Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 338: Heaven and earth

Since the accidental closure of the nine-robbery space on the day, the strong auxiliary function of the Nine Robbery Sword has also been sealed for quite a part. Chu Yang’s feeling is very lost for a while, only the air transport is not in the fortune.

However, it was only a short time, and he adjusted his mind.

At that moment, Chu Yang had a kind of enlightenment in mind: all the backstages, all the backhands are gone, that is, there is only myself in the heavens and the earth, only I am alone and marching forward!

Then, I will use my own strength to move forward and get out!

What am I afraid of? With my own, I can do it!

Since this continuous turmoil, Chu Yang has produced an unprecedented magical feeling - feeling: although there is no dependence, although there is no assistance, there is nothing wrong with it, but this feeling is very comfortable and very free!

It is a wide open sky, free to feel as you like.

Therefore, Chu Yang was completely swayed and completely cut off all his own roads: he took out the East Emperor!

Far away from the protection of snow and tears.

It was a slap in the face, and I didn’t leave it for myself!

It’s all the way to the present. Chu Yang’s heart has been used to this kind of day. Everything has to be done by his own strength. Although the process will be hard, it is fun, even if it is chased.

Even Chu Yang can feel that his own resilience, endurance, and belief are all drastically increased.

Will it be the past that I have relied too much on those external forces?

The help from the Nine Robbery Sword comes from the help of the snow and tears. It comes from the help of too many different opportunities. Will your efforts be too little?

So he subconsciously produced a feeling: even if it is to the point where the mountain is running out of water, but even if I don't rely on any external force, I can spend the same!

- This is the typical strong mentality!

However, Chu Yang is somewhat conceited.

But now Chu Leer woke him up with a word.

Yes, you can really spend it, but it doesn't mean that others can spend it.

The current situation is obvious, even though they can finally escape, but Bai Yuchen and others are doomed to die!

Since they accepted them, they could not watch them die.

Everything should be chosen and chosen. It is not wrong to hold on to the strong mind, but the manpower reaches the limit, and the external force is needed to help but resolutely use it. It is a wrong attachment!

At this moment, Chu Yang’s state of mind has once again sublimated, and his heart has become more complete!

The mind has decided that Chu Yang made a decision instantaneously: "If this is the case, do it! I immediately set about calling them to solve this crisis as soon as possible."

On one side, Yao Ningning suddenly felt a shock of inexplicable shock.

Although it seems that only a brief exchange between my brother and sister can not be said to be short, the process has only a short sentence, but it contains a lot, but also revealed a lot.

What kind of group is this?

The small one can scream big, the big ones clearly look at the global high weight, but can immediately wake up, immediately recognize in public, react to their own faults and immediately make up.

Including a new shift in mind.

All the arrows point to the most perfect trend.

Demon Ningning asked himself: If he is in Chuyang, will he accept the opinions of others so openly? And also immediately change yourself to realize your own shortcomings?

Demon, Ning, Ning, bitterly shook his head: I can't do it myself.

In fact, the demon Ningning itself is very self-willed, and the high habits that have been subtly developed over the years have simply failed to enter the opinions of others. Therefore, he is the best to understand, how rare it is to be such a Chuyang!

Loyalty to the ear!

All know that it is good for you, this is beyond doubt!

However, the reverse ear is the reverse ear! Not good is not good!

No one wants to hear bad words, this is undoubtedly the same!

In a short time, Chu Yang used secret means to convene Bai Yuchen and other people to come together to meet the unusually beautiful make-up, re-successful face, demon Ning Ning personally, and added a few Yaozu to each of them. Characteristics.

Then I released my own demon and gave everyone a blessing.

The demon of the demon king prince, naturally with the majesty of the royal family. The followers of the demon queen, of course, also need the majesty of the royal family.

This adds up to being truly veritable!

The possibility that everything could be seen by the people of Mo Yuntian is completely killed in the bud.

When everyone was about to leave for Lonely Bamboo City, an unexpected news suddenly came out and shocked the world!

It was night, two swords and one east and one west, suddenly torn the void, smashed the long days!

Countless people have seen these two sudden and overbearing anger! A lonely and lonely, a cold-blooded kill! Two swords, only one thing in common, that is: Mori cold ruthless!

Use the coffin as a chopping board to treat all beings as fish!

For a time, everyone who knows what happened in the past, everyone feels an inexplicable shock!

Because, these two swords, clarified two things!

The sword is born!

浑天剑诀 is born!

The Heavenly Sword and the Scorpio Sword, this is two million years ago, the two peerless swords - self-transmission! Among the two swords, all of the two saints in the sword are attached, and even some of them are repaired!

