Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 362: Rebellious

"After some action, the exercise was a little tired. If the dream general did not have his teachings, Chu Yang would like to leave and rest." Chu Yang smiled, and the handsome face remained peaceful.

Kill all the enemies of 15,000 people! Then give the body as a gift and give it to the commander of the other party!

Such a move by Chu Yang is simply a crazy move!

But the dream is boundless but deeply understands: This is not Chu Yang's lack of humanity, guilty, and inhuman; but Chu Yang is using such actions to express his anger at the bottom of his heart!

Perhaps the deeper meaning is that these bodies are warnings from Chuyang!

As long as someone comes again, the result is like these corpses at the moment!

Or it can be said to be a gauntlet!

The war book that declares war to the whole ink cloud!

"Chuyang, I admit that your strength is rising now. The old man asked yourself that you are powerless. However, you are so arrogant in this time, and it is too much too much." The dreamlessness is bleak, saying: "The old man is not able to hunt down." It has been punishable by the Emperor of Heaven. If this happens, he will go back to Mo Yuntian and accept punishment."

"You and me, or no chance to meet again." The dream said infinitely: "This is awkward. It is no longer important at this moment, but the old man is still telling you a word." It’s a bit of communication between you and me."

Chu Yang took a deep breath and turned his face into awe-inspiring: "Please speak!"

The dream is silent and silent: "The world is big, there are so many masters, there are people outside, there are days outside, it is absolutely unimaginable."

This sentence seems to be a nonsense empty talk.

Under the words of Chu Yang, it was unexpectedly silent, and after a long delay, finally said with caution: "Thank you!"

The dreamless face is still heavy, slightly dagger.

He always had a good impression on this young man in front of him. After a great opportunity today, he is always eternal. It is better to give this young man a piece of advice in this last chance and with the accumulated experience of his life!

Chu Yang suddenly looked up: "Dream general, reciprocate, I have to tell you a word."

The dream sighed in nowhere: "Please speak."

Chu Yang whispered: "Yu Shuai came here, I believe that his men will not have no strong sage level! However, in this battle, including in the canyon, I have never encountered one."

"With our strength, if we are not able to rewrite the situation of the master of the upper level, we have not seen the loss as slight as it is now." Chu Yang completely ignored the dream of the endless and increasingly ugly face, continue Said: "Dream old, I think you are in a state of Mo Yuntian, I am afraid that it is not very good."

The dreamless face is colorless and expressionless, and it is faint: "Chuyang, the mountain is high and the water is long, and there will be a period later."

With a wave of hand, you must take someone to leave.

Chu Yang smiled lightly, no more nonsense, but also turned back.

However, at this moment, suddenly there was a loud bang in the sky, and there was no sign in the sky. The black secluded Yu Wangxia, which came out from Chu Yang and others, suddenly burst into a myriad. s things.

It is like a torrential rainstorm, and it falls on the ground.

Instant blood splash!

A cold voice said: "Chuyang, you not only sent me those gifts, but also sent me these gifts."

Everyone's face changed, and they looked at them with amazement.

Falling from the sky is also a lot of corpses. I only fear that there are four or five thousand people.

The empty space that had just been empty was suddenly turned into a **** sea corpse and piled up high.

A burly and strong figure, step by step from the gloomy face of the King of the Kings.

The rain is late!

Moyun Tianyu Shuai!

Even in this subtle time, I arrived here.

Following him is a large number of Mo Yuntian officers squirting out and everyone is full of murderous murderousness, looking at the opposite of Chu Yang's eyes is simply can't wait to swallow him!

The rain was slow and waited for someone else to wait on the other side, completely cutting off the possible retreat of Chuyang, but after waiting for more than a day, still did not see the people inside to withdraw, for this result everyone is a little surprised. According to the predetermined strategy, no matter what, there should always be someone coming out.

Even if they don’t come out in Chuyang, the manpower on their side should come out.

The delay of intelligence was the most taboo for the military, so the rain had to send people to inquire. However, the three people were sent in succession, but it was like a mud cow in the sea. There was no news.

The rain was late, knowing that there was nothing wrong with it, and immediately led a hundred and ten confidants into the Wangwang Gorge.

At this time, the poison laid by Chu Leer has begun to decline. Besides, these people are all first-class masters. After discovering the poison, the rain will delay the display of the saints, and the air around them will be drained. Deeply cultivated to wrap all the people, this has gone all the way.

But the entry was not very far, and a large number of bodies were found. But in the darkness of no light, even if the rain is slow, it is impossible to tell whether these bodies are enemies or their own people. Under the groping, with some things worn on the bodies, this is the difference. Clearly, all the bodies are actually their own. !

