Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 346: The battle in the dark!

Although the battle situation has changed, but the battlefield literacy that Mo Yuntian came to this time is indeed true! Although the enemy’s counterattack ability is unexpected, it is still in accordance with the initial strategic arrangement, staged indiscriminate attack, and still continues to move toward the bottom. The general catharsis.

In the extreme darkness, a sword is flying like a meteor, which is the only bright color of this dark world.

Chu Yang's nine robbery sword!

The two saints, Hu Shushu and Ma Shushu, tried their best to protect the whole team and tried their best to resist the waves of attacks. Both of them felt like they were being hammered by the mountains. Uninterrupted and constantly slamming.

Even though the two men have been deep-rooted, they are already the primary sage level. Even though the opponent’s attack is the highest, it is only the peak of the heavens. However, the two still feel difficult.

Passive guardianship, or guarding so many people, the so-called ants can still kill the elephant, not to mention the thousands of people who do not leave room to die together, to deal with two saints who can not fight back temporarily?

Both before and after have not worked hard, both of them have reached their limits.

But still dare not have the slightest slack, and support.

Chu Yangyi Ma first rushed forward, but why not kill the world, sharp swords instantly tore all the attacks attacked by Jianguang, from the dense attack, the students opened a way, leading the people to fight.

Talking about his body, he covered his strong magic, and followed him closely behind him. Then Chu Leer grabbed the back of his shirt with one hand and the other hand desperately released his poison. It was completely complete. The version of the ultimate poisonous magical power, constantly exhaled in the hands of Chu Leer, in this darkness, formed a death zone. Bai Yuchen and others followed Chu Le's body and rushed past.

In this way, the poisonous smog is invisible to everyone behind them. They have been given antidote by Chu Leer in advance. So they can be completely unscrupulous, but if there is a pursuit after the pursuit, then there is no such good luck. .

Two consecutive attacks, Chu Yang, even if it is extremely capable of guarding things, still inevitably lost four people.

Thirty-two people, only twenty-eight people left!

And the guardians of the two saints have already had some oil and light, and they are overwhelmed.

If it is not the catastrophe, the soul is on the top to kill, to attack, and I am afraid that the number of casualties will probably double again. Even more!

Chu Yang this is already fighting the old life · Nine Dantian at the same time output Yuan Li, nine robbery sword is always a trick to kill the world and why not, attack! The speed is almost up to the name.

At this moment, the offense is the best defense!

Above, the dream is boundless and suddenly shouted: "Go to the light and attack! Let's beat the light!"

All the people who heard the orders turned their targets and attacked at the point where Chu Yang was.

However, Chu Yang is now in an explosive state. Even when Jianguang faces countless bombardments, it is always invincible. At the highest speed, he always advances toward the front, letting the rain fall like a waterfall on his own body. Invited, actually did not stop, even if any moment!

After suffering from two fixed-point attacks, the people who have no dreams are simply stunned.

This person, is it iron?

Oh, it’s definitely not iron. I believe that no matter what the "iron" is under such a serial attack, it has already become iron slag, iron filings, iron powder, or iron ash!

However, Chu Yang can still stand upright, which is a miracle in all eyes!

Above, the soul of the catastrophe re-emerges sharp screams, invisible and invisible attacks, and there is an individual with no signs, inexplicable - the ground is twisted off the neck, the head is broken, and the heart is taken out, but even The shadow of the enemy attacking himself has not been seen.

"It is the soul of the catastrophe!" The dream was smashed and shouted in the darkness: "Execute the second plan!"

If you still fight according to the first plan, even if it can be effective, but people in this aspect are only afraid to be killed by the catastrophe.

Only forcibly rushing down, hitting the head!

As long as it is mixed with the enemy, then the soul of the catastrophe can't distinguish between the enemy and the enemy in such a situation, and can only passively stop, this is the safest way.

Although this way, it is inevitable that you will be unable to distinguish between the enemy and me. The possibility of being killed by mistake is infinitely magnified, but it is better than the slaughter that is now the target and one side. In the short time of a few breaths, it has already been smashed by two hundred feet, and among the two hundred feet, the number of people killed by the wreckage has exceeded 1,500!

Such a huge casualty, even if the dream is boundless, the majority of the troops now led are not their own army, and some can not afford it.

After the first team heard the order, they did not hesitate to stand up and landed toward the narrow passage below.

Chu Yang shouted.

No one guessed the use of his shouting. Only the soul of the catastrophe was the heart of the gods, and the whirlwind rushed down and stood next to Chuyang.