In other words, as long as the relatives have penetrated the mystery of the sword, they will become the masters of the world!

A veritable step to the sky!

Two million years ago, two great swordsmen came out. The fathers of the two men were extremely outstanding martial artists. However, they met in a battle, and after a fierce battle, they eventually died.

It is because these two people have become the enemy of life and death from the youth, all the way to improve, no matter how one of the adventures, how to work hard, but the other can always catch up in a very short time!

The two men fought hundreds of thousands of years before and after, but they finally achieved two saints in the sword!

If the two people only succumb to each other, this is a matter of reason, but the core of the problem is that the hatred between the two people cannot be resolved at all; even if they have the heart, there is no room, because this The swords of each of them are contaminated with the blood of countless relatives of the other party. This cause the two people to have at least one person to fall forever to end the fruit!

Finally, on that day, the two men made a decisive battle, and the battle lasted for one day and one night. In the end, they began to fight for the same thing; in the end, they were the same as the fathers of the two people, and died under the sword of the other side - when one of them was stabbed Into the other's heart, Jianqi will be the soul of the other party in the moment of destruction, their own heart, but also pierced by the other's sword tip!

That cause, it really led to the fruit of the two people together to go to Jiuquan!

However, before the death, these two people have realized it at the same time!

Take the soul that is dissipating as a pen, use your own bones to make paper, and use your own blood as ink; create a lifetime of mutual experience - 浑天剑决! The sword!

According to legend, when two people were dying, they vowed to be born and never be enemies!

The moment the sword was completed, the two long-legged swords of the two men turned into two screams of sorrow and sorrow, and entered the two swords; from then on, the two amazing books became two looks The ordinary sword that does not look at the eye.

These two swords are not going to know where to go.

And today, two million years ago, these two swords were actually born on the same day.


I don't know which two lucky ones have been passed down from the two saints two million years later.

For a time, the entire nine-day scorpion was shaking.

The attraction of these two swords is too big, enough to seduce and shake the minds of any strong people below the sage level!

In the middle of the night, suddenly I saw the wind and the clouds!

At the moment when the shocks caused by the two swords have not dissipated, suddenly there is a South and North, and there is a vision of heaven and earth!

This time it was a golden dragon, and a golden phoenix came out and shined for nine days.

The golden dragon is full of glory and glory. The area of ​​hundreds of thousands of miles is visible to everyone!

Phoenix vacated, under the wings of the two wings, there are thousands of miles away. The whole body is burning with brilliant flames. It is also dazzling, deity, and between heaven and earth, the creatures are all convinced.

It was night, Chu Yang and Tan Chuan Le Er Ning Ningning four people stood on the roof, watching the vision of the future.

Looking at the two magnificent swords coming from far away, everyone is thoughtful. The Jinlong Jinfeng that followed, let Chu Yang Chu Leer and Tan Yi are all stunned.

Demon Ning Ning clearly found out that in the eyes of these three people, there is a joy of joy that is hard to restrain!

That is a kind of heartfelt pride from the bottom of my heart!

Talking about the vision of the heavens and the earth in the distance, it seems that if there is some enlightenment, it seems to be a little anxious. Suddenly, "Teng" is heard, and the whole body has emerged a long-lost secret magic!

I will receive it immediately.

However, the eyes of Tan’s eyes suddenly turned black, which was darker than the night.

At the same time, the three people at the same time found out the strangeness of the talk, and Chu Yang’s face changed instantly. He grabbed the pulse of Tan Yi and confirmed the situation of Tan.

Tan Yi did not resist, let Chu Yang buckle his veins, input Yuan Li exploration, just smiled and said: "I am fine."

It was not until Chu Yang confirmed that there was no abnormality in the conversation. This took a deep breath and said: "I have never asked you, your awakening... How?"

Talking about the weird smile, said: "In any case, talking about it is not talking, it will not disappear."

Chu Yang once again sighed with relief.

The one that has been buried in the bottom of my heart has been worried for a long time, and it will not be exhausted until now!

Talking about this sentence shows a lot of things, Chu Yang for a time, some surprises.

Talk about it will not disappear, this is enough!

"We have to hurry up." Chu Yang smiled and said a word that didn't work. In this moment, Demon Ning Ning clearly saw the brilliant light in Chu Yang’s eyes.

These two days are in a very bad state, inexplicably lazy, inexplicable low tide; continuous fight for a few years, suddenly relaxed, even feel overwhelmed...

Perhaps this is a normal transition; let me adjust for a few days. It’s not a vacation... I’m adjusting my mood.

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