Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 383: Falling flowers

The demon Ning Ning stood in front of the building, and the guests who had retired from the store went out from him one by one. It was inevitable that some people would like to look at the super-quirk and the nouveau riche who had money and no flowers.····· ·

"Look what!" Demon Ning Ning looked up at the chin: "I have never seen a rich man?"

"The rich people have seen a lot of things... but if you are so stupid and rich, you can see it for the first time. Today, I know that I am a nouveau riche, and I am eye-opening..." ··” Someone said a word without yin and yang.

The demon Ning Ning heard the anger, he was going to attack the person; but he was arrested and arrested: "The buddy... This is a cool person, but it depends on who you are." ····What are the people? Hey, come here, I will tell you..."

Pulling the demon Ning to the side.

This day is finally steadily passed.

Early the next morning, Yao Ningning got up very early, walked over in the hall, walked out the door, and walked in again...

He is hesitating, don't go looking for purple evils?

His heart is really entangled.

Bai Shizhen was sitting on the side, holding a secluded secret of the sacred fox, and looked at it with gusto.

This book was given to her by Uncle Hu; Bai Shizhen was the first to come into contact with the history of his own family. Naturally, he was engrossed and unconcerned.

Wind Fox······In the end, nature is also one of the members of the Fox family. Although it is somewhat special, in the end, it is still the same root, and the wind fox is still a fox.

The white poem sits quietly, quiet, white brunette, seems to be a gentle landscape in the hotel lobby.

Demon Ningning was fidgeting near the gate, and there was no stop at all. It was in sharp contrast with her quiet.

Bai Shizhen never looked at a certain prince, and all his attention was concentrated on the book, while Yao Ningning took a moment to look at Bai Shizhen. Take a look, the heart is more entangled, and I don’t know what to do.

Even the demon Ningning himself did not find out. In fact, his mentality did not know when the subtle change occurred quietly. Before that, he was extremely crazy to pursue the purple evil. Ignore him, he is cheeky and go up to find the door.

Even if it was smashed, smashed, and eaten closed, it is always tireless.

But now, he has actually begun to think: the question of going or not going

This is undoubtedly a huge change!

Or it is a progress in some sense!

In the end, Demon Ning was still gnawing his teeth and rushing out the door.

Destination - Falling Flowers!

The demon Ning stepped on the petals of the floor and walked over to the door. Looking at the closed door, he drummed the drum and cried: "Don't ask the purple girl? Is it in the lower demon?"

There is silence inside.

No one answered.

Two more calls, no one answered.

A white shadow, silently appeared in front of him: "Hey, isn't this a Tanning? What's the matter, come again? Hey, I really admire your infatuation...·"

Demon Ning Ning laughed and laughed: "Aunt, can you not make fun of me like this? You really don't feel like I have no lungs? Then, you told me that Ning Ning can't do it. I have to call me the name that is so unpleasant." ......"

"You kid, where can I make fun of you? I am bragging about you!" White woman smiled softly: "I said the truth, so many thousand times closed the door to eat down. Actually, I still have the courage to come. The whole demon kingdom here, no, I believe that even if it is the entire Nine Heavens, it will only be one of you..."

Demon Ning Ning wiped his nose and smiled bitterly: "Hey!"

"Ningning······" said the beautiful woman: "The aunt told you the truth, let go. You have absolutely no hope."

"How do you say that?"

"In the heart of the purple girl, it should have been a long time, and no longer can accommodate the second person. No matter how infatuated the second person is, it doesn't make sense..." The white woman smiled bitterly and looked at her nephew. The beautiful face is a pity: "She loves that person deeply. You can't imagine it, so..."

"Women, the woman's love, in a lifetime, will only give one person. Once it is paid, there will be no more..." How a person is infatuated, how good, but the heart of this woman has been given out, so no matter how the latecomers do, it does not help, it does not make sense."

"Because this woman has no heart..."

"Her heart, only when she sees the person she loves, will it recover again..."

The white woman looked at the demon, and slowly said: "In the days when you were not there, I used to drink tea with the purple girl many times. In her bedroom, there was a banner hanging. You know that it was written on it. What is it?"

"What is written?" Demon Ning asked urgently.

