Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 350: Avenue imprint? not worth!

"On the road just now, I am afraid that even the two of us may not be able to survive. But even if they are in the most dangerous front, the pressure is heavier than us, but they still support it. They both repaired it. Far less than the two of us; but they have succeeded in doing what we can't do."

"In a series of subtle stimuli, we have judged that they are dealing with the wounds on their bodies. They only heard different places. There are at least 90 places in Chuyang. There are more than 80 places on the body. As for the other people, the most, but only thirty."

"And not to mention that these injuries are made by the master, even if it is a normal skin injury, so many are not the average master can bear; the so-called bruises are simple, but several people have actually experienced such a What about the bruises?! But they can do this for their subordinates. This is the superiority of the leader group, which is not what the average leader can do."

Uncle Ma concluded: "Who is working in such a boss, who can not do anything? This is the most terrible!"

"Yes, in addition, their development potential!" Uncle Hu smiled and thought for a long time, said: "One thousand miles!"

"As long as it takes time, Chu Yang, Tan Yi and their subordinates will inevitably become the emerging forces that sensationalize the entire Nine Heavens!" Uncle Ma gave a shocking conclusion.

Uncle Hu nodded infinitely.

Two young people who seem to be under the age of 20, can be trained to master tens of thousands of years, and even cultivated hundreds of thousands of years of predecessors; and in this situation, can still maintain a thousand miles of amazing entry!

This is no longer a terrible thing to describe. But horror!

Taking these two people as opponents is simply a nightmare!

"Once the day when the two people form a climate, Mo Yuntian······hehe, Yuan Tian, ​​this time, I’m afraid that it’s really true to the horse’s nest, and it’s still the kind of poisonous dead sage. Super poisonous wasp."

Uncle Hu said with emotion.

Demon Ning Ning raised his eyebrows: "Is it a bit early to feel the emotions? According to them, there are still more than nine brothers who have entered the country without losing their lives."

"Why do all the brothers do this?" Uncle Ma smiled bitterly: "Even if these two are enough, it will be enough for Yuantian to limit food and food!"

Talk about all the way, relying on that instinct, all the way forward.

The sword in his hand, this will have become the blind bamboo in the hands of the blind man. It is the tool that guides him in the direction. With the unusual feeling in his heart, he advances toward the infinite temptation.

In his heart, he slowly began to get excited.

This is definitely a great opportunity!

He can clearly feel this.

The two souls in consciousness are also talking like old friends.

This kind of conversation has already been carried out countless times. In the absence of countless conversations, the two souls have long been accustomed to this state. If there is such a day, one of them is gone, I am afraid that the other party will be very uncomfortable. What?

In the sea of ​​consciousness of talking, there is a person standing upright, in a black suit, with a long hair split down, and after the hands are negative, if the king is in the world, it is like the world.

Opposite him, he talked about the young treasure brother of Chu Yang, sitting there with his legs crossed, and smirking with a look of indifference.

"Before and in life, I was born and killed, I destroyed my life, but I finally gave birth to two souls. I am able to talk to myself after ten thousand years." It is also considered to be an unprecedented unprecedented in ancient and modern times." The demon king soul sighed softly.

Talk about it doesn't matter, smiles: "Yes, yes, it's good, I think it's very strange. You are me too, I am also you, but it is clearly different. Hahaha, this situation is really interesting."

The devil's soul is also laughing and laughing.

Tan Shurong said: "But I still want to thank you. During this time, if you are not teaching me with all your heart, my progress will never be so fast."

The demon king Yuanxiao smiled and shook his head: "You are me, I am you, helping others, helping others, why are you polite."

Talking, laughing and laughing.

"This conversation is very likely to be the last conversation between you and me." The demon king's soul is a bit embarrassed, and he looks at him with a negative hand, and his eyes are full of emotional feelings.

"Why?" Talk about some disappointment: "We can continue this way all the time. I certainly don't want to disappear. You don't have to disappear. When you are lonely, you can talk to each other and chat. Isn't that beautiful? ?"

