Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 361: Chu Yang's gift

To say that one of the most headaches of the Yaozu royal family at this stage is nothing more than this! This prince is too devoid of work; it is clearly a good-looking blank, and it can be extraordinary with a little care; but in practice, it is Ten days of fishing, nine days of drying the net, have passed, can deal with it, can not deal with it.

It has caused countless resources to be wasted, or idle; now, finally, there is a little bit of the glory of the Prince.

Really is not easy.

The two almost burst into tears, but they were speechless: on this point, they actually came from the people of Chuyang······


The army of Mo Yuntian, under the impact of repeated attacks, will have already appeared in a state of collapse; if it is not in the demon day, but in the locality of Mo Yuntian, I am afraid that these people have already lost their hearts.

But here is the Emperor's Day, away from the homeland, the life is unfamiliar, and naturally follow the army is no one dare to provoke, but if you escape from this air outlet and become a deserter, I am afraid that even a moment will not be able to survive.

The 15,000 sergeants, under the ravages of the two madmen, fell under the poisonous fog of Miss Tiandu, and they died in pieces. So far, they have been reduced by more than half.

And Bai Yuchen and other people will be like a madman, and they will completely fight for the law; but as long as they really encounter life danger, someone will come to rescue them. Really, there is no solution.

Block, can't stop; sleepy, can't sleep, kill, kill, die, beat.

The nine generals of the company have already finished five people.

And these five people, all died because of common reasons: after the battle, I found that Chu Yang and Tan 昙 are really killing, and they simply changed the target: I can’t kill you, I can’t kill you. Next?

But under this psychological urging, when they kill the white rain and others

You will find that one of the two killing stars suddenly rushes over.

The next moment, I became a fragment!

Five people are so dead.

The remaining four generals saw such a former car in the forefront, where dare to go out to rush? You can only choose to sit in the middle of the army, do everything you can to arrange and command, look forward to the miracle, give as much pressure as possible to the other side, in anticipation of using the sea tactics to consume their combat power. This is no way the best. The way, or the only way in front of you!

It is really anecdotal that the 15,000 people besieged the other 32 people.

At the moment, I’m talking about it. It’s already a bruise on the body. It’s absolutely impossible to charge in such a million horses. It’s absolutely impossible to get hurt. But every scar, talk about it, try to avoid the key points and joints. Although numerous, they are all just some flesh wounds.

Now he is completely crazy!

Fight crazy, fight crazy!

The mind is crazy and crazy!

The boundless blood, the boundless battlefield, gave the urge to talk about a complete and crazy destruction! It seems that only such a fierce battle can be used to dissipate the soul of the sorcerer!

It seems that only such a crazy killing can dilute the sadness in my heart.

He has always faced the world with his heart and soul, but few people except Chu Yang have thought about it. The heart of Tan is very delicate, and he cares a lot about things.

For example, family! For example, love! For example, friendship!

Moreover, Tan Yi and Chu Yang have the same habit: once I have it, I don't want to lose it.

Even afraid of losing, fear is lost, fear is lost!

Since the beginning of the resurrection, the demon king’s soul has been the existence of the teacher and the friend. This way, with so many years of companionship, countless cultivations, countless practice bottlenecks, countless life issues, It was solved with his help.

In times of crisis, he always comes forward and eliminates the scourge...·····

Now, at this moment, now, such a good teacher and friend have disappeared forever... I can imagine how sad the heart is. However, in the face of Chu Yang and others, Tan Hao can not always be uncomfortable.

He can only bury this emotion deeply in his heart after crying for a while, and dare not reveal it.

Continue to use this kind of self-adjustment, with a consistent heartless, consistent narcissism, omnipotent camouflage yourself.

But in this fierce battle, he finally stopped hiding!

I want to make you disappear, full of the dignity of the devil! I want to let you disappear, but also with the glory of the devil!

In the heavens and the earth, the devil will live forever.

This belongs to me and belongs to your glory!


Talking about it, the volley leaped, and the body whirls like a gyro in midair, becoming a blurred black shadow.

The next moment, suddenly came out of him again with a very strong magic, the magical vertical and horizontal, formed a huge black crown on his head!

"Take it!" Talked about Yang Tiantian, tears flew out at that moment: "Goodbye!"

This trick is the most powerful trick that the devil passed on to him! ! Supreme is the devil! "!

