Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 339: True instinct

A word of Tan said a lot of things, Chu Yang had a little bit of surprise feeling.

For the Chu Yang, the demon king soul is also a difficult to shake, especially intimate with the body of Tan.

Now that you are convinced that you will not disappear, then everything is enough!

"The world is big, it really is nothing. If you can't think of it, there is no impossible! We must also hurry." Chu Yang smiled and said a word that didn't end. In this moment, Demon Ning Ning clearly saw the brilliant light in Chu Yang’s eyes. This sudden word must have any meaning, but I don’t understand it! .

"Yeah." Talked and smiled: "I used to hear that there are dogs running away. I used to feel that my luck is already excessive. I really know what the dog is doing today, and I know the difference. Really compared to it, it is too shameless."

Chu Yang laughed and said, "Lee, you come with me."

Demon Ning Ning looked at Chu Yang and Chu Leer and walked in, couldn't help but confuse, said: "Talk about brother, what's wrong with you today? You and the big brother said everything I heard clearly, every word Yes, but I didn’t understand it."

Talking about it, he said: "This is the so-called experience of the rivers and lakes; rivers and lakes require you to have a higher understanding. In some words, often every word contains seven or eight meanings, you can't understand it, it is beaten, even It’s dead!”

Talk about the long-distance: "This is a small saying, your kid is estimated to have a few days of understanding, I will not stop you from getting to know, and then go back to sleep."

Demon Ning Ning is standing in the wind, carefully pondering which words are spoken. Suddenly I feel the fragrance is full of mouth: "It turned out that this is the so-called experience of the rivers and lakes, I have to enlighten, comprehend, insight

So I began to delve into the words of Chu Yang. The more I felt, the more I felt unpredictable. The more I understood, the more I felt the meaning was extraordinary. It was really endless and endless.

"I have never asked you. Your awakening... How?" The first sentence.

"The world is big, it really is nothing. If you can't think of it, there is nothing impossible! We must also hurry."


Well, these three sentences are all-inclusive, and there are three words in the world.

The demon Ning Ning racked his brains and carefully enlightened: "I haven't asked you all the time? Why haven't you been asked? This one is bound to have a mystery. Awakening... What awakens? What awakens? There are certainly many stories and many Past events, many memories, and many anecdotes. After talking about the awakening, I paused and asked what was the last sentence. Although it is a new world, I don’t forget the intellect, it’s really wonderful, and the aftertaste is endless.”

"The world is big, it really is nothing. If you can't think of it, there is no impossible! We must also hurry up! This sentence is generally better to understand. I have told me many times before. · It’s just that I have insufficient experience in the rivers and lakes, and it’s hard to master them completely. It’s not surprising that I’ve accumulated the experience of the rivers and lakes as much as possible.

"Yes. There is a deeper meaning in this. It is calm. It should not be chaotic and disordered. It is like this! As for the latter sentence, we must also pay close attention. Why should we hurry? Why do you want to hurry now? There is also the 'also, the word, it reveals too much, there are too many implications. Inside, there must be too many secrets...·····

"As for the last two words, 'haha, at first glance, it’s just a verbal phrase. In fact, it’s the most profound sentence in the above three sentences. It can be described as mysterious and infinite; There are a lot of emotions, excitement, gratification, relaxation, excitement, and a kind of pressure that is imposed on them..."

"A short chuckle, it conveys so many meanings... It really is the old rivers and lakes, it really is this master! It really is a high personality, I, I really do not know how many years to accumulate In order to truly understand the mystery..."

Demon Ning Ning is thinking about it... There is a kind of posture that ‘I don’t know how to go to sleep.

However, the words that Chu Yang said have indeed other meanings. Although it is true that each word has several meanings, it is actually different from person to person. .

It is estimated that the brothers who came along with Chu Yang can understand it. As for other people, especially the outsiders... I am afraid that even if the nine emperors gather together, they will never be able to understand and distinguish them.

This is an essential issue, and it is not a high level!

As for the demon Ningning, which seems to be in the magic barrier at this moment, it is a few words that will be discussed. When it is a mantra, it is self-confident because of enlightenment!

Chu Yang will call Chu Leer.

"Big Brother, what do you want me to do?" Chu Leer was a little excited and curious. She knows that her big brother is generally not so cautious, but once it looks like this, there must be good things, and it is a big event!

