Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 369: The battle of the rain is slow! [Second more! 】

At this moment...!

Talking and yelling: "Itching is ......"

Chu Yang heard the words in a horizontal direction, talked and hurriedly changed his mouth: "Senior brother, discuss things with you, do you want me to do it with him? I will definitely let him cool the sky, cool to burst, cool to satisfaction ......"

Chu Yang has a black line. How can this be so embarrassing? Can you not care about your identity? I am not afraid of losing my share. I hate the moment: "Hurry and go cool! How far is the end of the world, how quickly you will die for me!"

Talking about shrinking his neck, laughing and screaming, he was speechless, but he finally couldn’t help but say: "Then you have to work harder, let the rain deputy handsome cool. I can't tell the rain. I am here to find you every day."

Chu Yang turned his eyes and was speechless for a long time.

Why is it that the current life and death of a fierce life-and-death fight can be made so ridiculous?

Talent! Wizards! Ghosts!

The rain was slow to hear the words but it was mad and pale, shaking his fingers and pointing at the talk: "Oh, the ugly ghost! Waiting for the old man to clean up Chu Yang, will definitely let you know this ugly ghost, what is cool and cool!"

"Oh, I am so scared..."... I screamed and screamed, suddenly my hands clenched my buttocks, pinching my nose and twisting my buttocks, and twisting and squeezing the rain slowly: "Oh, you are really bad! Really bad. Bad is really bad!"

Everyone on both sides, without exception, has a layer of goose bumps on the body.

Chu Yang body clouds generally drifted out, rushed to a top of the mountain, cried: "The rain is late, the speed is coming to death!"

Get out of here quickly, or else listen to it and say so. If you haven’t called the rain, you will be killed first.

The rain was slow, and a black line quickly leaped up and chased the past toward Chuyang.

A broken mouth of this ugly ghost can be compared with 100,000 soldiers and horses. It’s really impossible to listen to it. If you listen for a while, you will be able to get angry and mad, and you will be angry....

Just in full view, the two figures are like a meteor catching the moon, flying far away.

In the air, the two people said in unison: "Before the battle is over, no one is allowed to shoot!"

Ever since, the three parties have confronted each other on the spot, and each one is rushing to heal the wounds; all the nightmare troops are surrounded by dreams, carefully treating the wounds for the dreams and seeing the flesh and blood. The unconscious dream is boundless, everyone is crying in the eyes.

Occasionally looking up, seeing the enemy opposite, is full of ambiguity.

This is the case in all three aspects. But before Chu Yang and the rain have not returned, no one dares to act rashly.

The rain was slow, and the army was full of confidence in the cultivation of the rain deputy handsome; but I don’t know that people in Chuyang are equally confident in Chuyang.

Everything is silent, waiting for the final result to come.

Suddenly, a roaring sound rang loudly, and then a sword light suddenly flashed, and another sword light was like a dragon in the air. This moment, the sky is eclipsed!

The battle between the two peaks has apparently begun with the roar of this life!

This is the first time that Chu Yang has faced the sage intermediate strongman since he debuted!

In the history of Chu Yang’s battle, it will also be a battle in history!

There is a loud bang in the clear sky, and two magnificent swords lightly meet in the air. At that moment, it collapses into a starry sky, and it scatters, and the whistling sound of the screaming sounds immediately. But it sees the instantaneous silver light on the opposite side of the hill. Masterpieces, between heaven and earth, turned into bright silver at that moment.

It’s already afternoon, no wind, and the sky is a bit dim, still bright.

However, the two screaming swords lighted the entire forest neatly. The sound of screaming is more like a ghost door closing together!

Sharp swords, and the white clouds of the sky are also fragmented.

Seeing this situation, everyone is eclipsed, and I can’t think of the battle between the two people. It’s so earth-shattering from the beginning! It’s not surprising that the rain has been repaired so long, but Chu Yang actually reached such a point. Even the rain can be divided evenly with the rain, without falling into the wind?

This result is undoubtedly a shock to the eyes of a local!

Chu Yang, who is in the midst of the war, only feels the blood in his heart, which is a kind of intense and extremely warlike, infinitely embarrassing.

This kind of surging warfare, especially in the face of the rain, the pressure from the strong, so that Chu Yang's heart suddenly burned up, it is difficult to suppress.

It is a bloodthirsty warfare from the bottom of my heart, an inexplicable impulse to try! It seems that the militant factors in the blood were suddenly detonated. The supreme power of the supreme power that had just come from the sacred king gorge suddenly stirred up in his body, hehe.

This force, such as unlimited unlimited and unlimited, provoked the strong reaction of the Nine Heavens, and also provoked the fierce murder of the Nine Robbery Sword!

Although Chu Yang kept his face still, he could feel that he was already burning. It is a kind of **** emotion that is itching and eager for a big fight.

