Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 380: Bubble girl cheats!

A few people have been familiar with the thieves who have been mixed up in the past few days. They are not jealous when they start jokes.

Talking about yin and yang: "Who said that, your boy is following the white sister every day, like a fart, you are tired?"

Demon Ning Ning is red-faced: "A gentleman is a good man, what do you know?"

Tan sang and said: "I don't know why, I don't know if it's good! If someone has such a little meaning to you, then it will be enough. Unfortunately, people are not interested in you, you are clearly hot. It’s still hot and hot...·······················································································

In the past few days, although Bai Shizhen has been following the demon, Ningning, but the purpose of the little girl is very very clear: to find the cultivation and inheritance of the Fenghu family, how to use a certain son like a Prince.

Demon Ningning naturally patted the chest to promise, but the problem is that the little **** needs that thing, the level is quite high, and now it is in the hands of the demon, even if the demon is approved, it is also to get to the ground to get it; and Bai Shizhen This little girl is self-defeating, so I don’t see rabbits and don’t scatter the eagle: You are now empty-mouthed who believes in you? But wherever the name of "Prince" is, the credibility is not so bad!

Therefore, Demon Ning has been extremely stunned these days.

As long as you are with the white poetry, you can't say two words. The topic can be turned to the wind fox heritage. If you want to talk about something, or tell a joke, this little girl is a cute girl who doesn't understand. Cute is cute, but...·····

"That said that day ..... Hahaha, I really laughed at me..." "Xing Ningning."

"Well, it's really funny. Ningning brother, what kind of inheritance did you mention before? Is there really?" Bai Shizhen.

"Where is that who...································································

"Well, it's really interesting, Ningning, can you describe to me the specifics of the inheritance?" Bai Shizhen.

"There is still a lot of hard work for that thing..." "Xing Ningning."

"Well, it’s really hard work, Ningning brother, that inheritance...·····"White poetry.

After a few fights, Demon Ning was unable to defeat him.

Almost every conversation is like this. I have already complained about it and complained more than once: "You told me that you have ‘ really hard work, is this saying?”

Demon Ning Ning looked helpless: "The structure of this girl's thoughts is exactly the same as that of the average woman... Everyone should laugh out of breath, and she is there to ask the inheritance of the innocent eyes. ,I……"

Tan Yi and Chu Leer dismissed this: what are you talking about? I also like to say something joke, don’t say anything else, just say your eloquence, it’s really impossible to take it... Then again, when you have seen a joke, the person who listened hasn’t laughed yet, the result is this I haven’t started talking about the text yet. I’ve already laughed and died by myself. It’s so embarrassing to laugh....

Do you engage in performance art or tell jokes?

After retiring 10,000 steps, I have been talking about the white poetry, but I have been following the Mo-light dance. The so-called jokes of your so-called jokes are heard from Chu Yang. It is estimated that they have already heard 10,000. Eight thousand ears can have a scorpion. Most of them are repeated. You actually talk about it with relish. Little girl didn’t turn your face with you. It’s estimated that it’s a small girl’s kindness. If you’re tired, you can’t bear it.······

Let's go back twenty thousand steps and say that...·You are talking about the eloquence and experience of Chu Yang...

In a bad way, it’s a glimpse!

Who is interested in listening? Who can be interested to listen? !

Losing yourself, I still find it very interesting, and I am still interested in it. I don’t want to talk about the little girl. Even the two of us can’t bear to listen to it.... Occasionally, I’m holding a kind of 'look at the demon. Ning Yu is really interesting, the attitude...

"Talking about your brother, this thing is really strange..." Demon Ning Ning looked sad.

"Is it strange?" Talked, licking his eyes and biting the grass stem, his face was bored.

"You said that I am so difficult to make a girl?" Demon Ning Ning suddenly looked awkward: "I am strange about it, I want to have a family life, I want people to have goods, It is necessary to have a look and look, to have a kung fu, to have a status, to have a figure, to be graceful, to be temperament, to be temperament, how to..."



He hasn't finished yet, and Chu Leer and Tan 昙 have been vomiting together.

"You have to have a narcissistic narcissism, to be shameless and shameless, to have a thick skin and a thick face, to be..." Chu Leer said in a row.

The face of Yao Ningning suddenly became a bitter melon color: "I said, sister, you don't have to hit me like this..." I will say what is also the sacred prince of the sacred princes..."

