Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 370: How to win? [The third! Make up! 】

The rain is so slow to resist the eight strokes, but it is more and more that the other's swordsmanship is unparalleled; and the pressure is getting bigger and bigger. With each other's moves, they almost have to do their best. Going to defense, even so, especially missed swords.

These defensive swords can only be repaired with the sage intermediate!

Fortunately, Chu Yang has not yet married the saints. If Chu Yang has been sacred to the sage level, even if the sage is the primary, the single attack will stop the rain and look good! !

However, it is precisely because Chu Yang has never been at the level of the saints. This round clearly has the advantage and has taken the upper hand, but it has not hurt the foundation of the rain!

The rain has been slow to fight for a lifetime, and I have seen a lot of knowledge, but it is also the first time that I have encountered such a super-skilled sword. Even in the midst of the war, I still can’t help but dazzle my gods. Interest is getting stronger.

These swords, I must glimpse the mystery of it!

Chu Yang is only a celestial level, and this sword method can actually force me to defend defensively; if I control this kind of peerless swordsmanship, I will not be able to win the battle and win the battle in the future! ?

The rainy eyes were more dignified, and they stared at Chu Yang’s hand and carefully examined the mystery of each move in Chuyang.

However, what he does not know is that the Nine Robbery Swordsmanship must be combined with the Jiuzhong Tianshen to display it.

Without the cooperation of the nine-fold gods, even if he can fully learn the posture, it is difficult to play the power of recruiting!

"A blade of the sky and the world of the autumn, this road Huangquan Tong nine quiet!" Chu Yang sighs and sings, Jianguang scatters.

The rain is slower and the same is the Jianguang vertical and horizontal, open and close, just from the beginning of the full defense to the nine guards and one attack, because he found that Chu Yang's swordsmanship seems to be endless; the more fighting, the more The pressure I feel is getting bigger and bigger!

On his own body, there have been seven or eight criss-crossing traces of white. Although I didn't really scratch the skin and hurt my body, I also felt pain!

"This situation is not good, can't continue this way." The rain was slow and delayed: "You must try to contain it."

Speaking of the best way to suppress Chu Yang is undoubtedly to attack and attack. As far as the general principles of martial arts are concerned, once the party has a strong counterattack, the other party must put some power on the defensive. In this way, it is impossible to fully The attack was over, and the rain was slow to follow this idea, but today's battle situation is completely subverting this principle.

The delay in rain has increased the counterattack. The opposite of Chu Yang has not been defensive. Instead, it has become even more crazy. Jiuzhong Tianshen has been operating at an ultra-high speed limit that has never been seen before. Nine Dantians are also operating at the same time. · While exporting outwards, it has formed a fierce whirlpool, which attracts the power of the true spirit in the body and slowly withdraws from the skeletal muscles. It gradually gathers into Dantian to supplement its consumption!

This specific process is slowly going on.

If the rain is late to know this situation, I will definitely go all out to try my best to counterattack and completely kill this process: because, in his estimation, Chu Yang should be close to the exhausted Dantian at this moment, but at this moment, the energy is overflowing again.

Not only is there no sign of exhaustion, but the golden droplets in Dantian are gradually increasing at a considerable rate!

Chuyang is like an offensive that is like a mountain. It has never been weaker, but it has become more and more fierce.

The glory of the glory of the glory of the glory of the glory of the thunder!

However, in the eyes of the rain, this is the performance of Chu Yang who has gone to the end of the strong, support, and spared no effort to fight.

"Ning will be completely hidden, but change the green to kill the mad!" Chu Yang once again screamed and screamed, and the whole body disappeared, and the whole person disappeared, and the whole person turned into a splendid sword light!

In the glory of a star-like flash, the madness of killing and killing is like a flood of rain.

"Oh, ·················································································································· The winner is in the grip and the big picture is in hand.

The two swords are gathered together and come to the fore.

Behind the Jianguang, Chu Yang’s figure suddenly reappeared, and he said, “Not necessarily!”

There are four strokes that come out.

There is no wind and no sword, and there is no blade and no sword. The life and death of Fang Xiaojian is the best, and the vicissitudes of life know the silence!

These four strokes are based on the desperate swordsmanship of life, and the serial attack, under a round of offensive, let the rain delay the trouble. The last sword first strike, hidden in the splendid dazzling sword light, Chu Yang even with a hilt, solid, all without a fake hit the rainy late chest and abdomen!

The rain in the middle of the move was slow and sullen, and the body could no longer remain motionless. The whole body flew backwards and only felt a sharp pain between the chest and abdomen.

