Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 337: Mentality adjustment

In my heart, the two are really unwilling to believe that this is an incredible thing. These three are already very valuable. There are still more than nine such abnormalities. It is unbelievable and unbelievable!

But if it is, then, as it is said, the Moyun Heavenly Emperor Yuantian is really bad this time.

If such a genius really grows up, it doesn't need to be too high, and it doesn't need to grow to the same level as Yuan Tian. Even if only twelve people reach the primary level of the saint, it is enough for the whole Mo Yuntian to drink a pot. It is.

But according to the current speed, it seems that it is not too difficult for the gangs to rise to the sage's primary school - if they have maintained such a horrible pace of progress.

Hu Shushu and Ma Shushu looked at each other subconsciously, and they all saw the shock in the other's eyes: If so, it seems that Yuan Tianji is only really smashing the horse's nest...

If all these metamorphosis grow up... right! There is also the mysterious assassin before, the mysterious assassin is at least the intermediate level of the saint, and the person is obviously standing on their side of Chuyang.

The two men took a deep breath and sat opposite each other for a moment.

"So, in this world, some people can't provoke, some people can't get it; some people can work hard; some people can destroy one side of the world! Or the one that told you before, the world's things, only you can't think of it, you don't do it. Not enough!" Talk about two voices, said: "Just like a few brothers, do you understand?"

Demon Ning Ning infinite worship: "Great! Great! Then I don't provoke it."

"Let's understand, let's go, let's send the happy sister to see her brother." The expression on the face of the talker was painful: "It's late, I am afraid that I have to be unlucky...····· Getting started is a few days later than him. Everyone knows that they are all in the ass. He is a brother. He is not as handsome as me..."

Speaking of it suddenly remembered, turning to face Chu Leer, it is very solemn to say: "Leer sister..."

"Do you think I am handsome again?"

"Do you think I am handsome again?"

The same sentence is said from the opposite two populations at the same time.

Talking about the rumors and screaming, Chu Leer giggled, very proud.

With such a long time with the talk, can Chu Leer know how to talk about narcissism? When I saw it, I suddenly looked at myself with a serious look. I knew that he would say that sentence, and he would help him in advance.

If you don't tell him in advance, you don't know how much time you have to delay!

Demon Ningning has a black line.

"Noisy! How come you? How can you come here?!" Chu Yang was furious, and after a few raises, he still didn't want to fight. He just sighed: "The danger here is even stronger." I am afraid that I have to worry about corruption at any time. You are a little girl, what are you doing? Add chaos?"

Chu Leer suddenly wants to cry: "Big brother, I am worried about you, I..." "The eyes are also red, and I am wearing a corner, and I am inevitably wronged." The petite body looks more and more pitiful.

Demon Ning Ning and Tan Dawei were distressed and hurried forward to persuade.

Chu Yang smiled awkwardly!

Has Chu Leer played so many hardships? Can you really cry because I have a word? This gimmick is clearly acting and fighting sympathy. Also lost the two ribs will believe, if it is replaced by Gu alone, Mo Tianji and others, it is not bad to fall into the stone at this moment...·····

So it’s still important to understand...

"Itching oh... Hey, I mean my brother." When talking about Xiao’s opening, he was stunned by Chu Yang and looked back at Chu Yang. He actually began to pull his sleeves and hurriedly changed his name: "In fact, before Le Come, really is a good thing."

"Good thing?" Chu Yang said with indignation: "This lawless little girl can do something good? I think your boy wants to shirk the responsibility of bringing her over. Just patronize and say fun, forgot. Said you this idiot!"

Talk about mysterious crowded eyes: "You don't know what it is. The so-called people are not as good as the days of the present, but the Princess of the Emperor's Day is under the lord... At least, this identity will not be dismantled within these two days. ······And the princess's entourage...hehe but a lot of followers."

"Hey? Followers..." Chu Yang frowned, and immediately thought about it.

"Do you guys are not in the right place now? Just all of them are raw faces..." As a princess's entourage, first mix out the city and talk about it." Talk and smile: "As long as there is a lonely city, the sky If the high ground is wide, then you can let go of it! People are not as good as days, the arrival of Le's sister, but it has brought us a great turn!"

Chu Yang indulged a bit, and his heart was somewhat bitter. He said: "To be honest, I never thought of using the relationship of the demon emperor. You and the demon are morally connected. I really don't want to destroy this friendship, but Now, I am afraid I have to use it anyway?"

Talking about the self-strengthening words: "I said that my brother, you have a narrow idea. How can you say that you are using the relationship of the demon emperor? Le is your sister, and her entourage is your subordinate. Why? It became a help..."

This sentence makes the demon Ning tears burst into tears.

Sister's, the people have used up, and finally came to a rush to help, how do you think this big brother is so unreliable...

Chu Leer is the person who knows Chu Yang best. He said slowly: "Big brother, would you rather let them die here, without relying on the relationship of the demon emperor? And still know the way you have hope?"

Chu Yang suddenly realized.

Chu Leer’s words are the key to the matter.

"Yes, as long as there is hope for the brothers to live, no matter who is using the power, what is the relationship?" Chu Yang muttered.

Chu Leer’s bright eyes looked at Chu Yang and said: “Big brother, your current state of mind seems to be something wrong. I know the pride of my eldest brother, and I know that Big Brother wants to use his own power and not ask for it. Take it out."

"But the problem now is...····· Our strength has not yet grown to that point. You can kill thousands of people, but in the face of countless pursuits in a big world, can you kill yourself? What?"

Chu Yang said softly: "My sister said this, I was stunned by the pride that should not be born, it is too conceited, but also deliberately concealed words, hehe." Dunton said: "I The mentality, really should be adjusted. Hehe."

Two sighs in succession, but they contain two completely different meanings.


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