Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 345: Life runs wild!

There is only endless darkness in this place, the gods can't penetrate, can't be contacted, can't see it. Can not penetrate, the fire can not see. Other than that, there is really no other way to attack.

"After three strikes, the echelon impact will be carried out immediately! The mountain gorge will be filled with a long row of sprints. No matter what happens, it will be smashed to the slag! After the rush, immediately return to Taniguchi and the brigade.

After so many consecutive impacts, the remaining terracotta warriors waited for the exit on the other side of the 阎王峡, waiting for the rabbits, waiting for the survivors of the enemy to survive! ”

The dreamless command was finished, but everyone was shocked and quiet.

Everyone thinks of one thing: If you use such a method to launch an attack, I believe that Chu Yang and others are afraid that one will not survive; the end is toxic. But the problem is: there is also a demon prince, but this man is not allowed to move.

What should I do?

Such a terrible killing, I believe that the demon Prince is absolutely not spared.

Especially in such a special geographical environment, I want to keep my hands and I am powerless!

Is it really necessary to kill the demon princes together?

Does the military general’s military order mean this?

Chu Yang and others lined up as a long-term snake array, gradually extending into the legendary Yuwang Gorge!

At the moment, they simply don't know what is going on in front of them. They don't know where the enemy is lying in front of them. All the gods have lost their role here. Once they are more than a foot away, they can no longer detect.

Such a strange place, everyone is still the first time in life.

Even the strong sages like Hu Shushu and Ma Shushu are the same. I thought that I can use the omnipotent **** to read the land at this moment!

Chu Yang is in front, the nine robbery sword is always in the hands, he carefully feels any movement in front of him, as long as the sword tip encounters any block, Chu Yang will change the direction of the moment, and pay more attention to the foot. Make sure that every step is down to earth.

So unsuccessful and advancing about a hundred feet or so, everything is calm, such as the ancient well.

In the extreme darkness, Chu Yang has always been engrossed in the moment and did not dare to take it lightly. The other party must have ambushed here, and once contact is reached, the next step is definitely a kill. If I ambush in such a special geographical environment, what kind of method will I use to kill the enemy?

Chu Yang asked himself, and he was deliberate in his place.

The next moment, he looked at the endless darkness of his body and sneered.

Yes. In such a situation, only a wide range of indiscriminate carpet attacks is the most effective.

In front of the situation, and only this method, it is possible to launch an offensive!

"Everyone pays attention to the movements on both sides, beware of possible enemy attacks at any time." Chu Yang whispered.

Behind him, Bai Yuchen and others passed the sentence one by one.

Behind Chu Yang, it is talk.

Speaking of it, it is still the first time that the two brothers and the brothers joined forces in the battle of Jiuzhong Tianyu; the warfare in the heart of the conversation has already burned and climbed to the top!

The soul of the catastrophe is also being arrested at this moment, because most of the fighting power of the wreckage is based on the gods; after entering here, only the most basic sense of hearing and smell is left.

This situation makes the soul of the disaster very uncomfortable, but fortunately, his other unique means has not expired; the thousands of souls are scattered in an instant, and the enemy is searched in all directions, but it has not been found yet.

Usually, the soul that is scattered out can be felt as long as it touches something, because it is part of his body.

But here, if the scattered soul body is more than three feet away, even if it touches something, he himself is completely non-inductive. Without induction, it is impossible to make the arm of the finger command the soul to fight as usual.

It can only be operated by the first instruction in the scattered soul, and the return consciousness after the end of the instruction instinct retreats; this makes the spirit of the disaster very embarrassing. It also causes it to move very slowly. Slow to the point where you can't stand it.

But the soul of the catastrophe does not know that his current speed of movement is already faster than that of the average person, that is to say everyone in the canyon now... and at least twice as fast the above!

This is an extremely huge advantage...···

Chu Yang held the nine robbery sword and steadily advanced.


The tip of the sword suddenly touched a certain hard object. With the contact induction, the hard object should be a stone. Chu Yang turned slightly in the direction. Another sword in the left hand, the tip of the sword touched another stone at the same time.

Chu Yang roughly estimated that the passage in the middle of the Wangwang Gorge is almost one foot wide; such a width should be the narrowest part of this gorge.