"You are helping me to open the way ahead." Chu Yang's voice is very weak. The successive attacks have just seemed to stand up. In fact, Chu Yang has already suffered an extremely heavy injury; but Chu Yang can not fall. .

He knows profoundly that if it is once it has fallen, the blow to its own team, whether it is physiological or psychological, will be a fatal blow! It will inevitably lead to a moment of panic and even collapse.

Don't even collapse, as long as such panic is formed, then, at most, no more than a quarter of an hour, the people you lead will be completely annihilated. There is absolutely no luck!

Therefore, Chu Yang can only support it hard and support it bit by bit.

Now, finally, the other side has taken the initiative to change the tactics.

Is the turnaround coming? !

Chu Yang did not trace the sigh, and pulled out the two flying knives on his body. On the other side, he talked about the understaffed helper. Chu Yang’s back, the legs and the hidden weapons on his shoulders were all silent. The interest was pulled down and the wrists were turned down and all disappeared.

The two brothers and brothers have never spoken, seemingly calm. But talking about the bottom of my heart is a tightening.

Only when I pulled out these things by hand, did I know how deep these hidden weapons were embedded in Chu Yang’s muscles.

These things are all things that are meant to be human life. Just one is enough to make a first-class master go to Jiuquan; and Chu Yang has been plunged into so many, no more than dozens.

In addition to this, there is the sharp palm of the mountain like a big axe, the sword and the sword, and all of them have been endured by Chu Yang. It goes without saying that Chu Yang’s injury is really heavy!

Talk to yourself and say to yourself.

If there is another attack, I will stand in front of Chuyang. He can't hold it anymore, and then barely support it, that is to send Chu Yang to death.

Also, the enemy is very powerful! I am only afraid to be prepared, even, to prepare for death.

If you must die, let me walk before my brother!

Talking about the heart, re-estimating these enemies, and making this decision!

Chu Yang smiled a bit, raised his hand and put the last super version of Jiuzhong Dan into the mouth.

This is the rest of the Chu Yu hands after the closure of the nine robbery space, the last life-saving cost!

There is only one such thing left.

If you encounter another crisis like the previous one, and the space of the nine robbers still can't be opened, you can only rely on your own ability to support, and there is no other Jiu Dan to save lives.

But look at the situation in front of you...

Chu Yang finally could not help but sigh.

The road ahead, I don’t know where the end is. Since I still have the ability, I will take it once again.

Under such circumstances, it is impossible to prevent yourself from being injured.

For the brothers, for the younger sister, for the gang of friends who have been accompanied by life and death, support until the last moment!

The wind in front is rising.

A terror oppressive momentum before the victory, rushed from the front.

Obviously, the enemy has launched an offensive again!

And attack with a new attack attack mode!

The soul of the catastrophe screamed and screamed into a cloud of fog, and the whole land rushed up.

Chu Yang is trying to keep up, but sees that he has been following his own, and he has pulled himself and pulled it to the back, and he has to be ahead of him.

A hoarse laughter: "Brother, this time, it's my turn."

Chuyang heard a word.

It’s not that he’s going to be awkward to do this. In fact, it’s not surprising to talk about it.

Even his actions were simply expected in Chuyang.

What really surprised Chu Yang was the voice. Now the voice of the talk is low and hoarse. It is not the original voice.

That is the voice of the devil!

However, it is the voice of the demon king, and the word "senior brother" is called out in an unprecedented way. Chu Yang can not be surprised.

In the accident of Chuyang, talking about the shouting, and rushing behind the catastrophe. Chu Leer became the one who grabbed Chu Yang's clothes, and only driven by Chu Yang's rushing power to drive her delicate body, no worries, full of poison!

Although there is still no enemy behind this team in Chuyang, it means that Chu Leer has spent a lot of energy, but only created a poisonous empty passage, which is almost meaningless; but Chu Leer knows Chu Yang must have this reason.

Therefore, even though it is always continually releasing the toxic power of the air, Chu Leer is still meticulously carrying out the order from Chu Yang.

In the darkness ahead, fierce collision sounds, screams, and snoring sounded continuously.

Chu Yang followed closely and talked about himself, rushing forward and rushing forward, constantly feeling that someone was passing by, and that person must pass the attack, there must be an attack.

In addition to protecting the rear of the talks, Chu Yang protects himself, but also protects Chu Leer, and even the most sharp counterattack against everyone who has passed from both sides. The speed of the nine robbers is silent. Throughput, there is a slight blockage of the blade cutting into the human body from the palm of your hand.

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