Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 384: Tang Jia San Shao! !

"This is really a high-rise! Gao Lao Zhuang's high!" Demon Ning Ning actually had a service, I did not come up with this idea?

"This is this... Who is this, actually so talented?" Demon Ning Ning stunned and looked at this mountain-like rose, and could not help but squint at the moment, saying that it was unfavorable.

"The talented person, you can see it right away. In the past few days, I have seen this kind of scene every day." The white woman smiled and was obviously commonplace, and it was not strange.

I saw that the shelf workers and the flower workers quickly retreated as if they were in the tide. The flowers and the quiet atmosphere in front of the small buildings were just a tall shelf and tens of thousands of shelves. Blooming roses!

The breeze blows, the smell of the intoxicating scent, all over the sky!

The next moment, a sound sounded, dragging a long cavity, long shouted: "Life has never died since ancient times, when you see the beauty is the surname purple, the soul can not forget the dream, Xiaosheng deliberately visit; my affection you know, face the sky Pray; if you can open the door, my love is deeper than the East Sea..."

The voice seems to be swaying and affectionate. Obviously, this person’s feelings are very invested. Moreover, in the long squat, it should be a long squat, shaking his head and shaking his head...·····

It’s full of emotions!

Even with the devotional nature of the demon, I can't help but feel that there is a layer of goose bumps on my body. I subconsciously shuddered and said: "It's too talented, it's too talented. Up..."

The white woman worked hard to keep her face, hoping that she could remain solemn, but she almost laughed, and seemed to be disqualified than not being solemn.

With the end of the sound of the long scorpion, in the gaze of the demon, the stunned gaze, a person staggered from the trail and walked in the fall, and it was really graceful and seemingly silly.

I saw a long hair, no shackles, and it was so scattered. On the forehead, it was a standard mid-point. A colorful robes were covered with a huge cloak. This cloak was put on him, and the hem was still hem. Dragging on the ground half a mile, all the way screaming and coming over, it seems like, really like... sweeping the ground.

When the demon Ning Ning came to see the image, the image was sprayed directly. However, the goods had to be made a kind of arrogant look that they were very chic. In fact, it was really stupid.

This person has a big eagle hook nose, and the eyes of the two thieves are turned into a serious face, but the face is still white, but the face is very somewhat meaningless, and the color is excessive.

As for the biggest highlight of this guy, it is very tall.

The demon Ningning itself has a height of nearly one meter eight, but this product is actually one and a half higher than the demon Ning, which is quite tall.

It’s just that this person is tall and sorghum, but there is no meat in the whole body. It is very thin and thin. It’s like a hemp. He’s so screaming, it’s like a bamboo pole, swaying in a robe. Wandering over.

Take the demon Ningning visually to make the whole body clean, I am afraid that the net meat is absolutely no more than three pounds and a half!

This person is dressed up in a really unremarkable weirdness. It can be seen that this person’s performance is actually super-feeling, and he feels very graceful, wearing a hat and wearing a hat. Sure enough, personality is one, one’s clothing is like, and the outsider is Can't appreciate it.

It has been clearly seen that the demon Ningning and the white woman are standing on one side. This person actually went to the demon prince and went to the demon prince, and went straight to the huge rose frame with a gentle To the extreme, the sweet and greasy voice said: "Zi girl, Xiaosheng Tang Yangwei, and come to see the purple girl again, do not know the poem of Xiaosheng today, can you enter the purple girl's eyes?"

Demon Ning Ning snorted on one side: " wonder the goods are so eloquent, it turned out to be a poem... I... I really didn't hear it...····· Where is the poem?"

The white woman had a hard cough and forced to press the smile again: "Let's keep watching, the wonderful one is still behind."

Just listen to the ‘Tang Yangwei, after that, there is still no sound inside.

This is normal. Before the appointment of a certain Prince Edward, it’s not a thousand tricks, and it’s a magic weapon. He has touched the Iraqis!

The 'Tang Yangwei, seeing no movement inside, no change in the eyes, and continued to say: "Zi girl, this is the 99,999,999 roses that Xiaosheng personally picked, representing the sincerity of Xiaosheng. Also, please ask the purple girl to play one or two."

Demon Ningning turned his head and his face was extremely distorted: picking it by hand? What awkward deceit? Do you believe this yourself?

Don't say 90,000, just look at the goods, you can pick one by yourself, I am afraid that the injury will be stabbed.·····

There is still no movement inside.

That Tang Yangwei took two steps, and the huge cloak swept the ground again, and said in a deep voice: "If the purple girl is willing to come out and see it, Xiaosheng is grateful, it is better, Xiaosheng will make a poem for the purple girl." First, let me show my sincerity, how?"