The devil's soul is a stagnation: "Your thoughts are really different. ························································································· Safety..."

Talking about it: "Worry? Why worry? What can be worried?!"

The demon king's soul warmly smiled, but it was a bit envious of the smell, saying: "Or this is the true heart, it is what you can do in the future! The biggest reliance on it...················· You, the former me, absolutely can't have it."

"The true heart of the red, once was the thing that I pursued for a long time but never available. Now, the other one I got, I have, but..." The demon king soul sighed.

I didn’t know why I looked at him. I suddenly felt that the idea of ​​his departure was so strong. I couldn’t help but ask: “I said, don’t you disappear, okay? Dispel your thoughts; I am sincere. I can't bear to leave you. You also said, you are me, I am you, what is there in the two souls, I think it is good!"

The demon king soul looked at him interestingly and said: "You are so reluctant to me? Let me not disappear, it is not impossible. If I don't disappear, you must disappear. If you don't mind, I will be very grateful to you!"

"No, no, no, no, I am very mindful, very mindful... I said, there is no way to do both, the best of both worlds, is it not very good for us to have two people together?" Tan said with distressed hair: "Why do you have to have one? Can't you disappear? I don't know if I disappear, will you think about me? Anyway, if you can't see you in the future, I will be very unhappy!"

"Idiot." The demon king Yuanshen sighed: "This body can only be dominated by one soul. If both souls exist, the two souls will be integrated. No matter how the hearts of each other are integrated, they will always restrain each other and lead to their own energy. There is no limit to improvement, then, there will always be no way to see the avenue, and it will never be possible to embark on the peak!"

"This is the choice."

"I have already felt that the avenue imprint is somewhere ahead. If you or I coexist, the moment you face the avenue, you will destroy the two of us together. He will never obey the two masters at the same time. he."

"The avenue is ruthless, he will only belong to one soul." The demon king's soul faint smile: "This is the selfishness of the heart. But sometimes, selfishness is not necessarily a bad thing, especially for selfishness, only selfishness. Will go forward."

Talk about it, he really does not understand now, what the devil's soul is talking about.

"This body is always led by you. For many years, you are mastering it. You have to think that for a long time, I have never thought of robbing it. ·····The fact is that I am not taking it. Go, you must not think of me so kindly, if I can do it, you may have long since disappeared, and the smoke has been extinguished countless times." The devil's soul is a bitter smile.

Talked about his eyes wide open. I really didn't think that this ‘other one, actually wanted to compete for complete control of the body, and even annihilate himself forever. He is really completely prepared for nothing.

"Talk, I want you to promise me to do three things." The demon king's soul stood upright, and the black robe suddenly fluttered. The face that never really came out, but at the moment it became more blurred.

"Why is this? What kind of avenue imprint, can we not take it? So you can coexist with me!" said the sudden sudden.

"What? What do you say?" The devil's soul is really shocked by this statement. Who is this, obviously something that is not harmful to him? How can he turn to a direction that is impossible to turn? What?

"If you want to get that avenue mark, you must sacrifice you, I don't think it is worth it!"

"Do you know what is the avenue mark? Do you know how difficult such a chance is? You actually give up and give up, you are not a childlike child, it is simply stupid!" The demon king soul can no longer endure the roar It’s up!

"What is the placard imprint? I really don't know. What is it for him? Anyway, for the sake of him, I sacrificed you. I just don't think it's worth it. It's not worth it!"

"You········································································································ After a while, the shadows are scattered and reunite, I don’t know what to say!

"I mean, let's get along well. You can't take the lead of the body. I don't mind your existence. I like you very much. Why do you want to disappear because of what imprint? Still give up and go back!" Tan said nothing.

"No, you have to listen to my 1 and hear it!" The demon king soul screamed exhausted.

"How do you screw this guy? I am willing to give up the avenue of the avenue. Why don't you understand it? You will disappear!"

The devil's soul is so silent that he is staring at it! In the eyes, it is infinite excitement. The plaza imprint, how many people have been dreaming of the past and the past, how many people can't ask for it.

Is this stuff really stupid? ···...

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