Therefore, he will take the initiative to propose, to fight the rain late!

But only once, Chu Yang felt the horror of the rain, and Yun Yuntian deputy, really did not despise the name of the intermediate saint, this repair is really not covered.

When a sword fights, Chu Yang clearly feels that his strength is at least two different grades than the other.

This is a fundamental difference in helplessness, as if the four digits are definitely larger than the three digits, even if one thousand is nine hundred and ninety-nine is still a thousand bigger!

Even though Chu Yang has nine Dantians in a steady stream of power, the power of the Supreme Spirit is agitated and swayed at any time and every place; but this time, under the attack of a sword, the rain is slow. Late is just a slight sway, Chu Yang himself is violently retreat seventy feet, especially from the standstill!

But at this moment, Chu Yang’s heart is like a boil, and once he retreats, he goes on.

As the shadows followed the rain, the intensive attack like the mercury and diarrhea was launched. His body was like an ethereal black smoke, and he suddenly turned back and forth, suddenly and suddenly, and changed and unpredictable.

The rain is slow and the corner of the mouth is sneer, the whole person keeps standing still, it is really calm, seeing the move, seeing the break, without any confusion; Chu Yang’s attack is like the tide of the sea, one wave is higher than the wave It seems that there is no end to the rest, but the rain is slow, but it seems to have stood in the sea for hundreds of millions of years of reef, letting you blow the waves, I am not moving, and forever.

The rain seems to be in the passive defense, but in reality it is to wait for work, the so-called "one drum, and then decline, three exhausted" as long as the Chaoyang-like offensive once stagnate, it will Welcoming the rain, the mountain is overwhelming, and the general counterattack!

For this, the two people in the bureau are naturally well-informed!

Offense has always been the best defense. Pure defense is undoubtedly much more difficult than pure offense; the rain can be passive and passively endured by Chu Yang's attack and safe and sound; but if the two exchange positions, they will come from Chu Yang. Suffering from the rain, the madness of the storm, the absolute power of Chu Yang is not caught.

The cultivation of Chuyang has always been a lot slower.

Therefore, the rain is slow and unhurried, and the bamboo is in the chest.

Such an attack by Chu Yang is absolutely impossible to persist for a long time, even if it is long and powerful, it is impossible!

I have to see how long your kid can last! Wait until your kid can't hold it down, see if I don't pick you up!

The rain is very smug in his heart; his defense is not pure defense. Every shot he sends is a real-time intermediate saint. As long as the two sides have a little contact, Chu Yang will be forced by the other side. The skill counterattack caused the body to shake vigorously.

Under such a fighting atmosphere, both sides of the battle are top masters, shaking them is a flawless flower, and it is still a fatal flaw.

However, the rain was late and cautious, and he did not think about it. He first thought about defeating. Especially after a few rash attempts to counter the losses, he had already grasped the idea of ​​steady and steady.

Anyway, I have already won the game, and there is no need to risk winning, not seeking meritorious service, but seeking nothing; with the old man’s hundreds of thousands of years of pure cultivation, even if it consumes and consumes you, it consumes you!

However, I don’t know that Chu Yang’s heart is also self-satisfied at the moment, full of joy: this rivalry opponent is really too literate.

As far as the current real strength of the two sides is concerned, if the rain is delayed, regardless of the strong counterattack, then Chu Yang has not yet fully integrated the repair of the true spirit, and absolutely cannot support it for too long.

Chu Yang is not only to lose, but even the opportunity to retreat is very small. It can be too late to be too cautious, and dare not let go, this gives Chu Yang the ultimate move, the ultimate consumption of self-cultivation, internal and external catalysis, the maximum integration of the true spirit!

In fact, it is no wonder that the rain will be so late. I believe that no matter how a sage intermediate level is strong, as long as it is not a fighting madman, it will be like a rainy time. Looking at the past and the present, there are several people who can be like Chuyang. The sages of the strong strategists, dare to deliberately consume their own cultivation, in order to break through, it is the most unwise to find death!

After selling the flaws several times in a row, I saw that the rain was still slow and the soldiers did not move. Chu Yang was completely relieved, but it was more and more relaxed.

"A little cold and glamorous!" Chu Yang's body flew like a meteor, and then retreated, and it is carrying a sudden return!

"Good sword! Good trick!" The rain slowly saw a big drink, and the corner of his mouth contained a smile, and he did not panic and calmly meet.

"What if you want to kill the world!" Chu Yang was a big drink, and he rushed out again.

"Good swordsmanship!"

"Deeply burying and not changing Ling Ruizhi!"

Nine robbery swords such as the flow of water in the hands of Chu Yang hands from the best show, but with the thunder of the world! The boundless Sen Han Jianqi, rushed over to the rain and the waves!

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