Say, don't use the people inside to reply, just shake your mind, it seems to brew a lot of emotions, this is the mouth, long voice: "Girl girl I love you, like rice worm love rice; love the ocean for you Deep, just like real gold; my heart is all you, I will rejoice when I see you; girl girl opens the door, I want to talk to you..."

Demon Ning listened to this _ poem, if it was struck by lightning, and Thunder thundered, five insides burned, the liver and the gallbladder cracked, and there was an inexplicable impulse in the heart to kill.

It is not for the love of the cross-knife to win love, but it is really because of these two verses, nausea is so painful.

There are so many poems in the world, but none of them can be so thoroughly practiced...

"Who is this cargo? How is the grade so exaggerated?!" Demon Ning twisted his face, forcibly resisted the urge to vomit, and turned to ask the white woman.

"There can be a few people who can have such an arrangement. This is the first big family in Luohua City, the Tang family." The white woman obviously also endured hardships, and finally had more experience than a certain prince. Better, but he turned his eyes and said: "This is the third son of the Tang family, named Tang Yangwei, who is called the Tang family three!"

"Tangjia three less?" Demon Ning Ning turned his eyes blankly: "White 瞎 This is a good name, this goods like a stupid bird, actually want to pursue the purple girl ... oh, it is really the world, no wonder... How did he see the purple girl?"

Some beautiful women in white clothes can't stop, said: "The world is unpredictable, this guy is also a wonderful thing. That day, the purple girl went to the street to purchase some special medicines, just met the Tang Gongzi, the Tang Gongzi saw the purple girl, shocked For the celestial beings, I was fascinated on the spot...and it has been since then, and this situation has been staged many times..."

Demon Ningning said with some jealousy: "The feelings of this goods are really fragile. ······Is it love at first sight?"

"This Tang Jiasan said that his family has already been a beautiful woman like a cloud. Now there are more than 20 large and small wives, and there are more than 300 aides. I am known as 'the color is like the life, the wind is flowing, and the Tang Dynasty is three." Sighed: "Since I saw the purple girl that day, this person is basically coming to this place every day. Every time I come, I bring so many flowers... In just one month, just for the sake of Buying these roses, it is estimated that it has already spent tens of thousands of Zixia coins. Fortunately, in this city of flowers, roses can be found, but I have seen it for a few more days, even if there is more money, I am afraid Looking for roses to go..."

"It's a big family." Demon Ning Ning said with contempt, and then an angry lame: "The killings of the genocide!"

"This is not a big deal. It is said that the Tang family has never seen the purple girl since she met the side of the purple girl. After returning home, she sees that her aunts are not in the eye, but they are inexplicably lost their human ability.···· · "The white woman's face is reddish, but she can't help but laugh.

"Glutinous rice? So exaggerated? So, this guy is not determined to be a purple girl? Whether it is for himself, or for that, you have to..." Demon Ning Ning wide eyes.

More and more unbelievable...

"It looks like this..." The white woman looks like a smile and laughs: "But... I guess, no, no estimate, he must have no play; even you have no play, let alone He

Demon Ning Ning sighed: "My aunt said this, if it is lost in the hands of this silly bird, then I simply smothered it... It is too hurtful self-esteem."

This Tang Yangwei will finish the poem. When he saw that there was still no movement at all, he couldn’t help but feel a little discouraged. After waiting for a long while, he said: "Zi girl, would you like to make another poem for you?" ”

Still half a quiet, purple evil seems to have made up the idea not to open.

At the moment, Tang Yangwei finally felt a little boring. Besides, it was so long for the intestines to scrape the belly. There was no slogan at all, so I swayed and sighed. I was about to leave, suddenly I saw the demon.

At this moment, Yao Ningning is looking at him with a stunned look. Obviously, the stupidity of this product is very, very incomprehensible.

Tang Yangwei frowned and went over, yelling at the demon Ningning Road: "See what? Have you seen rich people?"

Demon Ning Ning was asked to bow, and involuntarily stretched out his neck.

In the demon king day, dare to say this with the demon prince, the prince of a certain prince looks like this is the first time in this life.

Although the former Tang Yangwei does not know the true identity of the demon Ningning, but can say this sentence, its stagnation can be seen in general.

"The rich people see it every day, but I am really the first time I see such a foolish rich man." Demon Ning suddenly remembered that he was said to be his own words, and he said it.

After speaking out, suddenly I feel: this sentence is really cool! I have to find opportunities in the future to say, even if there is no chance, I have to create opportunities! !

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