It seems that the narrowest place they said should be this paragraph.

In other words, the ambush of the other side should be nearby, and the battle is about to begin!

Chu Yang took a deep breath.

Behind it, everyone has come to his inhalation: this is a signal: it shows that the battle is coming, and the madness is about to begin! Going out from here is an open place, but here, you need to go out with great enthusiasm. At its fastest speed, the shortest time.

Chu Yang's footsteps, the signal came out, the nine robbery sword violently erupted into a strong and fierce sword, and the body rushed out like an arrow. Behind him, he made a sound of 咻, a broken voice.

Behind him, there was no hesitation in the talks, and the speed of the shadows followed, and then Bai Yuchen and others, all of them sneaked in, just follow the broken voice in front, as long as there was no block in the front Chuyang, before There is no problem in the direction of the line!

Suddenly, I screamed in the air: "Hit!"

Immediately, countless unusually strong winds screamed and fell.

Chu Yang can think of danger in a narrow place, there will be ambush on the side of the enemy; then, the ambush is also the old rivers and lakes, and can you not think of this?

They naturally choose to lay ambushes in the places that are most likely to cause damage!

Countless winds, attacks, and hidden weapons were all in the first place, falling like a storm.

Every hit in this wave of attacks is a desperate blow by a master! Even most of them, after issuing this attack, would have collapsed.

The master of the holy class, will be collapsed by a blow, then the power of this attack can be imagined!

Now, at this moment, there are thousands of such desperate attacks, and they are coming at the same time.

Everything is dead, no life, no life, no life!

Chu Yang screamed, the nine robbers in the hands of the fierce dance, two grand swords, one left and one right, even in this dark universe of the universe, actually exudes a faint light.

Nine robbery swords.

Jiuyi Fengqi Qi party, I am not worried when I am dead!

Two magnificent swordsmen ran from left to right, and all the people on their side were protected under the Jianguang. At the same time, Chu Yang rushed out, nine robbery swords, a new soul, a reappearance to the enemy The trick is to kill the world, why not!

The body is like a streamer, rushing forward!

Behind Bai Yuchen and others, he thoroughly implemented the words of Chu Yang: "protect yourself, go all out!"

It doesn't matter that the two waves are like a desperate attack, but they are desperately rushing toward Chu Yang's body.

Unreserved trust, try your life!

With a bang, suddenly there was a strong and powerful impact roaring in the canyon. Then, the sound of the cymbals sounded one after another, which was the impact of the sword light of Chuyang and the enemy's attack.


Bai Yuchen and others almost squirted a stream of blood very neatly. Two of them were repaired to be weaker, and finally they were not supported. The moment was broken bones and bones, and they fell down like mud.

Hey, Che Xuchu’s right arm fracture was bent into a weird range.

But he still bit his teeth, rushed through without saying a word, without hesitation, hesitation, only one thought in his heart, rushed in accordance with Chu Yang’s instructions.

The two guards of Chuyang are already the guardian of the peak. I believe that even if it is the strongman of the sage level, it may not be easily broken. However, after all, it is too distracting, but also face hundreds of masters at the same time. The horror power of the attack. Among the ranks, there are still inevitable casualties.

Manpower is sometimes poor, even if the peak of the nine robbery sword has its limits, even under the full force of the wing, the ability to get out of this desperate attack belt is not enough!

Fortunately, Chu Yang is not only Chu Yang, but also has two saints who are junior strongmen. Almost at the moment when the two guards are gradually unable to support, the protection from the two great saints is released. It showed a huge role, and it protected everyone else and safely rushed over.

At the same time, there was a scream of screams from the top.

The soul of the catastrophe finally found the target, and under the cover of darkness, the killing!

In such a special environment, as long as the target of the catastrophe is locked, the soul of the catastrophe is completely invincible!

No one can kill the soul of the catastrophe in such an environment, even his body can not be found.

But it can be a deadly attack on anyone!

Gradually familiar with the catastrophe of this environment, confident in this environment, no need to fear any strong in the world!

But in a moment, at least fifty or sixty people have been killed in the wrath of the enemy.

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