The eyes finally showed a strong anger!

Ever since I was promoted to a middle-aged sage, I haven’t been hurt for a long time. It’s been a long time, but I didn’t think that I’m actually hurt by a junior who is not a sage-level leader. ! !

The fierce, overbearing, and unexpected of this move finally made the super master who was as strong as the rain, and suffered a little injury!

After the rain was delayed, he retired ten feet and grabbed his chest and abdomen with his hand. He slowly raised his head and said: "Chuyang, good swordsmanship!"

Opposite, Chu Yang sweated, gasping, sneer: "This is not good, the real good sword is still behind!"

The rain is cold and cold: "It's a pity that you have succeeded in angering me. The swordsmanship is not meaningful to me. Chu Yang, today, I will kill you!"

Chu Yang smiled and leaped: "The rain is late, don't play where you can, and whoever kills it... that's not necessarily!"

Suddenly a big drink: "Red dust is ruthless, do not accept the knife in the world!" A crazy arrogant sword, even suddenly pressed down.

This wave of offensive, but it is a wide range of non-discriminatory attacks, the whole world, seems to be full of Chu Yang's Jianguang, from top to bottom, full of the dense Jianshan Jianhai!

Between heaven and earth, only the sword!

When the rain was late, I heard a long scream and flew in. The long sword slammed into the sword and the sword. Then, the endless collision sound continued to ring. Eventually due to a loud bang.

The rain drowned in the Jianshan Jianhai reappears, and the body spins, as if the foot is unstable, and then retreats.

The opposite of Chuyang looks like the situation is even worse, the whole body is spinning, and the wolf is flying out, flying out of more than 30 feet before returning to the ground, squatting, squatting, falling again ten A few feet!

On the ground, two deep traces were drawn by his feet!

The two people who fixed their physique looked up and looked at each other in the same way, and they all felt awkward!

At this moment, the rain has finally felt the real crisis of a cold bone: on his shoulder, there is a blood mark! Although it only scratched a little bit of skin and skin trauma, even minor injuries were not counted, but the rain delayed the other thing, the most sacred, self-identified saints, in front of Chu Yang, No longer can't be destroyed!

Chu Yang's sword can actually threaten his physical safety!

In the rain, the heart of the police is so worried that it is difficult to calm down.

It’s just that the rain is slow but I don’t know. The vibration of the opposite side of Chu Yang is even more unparalleled.

For the first time, Chu Yang encountered such a vast opponent! The continuous nine-robbery sword will be used, the other party can block the block, but when you can't block it, you can simply use the body to resist!

Even if the sword is sharp and sharp, and I use it with my current super-limits, I will go all out to stab a sword in the other side, and I will not be able to penetrate it!

To know that the battle has come to the present, Chu Yang has been trying to break the defense of the other side with the nine robbery sword.

However, in addition to adding white marks to the rain, it is impossible to invade the flesh even with the sword!

The firmness of the sage's intermediate golden body, even the unsuccessful nine robbery sword can not break the defense. The last time, I was even more desperate, the ultimate force to destroy the whole body, but still can only draw a blood mark on the shoulder of the other side!

Chu Yang is actually very clear that the reason why he has achieved the same result is that the nine robbers are not sharp enough, but their own self-cultivation is too weak! If you can also have a middle-level cultivation of the saints, you don't have to be at the same level as the rain. You don't even have to have a middle level of the saint. As long as you have the primary strength of the saint, you can slaughter the rainy body as if you were cutting it. The dishes are average.

But the reality now is that it is not enough for self-cultivation, and there are fundamental differences on the foundation! !

Chu Yang gasped, and thought about turning the electricity, thinking about the law of breaking the enemy. If even the defense of the other party can not be broken, what is the battle to win?

Even after a series of fierce battles, although the duration is very short, but each round of warfare is full output, although the vitality can be endless, long-lasting, but the physical fatigue load is unavoidable!

The opposite rain slowly sighed a sigh of relief. Before that, he was crushed by Chu Yang. The repairing and spiritual strength he spent was extremely huge. It can be said to be several times more than the consumption of Chuyang. Always tight, I dare not have the slightest slack.

At this moment, I finally got to the moment to breathe.

What I never expected was that the rain was slow and I just had a sigh of relief. Chu Yang, who should be more tired than him, had already rushed again. Under the flash of a body, the grandiose sword light that once again shines so far across the distance of forty feet, and came to the rain late!

The rain is very angry!

It is obviously a small cockroach ant, who dares to take such a deadly face to play. It is really unbearable.

The rain was slow and long, and I fought back.

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