"How can our people die here?" The rain delayed the body and took it on.

But I didn't expect more and more corpses in front of me. I tried to find out the identity one by one. It is definitely too late to determine the identity. The rain is delayed and ordered to be taken all by, and after going out, check how many of these bodies are their own. How many people are enemies.

But the more the corpse is going forward, the more than one hundred people collect all the way, and their storage rings are almost full, and this is finally collected. How much storage is the storage ring of more than a dozen super masters?

After the rain and so on, all the way to the road, finally came to the mouth of the Yuwangxia, but unexpectedly heard the conversation between Chu Yang and the dreamless.

For a time, I couldn’t help but get angry.

"Yu Shuai Shuai······" The dream is boundless, and I am about to explain one or two, but I was interrupted by the rain and hate: "Stop! Dreams are boundless, what face do you have to talk to me?" ”

The dream is faintly said: "There is no deficient duty in the job of arrogance. What is the name of the rain handsome?"

"Let your fart!" The rain was so angry that he was furious: "I let you command, you just commanded people to die? Is there still no defiance? Do you still want to lose your duty?"

The dream is boundless and faint: "I don't want to command the job, but the rain deputy coach should understand his own men. Will they listen to me? Do you know each other really?"

The rain was very angry and said: "Then tell me, why didn't you have a person who died? The facts are all in front of you, but you have to be eloquent here, and you can argue with words!"

The dream is boundless and faint: "That was also due to the fact that the commander of the rain had been told before, and I was not allowed to continue to participate in this fight!"

The rain was delayed by his anger: "So, you and Chu Yangxi cherish each other, talk and laugh, and sell me the secrets of Mo Yuntian, is it my finger?"

The dream is boundless and indifferent: "This argument is the side of the rain deputy, and someone who asks himself to ask for his own conscience can be worthy of the millions of souls, so this is enough!"

"Let's relax!" The rain screamed lately: "You have already pushed your heart with the enemy, and dare to talk about what is innocent. It's no wonder that you have led so many people to chase Chu Yang, but they have been defeated. It turns out that you have already been rebellious, and you have no intention of revenge for His Royal Highness, and there is no dream, you are a traitor to Mo Yuntian!"

This sentence comes out, the dream is endless, even if the temper is no better, the cultivation is higher, and it must be furious.

Even the generals of the nightmare army behind him are also sorrowful and inexplicable!

We have more than 10,000 people chasing Chu Yang and losing more than 8,000 people. Now you actually say that we are traitors?

"Also ask Yu Shuai to think a little more while you are talking. Our nightmare army is definitely not a traitor and will never become a traitor!" The dreamless face is cold: "It is this traitor, the word, Don't dare to be!"

The rain is slow and murderous: "The dream is boundless. The meaning of listening to you is that I said that you are a traitor. Is this seat wrong?"

Dreams are boundless without fear, said: "Yes, the rain deputy handsome is really a lack of consideration!"

The rain was delayed and the face suddenly turned black.

He turned his head and looked at Chu Yang’s voice and said: “Chu Yang, this handsome man is a long-awaited name of you, such as Lei Guan’s ear. With an ant like you, you can make us a great move, but it’s really proud. At this moment, this situation, do not want to say something?!"

Chu Yang is a bit unclear that this cargo is clearly in the midst of a dream, and the guilty guilty of the guilty guilty is so sudden that he turns his head and finds himself to talk, but also this preface does not lie after the words. I can't help but turn my eyelids and say: "What do you say? There is something to say! Right, there is something to say, I want to say very simple, you Moyuntian people can be enemies with me in this life, even if they die Falling in Huangquan, it is also something that is worthy of pride."

The rain is slow, full of pride and condescending meaning; but Chu Yang’s counterattack is even more extreme, leaving no room for further.

The two sides have a clear stand, and the dialogue naturally does not need to leave any room for further. In such a sham, it is only a reduction in one's identity!

The rain was slow and the face was cold, and the hate said: "Chuyang, you have been talking about what is unfair. It’s all how we make Yunyuntian sorry for you. Now, this seat will give you a fair chance. You Intermittent wars, I must be very tired, there is little power to fight again, I will give you the opportunity to adjust your interest on the side, waiting for your **** to be full, and then continue this battle."

Chu Yang smiled and said: "Sure enough, it is a handsome day, good style, but I don't know how the rain deputy is giving me a chance to play a fair war? Is your hundreds of people singled out me? Or am I going to single out more than a hundred of you?"

The rain is slow and faint: "When you wait, you will know what the coach is."

Even turning around and turning around, I no longer care about Chu Yang.

Chu Yang haha ​​smiled, simply doing it in the same place, and adjusting his interest.


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