream. Since ancient times, there has only been a poisonous door to have such a strange means, but that martial art is because of this poisoning caused everyone’s doubts. Was it cleaned up hundreds of thousands of years ago? Even the entire mountain gate has been burned into white land. This, right now, how can such a poisonous means suddenly appear?

For a time, the bears looked at the white girl's gaze in front of them, and suddenly became suspicious and fearful!

One of the old bears stepped forward and said: "Girl, we have offended you, it really shouldn't be, but, killing the head, you have now disciplined them. It is better to stop here." The solution should not be settled, and people should stay in the line and meet in the future! Please also give the girl an antidote. The old man can guarantee that we will never offend the girl again.

The girl in white is cold and cold: "If you are interested, I am not willing to open the killing, but the opportunity is only once. If you still want to do something, then this girl will not tolerate you again."

The hand was light, and she did not see how she used her tools. There was no smell. The poisoned people suddenly felt that there was consciousness in the body and the strength was also recovering.

Obviously, the poison has been solved.

There is no poison in the silence.

Uninterrupted between the silent!

The process of this is full of surprises and incredible, but it is an event that happens and experiences itself!

These parties are all cultivated at the holy level, but they are not aware of the weirdness!

What kind of means is this?

All the bears in the eyes of the people have a heartfelt taboo.

The girl in white snorted and said: "The virulence has gone, and this will be resigned. If you are not convinced, you want to get back to the scene, even if you come to this lonely city to find me."

The white figure floated, and the white girl went away like a white cloud.

That is the first bear man's voice: "I haven't asked the girl's name yet?"

Far away came a cold voice: "This girl surnamed Chu, called Chu Leer; if you are not convinced and want to retaliate, this girl will definitely make your life full of fun, and finally repeat, the opportunity is only once!."

Instantly, it’s awkward.

"Chu Leer······" was the head of the bear population whispering, suddenly took a breath of air, grinning: "Is it the legendary all the way to kill more than 3,000 masters of the poisonous Miss Talk about laughter and take life between the hands and feet, invisible and invisible. If the traces are hidden! Will it be her? If it is her, are we not good or good?"

The bears of the crowds groaned for a while, but after a while they were born, especially those who were poisoned and fell to the ground, the face was pale and white, and the cold sweat came out one after another, and it was transported for dozens of times. Micro virulence residue.

Although I know that this is doing useless work, if there is residual poison, is the work useful? If there is no residual poison, the movement is even more meaningless. It has been tossed for a long time. It is not found that there are signs of residual poisoning. My heart is still not stable. I am afraid that there are still some inexplicable potential virulence that may occur at any time!

The deterrent power of the name "Tiandu" can be seen!

The bear man who spoke at the end of the conversation for a while, suddenly turned and slapped on the face of the previously poisoned bear. "You don't have eyes for this mixed-mouth thing? Who can't you play this bastard? To play such a day, the first female comet, you want to die, no one is stopping you, don't let everyone go on the road!"

The bear poisoning has just been solved. He is the first poisoning, and it is still very poisonous. It was almost finished almost just now. It will be only weak, and the whole slap will be played by the whole bear. In the past, "啪" spit out three teeth, crying without tears: "I know that this is Miss Tiancai... It’s called the poisonous person, shouldn’t it be full of poisonous sores, full of poison or something? How can it grow so beautiful and pure, it doesn't make sense, there is no such thing on it..."

Everyone was speechless.

Just recalling the face of Miss Tiandu, everyone can't help but sigh.

The kid **** is a bastard, but the reason is not unreasonable. The lady is soft and weak, looks sly and clever, and her eyebrows are curved. It should be gentle and gentle, revealing childishness and purity in the body, not to mention the idiot. Guy, even if it is yourself... I’m sure I’m not sure about this.

"The ordering group, don't provoke the female comet again, we can't afford it!"

"In addition, another news came out, saying that it is..." The bear family veteran stunned for a while and finally said: "It is said that it is a sinister sinister, reappearing the rivers and lakes, and be careful."


Lonely Bamboo City, now almost has become the world of the ink cloud heaven and earth.

The soldiers of Mo Yuntian have three steps and one post, five steps and one whistle. They have blocked four city gates and only allowed them to enter.

In the sky, there are always no less than 500 sacred masters watching closely there.

For every person who appears in Lonely Bamboo City, a double check will be conducted. Double detection from the sky and the ground!

As long as it is slightly suspicious, just bring it in, and then let several holy masters take the bone-washing method.

This kind of effort can remove any human tolerance and restore its original appearance. Originally in the nine heavens, it can be regarded as a chicken ribs, but at the moment it has become the most popular means in Lone Bamboo City.

After the investigation, there will be no strangers, and the body will be marked with a godmark; to distinguish.


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