Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 360: One person can be a million enemy!

The sound is like a huge wave emptying, which instantly breaks through the entire sky and reverberates in the long air.

"Up! Let's go together and kill this demon as soon as possible!" The final move of Tan was actually rushing into the heart of the other army. This arrogant move undoubtedly caused a strong anger among everyone: I am widowed. The public, more than 10,000 of us are here, you dare to rush directly to the center to fight!

Do not say that you are not a strong sage, even if you have a sage level, you can't be so arrogant!

At the same time, the nine generals issued orders, and countless sieges of the soldiers and horses were clearly attacked. It was obvious that the hearts of the talks were overwhelming and the hearts of the people were the same.

At this moment, there was another shouting, a clear and melodious sound, and a sound that completely did not contain human fireworks said in a clear and faint manner: "A little cold and sorrowful, why not kill the world? Deeply buried does not change Ling Ruizhi, one The gathering of clouds is the emperor..."

The nightmare of the nightmare was heard, and the dream of watching the war closed his eyes in painlessness. He whispered: "Chuyang, he finally shot..."

Just in the eyes of the public, Chu Yang walked out, and it was like a flying cloud. It was full of chic and freehand figure, but it was mixed with the amazing speed far beyond the streamer. Even people with swords, like the sky, are so chic. It fell into the dense enemy array.

Under the rapid shaking of the long sword, the nine robbers screamed gently.

A little bit of cold light is like a starry sky, and every sword is precisely in the position of the enemy's throat, and it keeps going.

Because there is no need to do another attack!

But all the enemies hit by his long sword are all shaking their bodies, and the throat spurts a thin blood arrow. However, the thin blood arrow has already exhausted all of his body strength. The only thing he can do is to use it. The hand slammed into the throat, squeaking in the squeak, his eyes bulging, and slowly falling down.

The spirit of the catastrophe with a gloomy ghost, hovering over Chuyang, he will open the mouth again, the soul of all the dead, all of them were swallowed by him in the first time.

Such a step by step is like a slow progress, and the nine robbery sword is on his side, forming a sturdy body-protecting ball of light. Sometimes it shines brightly, sometimes it grows long, and sometimes it is full of splendid power.

This way has passed, but the enemies on both sides behind Chu Yang fell into pieces.

The elite soldiers of Mo Yuntian, at the moment, Chu Yang’s men are like chickens and dogs, letting them kill, no one is his enemy!

The nine robbery swords, there is no one injured, all the people who were touched by the nine robbery swords, all died, without exception!

"A blade of the sky, the world is full of autumn, this road Huangquan Tong nine quiet..." Chu Yang is full of cold and cold hail, the nine robbery sword method in his hands to sway.

One hundred people are killed in one step, and they are not left in the vertical and horizontal directions.

Behind him, Bai Yuchen and others made a big noise, and they followed the two people behind Chuyang without any fear of rushing into the army of hundreds of times and their own side! Everyone is passionate about each other, and they are afraid to die!

Chu Yang and Tan 昙 have only two people to be able to kill each other's Wanma Qianjun, do you wait for yourself to watch?

Chu Leer's white fluttering, the fairy's graceful and elegant, rushing into the enemy's array, the hand is lightly passing, the enemies of the film are so silent and turn over and fall silently.

Bai Shizhen closely followed Chu Leer, from time to time to sneak attack; she naturally knows that although this little girl and her master Mo light dance is not a big deal, but it is Chu Yang's sister.

Mo light dance often fights with each other and fights with each other, but as soon as it reaches a critical moment, it still does not hesitate to die for the other party. At this moment, her safety is undoubtedly crucial.

Behind, the demon Ningning also rushed up, and exhausted the rivers and lakes, but was dragged by Huma.

This will be different from the time when it was in Lonely Bamboo City. It’s a joke. It’s not a big deal for Chu Yang and others to kill it. However, if the demon Ning Ning rushes up at this festival, his identity and position will immediately It will set off an uproar between the two worlds, and it will set off a terrible battle between the two days.

Talking about this, it will be like a mad rush, and there will be a whistling in the mouth: "One thousand souls are sacrificed, and ten thousand souls are laid for; the kings are gone, and there is no spirit to carry!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

At this point, the entire battle has been rushed, and two people, like lions and tigers, rushed into the flock.

It is no longer the Moyun Heavenly Soldiers, who are surrounded by Chu Yang, but Chu Yang and his teammates talk about the reverse slaughter of the Yunyun Tianyi soldiers!

