Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 363: unredressed injustice

As the rain has been slow, Chu Yang is still really unable to go. !

If the forefoot is gone, the rain will be able to start chasing after the rain. If so, Chu Yang and Tan 昙 have the ability to escape from birth; but Bai Yuchen and others can be embarrassed.

After all, this time with the rain came late, all the first-class peak master!

Among them, there are five top players in the sage level.

The rain is slower and it is the middle-aged strongman of the saints. The four masters of the saints are the masters of the early stage. One of them is the peak strength of the early stage. Other people, at least the level of the heavens, are also masters of the heavens.

Such a team, if it is a full-fledged pursuit of Bai Yuchen and others, regardless of the cost, even if it can not be said that it is easy and indiscriminate, it is still very stable; in the whole team of Chuyang, if it is a plan Yang, Tan, and the catastrophe of the catastrophe, that is, Bai Yuchen and other three people have a little power, others, basically the bad situation of one touch and death.

This will be slow to catch up, Chu Yang wants to escape is not realistic, unless he can bear to let most people abandon! Only a few people are left to leave. .

But such a thing, Chu Yang is determined not to do it.

At the moment, it is only to wait and see, and then adapt to it.

Seeing that Chu Yang went back, the rain turned back and looked at the dream again, and the murderousness in the scorpion was getting more and more prosperous. The promise he made before was true and true, and there was nothing weird in it, and the reason why he did not hesitate to give Chuyang the conditions first, but in order to first win the dream!

As long as you have won the dream, it is tantamount to breaking the dreamless boss - Mu Shuai an arm!

"Dream is boundless, Gu Junen, betrayed by the enemy, the crime is conclusive; set the blood of the prince to ignore it, regard the commander of the heavenly king as a child's play, collude the enemy, and ruin me more than 20,000 sinful sinners! This despicable act is really sinful and sinful. Do not hesitate! The genus of the nightmare dreams, all in the wolf as a traitor; such a sinister traitor who blames the country and the people, not to eliminate the insufficiency of the civilians, not to kill enough to comfort the soul of the 20,000 souls!"

The rain is slow and the sound is slow. Looking at the dreamless endless eyes is as cold as frost, a word is like a chasing soul, and it is cold and cold: "You are the same, my rain is delayed today, instead of the Emperor of the Heavenly Order, this will be Mo Yuntian rebellious dreams have no place to win on the spot, if there is resistance, instant kill!"

"Get it!" After the rain was late, more than a hundred people showed a look of cruel and bloodthirsty.

"And slow!" The dream broke out and watched the rain delay: "The rain deputy handsome, even if the dream is guilty, it also needs to turn the ink cloud heaven, the ruling by the Emperor of Heaven! Yu deputy, you have not asserted that dreams of life and death Qualification and power!"

The rain is slow and late: "The rebellious, arrogant and arrogant, like you, such a despicable generation, everyone has to be stunned!"

He raised his hand and had one more token in his hand: "When the handsome boy arrived at the demon emperor's day, he had already sent back the news, and the dream was invincible, rebellious, Mo Yuntian, and Chu Yang, and other people who committed suicides... The Emperor of Heaven has already I am absolutely empowered to deal with this matter! The dream is boundless, do you still want to go back to Mo Yuntian to explain the rebuttal? It is destined to be hopeless in this life."

The dream is full of anger and tremble.

He is unbelievable, the rain is slow to find himself, is it so omnipotent? !

Even more unbelievable, it turns out that he has become a rebellious in the morning of Mo Yuntian?

When the Emperor Yunyun was only for the lateness of the rain, he decided that he had betrayed Mo Yuntian? !

Behind the nightmare army, the words of anger are extremely revealing, and there is an indescribable grievance inside.

In order to complete the task, so many of our peers are dead. Is it a rebellion between three words and two words?

Is there still fairness? !

Bathing blood kills 100,000 miles, away from home, alone in the army, alone, fighting, and unfamiliar. In the meantime, I don’t know how much suffering, how many grievances, and how much insults have become rebellious.

The dream is boundless and sighs. I only feel that my heart is sour and unspeakable.

"Yu Shuai Shuai, I know that your goal is me, I will bind it!" The dream said nothing but bitterly: "Just, I wonder if you can let me go to these brothers? If you are worried about their counterattack, I will order It was dissolved on the spot, and it never returned to Mo Yuntian, and it was in the world of Mo Yuntian’s accident.

Looking at the late rain, the dream has long been known, he will never allow himself to go back to the ink cloud in this time, no matter whether he has resistance or not, the outcome is already doomed, and once you read this, you can’t help but think.

"The generals!" countless officers shouted: "We will not abandon the generals to escape alone in any case! Since the rain is going to kill us, then we will fight with him!"

"Yes, fight with them, fight for you to die, and kill the net!"

For a time, the group is full of emotions.

The rain is slow and sneer: "Sure enough, it is all the shackles of the hills, the rebellious genus! Give me such rebellious rebelliousness, do not need to stay alive!"

