Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 367: How is it good?

However, as far as the overall strength is concerned, it is still the rain that is late, and the advantage of Chu Yang is second, and the number of dreams is the most, but now it is the weakest party.

Chu Yang waved his hand: "Go to the individual to save the dream general, I don't want him to die."

Chu Leer looked around, it seems that no one is willing to do this work, had to go out of his own, the dream of the flesh and blood of the body is gently hugged back; a little effort does not dare to move, let the music visually, This body seems to have a subtle-intuition that can be scattered at any time.

The sage on the opposite side almost stunned his nose: "Chuyang, do you still have a position? Before the dream is gone, you have chased you thirteen thousand miles, killing so many people, and now you actually still Save him? Isn't this chilling your people?"

When this person spoke, he would find a weak point; after seeing Chu Yang’s instructions, Bai Yuchen and others did not listen to it, and began to make a move.

Bai Yuchen and others have exposed their ridiculous look. The reason why they do not move is definitely not because of chills.

There may be hatred, after all, there have been so many comrades in the past.

But at this moment, the dreams are almost the same as their previous encounters. They are all forced by one person and one command to the bleakness of homelessness. It is the same illness.

At this moment, Bai Yuchen and others are in the heart, the only thing that feels is that the rabbit is dead and sorrowful. From the experience of the dreamless people and others, I thought of my own encounters and the infinite sympathy from the bottom of my heart.

As for the matter of life and death, everyone has their own positions, hateful, and will not even forget, but when it comes to hatred, it is really impossible to talk about it. Above the battlefield, you live and die, how can there be a lot of truth?

Chu Yang smiled and smiled: "How do I do things, it seems that I still can't take care of you; how old are you? For my decision, you know how you have this qualification?"

The man was furious: "Chuyang, you have to think that you have the upper hand! In my opinion, you are still far behind! The chickens and dogs are vulnerable!"

Chu Yang squinting: "Is it? Why didn't I have the self-knowledge that you said? You can't practice it, are you taught by your teacher? Is it the legendary mouth cannon invincible?!"

I heard Chu Yang throwing a voice and omnipotent provocative words, all the sage masters across the face were all furious, one anger from the heart, evil to the gallbladder!

Ignorance juniors, big words!

In their eyes, Chu Yang, although there are some transports, some tricks, some small means of not being able to stand on the table, but in the end it is always a small person, or that it is still a cockroach ant, that's all.

Although this ants had killed the ninth son of the ninth son of Mo Yuntian, the massacre was a sensation, but according to the investigation, the massacre was simply killed by Chu Yang with the secret of life, and Chu Yang itself. Strength doesn't matter. As for why he can use life secrets without dying, although it is more shocking, it is always saved. It is not his own ability, and he retreats 10,000 steps, the killing of Chu Yang that day. · The super strong people at the sage level at the scene may not be able to do it themselves.

Now, seeing Chu Yang actually speaking in front of their right-handed strongmen, and arrogantly, they can't help but be angry and unbearable!

The sage master said coldly: "Chuyang juniors, if you still want to live longer, you should pay more attention to it, you can not be sinful!"

Chu Yang’s gaze sharply faintly said: “I don’t know who else I am, I can’t afford to sin. You’re saying that you’re more difficult to provoke than the Emperor’s Yuantian limit. I have already provoked Yuan Tian, ​​and even his son has killed. And it is still very good at the moment, it is not right, it should be much better than before. I found that my recent strength has entered the country, far more than before, it is really enjoyable. It is.

Chu Yang leisurely said: "The so-called people are more dead than people, goods are worth throwing. If you can't compare yourself to Yuan Tian, ​​you can think about it and think more about it. You can live longer."

The master of the saint heard the moment of anger and could no longer restrain it. This is on the fire, and I heard this sentence. The so-called main humiliation and the death of the minister, Chu Yang has said this to the book, and he can endure it there?

In front of the body, it is necessary to shoot.

"Slow." The rain screamed late, forced to open the soul of the catastrophe, and a vertical shift came to the middle of the confrontation.

Since the rain has been delayed, it has become a number of people in the Mo Yuntian military. The knowledge is naturally not comparable. He has now raised the danger of Chuyang to a level beyond the limit of dreams.

Do not say anything else, a master who is able to drive the sage level "to rob the soul", will it be a leisurely generation?

Now the power of the endless dreams has been declining, especially the dreamless endlessness is almost a life-like candle. As long as no one gives help, it will die, and there are still more than a hundred remaining soldiers, even if they are The catastrophe is entangled in the soul, as long as Chu Yang is not in this subtlety - when the mouth intervenes, his subordinates will clean up, it is definitely a minute!

"I don't know what the rain deputy coach has to see?" Chu Yang sneered.