The ultimate trick of the crowning of the king!

In an instant, all the people on the battlefield have an illusion at the same time: all the weapons that have been seen in the world and have not been seen, all the hidden weapons, burst out from the high crown!

With a strong death!

Numerous black gas condensed into a variety of weapons, hidden weapons, weapons, from the sky like a downpour of rain. This kind of power, Pei Mo Mo Yu.


This wave of attacks can't be defended at all, because this is an ultra-dense, wide-ranging, non-discriminating attack. It can't be prevented from this side. Even if you support the all-around defense net and protective cover, only Will be caught in a weak situation everywhere.

Underneath is the endless screams of screams, the Moyun Heavenly Soldiers have fallen, and the blood will be like no money, pouring out.

In the air, there is only one black figure standing proudly, the crown of the head, the world!

Tall and straight!

The scent of indifference and ruthlessness in the body seems to be in the eyes of this figure, all beings, just like ants!

Under one trick, the army is destroyed!

"Soul of the gods!" Chu Yang screamed abruptly.

With the super-burst of this wave, the formation of the super-large range of killing is enough to make anyone chilling, but Chu Yang also clearly knows: This is a fear of the final madness.

It was also the last move and the last outbreak for the disappearing demon king soul.

After this move, the talks will surely fall into a period of weakness and exhaustion.

Although it seems to be pretentious and murderous at the moment, in the next moment of weakness, it will be a dangerous moment like never before, and madness has already been finished...·····

The catastrophe of this command was shouted and suddenly formed in the air. The strange screaming smoky rushed into the crowd all the way. Wherever he went, all the power of the soul was swept away by him, and all the dead air suddenly became the original strength of the catastrophe.

Puff puff……

Only this time, there are nearly three hundred people, under the looting of the catastrophe, the head burst.

"Stop them!"

"Kill them!" Bai Yuchen and others have been wronged for so long, and now they have finally got a chance to vent their anger. Naturally, they are struggling to fight hard and do their best.

Originally unusually thick, the enemy camp that could not be seen at the side slowly became sparse.

The total number of 15,000 people in the battlefield of the Moyun Tianjun, under the combined force of these 32 people, only insisted on a half-hour time, actually it will be dead and wounded! There are already fewer than a thousand people who can fight now!

The catastrophe smashed into the last remaining crowd.

The destructive power that has been nourished and the strength has been fully restored, the destructive power generated at this moment can be described as infinitely horrible. What's more, behind him, he followed a Miss Dad, and then followed by a nine-robber sword master!

They are all one after another big killer, superhuman life harvesting machine!

"It's over." There is a painful sigh in the endless dreams.

Seeing the last general's desperate support in the left and right sides of the Chuyang sword, struggling to survive, seeing this Chu Yang's sword is like a high-speed flying dance, each puncture brings out an unusually conspicuous blood red; In the end, the half-step saint's strong man was buckled by Chu Yang's right hand, and the whole body twisted and twisted.······

This manpower disparity, the final result is a completely reversed battle is finally over.

At your fingertips, you will be full of corpses!

Chu Yang waved his hand, Bai Yuchen and others supported each other and gradually withdrew from the battlefield, leaving only Chu Yang alone.

Chu Yang stood up in the direction of the dreamless, and suddenly waved.

A powerful and powerful force gradually condenses in this space, as if there were countless tornadoes in the air.

Ever since, the large corpses on the ground have been rolled up by this invisible wind, slowly gathering together, and finally formed a neat quadrilateral.

This kind of precision to the extreme super control, so that the dream is boundless and all the men are taking a breath.

In addition to the war in Russ, Chu Yang can still have such power!

The dreamless endless eyes are very complicated and stare at Chu Yang. It is undeniable, and the eyes are hidden from deep jealousy.

Chu Yang said faintly: "I heard that Mo Yun Tian Yu Shuai personally came to chase and kill Chu, but Chu has never been seen, and it is really regrettable. For the arrival of Yu Shuai, there is no welcoming...····· It’s rude."

Chu Yang looked up at the dreamless endlessly and said softly: "Now, Chumou borrowed flowers to offer Buddha, and presented the body with 15,000 pieces of body. It is a welcome welcome. The district is not respectful, but also please Yu Yu. No wonder. I hope that the dream general will transfer the meaning of Chu to the rain!"

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