"I got a poison king under the previous opportunity!" Chu Yang said: "You look at it, and if there is any conflict with your original drug inheritance, it is feasible. If you have a practice, if you have some Contrary, don't try to force it."

Chu Leer heard the words and excited immediately.

Since Chu Yang said this, it will definitely not be a heritage in the general sense!

Immediately, Chu Yang took out a finger, condensed all of his spiritual strength, and gently clicked on the smooth forehead of Chu Leer.

Then Chu Leer suddenly felt that a huge amount of information, without aura, suddenly injected into his mind, and the amount of information, so Chu Leer could not help but stun a bit, Fortunately, it was restored in a moment.

Poisonous king heritage!

Chu Leer’s mind was completely immersed in the moment.

After a long, long time, Chu Leer suddenly stood up and said with great surprise: "Big brother! Hey..."

However, because his heart is too excited, he was forced to retreat from time to time, and suddenly he was forcibly removed from the practice. Immediately, there were signs of rebellion, so that his heart was shocked and he spit out a blood.

Chu Yang was shocked, and hurriedly handed her hand against her back, inputting her own pure power, and helping her to calm her blood and complaining: "You have to vomit, are so adults, how can you still be so unsettled?" Qi, no matter when, what, after the success, can’t say nothing...········...”

Although Chu Leer still feels the turmoil, and the five insides are burning, but the spirit is still excited to the point of no more, finally with the help of Chu Yang, the blood is calm, a mouth is excited and excited: "Big brother... ...this, where did you come from?"

Chu Yang asked: "How? Is it useful? If it is inconsistent, don't be strong!"

“Is it useful?” Chu Leer turned his eyes: “It’s useful, it’s so useful! Although I still can’t see the general content, I’m enough for this half of what I know. It’s been a long time, you know? This inheritance turned out to be a legacy of the Tiandu door that has been lost for many thousand years, and it’s far more complete than what I learned before... If I guess it’s right, this The inheritance should be the handbook of the founder of Tiandumen. Moreover, it is very likely that someone has obtained some of the inheritance and established the Tiandu Gate. The things inside are simply...Mrs.... ...too useful!"

Chu Yang sighed with relief: "It turned out to be like this. Since it is useful, I am relieved."

Chu Leer saw that Chu Yang was so light and dark, and he was dissatisfied: "Big Brother, how can you describe such an understatement? You must at least open your eyes and open your mouth when you are so big." However, it is much better than the highest inheritance of Tiandumen. It is one of the poisonous inheritances. I am afraid that there is no way to match it."

Chu Yang haha ​​smiled, and contributed to the hair of the music, said: "Little girl ghost spirit."

Two times, Chu Leer’s hard-working haircut was won.

In the complaints of Chu Leer's dissatisfaction, Chu Yang easily went out.

Only Chu Leer was left alone, and he was tirelessly studying the legacy of the poisonous king. The little girl was obviously interested and excited. It turned out to be a night without sleep.

early morning.

Under the calm gaze of Hu Lao and Ma Lao······

Hey, it must be explained here: the two big high watches are extremely calm, but the bottom of my heart is choppy, the waves are rolling!

Because, the fresh and hot ‘devil’s princess, suddenly, like a middle-class student, there is a lot of followers.

And each one is not a mediocrity, and all of them are full of the unique atmosphere of the Yaozu royal family, but the problem is that the two masters who are most familiar with the Yaozu royal family are I don't know it!

The only certain point is that this group of people, like the so-called 'devil's princess, is definitely the same!

All the members of the princess guard queue consisting of counterfeit cards went out in a neat pace.

The demon's "the only princess of the princess" - Chu Leer is sitting on a super-high-profile super-standard carriage with the highest quality of luxury. It is still a soft, weak and affectionate, still a whole body. White clothing is better than snow.

But this time, no one will dare to check it.

Also check, find death? !

It seems that there is no such way to find the law.

All the ink clouds soldiers who saw this scene were deeply aware of this, so they forced themselves to turn their faces aside.

I can’t really feel it.

Demon Ningning will open the road at the forefront, walk with Tan Chuyang, talk while walking, and occasionally make a burst of laughter, and the mood is still very good.

The positions of Hu Shushu and Ma Shushu were later, and they followed. The two looked calm and had no expression on their faces.

A group of people, so no surprise, no wind and no waves to walk out of the south gate of Lonely Bamboo City.


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