Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 387: I am a chicken [complement 1]

When Chu Yang just entered, he was shocked by the eyes. !

I saw that the nine-robbery space looks like the whole thing!

The aura of seven colors in the space is floating in the air, as if it is in the essence, at your fingertips, real and sensible.

The large warehouse, which was originally loaded with cherished materials, is now a palace-like thing. Inside, the amethyst chalcedony, the amethyst soul, the celestial iron, the star metal, etc. are arranged neatly and orderly.

The original medicine field is now a huge area of ​​medicine that covers an area of ​​several tens of acres. One strain of elixir is radiant, and the green leaves are swaying, and the strong fragrance is always emitted. When you smell it, you are relaxed and happy.

In the medicine field, there are three small people who are busy and looking at the thriving medicine field. The three little guys smiled.

The three little guys are naturally the three medicine spirits!

The entire nine-robbery space, no longer the kind of feeling that can be seen in the past, is now in the true sense of endless.

A little further away, there are several courtyards standing in the middle, high and full of people, the people inside can not come out, it is the specific area that the sword spirit divides for those who practice in it.

Chu Yang can fully feel that practicing in the nine-robbery space, its practice progress, at least 20 times outside the practice, this is still the most conservative estimate!

Although the appearance of the nine-robbery space has changed so much, Chu Yang knows that the nine-robbery space is really different from the past.

After the integration of a small world of the same type, the nine-robbery space gradually derived a self-contained posture!

In some places inside, the prototype of the mountains and rivers has gradually emerged.

Chu Yang moved and came to the medicine field.

Jian Ling appeared in front of him for the first time: "Congratulations to the sword master to heal! Congratulations to the sword master to be a saint!"

Chu Yang smiled: "You guy, how can you be so polite with me. Do you think that the inheritance of your Phoenix family has not yet landed, worry? Want to ask me to find a solution?!"

The sword spirit smiled bitterly.

Chu Yang said with a deep heart: "Sword spirit, there is a story, I don't know if you have heard of it."

"What story? What about that?" asked Sword Spirit.

"There was a chicken in the past, I don't know what happened. When I was still in the eggshell, I was accidentally picked up by the Phoenix and grew up in the Phoenix Nest." Chu Yang smiled.

"This chick has been watching the mother phoenix flying from the very beginning, and I am envious of it. It also wants to fly.... But how can a chicken fly?"

The story that Chu Yang said is very absurd, but the sword spirit is still solemn and has been listening to it, and seriously thinking.

"Finally, the chicken and the little phoenix grew up together and began to learn to fly. The little phoenixes flew quickly and smoothly, but the chickens could not fly."

"This result made him very anxious."

"Looking at the old friends who are flying in the sky one by one. The feathers are bright and beautiful. At this time, the chickens know their own hearts. I am afraid that I am not a member of this group at all, because there is essence in the long image. The difference."

"He also understands that the reason why he can't fly is because of the talent problem, because he doesn't have such long wings."

"But he really wants to fly, and the idea of ​​flying is ingrained and indelible."

"Although I know that I am not this material, after the painful decision, the chicken finally decided that I must learn to fly anyway!"

"So, he just jumped from the tree again and again like this, and tried to practice flying; every time he fell and bruised, even almost died; but he insisted on it over and over again, always refused give up……"

"Some little phoenixes can't bear to look at it. Just tell him: You are not this material. Don't practice, you will practice yourself, it's not worth it, even if you don't fly, there will always be alive...····· You really want to fly, I will take you to fly every day, I will fly you, you are also God??"

Chu Yang talked about it here. Looking at Jian Ling, he smiled and said: "If you change to you, this is a chicken. What kind of choice would you have?!"

Sword Spirit hesitated: "As we all know, the chicken is determined not to fly, even if it can sneak a few times, gliding out a distance, but it can not really fight the sky; since the little phoenix has promised to fly with him every day. This result is also considered to be a good one. Life is not as good as it is, and the wish is already completed more than half."

Chu Yang sighed and continued to talk: "But the chicken refused resolutely. He said: You are flying around me, and you are flying up. I am going up, but not I will fly by my own ability. Once I have not, I am not going to fall, I have to fly by myself! I must fly myself, I don't want to fall, don't have the chance to fall!"

"The little phoenixes all expressed their sincerity and did not understand it. Moreover, because of his persistence, he began to laugh at him. He said that it was just a chicken. He still wants to fly, and fights in the sky. Isn't this a nonsense?"

