Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 351: No magic!

As long as you have this opportunity, how many people can be disabled by hand and foot, and even the flesh and blood will fry and the brow will not wrinkle.

No one has ever given up such an opportunity for others, but talk about it, but today he can give up for him!

An unspeakable excitement, so that the devil's soul can not help but some of the surge.

"It’s late...·············································································································· !"

Talking about it, I tried to turn around and go back, and I found that I couldn’t take a step. Only when you go forward, the other directions are not moving.

When I talked about my struggle, I still couldn’t move. Suddenly lost for a moment, I couldn’t help but my eyes were red: "What should I do?"

The demon king’s soul warmly smiles: “The chance is up, yours is yours, and rejection is not possible... talk, don’t forget my entrustment, I want you to promise me three things!”

"What is it?" asked an inexplicable sadness of intuition and asked.

"The first one, you must be on the peak! This peak is our saint, or all the devils, the ultimate realm that has never been reached before!"

"The second thing is... always keep this childlike heart! I will never be able to live my life, I hope that I can keep this state of mind forever!"

"The third thing... is one of my non-sub-requirements." The demon king's soul faint smile, hesitating, said: "You will be married to Xie Danfeng in the future, the first child born, regardless of men and women, They are called... talking and laughing."

Talk about some stunned: "There are no problems with these, and the first one is more difficult. I will try my best to achieve it, but if I can't really get it, I can't help it."

The devil's soul is laughing and laughing: "Nothing. Besides, there are your brothers around you, he will help you with all your heart, why should I?"

He looked at him with a sigh of relief and said: "Talk about it, another me, goodbye, I can feel it. It is not far from the ground, to collect the biggest chance in your life."

Talking about it only felt that the mind was dizzy, and consciousness suddenly returned to the ontology. It was discovered that his body had reached a darker and almost dark place where there was no air.

Before I only talked with the Devil's Yuan Soul, the flesh followed the voice of the bottom of my heart, but I didn't realize that I had come to such a special place without knowing it!

Just in front of you, there is an ink-colored bead, and it is emitting a circle of darkness.

The voice of the demon king's soul is re-emerging in the darkness: "This is the pearl formed by the origin of the universe, and the master is in charge of all darkness. Talk about it, go forward, and accept him. This is the only thing that can be formed only by the heavens and the earth. Anyone, any **** strong, no matter how high the cultivation is, can't make such a strange thing!"

"This is the true nature of the world! Really true world!"

The demon king soul smiled softly, but in the laughter, it was full of an indescribable bitter taste.

That Yuanzhu can only be obtained only by talking about it, and it is absolutely impossible to get it.

The heart is really heart!

The gaze of Tan’s eyes has been attracted by the beads in the darkness, and I can’t help but walk step by step. If there are outsiders here, you can only see the darkness in front. Never see any beads.

But when you talk about it, you can see it clearly.

And still so clear.

After walking out seven steps in a row, the beads are within reach, and it seems to be a goose-sized bead. But when you look closer, the beads are only the size of the rice, and the surrounding is only wrapped in a thick black. Only gas.

When Tan Zhong’s shot was taken, he retracted, and he understood in his heart: If he took it, the demon king’s soul would probably disappear...·····


Very unwilling...

The demon king's soul is screaming in consciousness: "take it!!"

Talking about it, I only felt that my mind was shocked and stunned. I couldn’t help but reach out and grab the past.

The next moment, a black mist, spread from the beads, quickly climbed up to the palm of the hand, and then, along his arm meridians, quickly entered his body.

The path has penetrated into the consciousness of talking.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, the spirit of the demon king quietly watched the black gas coming in, and the hot light in his eyes.

This is my dream! I have always dreamed of it, but I have never had the ultimate dream.

After the black gas entered, it seemed to feel the existence of the demon king's soul. Suddenly, a moment of embarrassment, the instant illusion became a sharp edge. Killing the air!

The devil's soul is a bitter smile.

Sure enough, I am destined to disappear.

The black gasified knife smashed.

Everything in the world is ruthless, arrogant, and determined!

The demon king’s soul smirked and said: “I am destined to disappear, but I will not be killed. I will not be killed by the knife of the avenue. It will also be harmful to me in this life.” The body will not be allowed to float. The hair flashed through the knife, and then silently said: "My life, my past life, really farewell."

The eyes closed.

Immediately, his two legs suddenly dissipated and turned into black fog, entering the black mist that had just entered, and was quickly assimilated. Then it is the body, arms, hair,······

He always stood with such a negative hand, and seemed to be completely indifferent to let his body escape and cease to exist. !

