Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 344: Hong Meng's initial place

Chu Yang’s heart moved, saying: “Don’t look at this brother’s not very good, but it’s a big man, noble, and the furniture is thicker. The things you are looking for are not wrong. He is willing to give It’s better to take a name."

Indeed, the demon family inherits, others may not get it, but the demon Ning will definitely get it!

If you can't even get the demon, you can only say that there is no such inheritance in this world.

Demon Ning Ning gives people a name, and that is called "giving the name" is the right thing!

Demon Ningning is very tragically looking at Chu Yang, really do not know what to say.

What did Big Brother just say? Although it seems to have helped me, but the phrase ‘this brother is not very good, ... what exactly is it?

Does this Prince’s son grow up very badly?

"Hey, what the name do you want to give me? I don't want to hear what I can do!" Xiaobai looked up and looked at the demon, and the **** and white eyes had many expectations. The demon Ning suddenly felt like this. For a moment, my heart suddenly slammed into it!

For a time, there was actually a poetic rise in my heart. It seems that such a day is as picturesque as it is!

The girl in front of her eyes is white and beautiful, and even the tiny faint freckles on the bridge of the nose are so charming.

Demon Ning Ning Tao Tao said: "You call... white poetry...·········· Is it good?"

I wanted to give people the name ‘white poetry; but the prince is really dizzy, but it’s inexplicable, and the ghost makes the difference ‘rotate; that means, I’m already dizzy, I’m going to start spinning.

"White poetry?" Xiaobai's eyes lit up, bowed his head and thought for a while, then looked up, his eyes flashed with surprises, some adored watching the demon Ningning, said: "Big brother, you are really good culture, really level. · Good! I will call Bai Shizhen in the future. Thank you for helping me get such a good name."

Demon Ningning heard the big music, so awkwardly praised by a little girl, there is actually a kind of light and floating feeling in the clouds. Shaking his head and holding a smile: "Where, the little brother is reading more than a few years." The book, although it is also the Bogutong today, the astronomical geography, the three religions and the nine streams are all-inclusive, but I know that it is still limited, knowing one or two, knowing one or two...·····

"You are so amazing!" White poetry with round eyes and full face worship.

"Where is it? ····· Wow hahahaha..." Demon Ning would have wanted to be humble, but he couldn’t help but feel smug in his heart and laughed.

Hu Shushu and Ma Shushu, two great saints, will once again turn their heads.

This is the Prince of God... It’s really dead.

It’s too strange, no, it’s a god!

Hey, what if you say that the only prince in the world is not, how can you do this? There is not so much stability... It is usually stronger, but as soon as I see a beautiful girl, how can I suddenly get back and forth?

To say that in the palace of the Emperor's Emperor, the beautiful girl is really a lot of heart, what it is like, how can he look very stable at that time? How can it not stabilize now?

Xiaobai······呃, from then on, officially changed its name to Bai Shizhen; also playing snakes on the stick, following the demon Ningning’s side, asking before asking; for this world, everything is actually unknown. More ignorant than a certain Prince.

In fact, it's no wonder that when a little white is very small, he will follow Mo Mo Dance, and get all the resources is the best. Mo light dance is to take it as a baby, where to know the human suffering, the world, a pair Simple innocent personality, what do you want to ask? It is simply why 100,000 are possessed.

Demon Ningning is a rare opportunity to express his profound knowledge in this way, and the introduction of the mouth is endless; after every long story, he always attracts the eyes of Bai Shizhen worship.

This result makes the demon Ningning dizzy and dizzy.

It’s rare, one day, such a beautiful woman worships me so much, life is here, what can I ask for? ——·················································································· In a word, the demon Ningning mood is getting better.

This is also a bit embarrassing for the white poetry. After the initial surprise, I feel a little uncomfortable.

Well, it is not so much uncomfortable, it is better to say that it is out of place, because she always feels that her identity has a clear gap with Chu Yang and others. Chu Yang is a lover of Mo Qing dance, and she is Mo light dance pets...

This is a little bit too strong. I always feel that the inferior people are equal.

Although there is nothing to be done on your own, it is incumbent, but you should not be so close in normal times...

Moreover, she is really ignorant of these people's affairs. If I ask others, I am afraid I can't ask a few words, and people are impatient. But now I have met a demon-nine who is a good teacher. This is really a combination of Zhulian and Mutual.

