Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 385: The sage is born!

Tang Yang was very angry and said: "Where are you from here? Actually dare! So the young master said! Do you know who this young master is?"

Can be in the demon day, ask the demon emperor ‘I know who I am, this sentence, this Tang Yangwei is actually the first person!

Once again created the history of the demon king!

"Who are you? Are you a demon prince?" Demon Ning touched his chin and looked at him, asking with great interest.

"嘿嘿······························································································································ I don't know how great my grandfather is!"

"Follow me, my grandfather..." Demon Ning sighed, I wanted to slap him directly, and I thought about it. I finally didn't do it. I looked at the Tang family's three faces. Demon Ningning suddenly gave birth to a feeling of mutual sympathy.

In an instant, the rabbit is dead and sorrowful: this buddy is also a poor person; like me, I have been eliminated before I enter the game. I am better. After all, some men’s functions have not been lost, but this Tang Yangwei· ·····This Tang family is three less...but it’s really impotence...······

It’s much worse than me. If that’s the case, I’ll not be angry with him...·····

Sighing and said: "Buddy, I know who you are, but you definitely don't know who I am. As a person who sincerely advises you, give up, you must have no play, look at me, look better than you. Is it so handsome? I have been pursuing it for several years. I haven’t played it yet, so I don’t have to count on it.”

Tang Jiasan heard the spirit but came to the spirit. He took the first seven or eight steps, and looked at the next look at the demon Ningning: "Have you pursued the purple girl for several years? Nothing?" Suddenly burst into laughter: "Ha ha ha ha... ”

Demon Ningning immediately slammed his nose back seven or eight steps, almost suffocating and dying.

The Tang family did not get close to it before, but it was only close, a mouth, a rich and vomiting garlic smell suddenly burst out!

The scent of 99,999,999 roses is still unable to suppress under the atmosphere! It’s really stinking...

Demon Ning Ning was recruited on the spot.

I don’t want to be born, "You, you, you... you are fucking, a little further."

Tang Yangwei smiled with his teeth: "Is this not going to work? No wonder you can't catch up with the beauty. Even the minimum ability to withstand it is not enough. I also want to say what I sincerely persuade me... I despise you sincerely. ""

This fang does not matter, but it is a rotten yellow mouth.

Just a taste of aggression, this moment is the amazing effect of visual destruction, shocking and popular!

"You are embarrassed!" Demon Ning Ning has two strokes in the middle, and can no longer stand up, and immediately hold the head and the mouse, and there is no courage to fight anymore.

As a local person of the demon king, the character who can make the demon prince so arrogant, this Tang family is also the first in history.

The white woman was crying and laughing.

I saw that Tang Yangwei’s self-satisfied words: “Sure enough, when I came out, I immediately let this small person run away from the wind.” The returning triumphant departure, I have not forgotten to scream: “Zi girl I I will come back to visit you with a new poem tomorrow.······

Shi Shiran's cloak dragged the ground, and the more silly went.

When the white woman caught up with Yao Ningning in three steps and two steps, she saw that a certain prince was holding a flower tree and vomiting: "Vo... vomiting..."

"As for what...·····" The white woman looks like a wrinkled Liu Mei, and this psychological endurance seems to be too bad.

"My aunt and aunt, don't you know the kid's horror tricks? I didn't hold my breath beforehand, and I was directly in the dark." Demon Ning was so sloppy: "The guy's taste is just like the toilet." It seems like, no, it’s even stronger, it’s impossible to resist...······ vomit...”

"There are no strangers in the world. It is said that although this guy is extremely unruly in the life of a woman, it is commonplace to find flowers and ask Liu, but he has never forced any woman to be a volunteer with his woman." ····” The white woman said: “This is also a big advantage... is it an advantage?”

"As for his tone, this person has a hobby that every meal must eat garlic, so...

"According to him, garlic is the most common natural treasure. ····················································································· Reopen, so..."

The demon Ning heard the words and sighed.

At this moment, suddenly there was a sigh of breath that filled the whole world without any warning.

When they saw each other, their hearts suddenly trembled, looking for the source.

I saw the sky, the wind was raging, and the running horse rushed toward the sky above the city. The faint lightning and thunder, the raging wind, the petals on the four sides of the mountain, suddenly bursting up!

Over the entire city of Huahua, it is full of more intense floral fragrance, which is really a magnificent scenery.