The rain slowly took a breath: "Chuyang, this is the internal affairs of our Mo Yuntian, but it is a private matter. You are also a person with great identity. Why bother to intervene?"

Chu Yang smiled: "Yu deputy is too lifted to raise someone in Chu, and I don't want Chu to be a big man in the eyes of the rain deputy handsome! It is a great honor, since the rain deputy coach said so, in love Li, Chu must not intervene

The rain was slow to hear the words, and my heart was secretly from the belly. This Chu Yang is young, but a scene is evenly settled, but nothing is true!

However, he listened to Chu Yang and continued: "Just if I really don't intervene, dare to ask the deputy coach after the matter is finished, will you let me go?"

The rainy smile was frozen on the face and silent.

Let go? !

In any case, it is impossible to let Chu Yang go.

Chu Yang, this is the biggest goal of their long journey! How could it be let go?

The rain is slow to silence, saying: "Chuyang, our Mo Yuntian and your previous hatred are the great revenge of human life; but now it is when I am in the middle of the chaos, the rivers and lakes have their own rules, and they have their own rules. Laws; please wait for the time! This handsome is here to feel great!"

Chu Yang smiled coldly: "The deputy handsome is really a good eloquence, it is just the boss of the invincible man who just made the mouth, it is better than just a few! Just so few scenes want to send Chu, the deputy is too convinced of his mouth Cannons still feel that Chu is young and ignorant, can he bully at random?!"

His smile is even colder: "Since each other has long been doomed to endlessly vengeance, I still control what clean up the civil strife? The more civil strife you have, the better it will be for me. Since you are in chaos, well, this is for me. It’s a golden opportunity. Why should I avoid it? I feel so kind. I can’t give it such a feeling, I’m grateful, and it’s an idiot to be laughed!”

The rain was late and frowned, and the look became more and more cold.

He is already clear at the moment. Chu Yang is ironic to intervene in this matter.

"Returning 10,000 steps, although I have been chasing after me forever, but Chu is admired by the iron man." Chu Yang proudly looked up: "If the dream is not in the pursuit of killing me When I was killed by me; that was his fate."

"But such a hero is so wronged by you, I can't see it!"

Chu Yang turned his head and looked at the flesh-and-blood dreams. There was no pride in his eyes: "Dream is boundless and we have no **** hatred; but I would rather... I would rather die in my hands, or... ...dead on the battlefield against the devil; but never succumb to death here."

"Death in the most despicable political struggle. Become a chip of sacrifice."

Chu Yang said this, saying that there is a sound.

Among the 800 paralyzed soldiers who survived, some people sobbed softly.

Chu Yang’s words are extremely honest. They are extremely sincere and are definitely not buying people’s hearts.

But because of this, I was really moved by the hearts of these **** men.

They may have their own life creeds and will not be compiled by Chu Yang. However, they do not even hope that their brothers and their respected people will be sacrificed. They are so wronged to die and die so humiliated. It will be branded with a rebellious mark that can never be washed.

The rain turned around and looked at the people on his side. Then I looked at Chuyang, and I quickly measured it and came to a conclusion.

Contrast of high-end strength, on your own side, even yourself, there are five sages who are strong, and they are already sages!

The other party has the spirit of catastrophe, the two great saints of the demon royal family, in addition to a Chu Yang, the strength is unpredictable, it seems that only the level of heaven and earth, but the strength can not be ignored, may not be as good as the saints, as for Yu Although the strength is good, there is still no ability to influence the final outcome of the war!

In this simple analysis, I still have a slight advantage on this side, but it also takes a little advantage. It is hard to say that it will win!

If it is really a big fight now, then the most optimistic result is won, but those who can live on their own, including themselves, may not be able to exceed three.

If it is a bad defeat, I am afraid that at most, only I can escape. Everyone else will definitely die here!

Such a result, no matter which one, even the best and most optimistic result, even if Chu Yang and the dreamless people are all dead, it is not worth the loss for the rain, because now Still standing, in the rain camp, are the absolute backbone, or their own loyalty.

If these people are dead, the blow to the rain's late power will definitely be more serious than that of Mu Shuai's loss of dreams.

Even Chu Yang and the dreamless endless are dead in this battle...·····

The current rain is too late to feel that it can't afford to lose so many people.

However, Chu Yang is now clearly eager to cross a bar.

This is a bit difficult to do, and it is a dilemma.

Today is the birthday of ‘月洛莹蝶, let us wish her a happy birthday, every year, today, and now. Well, don't worry, the little butterfly in the book is about to be born...·····

I saw a post from the sub-moderator, I was very touched. Just want to say: I will not fall if you are there! I will stay with you until you are tired of me!

I have a lot of stories to write to you. I hope that each of you will laugh and be happy. If this happiness is what I bring to you, it will be my life's glory!

thanks for your support!

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