The dream is boundless and sighs, and the look is stunned: "If you want to add sin, why you have no words, Yu Shuai’s acting is really grand and full of everything. Oh, my dream is born in Mo Yuntian, growing in Mo Yuntian, born as Moyun, dead For the Moyun people, they have been born and died in their lives. They are loyal to their majesty. They have never been bullied, but they never think of it. Today, they have become traitors in heaven. What is the truth? What is the justice?···· ·"!

The dream is not bound to the sky, but the laughter makes people sound, but it is like crying.

More than a thousand of the sorcerer soldiers behind him felt the same feelings, and they almost fell into tears.

Fighting for the life of Mo Yuntian, no regrets, no good men, throwing a head, sprinkling blood, why have you been afraid of death, not to be determined, but it has become a rebellious land of the guardian of the heart...·····

"Ha ha ha... ridiculous! ridiculous! Sure enough, justice is not in the hearts of the people, right and wrong is said by people!" The dream is boundless and laughs, tears finally roll and fall, full of despair.

The rain was late and the face was like iron. When I waved my hand, I said: "The people are still hesitating, and they will take the rebelliousness as soon as possible! First calm the chaos, kill the rebellious; go to the nephew, revenge and hate, Moyun Tianwei, all in the present. ”

But seeing his hand, it is clear that the sky is clear and the sky is suddenly stained with a strong black, a voice full of majesty said: "Get the dream is boundless, kill the rebellious, clear the heaven!"

Everyone listened clearly and clearly. This voice is actually the voice of the Emperor of the Clouds.

When the voice came out, the dreams were boundless and all the nightmare army was struck by lightning, and all of them shivered.

Speaking by the Emperor Yunyun, the dream is boundless is rebellious! ?

Then it is no longer a three-person tiger, a public pension, but it is not necessary, but must have!

In other words, this is already the same as the iron case, even if it is completely unrecognizable, it has now become a fact of being nailed!

The last hope of the dreamless mind is also completely collapsed at this moment.

How can a person who has broken his heart even if he is a saint? !

The rain was slow and cruel, and looked proudly at the endless dreams. "When you obey the emperor, you kill!"

"Get it!" More than 100 masters are more prosperous, and Qi Qi screams. Immediately, more than 100 people will take a step together and force them to the endless dreams, killing them and killing them.

The dream is boundless and sorrowful, and the lips are shaking with trepidation; the wise eyes of the past are also frantic and confused at the moment.

It seems that the faith and persistence of a lifetime have all collapsed at this moment.

Behind him, the more than 1,300 nightmare soldiers were all lost.

The "brush" sound, the hundreds of ink clouds that survived the previous battle, suddenly and neatly retreat, and opened the distance with the nightmare army. The withdrawal at this time is precisely the position: we have nothing to do with the dream!

They are not the direct subordinates of the dreamless end, but belong to the Emperor of the Clouds, this is not a downfall.

The situation is clear at the moment, the dream is boundless and the nightmare army has been rebellious. The name of Mingzhe is not a rare thing!

In an extremely silent state, I only heard the footsteps of more than 100 people moving slowly and rustling.

The sound of the tears falling, the tears of the nightmare soldiers.

The distance between each other is getting closer and closer.

"The general is not rebellious! We are not rebellious!" Suddenly, a deputy of the nightmare army was full of tears, shouting loudly and screaming.

In the screaming, he suddenly rushed out of his body.

"We are not rebellious! It is never rebellious!" His body trembled and his hands opened: "We have to meet the Emperor of Heaven to say that it is! This is the delay of the rain! The dream general is awkward, we are awkward!" We have to meet the Emperor of Heaven!"

However, more than one hundred people across the street did not say a word, and looked cold, staring at him coldly.

A sword light suddenly flew out.

"Wu Changfeng! Quickly open!" The dream is full of screams.

But the deputy named Wu Changfeng was holding a hand in front of everyone without a little reaction, and cried: "The dream general is not rebellious, we are jealous...···"

The sword light is like a lightning bolt into his atrium!

At this point, Wu Changfeng’s voice stopped abruptly, and looked at the snowy sword front of his chest in confusion, suddenly screaming and screaming: “...hey!”

The majestic body slammed forward and the thick blood spread slowly under him.

The dream is boundless, and the big voice says: "The rain is late, no matter what crime we are carrying now, we still have to go back to Moyuntian. We should at least have a chance to appeal! How do you kill the killer now?"

The rain is slow and faint: "Do you still want to go back to Mo Yuntian? I still want to have a chance to complain? Should I say that you are foolish or stupid? Or are you simply an out-and-out idiot?!"

He waved his hand indifferently and said: "Kill, one does not stay!"

The rain has been preparing for this all the time, and it has been arranged for a long time. When the first one came out, it had not yet merged with the dream, and when there was no investigation at all, it had already sent back a message saying that the dream had no way to chase Chu Yang, and the inside was quite embarrassing.

<Friends of Ao Shi Comic Publishing House suddenly came over and temporarily received a phone call saying that they had already boarded the plane to Jinan. Hey, I am going to pick them up. It’s too sudden, there’s nothing to prepare... I’m afraid I have no time codewords this afternoon.

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