Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 373: Righteousness is ruthless!

I have seen that the rain has been in a state of passive defense. I have already felt that he is not an opponent of Chu Yang, but he did not expect that the rain will be delayed in the event of self-knowledge, in such a fair battle. Still using the mean means?

Such a person, actually still the deputy handsome of Mo Yuntian?

For a time, everyone’s contemptuous eyes shot toward the face of Mo Yuntian’s people.

The people who were late in the rain were all flushed and restless, and they all lowered their heads. The eyes of the other side were full of contempt, full of sneer and ridicule, and it was difficult to face them.

Talk about the strange noise: "Ah haha... Mo Yuntian deputy handsome, hey, really is a good ah, can't afford to lose, even the conspiracy tricks are used, haha... This is the fair war proposed by Yu Shuai Shuai. This is the style of Mo Yuntian. Hahaha·····Teached and taught, today it’s really **** up and seeing.

In real time, Bai Yuchen Che Xuchu and other people screamed into a piece.

The dream is boundless, and the generals are even more popular: "It’s such a junky thing that the rain is slow, so we have seen it. We’ve seen it so much, we’re not surprised.······”

"That is, the rain is a plate of dog meat, and it is impossible to get on the table; there is such a person who occupies a high position. It is really a great sadness of Mo Yuntian..."

"If you know that you can't beat others, you will use your intrigues in a fair decisive battle. Oh... It’s really rainy deputy..."

"How else can he not have been overwhelmed by Mu Shuai? It’s a character like him... Hey... what is his spring and autumn dream..."

"makes sense……"

"That is..."

On the other side, the rain-stricken people waited for a face to be dull, deeply shy, and wanted to refute one or two, but the facts are in front of them, it is impossible to obliterate the conscience, only secretly from the belly, how can the rain deputy At this time, what else can you do? Is the strength of Chuyang really reaching the point where it can't be countered? Forcing Yu Shuai to have to do this kind of work?

Immediately, the doubts in the hearts of the people were completely broken by the "truth".

Just in the eyes of the public, I only heard the sound of crickets continually ringing, shaking the mountains and mountains and shaking the vast land.

What is that sound?

When everyone looked at the sound, they saw that the two figures were entangled in each other, and they floated from the sky at an amazing speed of electric light. Among them, there is also a loud voice of Chu Yang’s anger and grievances.

Everyone looked at it, and at that moment, the scene was shocked.

I saw that the rain was slow and there was no effort to fight back in the front, but Chu Yang was chasing in front of him. Crazy beating, punching and punching is as heavy as a mountain in the rain!

For a time, everyone is collectively petrified and completely lost!

I rely on it, is this Chu Yang actually so fierce? Suddenly catching the rain is like a pig that can't fight back, so unscrupulously beaten? ······

This is this...

Everyone feels that their worldview has been completely subverted at this moment...·····

If Chu Yang was so beaten by the rain, perhaps everyone would not be so surprised, but the facts are now so lively! That crazy smashing fists and hitting people, clearly is Chu Yang; and that there is no resilience to the shackles, the real thing is that the rain is late!

A generation of intermediate saints!

"Bastard!" Chu Yang's roar sounds like a shock to the heavens and the earth: "Everyone fights fairly, you can't beat me, and you can't admit defeat! I don't have to take your life. Why use such a despicable plot?"

Everyone has a clear heart: It seems that the rain deputy coach has just done too much. ····· Don’t want the other party to be so crazy...

So regardless of the face, like a slap in the face of the general positive and negative Wang Ba Quan attack? !

"I said that you don't want your life. I said that I can let you go. You actually have to play tricks that don't go in! It's really annoying!" Chu Yang said: "You said you still have some skins." !枉 Lived for so many years!"

Everyone looks at each other: What did the rain deputy officer do in the end?

"If Yuan Tian limits that you know that you will actually do this, I am afraid that I will be angry and immediately put on a green hat!" Chu Yang is filled with indignation.

Everyone cares for it: What is this saying, has the rain been delayed, and has a relationship with the Moyun Emperor wearing a green hat?

"You actually sneaked on me when you were begging for mercy! You are just the bottom line of the next game. There is no lower limit. ······" Chu Yang seems to be too angry to speak, only fists More and more heavy: "You are a junk!"

"What about you is a mess!"

Everyone was in awe-inspiring: before the rain was delayed, he once asked for mercy? Then sneak attack? !

This is this...

