Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 372: Who is mean and shameless? ! [Fourth! Make up! 】

Another round of fierce battles will open again!

Chu Yang turned over and over, and used the thirty-six strokes and nine-rocketing swordsmanship method to use it ten times and several times. The rain was delayed and launched an all-encompassing cover-up attack. Every time the swordsmanship was used, there were some new understandings. .

The rain slowly and clearly felt that the power of Chu Yang’s swords was slowly increasing, although the increase was not very obvious. However, the current swordsmanship is more powerful than the swordsman at the beginning. Almost already two people!

Is this **** difficult to take my sword?

The rain has been inexplicably inexplicably raised with this incredible idea! However, before and after a Lenovo experience, the more you want to be more and more right, the more you want to get angry!

At this point, the rain is surprisingly angry!

I want to be a deputy, I am a deputy, and you can use it to practice swords.

The rain was slow and long, and Jianguang suddenly became a big hit. It was a powerful force that had never been seen before.

At this time, Chu Yang suddenly turned a rib and went out and said: "Who?"

The rain is slow: Is there anyone else nearby? How did I not find it? But Chu Yang discovered it?

I saw the opposite of Chu Yang’s angry voice: "The rain is late, I respect you as a senior, a day of command, this promises to fight with you alone, a fair fight, I can’t think of you actually arrange the next hand. The ambush is on me! The rain is late, is it like you are a predecessor? Is it a deputy coach of the day? You are so arrogant and fat, is it a good one?"

The rain was too late and angered: "Fart! When did I arrange for the man to ambush here?"

Chu Yang looked angry: "Do you dare not admit it? The man and the man are dare to dare to do it, and they are worthy of the world. I can’t think of your rain, so it’s so boring! Do you dare to do it?! Do it, actually When the face is denied, the wording is sophistry! Do you think that the people in the world are all fools and scorpions?" After all, the face is full of disdain.

The rain is so late that I can only get seven cigarettes: "The yellow-haired boy is nonsense! There is no one here, where is the ambush?"

"Ha ha ha..." Chu Yang ridiculed the sly smile: "The shameless person is trying to cover up the truth? Do you still want me to come up with evidence? Prove that you are so mean?"

"Good!" The rain is late and the most arrogant, will you accept such insults? Loud: "As long as you can come up with evidence, the coach will admit your mistakes on the spot!" While talking about the energy of the soul, carefully search in a void.

Chu Yang stepped on the first eight steps and looked up and said: "The dark arrow hurts the ink cloud, and the egg is not ready to roll out!" A group of rats stealing dogs and stealing people, dare to shoot, but dare not come out to see people? ”

The rain was slow and I just looked at Chu Yang with a sneer.

However, Chu Yang said with anger: "Do you think that you will be able to trace the soul, I will not find your trace?"

The rain is a little late: the soul is soothing? Is there someone who is watching at the side? Who on earth is it? If there is a means of sacredness, it is not a general generation. Is it true that there are people who want to fish and profit? ! Unable to concentrate on a little spirit, increased the search for knowledge.

I saw that Chu Yang’s anger was once again going up and down, and suddenly he shouted: “Isn’t it still?!”

I saw that Chu Yang’s wrist suddenly shook and the nine-robbery sword in his hand came out, mixed with the unspeaking wind and thunder, and spurred toward the sky somewhere. Jianguang 璀璨 straight up the nine heavy 霄!

When the rain is late, I can't help but look up. I have to look at it.

However, at this moment, Chu Yang, who had just thrown the long sword into the air, suddenly came out in the moment of the sword’s shot. The rain was slow and the side just raised his head, and he felt suddenly black. The road is not good.

However, it was too late to do any action, and then I felt a huge fist slammed into my nose!

This is really unpredictable, and it is impossible to prevent it!

The rain is slow at this moment, the whole heart is searching for the inexplicable ambush of the air, and Chu Yang has always been showing the sword, and now the sword has been removed, clearly it is already angry to the extreme. The only thing is That 'ambulance, body.

It is a delay of 10,000 percent of the rain.

This fist is solid and full of no fakes on the nose of the rain!

The rainy late face was suddenly thrown out of a white light, which is the guardian of the saint's golden body. The whole person's body flew off the ground and was thrown back by this fist. I only felt a sharp pain on my face!

The rain is slow to know that I am in the middle of my mind, my heart is furious, and Chu Yang has followed it up and down. It is also a fist in the rain that is falling backwards, and then it is full of horsepower, two Fist with countless phantoms, like a torrential rain, dense and lingering in the rain!

The rain was delayed and the body suddenly came out of the ground. When the spirit just returned, it suffered a heavy shackle. At one time, it could not respond in time. Only the body could passively fly backwards. The white light flashed on the face. The laps of the circle were thrown out by Chu Yang.