Demon, Ning, Ning, Ning, Ning, Ning, Ning, Ning, Ning, Ning, Ning, Ning, Ning, Ning, Ning, Ning, Ning, Ning, Ning, Ning, Ning, Ning, Ning, Ning, Ning, Ning, Ning, Ning, Ning, Ning, Ning, Ning, Ning, Ning, Ning, Ning People, that's more obvious: look, you don't know these? But I know!

Chu Yang and Tan Yu are completely speechless.

In particular, Chu Leer’s childhood is also a bit of fun: true

Was it like this?

Is there still such a thing?

Oh my god……

Therefore, the demon Ningning is more proud, full of enthusiasm, and arrogant, anyway, it is stunned...·····

However, let Bai Shizhen stay with the demon Ningning, through this 阎王峡, the security is undoubtedly greatly enhanced... Chuyang consciously lost a worries.

It seems that this arrangement is not bad, it is ideal.

Ever since, the group of people entered the Yuwang Gorge so easily and comfortably!

This kind of special atmosphere was before this, and no one else thought of it.

Others can relax, but Chu Yang can't.

With a wave of hand, the catastrophe of 80% of the strength has now recovered and the soul has flown silently and took the lead to enter the Wangwang Gorge.

Immediately, Chu Yang took the lead and went in!

Just entering, the nine robbery sword is a "squeaky" sound, appearing in the hands!

As I walked in, but still a distance of ten feet, Chu Yang actually could not see the nine-robbery sword in his hand! This rich darkness has already gone to such a sultry person.

Some people tried to ignite the torch and intended to illuminate the road. However, the torch was clearly burning, but in this darkness, there was no light.

"Here, is it the legendary heaven and earth Hong Meng shadow? Not all the light in the world?!" Tan said a word of doubt.

Tan said that the volume of this sentence is very low. But in the ears of Uncle Hu and Uncle Ma who fell behind the team, they were like a thunderstorm, so that the two people could not help but shake their bodies.

Since ancient times, there have been gods who have opened up the earth and turned the eternal darkness into two parts: heaven and earth, and clearness and turbidity. Since then, there have been mountains and rivers, and since then there have been sun, moon and stars, with birds and flowers.

However, the most primitive and fundamental darkness can never be completely eliminated. Only the great mana can be used to bring the darkness of the heavens and the earth together in one place and become the land of the night.

There, no matter what, big things, you can't see any light.

Whether it is the sun, the moon, the three lights, or the raging fire, it is difficult to shine at the end!

Because here is a chaos, the darkest darkness. It is the most mysterious place between heaven and earth. The body of the universe is there!

There has always been such speculation, but no one has ever confirmed it.

Over time, the world will only be a mysterious place indifferent to the original speculation.

But today, when I talk about this sudden, I will revisit this issue.

This has to be thought-provoking.

The origin of the universe, that is not dead, the eternal existence!

Is it a small one that can be compared to a king?

If it is really the shadow of the heavens and the earth, then, named after the name of the King of the Kings, it is really awkward.

The pedestrian walked into the legendary King of the Kings in such a strange darkness!

At the same time, the depths of the Wangwang Gorge.

The Sergeant Mo Yuntian, who had been ambushing here before, also had a lot of dissatisfaction.

"How do you fight in the ambush here? Nothing can be seen, what?"

"That is, we are so close to each other, I can feel the smoothness of your thighs, but you can't see your body, let alone fight the enemy."

"Go to your mother's thigh! Can you not be so erotic? Can you say that you are right? This is really impossible to fight. You can't tell the enemy and yourself. We have at least more people than the enemy. Hundreds of times, once the war is started, the chances of killing oneself more than the enemy are only a few hundred times and hundreds of times longer... Hey."

"I think Yu Shuai has not been here before. If he has been here, I believe that he will not make such an order."

"It is true that the words are correct, but such an ambush is really too fucking. How can the demon emperor have such a strange place? The level of the saints, the level of cultivation is correct, and it is impossible to see things in here. Even the cultivation of the heavenly people has become a scorpion directly into this place. What does he mean by what?!"

"What to do? How do I know what to do?!"

The Moyun Tianjun side had a **** book this time. Nearly 20,000 people have already entered the ambush here, waiting for the arrival of Chuyang and his party. But in the face of such actual situation, everyone is helpless.

For a time, there were complaints.

"Dream General Order!" A low-pitched voice came. But everyone is quiet.

"After the start of the action, everyone is aiming at the target position and making the most effort. Send out one of their strongest blows! Then listen to the wind and hear the sounds everywhere, and go where to fight."


I have to say that the command of dreamlessness is the only way to fight in this harsh geographical situation! Even if you change the Mo Tianji to here, there will be no better way, only adopt this method that does not count!


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