Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 381: Nine robbery space open

Seeing that Chu Yang’s white light is getting thicker and thicker, the layer after layer continues to come out, gradually becoming a huge cocoon thing, and actually wraps the whole person in Chuyang. It is faintly visible to see the faint shape of a human body.

Obviously, after a while, it is estimated that even the vague shape will not be seen.

Demon Ning Ning curiously put the nose together, but found that the rich aura was firmly stuck in Chu Yang, but he could not absorb it by one or a half. It seems that only Chu Yang can enjoy it.

"This······ Is this something going on?” Chu Leer had some six gods without a master, and could not decide.

Talk about sucking: "I wonder, this should be... Should I be healing myself? It shouldn't be a bad thing, come up with such a good sense of aura, and think about whether it should be worse."

"It is definitely not a bad thing!" Uncle Hu despised these two people who were concerned and confused: "There is such a strong aura that he can only enjoy it alone rather than escape, how can it be a bad thing!"

"But what is going on in this situation, what is the situation... I don't seem to have heard of such a situation..." Chu Leer didn't know how to say it.

Everyone is also big-eyed and small-eyed, so it’s unknown.

No one has ever heard of it. Some people have become a silkworm cocoon.... Although it is not a silkworm cocoon, it is also a...

If you put it in the Yaozu, such as the spider family, the Tianzhu nationality, this can be understood, but Chuyang is a real human race!

Demon Ning Ning touched his chin and said: "Right, I heard my mother said that some of them are classical, saying that it was ancient times, there were zergs... and the Zerg generally evolved or was promoted, often It will become a big 茧···················································

When you haven’t talked yet, Chu Leer broke out: “You are a bug! Your whole family is a bug! Your entire city is a bug! Your entire demon day is a bug!!”

This bastard, actually dare to say that my brother is a bug! Didn't that girl become a worm?

Chu Leer fiercely stunned to the demon Ningning, the spit star sprayed the demon, Ningning, a face, demon, Ningning, and so on, and finally retired, finally "squeaky", sitting on the ground, stunned.

"I, I, I, I... I am a worm... I am a worm, I am a worm!" Demon Ning, pitiful, raised his hand and begged for mercy: "We are all worms." I'm wrong······"

Hu Shushu and Ma Shushu have a black line.

Let's take a look at this sentence, and the whole demons of the demon kings have become bugs...

For this layer of white light on Chu Yang, the two masters of the saints are completely invisible. At most, they can judge that it is not a bad thing. They are very embarrassed: "Look at this white light, it seems that it is like a saint. The body of the body is white...but Chu Yang is at best only the peak of the heavens. At this moment, it is seriously injured. How can it have the white body of the saints?"

"And not to mention that he is suffering so much damage now, even if he can recover some belief that it is already the limit, can it be improved and even further! This is a ridiculous guess..."

Therefore, although the two people had doubts in a certain direction, they finally did not say it. It is too ridiculous to think of this speculation method, and it is incredible, and does not say that other people believe or not, even the two of them do not believe.

After two consecutive days, the white light became thicker and thicker, and gradually thickened a layer on the body of Chuyang, and it became completely real! Tan Yi tried to pull with his hands and found that he couldn’t pull it down.

It took a lot of effort to pull down a star and a half, as soon as you let go, the next moment will return to the original place.

In this case, since the people cannot be touched by external forces, they have to go along with their natural development and wait and see. Anyway, the signs of life in Chuyang did not disappear, but the situation became stronger and stronger. The situation only developed in a good direction. Confirming this point, everyone was relieved.

"According to the current speed, we will go forward for about two and a half days. On the third night, we will be able to rush to the city of Falling Flowers." Demon Ning said with great enthusiasm.

For what Huanhua City talks and Chu Leer are very consistent and lacking.

Demon Ningning also suddenly silenced, thinking in his heart: "Zi girl and white girl... Which one is better?"

I looked at the white poem and thought of the purple evil. The prince sighed with a sigh: "These two are all good, but the two don't care about me... The white girl is better, and I can still talk to me occasionally. Then, the purple girl, who had not met, was frozen by her temperament..."

"Poor me, a generation of demon princes... I want to look at each other, look good, have temperament and temperament..." Demon Ning, some languid lying on the carriage, leaning against the wall, eyesless, suddenly a big sigh: " Heaven, earth, you said that it is so difficult for me to find a wife!!"