A vast white light broke through the heavens and the earth, and it rushed to the ground.

An indescribable sacred meaning, in the midst of unexpected anger, filled the hearts of everyone. An egg-shaped skylight suddenly fell down from the clouds...

"Joan is moving, the wind is dancing, the sky is falling, the thunder is angry..." The white woman has a deep dignity in her eyes: "There are new saints born!"

"No, some people have broken through to the sage level in this city of flowers?" Demon Ning asked incredulously.

The white woman took a deep breath: "Yes, in addition, there is no other breakthrough that can be bigger than this movement..." In this world, there is only a breakthrough in the level of the heavens. At the level of the saints, you can fall into the sky, and the storm is furious!"

"But, who is it, break through the bottleneck and reach the sage level?"

The white woman wrinkled her eyebrows and thought hard. She looked up at the sky that was falling from the air. The dignified road: "Ningning, look carefully, where will the curtain fall eventually? The sky of the saints breaking through, The closer it is to the ground, the more blurred it will be. At the end of the day, it will not be completely clear. When it comes to the moment of contact with the ground, it will disappear completely and disappear completely."

Demon Ning Ning eyes staring, the atmosphere does not breathe.

The sage canopy, only the unique phenomenon that breaks through the primary sage, which proves that there is another top-ranking strongman in the world! Even if this person can break through the intermediate and advanced, there will be no such wonders.

The two aunts looked at this huge sky and slowly descended toward the city of Fallen Flower. They were getting closer and closer, and the color was getting lighter and thinner. However, the sacred pressure of the sacred sacred, but more and more concentrated...···

In the city of Falling Flowers, all the demon people below the level of heaven and earth fall to the ground at the same time!

In the face of such endless Tianwei, the Yaozu is more awesome than the Terran, which is a natural fear of the strong.

Some people who still have the strength to work hard have looked up and looked at where the egg-shaped sky curtain finally fell.·····

In the face of such a world of power, the repair is a white woman who has already broken through the primary level of the saint. At this moment, it is not a step. It is just a simple stand, although it will not feel the pressure, but with a little movement, Will be seen by Heaven as to destroy the saints, and will come against them.

In the sky, the wind is turbulent, tens of thousands of miles of wind, blowing tens of thousands of miles of clouds, all coming to this side!

Getting closer!

Demon Ning Ning stood with his eyes motionless and suddenly gave an unexpected exclamation to the extreme: "This is this..."

I saw the increasingly thin egg-shaped canopy, actually coming from where the two stood.

It has turned into nothingness!

At the same time, the color of the sky turned black all the time, such as dyeing a layer of ink.

The next moment, countless black lightnings rushed in such a boundless dark atmosphere. The flashing clouds in the clouds are all extremely dazzling silvery lightning, but they eventually turn down and turn black.

Black lightning!

Only the breakthrough of the sage's realm will lead to the exclusive punishment!

The aunts and the two looked at each other and felt a very strong shock: they shrouded toward their own side. Was this breakthrough actually...····

Purple evil? ! ! !

At the next moment, the silent vibration started at the same time as the entire Falling City earthquake. I believe that even if the nine emperors were right here, they would have to fall into the extreme darkness of reaching out!

The demon Ningning and the white women are facing each other. The two of them are the two closest to the flowering building at this moment. They can clearly feel that the most intense vibration is from the small building.

In this way, it is really... the purple evil breaks through to the sage level? !

The white woman’s face is incredible: “It’s really ridiculous. I remember that I saw her last time. She only has the advanced level of the heavens, and it’s just that the progress of the...” is so fast?”

Demon Ningning’s face is frustrated, like a death test.

The distance between the original and the purple evil spirits is far enough, and now it is far beyond reach: the human home is promoted to the level of the saints and becomes the top powerhouse of the world...····

This achievement can be achieved not only by the accumulation of aura, but also how many people have reached the heavenly level when they are young, but they have never been able to break through the holy bottleneck for tens of thousands of years!

How many stunningly brilliant people, the oldest stop at the peak of the heavens, clearly can only break through to the level of the saints, but until the death, hundreds of thousands of years have not been able to take that step!

And the purple evil feelings······ actually can be in such a short time, from the heavens, all the way to the level of the saints! In the middle, there is no obstacle at all!

Did not encounter any bottlenecks!

It’s like it’s normal to eat and drink, so it’s broken!

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