Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 368: Can you dare to fight with me? [First! 】

The rain is slow and late: If you let go of this opportunity, the dream is boundless. When they leave Chuyang, they will sneak again...·····

The rain is slow and I really don’t know when I can have such a good opportunity.

The rain is too late to think about it. It is rare that some of them have no idea.

Not only is the rain delayed, but Chu Yang is also a bit guilty of looking at the lineup there.

Although the man who is late in the rain is now a group of remnants, it is difficult to speak bravely, but the real combat power of each one is still not to be underestimated. Especially if they can survive the wind and thunder, it proves that each one is not a leisurely generation.

The weakest of them, and almost the same level as Bai Yuchen, even if there is a slight gap, it is definitely not far behind.

On his own side, there is only oneself and peace talks, and the soul of the catastrophe can support it. As for the dreams, there are full of wounded soldiers, one is not available, and there are two elders of the Yaozu, the second position. It is really inconvenient to be hostile to the Mo Yuntian military. It is difficult to count on it. Once the war is over, the other party will certainly not be better, but it is also a serious injury!

It is not a good idea to force a war.

For a time, Chu Yang is also somewhat hesitant about what to do.

For a long while, the two are relatively speechless.

"Yu deputy handsome, since everyone loves the feathers, it is better to propose a proposal by Chu, to solve the deadlock before the eyes, how do you see?" Chu Yang thought for a long time, finally made up his mind.

The rain frowned and said: "How do you say?"

"Before the rain deputy coach once said that to fight with me, this language is especially lingering in the ear." Chu Yang smiled: "If this is the case, simply let you and me fight, single-handedly, fair In the First World War, how about breaking this grudge?"

It’s so late that the rain is so unbelievable that Chu Yang: “You and me? Fair war? One-on-one?”

What is the fairness of this heart? Is your kid looking for death? I have never seen such a fear of death! ? If you say that the catastrophe is a one-on-one battle with me, I am afraid of one or two, and you are going to fight? !

"I am going to fight. If I lose this battle, I will take people away from the crowd, and I will never interfere with the silence of your Yunyun Tianping. The dream is boundless. It is alive and dead. I don't care. As for whether you have handled the civil strife or not. If you want to chase us, you have to choose it yourself. We will block the soldiers, and all of them will be taken."

Chu Yang said faintly: "But if this battle is finally I won, the dream general and his majesty, I will take it all away. You must not pursue!"

The rain was late and laughed: "Since the master of Chuzhuang is so arrogant, this seat has doubts, and he gambles with the master of Chuzhuang. If I lose, I will bring people back to Moyuntian immediately! Where is there any more? What to hunt for!"

"Of course, if the seat is finally lucky, the master of Chu Zhuang can still leave if he has a life. But if it is unfortunately annihilated on the spot, don't blame the ruthlessness of this seat, do not give in on the spot, raise your hand without mercy. The reason, the owner wants to understand."

When the rain is late, I think it’s a good deal to win and lose. It’s not worse than the sky.

I am a middle-level peak of the saint, and I have to deal with Chu Yang, a peak of heaven and earth. What else can there be ‘fortunately, one?

Not only is the rain so slow to think so; even his own men, as well as a dry dream army everyone also hold the same idea.

Is Chu Yang crazy?

Even some people think that Chu Yang is not difficult to ride a tiger. Just a gesture? If you hit three strokes and five styles, you will run straight if you admit defeat.

Otherwise, why does he challenge the sage intermediate with the current peak of the heavens?

Even if it is as strong as the uncle of the saint's primary peak, such as Uncle Ma Hu Shu, one-on-one challenge rain is slow, even if it is not to be spiked, there is no chance of winning. It’s too bad to see Chu Yu’s pitiful repairs at the peak of the heavens and the humans...···

At this moment, the wind in the sky was turbulent, and suddenly a majestic voice said: "Gambling is about to be established. Fair war! This day accepts this war arbitration!"

However, it was the demon emperor’s vows to the Secretary, and the agreement between the two involved the secret plane. This war has been recognized by the heavens and the earth!

Everyone on both sides is amazed!

"Right, this war has already explained that it is a one-on-one battle between me and the master of Chuzhuang. The soul of the catastrophe can't get involved in this battle!" The rain slowly remembered the horror of the gods, and quickly added one.

"Yu Shuai, since it is a one-on-one battle between you and me, what is the cause of the catastrophe? The name of the catastrophe is not called Chuyang, and it is not so coincidental that the rain is slow. ······" Chuyang Haha laugh.

The rain was too late and I couldn’t help but look old.

Quite a little bit of the feeling of a gentleman's heart.

Just in a few words, the way to end the three-party battle is so sure.