Chu Leer’s face is cold: “If you don’t say anything else, you will say that you are a princeling party. You must not look at you with your little girl. You are pondering yourself. Is there a good man in the Prince of Nine Heavens?”!

The demon Ningning face is a black: "Well... Well... it seems like... It’s really not a good person, not right, I am a good person!"

Lele, and said: "You are a good person, you are a good person. You also classify those who are not good people with yourself. You said that you are not that, or that!"

The demon Ningning face is even darker: "I am really so embarrassed, I didn't think of it, I am so embarrassed..."

Talking about the rare positive color said: "Xing Ningning, I told you seriously, you can't do this thing, you have to do it."

The demon Ning Ning suddenly felt the spirit: "Big brother, you are quick to teach me to teach me..." You are old and experienced, but the brothers are all counting on you, please...·····

Talking about his neck and smiling, he was very proud: "That is that, it is easy to raise your hand."

Chu Leer said with a slanting eyes: "Hey, is it so rich in the experience of talking about Big Brother? It seems that it is a lot of experience, then when I saw Dan Feng sister, I must say something to her, no wonder she followed you so desperately. Well, it turns out that your experience is so rich... I don’t know how many girls have been soaked?"

"Grandma, my little grandmother..." talked about the face of the dish, snoring, almost tears, a face is bitter than bitter gourd, devoutly screaming at Chu Leer: "Grandma... I I will call your grandmother later, but I can't afford to toss the old bones. You open your eyes, high masters, take me as a... that's right, let it go...·····

Demon Ning Ning has widened his eyes: "Talk about Big Brother, you are not saying that you are the head of the family at home? What do you say? What does the blind man never dare to answer? How do you...·········· ···”

When the words were not finished, they were talked about and slammed their mouths: "You are killing thousands of knives! Then what is the words of our brothers when they are together, but now is not the girlfriend of your nephew here. What? Can you just talk about it in such a way? You can't kill me if you want to kill me! You are the second one, I have whitened you, how can you not open it at all?!"

Chu Leer has laughed in yin and yang: "Oh, it is so, it is so, oh live and live..."

"It’s over, it’s completely finished...” The old society that talked about it looked down and sighed.

Demon Ningning heard the words, and asked me: "You haven't taught me how to do it, you..."

Talk about swearing and saying: "How to do it? Very simple! From now on, you will walk naked in the daytime, especially in front of the white poem, and use your speciality and maverick to impress her. It must work!"

"Besides this, don't eat when you eat, you eat in front of her! I believe she will fall in love with you! This is the secret of the girl I taught you!"

Talking about the screaming of the squatting, he stood up and walked away.

Your sister, you unveiled my oldest in front of Chu Leer, Xie Danfeng's **** girlfriend, so that Laozi can see that there is no day in the dark, and I am still thinking about letting me teach you how to pick up a girl? How do you ponder!

Really his mother’s brain teasing...

Talk about it has already gone.

The demon, Ning, Ning, from the innocent eyes, I don’t know why.

I really didn't understand it. I was the one who made it difficult to talk about my older brother.

"This..." was stripped of naked clothes. It seems that it is not a good idea............. Bigger... This is too heavy. ····...Does the white poetry really like it? Le, you have a good relationship, do you like it?"

Chu Leer had always seen the angry laughter in front of him. When he heard this sentence, he stood up and squatted on the demon Ningning, and said: "You like it!"

Turned around and went indignantly.

Demon Ning Ning scratched his head and said: "Is this not like? I don't like it..."

Not far away, Uncle Hu and Uncle Ma looked up at the sky, it seems that there are so many things worth seeing in the sky, actually leaning on the neck and not moving.

I saw the larynx of the two people moving in one motion, it seems to be...

Looks like I don't know what to do.

"Hey? What's going on?" Chu Leer just screamed out of the carriage of Chuyang.

Everyone heard the words and quickly rushed over to see, and now everything is more important than the situation in front of a certain king.

I saw the car in the car, Chu Yang as usual before lying quiet, full of face is quiet. However, his body is constantly emerging with layers of white light.

This white light turned out to be the pure aura of the heavens and the earth. It was like a layer of dense mesh, which was covered successively on the floor of Chuyang, as if to completely cover up Chuyang.

Everyone looked at this amazing scene, but really did not understand what happened.


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