The rate of black gas assimilation is getting faster and faster, gradually revealing his face, which is a handsome, almost suffocating majestic face.

But this face was just a flash in the pan, and then it turned into a black fog.

Perhaps, the name of the name of the 昙 昙; is that the meaning?

The demon king's soul finally disappeared completely and disappeared into the Three Realms, beyond the five elements.

No matter how alive before, it is earth-shattering; but when it is dead, it is full of peace and quiet, silent.

His lifelong cultivation has been turned into the most pure magical spirit, hovering in the sea of ​​consciousness, and then embedded in the flesh-and-blood veins of Tanjung...·····

Get it right.

Talking about it suddenly felt that his heart was hurting like a tear, and God immediately entered the sea of ​​consciousness, but only saw the last two eyes to look at himself.

Full of expectations, full of calm.

It seems to be saying to myself: No, talk, my life!

Tan 昙 suddenly burst into tears and cried: "It turned out to be you. It turned out that you **** is so handsome, it has caused me very narcissistic narcissism, you don't want to go ah············ ··”

The demon king soul has completely disappeared at this moment, and naturally will not answer him any more.

Talking about sadness and heartache, crying.

The blackness of the bead was constantly injected into his body. He seemed to have completely forgotten it, but he was immersed in his infinite grief for a long time.

The tears that flowed out were actually black. It was darker than the night, just like the ink-colored beads.

For example, the endless rich black gas is like the Yangtze River and the river is generally entering his body. Slowly, the black gas around the beads begins to be thin, and finally, "咻", the black beads enter the conversation without warning. body of.

Then, when you talked, you felt a bang, and countless pieces of information exploded in your own mind, and then the body's meridians swelled, and the bones of the body also seemed to break through the body, endless energy, rushing into the sky from the sky. Dantian...

Extreme pain, at this moment completely invaded his body and mind, his consciousness, his soul, his spirit.

Immediately, I talked and fainted.

Two drops of ink dripping on the ground, gradually becoming clear from the black, and then all evaporated: your three conditions · I will do it! The road to the road, you and me go forward together!

There seems to be a voice sighing in the dark.

亘古恒存, the origin of the stars; born by nature, no magical soul······

On the other side, Chuyang went all the way to the southeast; not much time, I felt that the call was not only present but also growing stronger.

The sword of the sword in the sword will not be inevitably slipped into the props of the road, and Chu Yang slowly looks for the past.

Along the way, Chu Yang felt that where he was walking, some inexplicable grasses and mosses became more and more dense.

The nine robbery swords have not been shielded from the function of absorbing the elixir but have never detected any effect on these grasses.

It seems to be a weed that is completely useless.

However, Chu Yang clearly realized that if the plants appearing here are really no weeds, they will not survive in such an environment. But for plants, there is always sunshine.

These plants must have specificity!

Therefore, every time he walks a long way, he will carefully bend down and pull up a grass and put it in his storage ring. Ready to take it out and see what kind of plant it is.

However, when trying to pull out the first grass, Chu Yang found that he had not been able to pull it. The grass leaves are unexpectedly tough and the roots are exceptionally tenacious.

Chu Yang’s thoughts turned, and the real power was lifted, and the right hand was pulled out. This felt that the grass slowly moved from the land, and then slowly pulled out.

Although Chu Yang did not see the specific situation, he could clearly feel the wonderful feeling that every root was separated from the soil.

When I pulled out the grass, I found out that it was really pulling out a grass, even the grass roots, and pulling it out together. There was no shortage of it, and it was not even broken. But there is another strange place, that is, the earth on the ground, but it has never been brought up.

After Chu Yang pulled out the grass, it was faintly found that there was still a round ball under the grass, and he did not care, and put it into the storage ring.

Then he carefully distinguished the appearance of each grass in the vicinity, in the principle of 'cheap is not white, not accounted for, and accounted for the white, the tenth of the brain was pulled out, and this was replaced by the next one.

So all the way to go, Chu Yang feels that he has walked at least four or five hundred feet, but the various types of weeds have been pulled out, but there are already hundreds of them.

Recommend a book:

: Introduction to the ancient dynasty: The youngsters who came out of the wilderness, were poisonous in their bodies, and were more devastated by the three disasters, but the fate of eighteen years. Ethereal life, the illusion of fate; easy to count does not change life, manpower can resist the sky. Everyone is going to see if they are not appetizing. If you can, please add a collection.

Thank you, brothers and sisters.

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