Even other people have no time to express any opinions as discouragement.

The person who is slow on the other side of the rain must be sure that no one will dissuade him. It is rare that Chu Yang will be so idiotic and take the initiative to find death. For such a brain-destroy decision, he is naturally happy to see it, and he will raise both kinds of encouragement and fulfill him. . !

But the person who dreams of the endless side has an unspeakable sorrow on everyone's face.

They are all people who have handed over with Chu Yang. Chu Yang is certainly a good repair. According to his age, whether it is repairing or progressing, it is extremely valuable. From the first time, but to the holy level, even To this day, the peak of the heavens and humans, this is definitely a miracle, but... he is still a lot worse than the rain.

The Mengmeng Junshi is very convinced that as long as he gives Chuyang a period of time, maybe three years or five years, he will certainly be able to surpass the rain.

But now the gap between the two is still quite large, and there is a fundamental gap.

To give a simple example, in the previous black hole battle, Chu Yang performed exceptionally well. It is a veritable, realistic and realistic sea god, and the results achieved are obvious to all, but this achievement is still only the level of heaven and earth!

If the rain is delayed, the nightmare will fall into the situation of being chased. This is the essential difference between the level of the saint and the level of the saint, especially the rain is late or the middle of the saint!

Therefore, Chu Yang’s single-handed rain is one of the brains’ death-seeking behaviors!

In addition to looking for death, we must completely ruin all the vitality of the nightmare army!

However, the Nightmare Army did not blame Chu Yang at all. If there was no Chuyang, it would have been wiped out by the whole army together with the dream general. Now, Chu Yang is for his own life and put his own Life also gambled in!

Even before Chu Yang, even if he found an excuse, he would take people away. Everyone would not blame anything. On the standpoint, the two sides are enemies. Even at this moment, this hostile relationship has not changed at all. Chu Yang stands by. This is a matter of course, nothing wrong.

But the current situation is that Chu Yang not only did not leave, but also for the survival of himself and others, to have a decisive battle with the rain. More importantly, the gap between the two sides can only be described as far-reaching. It can be said that Chu Yang is already fighting for the rescue of these people!

How can this reality make people not touched?

I think about the day when I waited for a group of people to lead the death of more than 100,000 miles of Chu Yang and others, and then see that Chu Yang is now righteous for the rivers and lakes, to save lives, to save themselves, etc. people······

Yishou Yuntian, Yuntian Gaoyi, nothing more!

Every nightmare soldier who survived this moment could not help but be stirred up.

One of the nightmare officers screamed abruptly: "Chu Zhuangzhu, your heart, let us all lead; but everyone is an enemy, the position is very different, you really do not need to make such sacrifices for us, please Chu Zhuang The Lord will leave with your brothers; if there is an afterlife, we will make a good friend with the owner!"

A few people shouted in unison: "Chu Zhuang, please leave quickly! If there is an afterlife, let's talk again!"

Chu Yang smiled lightly and said: "Why is it necessary to wait for the arrival of the students, to tell the truth, I am in favor of this duel, and I also want to use the rain deputy coach to verify the extent of my own cultivation." It’s not for everyone, so you don’t have to worry too much.”

Everyone who hears this in the nightmare army has an unspeakable warmth in the heart.

Chu Yang said that it is clear that he does not want to have more psychological burdens for himself and so on, so he put everything on himself, but the more he said this, the more people in his heart recognized him.

The rain was slow and overcast, and said: "The master of Chuzhuang is really a good way to draw, but it is a pity that I will not be with you. Otherwise, these defeated soldiers will only be afraid to do their best to be honest and die."

A military officer of the Nightmare Army laughed insanely: "The rain is late, you are a despicable villain, the heart of the villain is always difficult for the gentleman's belly, we are willing to be drawn, willing to accept such a draw, how can you Land? If it is you, we don’t even look at you!"

A group of nightmares suddenly laughed and said: "Yes, the rain is too late to count a hang? Let's accept the kind of people like him? You said that the master of Chuzhuang is playing tricks, but the old man I am willing to be fooled, I am willing to buy money, I am happy, can you manage it?"

The rain is slow and the mouth is squinting, saying: "A group of bullying ignorant rebellious, wait for the handsome man to be good to say hello to you!"

Chu Yang calmly said: "Yu deputy handsome, the outcome is not divided, is it the right thing for the Daoist to swear, is that you are sitting on the high level? Come here, let's take a good look, how do you rely on it? The true skill is on the position of Vice-President Mo Yuntian."

The rain was slow and the face was blue, and said: "What you will see, you will definitely see, Chu Yang, you can see the true skills of the handsome man, you will be satisfied with it."

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