"The wind and the clouds are high and hidden, and they are alone in the world. If the clouds meet, see Jun Jiangnan sweeping the flowers..." The white woman is very long and stunned.

Added: "That is the purple girl hand written, I have seen her! Pen."!

Demon Ning only felt that his heart was like a heavy hammer. For a time, his face was a bit pale.

This poem, handwritten by the purple evil, is hanging on the wall of his bedroom for a long time. What does it mean? A few have been said!

The wind is rushing to the sky, and it is nothing but the sinister rivers and lakes. A woman’s youthfulness can only wait in vain; this hidden word has written a helplessness.

I am alone in the world; this sentence is certainly chic, but the loneliness of it is also incompetent. The world is setting sun, only the shadow of the body, only the long sword companion, the smoke is faint...·····

What kind of loneliness is that!

In particular, the mentality that women are eager to be cared for is also revealed in this sentence. No matter how strong a woman is, she is always a woman, she needs the care of a man and needs care.

Although the purple evil is strong, but deep inside, what is the difference with the general little daughter?

If he meets in the clouds, please Jiang Junnan sweep the flowers.

This sentence implies that there is more hope, a desire, or a promise.

Falling Flower City, south of the Wujiang River.

After the purple evil sentiment was changed to a big loss from the demon palace, it came to this place desperately. Since coming here, it has only been bent on cultivation and never went out.

Maybe for her remaining life, there is only waiting, waiting for the one who makes her promise!

As long as you meet in the clouds, this flower is picked by you.

As long as you can come!

The meaning of this sentence is really understandable and undisguised.

"I just don't know who is so blessed..." I was able to get her favor, and I was completely favored by the whole heart..." "Xing Ningning for a long time, muttered to himself: "I am really I admire this lucky person... I also hope that the purple girl can be happy... If one day I can see this person, I must have a good drink with him."

"Tell him, take care of the purple girl." Demon Ning sighed and sighed, only feeling his feelings, such as the flow of water, never returned...···

No matter who this lucky man is, one thing is certain: that person will never be himself - no matter how long he will be, he will not be himself!

The white woman looked at the demon Ning, and finally could not help but sigh. Then I felt a little surprised: Although the demon Ning is now somewhat lost, even lost, but ... the degree of sadness seems to be not as serious as I thought.

According to the truth, the demon Ningning of this meeting should be painful and unwilling to be born. ......·····

Isn’t this kid’s so-called infatuation just like that? Or is it a momentary epiphany, no longer worrying about it? !

If it is really the latter, it would be a good thing.·····

Coincidentally, at this moment, suddenly there were noisy footsteps in the distance, and it seemed that a large group of people were coming over here. Listening to this voice, there are actually hundreds of people.

"Where is the person coming from?" Demon Ning Ning suddenly looked back at the white woman, but he had been here for a long time, very understanding of this place, 100% quiet, rarely so big movement.

Is the purple girl provoked? These people are coming to trouble, if that is the case, but it is absolutely impossible to bear.

"It’s a fool! It’s more stupid than you. It’s so stupid than you are in this world. It’s a coincidence that there is one.” White women have some reluctances: “But to speak, you actually It’s not too stupid, it’s just a lack of roots, but this person is purely stupid!”

"There are still these things!" Demon Ning Ning has always been gazing, although I don't know if the white woman is boasting about herself or herself, but she is very interested in comparing the people she wants.

What kind of person is actually able to get such a high evaluation, it really has to be knowledgeable.

Then I saw a large number of people, each holding a huge bouquet of roses, bright red and bright, delicate and dripping. Then there were some people who were carrying the shelves, like the construction team, and then they were busy in front of the falling flowers.

Not much more than a long time, a considerable scale of high-altitude volley rises up to five feet; the width is more than a dozen feet long; then, those who hold the rose fly up and work twice stand up.

Sending, transporting, and pulling out the patterns, and then the bunches of roses are neatly arranged...more fixed.

It can be seen that they have done this more than once. Everyone is familiar with the road, and the business is very skilled.

It’s still not a lot of work, so many roses have all been on the top of the shelf, and the instant is hundreds of feet full of fragrance.

All the bright red roses are arranged in five bright red characters at the top of the shelf: "Zi girl, I like you!"

Demon Ningning looked at these five characters and was completely messed up in the wind.

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