"But in the face of such cynicism, the chicken has never given up, still climbs the cliff every day, jumps up, then comes up, then jumps down, during this fall, again and again Practice your ability to fly...···”

"He just practiced it over and over again... until now, the bruises can no longer move, and I will go back to rest.

When Chu Yang said it, the sound stopped suddenly.

However, at this moment, Sword Ling has already become fascinated and said: "So, then?"

"The future things, I don't really know..." Chu Yang smiled faintly: "But I am willing to believe that this chicken, he will eventually learn to fly, definitely will!"

"Even if he can't match the phoenix, he will definitely fly farther than the average chicken."

Chu Yang said here, smiling and looking at the sword spirit.

Sword spirit bowed his head and thought about it.

"In fact, people are the same." Chu Yang smiled: "Some talented people can progress very quickly, and some people with low talents progress relatively slowly; but as long as the progress is very slow, like this chicken. The same, then one day, he can also climb to the top, proud of the world!"

"The so-called rich, the so-called masters, in fact, at the beginning, is just an ordinary person! But after they worked hard, they became rich or masters, and even become gods in the eyes of ordinary people. They are unattainable but often overlooked. Their initials."

“Everyone only saw the gods and the rich, but few people used to compare with them. So the rich and the master are becoming more and more legends...”

"The chick is not a phoenix. He doesn't have the talent to fly, but he still wants to fly and make every effort to try to fly."

"People and gods, rich people, masters are not all people in essence. But few people think about them, especially when an ordinary person sees the nine emperors, the first thought is Only the worship of the top is only a few people have thought about it. After these so-called nine emperors, the peerless masters have actually had such a period of time, just like us.

"The inheritance of the Phoenix family, there is there, there is no." Chu Yang turned around, seriously watching the sword spirit: "Even if there is a so-called inheritance, but as long as you go forward, then one day, You will still come to the end again, if you are facing the situation where you have nowhere to go again. What will happen to you? I believe that for you, it is only a matter of time and soon. Because you are also a step forward. Man."

"If that is the case, there is no such thing as an ancient heritage. Do you not try to walk out of your own future? On the way forward, the most important thing is always yourself, not external forces. !"

Chu Yang said slowly.

Sword spirit suddenly sweated!

Yes, if the inheritance of this family really comes here, the predecessors stop here. Can I stop here? ? Have you been comfortable with the status quo?

No, this is not the result I want. Absolutely not!

"That chick, or one day, he learned to fly, of course, it is possible, he will accidentally fall to death in such continuous learning, or, until the end of his life, naturally die, still do not learn to fly, But I absolutely believe that he will die regardless of his death or death, and he will not regret it when he dies!"

Chu Yang smiled softly: "Because he, for his own dreams, worked hard!"

"The heart is where you want, no regrets! Regardless of success or failure, he has tried and struggled with all his strength! Strive to spare no effort... whether it is the fate of facing, or a strong enemy..."

Chu Yang haha ​​smiled: "I am such a chicken! I hope you can!"

"Sword Spirit, don't you want to be the founding **** of the Fenghuang people to create a new legend?" Chu Yang whispered: "Create a path of immortality from your own, let your future people, take you as God ?"

"If there is no road, it will not work. It is just that the predecessors did not leave, or did not finish. In a desert, moving in any direction, you can finally go to the other side. As long as you have not lost your direction, then you go. The footprints are a road!"

"Create a road, a road of your own!"

"The chick is not a phoenix, but you are. The chick has no talent, and you have it."

"What are you afraid of? What are you afraid of?"

When Chu Yang finished, he stopped talking, but the eyes of Jian Ling gradually uttered radiance.

Yes, there is no road, it does not mean that it will not work! As long as I walked over, there will be a road. If I don’t take the first step, there will never be a road.

Thinking about it, I suddenly gave a gift to Chu Yang and went to the ground: "Thank you for the guidance of the sword master. If one day, I can come out of the new road, relying on the sword master to do something today!"

Say, haha ​​smiled and said: "From today, I am a chicken! A... a chicken that wants to fly!"

The third chapter of the day, the first chapter of the supplement. I want to say, I am also like this... I want to fly a chicken! >

Very tired, make a chapter today. >

Heaven is our brother ‘cosmic ghost, and ‘Cloud Tianxiang’s birthday, let us wish them a happy birthday! Every year, today, peace and happiness! >

Suddenly the wallet banged!

I rely on ····· I am also a rich man... wow Kakaka······

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