Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 330: Missy

In other words, if there is such a **** in the body, it is equal to safety, and will not be looked at again!

As a result, countless cockroaches and thieves, countless Jiangyang thieves, have been smashed out innocently, and Mo Yuntian is not interested in them, but the official people of the demon emperor are very interested, so these people They have been transferred.

Numerous large cases of large cases that have been backlogged for hundreds of years or even thousands of years have been so strangely broken.

This cannot but be said to be a miracle.

The two worlds have joined hands to solve the case. In the history of the Nine Heavens, this is also the first time.

And this seems to be nothing but unprecedented, or never, absolutely can not be copied!

And the dispatch of such a sacred network search, for Chu Yang and others, it is also absolutely a disaster!

So searched, sooner or later, everyone will have nothing to lose!

If all the other people in the city are marked with the gods, then those twenty or thirty people who do not have the signs of the gods will be noticed by the bright lights of the night. It is too "alternative".

Moreover, the rain delayed the launch of the Sage-level voyeurism, and all the underground buildings in the entire Lonely Bamboo City, even some of the tunnels that had been deposited decades ago, were all found out.

Want to hide in the ground, it has become a luxury!

Five or six thousand masters move together, enough to find an ant in a mountain!

However, the situation at the moment of Chu Yang is relatively free. After all, he is now with the demon Ningning, even if he is courageous to give Mo Yuntian a day, he is not afraid to search this man and the people around him.

However, Bai Yuchen’s situation is precarious and there is always the possibility of exposure.

The circle that can now be active is shrinking every moment, and everyone has given birth to a feeling of being out of breath.

Chu Yang is anxious about this, but there is nothing to do.

In such a situation, it’s just a foolish act to jump out of hard work!

But don't jump out, but only the ones that are waiting for you, but sooner or later.

It’s **** damn nine robbing space, when are you still silent? !

The nine-robbery space is the only way Chu Yang is thinking of at present, and the best way to cope with the situation in front of him. It seems to be the last resort!


The nine-robbery space is incapable of starting, and Chuyang also has a sense of heartless powerlessness. It’s really helpless. At least between these urgency, it’s hard to have a good way to deal with the immediate crisis.

In the face of such a bad situation, it is also clear that Bai Yuchen and others who are in front of the situation are finally unable to hold their breath.

Instead of sitting still waiting for it, it is better to use force. If it can cause considerable confusion, there may not be a chance.

Just this evening, the army of Mo Yuntian suddenly suffered casualties! And still twenty or thirty at the same time someone was injured or died.

Bai Yuchen and others launched an attack in an unbearable situation.

Now I am not with me, I can't start it. Those who haven't been branded yet are now limited to a very narrow range!

At most, after only one day of selection, they will be exposed and will be fully exposed.

The current situation is bad, since blindly avoiding only one way, then simply let go, fight for one enough, and fight a few to earn a head. It is based on this psychology, they decided to shoot!

Their shots are quite good, causing considerable casualties.

However, these places where casualties occurred were immediately monitored by the people of Mo Yuntian.

Bai Yuchen and others have not dared to move again for a time, and then shaking is equal to automatically appearing. Only temporarily stop the raid.

After the news of the head of the Mo Yuntian military heard the news lately, he just said a word: "Don't worry about them, continue to filter! Just keep going. They love how to squat, just let them mess, don't bother Until they are completely invisible!"

The master of Mo Yuntian strictly executed the command of Yu Shuai.

Maintaining the status quo!

This move is undoubtedly extremely toxic.

If you really strengthen your alert in those places, it will attract most of the attention between the invisible. In this way, in other places, there is only a loophole to find and give the enemy a chance. However, if all this is still going on, and it is still proceeding in an orderly manner in accordance with the established plan, then, in the end, there must be fruit harvest.

As long as the end result!

Process, not important!

This trick is really poisonous!

You have thousands of wonderful tricks, I have a certain rule 1

Although the rain is slow, although he has obvious defects, when he deals with the enemy, the means he takes is always the most direct and effective!

The most direct and effective means is often the most correct and successful means!

Chu Yang stood alone on the roof and frowned at the sky.

For a long time, I have never considered any countermeasures.

He also recognized the raids of Bai Yuchen and others, hoping to create chaos and bring a turn for this sinister crisis, but the situation has not improved!

At the moment, it seems that there is only the last road tough.

However, with hard hits and positive battles, Chu Yang dares to guarantee that as long as Bai Yuchen and others are discovered, no time will be solved for a quarter of an hour!

So what should we do? !

How to do it before you can escape, this is a difficult problem that needs to be solved now.

However, there is no such thing!