勉力 Supported the dream of watching the battle, finally closed his eyes, and muttered: "The cultivation of Chu Yang has been promoted to an inconceivable point. I have no power to do it. ··························································· ……I am afraid……"

"General, do we want to help?" A vice-president next to him asked: "Let's go ahead as it is. If we don't shoot, the top ten will be with their subordinates. No one can escape Chuyang. Take! and one person's poisonous hand!"!

The dream is boundless and faint: "The situation is stronger than the people, what is the strongest, even if we are shot, can they escape the poisonous hands of Chu Yang! And ... we are strong in the first place, I am afraid I will do it here. Burial."

"Currently Chu Yang····· is no longer an opponent we can fight against!" The dreamless voice is bitter: "Look at how Yushuai chooses. Now we go up, but it is just killing..." ··哎; Chuyang’s strength has entered the world so amazingly that it has become the affliction of our Yunyuntian. This is his dynasty, I am afraid that it will become a great feud of the foundation of my Moyun Tian······”

From the beginning, one of the ants who can easily pinch their own hands, in their own pursuit, grows into a powerful person who can then squeeze themselves to death.·····

All of this is happening with my own eyes. God knows what the dreams are and the nightmare generals are at this moment.

The world is really impermanent? !

The world is really impermanent! !

Dreams have nowhere to suddenly think of Chu Yang just a sentence: I Chu Yang in my life, will definitely extermination of all the official forces of Mo Yuntian!

Suddenly there was a tremor in my heart.

Above the battlefield, Chu Yang and others are as eager to rush as they are in the unmanned environment, flying back and forth; watching the six-way ear listening to the eight sides; vertical and horizontal, no one can stop!

Sometimes, like the mainstay, the general body can stand up and block a thousand horses and one army can't get through. Sometimes it is like a meteor flying across hundreds of feet to save themselves from being in distress.

Almost everyone seems to have turned into a thousand-eyed demon god. In this ever-changing battlefield, every place is even included in his own knowledge, omnipotent, omnipotent, omnipotent!

The nine squadrons who had been delayed by the rain, except for the already dead General Qin, were also planning to use their manpower to live and kill their abacus.

What's more, so back and forth rushing, north and south rushing aid, east block west kill, Chu Yang, their repairs have not seen a little loss.

This is an incredible fact that can't happen at all!

This fact has surpassed the cognitive category of people at the venue!

This kind of strength, even if it is a strong sage level, is there? !

But these two people, it seems that only the level of the heavens is cultivated, at most, the peak of the heavens and the human level, absolutely not to the level of the saints, what is going on! ?

However, the reality is that the two brothers and sisters are the same mad tigers. They rushed in the crowds of the Mo Yuntian side, and immediately fell behind them; they rushed away and fell behind them.

Demon Ning Ning is watching the dazzling and fascinating, and almost applauds.

"In the secular world, there was once a proverb called: a person who is stronger and stronger, can become a ten-man enemy, a hundred enemy, but since ancient times, who can truly become a million enemy?"

Uncle Hu witnessed that this battle seemed to be very emotional, and it seemed to be intended to sigh and sigh: "Secular people often use this sentence to warn the younger generation, do not rely on personal force, personal strength has limits, the most important It’s always the cooperation of the team. But, who knows, as long as the force reaches a certain height, even if it’s a million enemy, what can it be? It’s nothing!”

"Before I heard that Zizi Tiandi Zihao used to be a million-day demon with a long scream! After reaching a certain level, the key to a war decision is always due to the final battle of the leaders."

These few words are clearly said to the demon Ningning, and there is concealed meaning of preaching.

But this time, Prince Siren did not refute a half sentence, and even did not have a slight disappointment, nodded in agreement: "Yes, to the realm of Chu Big Brother, it is really a big world, but there is nowhere to go... ”

"Prince, if you want to become a friend of achievement with such two people, I am afraid that the strength of the Prince will be improved quickly. Otherwise, once they are too far away, even if they don't mind the disguise However, the Prince’s own heart, but there will always be some incompetence?” Uncle Ma saw the stitches and followed the temptation.

"You are right in this matter!" Demon Ning Ning's eyes glow: "When I return to the palace, I must try hard to practice! I will strive to break through my realm as soon as possible and reach the invincible level of Chu Big Brother! How can I really be happy and hate, and laugh at the world!"

Hu Shushu and Ma Shushu looked at each other and felt that they were old and comforted. After experiencing this change, it was not a complete harvest.

Prince Edward actually knows that the anger is strong... This is also a happy event worthy of firecrackers for the entire Yaozu!

The day game company made a picture, um, early morning. I still like it very much, immediately upload the public prestige; please take out the mobile phone, in the public prestige search winds, pay attention to me; then look at this early morning is not everyone's imagination?

Be sure to comment oh...·····

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