Uncle Hu and Uncle Ma immediately turned to look out the window, as if they did not hear.

difficult? That is what you think. Besides, you always look at those who don't care about you. Can you not try it? Try to find a wife from the demon palace? Guaranteed to queue up from the demon palace to the Huacheng City······


It’s a word, hehe!

The two sage masters came up with such a word at the same time, and couldn’t help but feel guilty... Since the birth of this word, it seems that there has never been a time like this for Taizi’s body. ····

This word is simply tailor-made for a certain Prince Edward!

Just in the evening when Aura white light stopped covering one layer in Chuyang.

Talk to the outside of the carriage in Chuyang, relying on the wheels to fight.

In the past few days, Chu Yang has been unconscious, and he has been watching it all the time. Even eating and sleeping are in the carriage of Chuyang. In any case, he refuses to leave one step!

This guy, even Chu Leer looked at Chu Yang himself, he was not at ease, he had to look at himself. According to his words: "Talk to the uncle here, whoever dares to mess up!"

Once in the middle, Uncle Ma was very curious about the white light of Chu Yang. He wanted to study and study. The result was a talk with Tan Yi. When you open your mouth, there is only one sentence: one word: "Roll!"

If it is not the demon Ningning efforts to mediate, or even strong separation, by the body, you can do it on the spot, an uncle but looking at someone is not pleasing to the eye for a long time.

As long as Chu Yang does not wake up one day, he will not recover. It is estimated that he will not leave his side at a time.

For the brother of Chu Yang, this brother, the heart of the talk is infinite attention. Or Chu Yang still has a Mo Tianji, as well as Gu Lone, as well as Ji Mo and other nine robbers.

However, in the talks, there is only one talent in Chuyang who is recognized by him as a true brother and his true dependence. Even the demon king who has disappeared, and the other body of Tan Yi are not allowed!

This evening, Tan 昙 still relies on the wheels, seemingly confused, but in reality, the mind is sober.

Three more have passed, early winter in the late autumn, has been freezing cold.

Tan talk suddenly jumped up and whispered: "Who?"

A voice said: "It's me."

Talking about anger: "Who are you?"

Listening to the tone looks like an acquaintance, but the accent is very strange, and talking about it is who this person is not thinking about talking!

A black man then slowly emerged in front of the talk, like a ghost, black, black robe, black, cold and cold, watching the eyes of the talker somewhat warm, said: "This What is going on, how can the sword master be injured so much?"

One said, 'The sword master, these words, talked about suddenly suddenly narrowed his eyes, a lot of tone and good, Shen Sheng: "You guy is a man is a ghost? How does it feel like that what is the soul of the disaster, not yet image!"

Can say that ‘Sword Lord adults, is definitely not a person of the Nine Heavens! It’s the person who is the pulse of the Nine Heavens, in other words, his own!

The identity of the nine-robbery sword master of Chuyang has never been said before in the Nine Heavens; and the people of the Nine Heavenly Scorpio do not know what the Nine Robber Sword Lord is.

So talk about this is somewhat interested.

"Is the Lord of the Devil sleeping? You may not know my existence." Sword Spirit said faintly: "But Lord Devil King should know that I am the sword spirit of the Nine Robbery Swords, first meet, talk to you."

Talk about it, carefully look through the inheritance and memory left by the devil, and then think about it, the eyes suddenly brightened: "You, you mean that you are a sword spirit? Nine robbery spirit! Is it you?" Great, you must have Jiu Dan Dan? Hurry up!"

"Talk about your sorrow, you don't want to use it. The sword master can't use Jiu Dan Dan now." Sword Spirit said faintly: "Moreover, there is aura of protection, and Jiu Dan is also worthy of use."

He said, "What do you mean by saying that my brother is recovering?"

"This is exactly the case." Jianling nodded. "As long as the layer of light breaks, or disappears automatically, it is the time when the sword master wakes up again."

At this point, Tan Hao finally took a long sigh of relief.

"What happened during this time?" asked Sword Spirit.

During this period of time, the sudden closure of the nine-robbery space caused the sword spirit to be trapped inside and completely lost contact with the outside world. If it is not the end of the nine-robbery space upgrade, I am afraid that the sword spirit can not come out now.

Now it is finally out, Chu Yang is in a coma, Jian Ling urgently needs to understand what happened in this day, but in front of him, he only has to talk about it.

"Things are such a thing.···········································································

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