Chu Yang has a huge impulse, every punch is exhausted with all strength, like a blast, and heavy rain falls on the face! On the nose!

If you don’t play anywhere else, just hit your eyes and nose!

The rainy body is like a broken kite. It usually flies out of the hill. The Chuyang claws in front of the body are keeping up with the fists. The fists are like a meteor hand, like a heavy rain, only playing white light!

While playing, Chu Yang screamed: "Late, you are a mean and insidious villain!"!

"The rain is late, you dare to count me!"

"The rain is late, you actually attacked!"

"The rain is late, you really have lost the face of the ink cloud!"

"The rain is late, you are the king of the eight lambs!"

"The rain is late, how can you be ashamed and shameless to this point!"

"The rain is late, I am really cold for you!"

"The rain is slow, you are a despicable villain who kills a thousand knives. In the fair duel, he uses tricks and sneak attacks on me!"

"The rain is late, I have seen your so-called ability, and you are such a despicable and dirty villain!"

The rain only felt that the heart seemed to explode.

Who is mean and shameless? Who is the sneak attack?

Who is the intrigue?

who is it? who is it?

Who is it? !

Those things are clearly what you Chu Yang did! It's you! It's you! !

It is you who use tricks to sneak into me. After you succeeded in the sneak attack, you actually slammed it all without shame, and all the scorpions were buckled on my head. Now I can still say so confidently and righteously!

Even more ridiculous is that you actually said so grievances!

How can you be so shameless?

It’s just plain and shameless to go down and down.

But all these words are in the rain, and there is no chance to say it at all. Just after his whole person has been defeated, his feet have not landed!

Just need to land, you can breathe a sigh of relief, fight hard to slap a few times, but also get rid of this embarrassing situation.

However, in this short period of time, Chu Yang actually blew out 399 fists! There is no such thing as a slight gap. Chu Yang’s punching force is full of violent impulses. He does not seek to hurt the enemy. He only wants to rush forward. Even if he uses the tens of thousands of hammers, he can’t step on the ground. Can fall so badly all the way!

I don’t even dare to open my mouth to change my strength. Because... once I open my mouth, my teeth will definitely be knocked out!

In the current situation, relying on the strong defense of the saints to resist the Chu Yang attack, once forced to open the mouth will temporarily break the sage's golden body, although other places will not be seriously injured, but the teeth will inevitably Where it is broken, there is a place where a few saints can not be fully protected.

The delay in the rain is now in line with an old saying: the dumb eats berberine, and there is hard work to say. Dumbs eat cockroaches, and they have their own numbers.

I’m so eager to go crazy and crazy, but I can only beat it all the way!

In the original open space, the injuries of all the people on both sides have been bandaged, one by one, and the other are contemptuous. If not both sides have the strict rules of their respective leaders, they are afraid that they will have been killed all over the place.

If the gaze can kill people, I believe that everyone on both sides has already died at least 1800 times!

The rest is only worried about the two sides who are currently fighting.

On the hills in the distance, Hao Ran’s swords rushed and circling, flying like a **** and the gods in battle. These fierce battles made everyone look at each other.

Even the people of Moyuntian, who had been confident in the rain, couldn’t help but feel at ease.

I am familiar with Rain's fighting style, and I can see it. At this moment, I am lingering in the air. It seems to be smashing the sword of the heavens and the earth. It is definitely not the sword of Yu Shuai!

Since it is not, then it must be issued by Chu Yang! ?

If you follow this inference, you can come up with a very amazing, very ridiculous, incredible conclusion: Since the beginning of the battle, Yu Shuai has been passively beaten? Has always been at a disadvantage? Even in an absolute downwind!

When I think of this, everyone is full of brows and wrinkles, and there is a strong worry on his face: Is the level of strength of Chu Yang already so horrible?

Thinking about this, but seeing the sky Jianguang suddenly dissipated. It seems that the battle over there has stopped!

Everyone stood up without agreeing with the enemy!

Everyone's heart is rushing in a hurry: Who wins in this battle?

Suddenly, a loud bang rang, and then I heard a series of screams of Chu Yang’s anger: "The rain is slow, you are a despicable villain!"

The sound is clear and powerful, full of penetrating, shaking nine!

Everyone is together: What happened? Chu Yang is so angry?

Immediately, Chu Yang’s drink screamed in succession: “You actually count!”

"You actually attacked!"

"You actually use intrigues!"

"You can't beat me and use this as a means!"

"What heroes are you?"

"It’s really chilly..."

Everyone’s heart suddenly realized: As expected, the truth is so!

"To make up the second chapter, I still owe a chapter, and I will finish it tomorrow. 》

Please take out your mobile phone and pay attention to my public prestige. Search for ‘Winning the world, let’s pay attention, thank you. After a while, I passed the image of Yu Bingyan.······Please comment on it. >

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