I saw that the rain was slow and my face was splashed with white light, and the east and the west swayed backwards. The opposite of Chu Yang still did not stop, and a strong roar: "You know, I really don't want to kill you!" I really don't want to, you know?"!

The rainy late body still flies like a broken kite....

The eyes are stunned by Chu Yang. In my heart, I have been dying for more than ten thousand times.

at last……

"Hey!" The rain spurted out a bit of blood, and the right toe suddenly stepped on a broken tree trunk. Finally, he turned his breath in desperation.

Yangtian violently said: "Chuyang! Ah~~~~"

Obviously it is mad to speak out!

The next ruin of the body slammed into the ground, but the rain deputy handsome burned his own life potential, desperately out of the defensive counterattack!

"Boom", Chu Yang's body drifted back quickly, this round of crazy beating, and finally came to an end.

In this short moment, Chu Yang smashed his face in the rain for a long time, a thousand and eight hundred punches!

After Chu Yang landed, he squatted and swallowed the throat with a **** fortune, standing firmly in the local area, watching the rain on the opposite side, the grace was dazed, and after the hands were negative, the sadness said: "The rain is late, Although you are harmful to my heart, I don't want to be born and died with you. I want to win or lose. If you didn't violate my taboo and ignore the principle of fair decisive battle, and let the embarrassing means come out, I will not It will be taught to you."

"But the matter is here, I hope you will be taken to the ring in the days to come. The saying goes well, the mistakes can be changed, the good things are too big, the old saying goes: the bitter sea is boundless, turning back is the shore, as the saying goes: the prodigal son does not change the gold, although you are on When I was a few years old, I still have some time to live, and I will take the rest of my life and re-do it."

This remark is really awkward and bitter.

Let the people who don’t know hear it, and think that this is a savior: What other people are using for you, you are still trying to educate people...·····

Really... It’s really noble, it’s really high in the mountains. `····

The rain was slow and the head was turned to the ground, and I slammed it twice, and then I found out that I was already in front of everyone! Was it just before the genus of his own, just so madly stunned?

Then he heard the words of Chu Yang, then the sadness of the people is bitter, then the embarrassment teaches the true feelings, the character is so stalwart, the high winds are bright and the festival...·····

For a time, the fury of the heart was hard to suppress, and it broke out suddenly. The kind of grievance that almost made him crazy, almost smothered his explosion, all in my heart.

In an instant, the heart was so angry that the liver was so mad.

A finger trembled and pointed at Chu Yang. Zhang opened his mouth and just wanted to say something. He felt a sweet throat. "Wow," spit out a blood, and then, a continuous wow, a few bursts of continuous squirting Mouth blood, instant surface like gold paper! I could barely stand up for a while!

"Deputy handsome!"

"Rain Shuai! What happened to you?"

"Yu deputy handsome, you must take care, the body is important, the other is not important..."

Someone immediately flew before the body and went forward to comfort.

Chu Yang stood opposite, with his hands behind, it looked really fascinating, outstanding, and floating.

In fact, the two hands are constantly working hard and constantly licking each other. The heart is pumping up the air: "I am fucking, how hard is the bone of this old bastard, and I have a thousand and eight hundred fists in this round, and even my own bones are cracked. I can't keep going, but the old goods haven't been killed yet, and I haven't even hurt!"

"And the sacred bodyguards have always insisted on more than 1,700 punches to be broken up..."

"Such people like this are only the intermediates of the saints? So what about the seniors? I rely on my hand, it is so painful..."

At this point, the delay in the rain was finally a slow breath, but it was still spit out more than a dozen blood, one was because of injury, and the other was angry. Of course, the main reason is still mad.

This result is only reasonable. In the middle of his sage's intermediate cultivation, Chu Yang is a full-fledged **** of heaven. Every strike is a fit, and he is beaten with the strongest momentum. But it is absolutely impossible to kill the rain so slowly!

Chu Yang even out of the yin, creating an opportunity, finally exchanged for a thousand and eight hundred punches of great cheap, and finally the rain is slow to protect the body sacred, but the sage's intermediate bodyguard is too strong Only the last hundred punches were actually hit by the rainy meat.

However, such high-intensity output, high-intensity hits, and the rain-stricken body-protection sacredness eventually broke, but Chu Yang is not so good.

The holy class is in the same strength as Xiaoke. The anti-seismic force brought by each boxing bombardment makes Chuyang uncomfortable, and it is bombarded with one thousand eight hundred fists. It is not that Chuyang himself has endured himself one thousand. The damage caused by the reverse bombardment of eight hundred punches can be imagined.

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