In fact, as early as the arrival of the three major sects, Chu Yang has already noticed that Lonely Bamboo City has become one.

But since then, people other than Chu Yang themselves have been out of town.

Once out of town, the goal will be more obvious.

"Beyond the war, is there really no other way? Deadly war?!" Chu Yang murmured.

Tan Yi and demon Ning Ning these two goods now go out to the rivers and lakes. It was thanks to the two of them that the speed of the cofferdam was slightly slower.

Because they can always appear suddenly at any time and any place, unscrupulous hustle and bustle, unreasonable anti-biting, so that Mo Yuntian people are quite scruples.

Far from the sound of riots, Chu Yang heard the words, the brows could not help but wrinkle tightly.

If the space of the nine robbers is still open at this time, Chu Yang puts everyone in the inside and grows up. But now it doesn't work!

Faced with such a bad situation, Rao is Chu Yu’s wisdom and the number of machines is unparalleled, and there is nothing to be done.

At this time, Chu Leer is also in the lonely city, accepting his seventh inspection into Lonely Bamboo City!

Such inspections have already completely ruined the dissatisfaction of Chu Leer’s heart.

Really can't stand it!

It’s just to enter a city. How come there are so many checks? What is it to check?

Chu Leer’s cross-browed pair: “Why should I be checked again? I have accepted many inspections, can’t I check it out at once?”

The face of the officer on the opposite side of the board: "This is the command of the upper peak! To search for suspects!"

Chu Leer heard a big anger: "Is there a woman among the suspects?"

The officer slammed and replied subconsciously: "No!"

"Then, what do you check me?" Chu Le is not angry with a fight. If you don't see anyone who has been in the city to be inspected, Le will doubt whether the soldiers here are targeting themselves.

"Do not let go of any doubts." The officer faintly said: "As long as the easy to change, it is not necessarily difficult to want a big man to become a woman!"

Chu Leer laughed with anger: "As you said, I am not going to take off your clothes and let you check?"

To tell the truth, Chu Leer’s body has already had the mark of the soul of the Emperor Yunyun Tianjun. It can be said that it can be checked only at the first level. These subsequent inspections are completely unnecessary, and it is simply a delay. .

But when these officers saw such a fairy-faced little girl, which one did not like it from the heart? Although I know that this little girl has no doubts, and there is no place for doubt at all, is it better to say a few more words with the beauty?

(This kind of behavior can be seen in the traffic police to check the car. Well, a lot of cars are so open, but the car opened by the beauty is stopped: beauty, please show the driver's license... Mom's my wife drove by this guy to stop N times ······ Five kilometers of traffic, five or six traffic lights, most of the time being blocked three or four times... Egg pain...)

It is because of this kind of psychology that Chu Leer was checked seven times before and after. It also made the smoldering of Miss Tiandu, and it was no longer restrained!

Stunned and undressed, the officer couldn’t help but smile. Then, if you don’t mind the girl, it’s okay, so you can solve the trouble of checking once and for all, girl you...”

Chu Leer smiled like a flower, said: "Well, I don't mind, really don't mind. As long as you don't mind..." said, the hand has already risen.

The officer heard the words and even looked at her face in a dull manner. The color smiled: "The rare girl is so refreshing, I will mind where..."

I was talking and suddenly fell softly. I don’t know what happened, just looking at Chu Leer with my fearful eyes, there is no more lust, only the fear from the bottom of my heart, but I can’t say a word, the face flashes instantly. A thick black gas spreads rapidly at a rate visible to the naked eye.

"Wang team deputy, what's wrong with you?" The other two soldiers were holding their arms and smiling at the team's deputy to seduce the bright little girl. Somehow the team deputy fell without warning. The two could not help. surprised.

I rely on, is this beautiful girl laughing like this, the team deputy adults off the sun? This body is too bad, right? !

I hurriedly came over to see what happened, and my face was still mixed with a wretched smile. But as soon as they walked into the team's deputy three steps, they both fell softly.


"I don't mind... How can I mind..." Chu Leer's face with a cold smile: "Someone is dying... How can I care? As long as you don't mind, If you mind, you must say it..."

The nearby sergeant also saw this horrible scene, and they all came to the scene with alarm signs.

Chu Leer saw a wrinkle, but did not see how to care, the white blouse on the body suddenly a slight turbulence, the body around the square, suddenly became a restricted zone of life and death!

"These two days are really exhausting, but in the face of such a situation, I still feel that it is not a good deal. First, I don't want to use the demon Ningning identity. Secondly, I don't want Chu Yang to open the plug-in again. However, if I want to solve this problem, I really want to get rid of the scalp.······

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