Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 388: Reunion

Chu Yang’s heart was finally put down, haha ​​smiled. !

"Right, how many Jiu Dan are we still there? Is there more surplus?" Chu Yang asked, and said, looking at the side of the medicine field in front, there is a small pile of Dan pills near the spring of life. Can't help but say: "What is that?"

Say, I went over.

"Do not move this first." Sword spirit was shocked and hurriedly jumped over and stopped: "These are the essences of the three medicines collected by the three medicine spirits. They can't absorb them, they become such things condensed out... ···Don't underestimate these things, this is the purest good thing to come, wait for me to deal with it, plus the ingredients of the nine great medicines, then each one is the real thing, the quality Absolutely superior."

Chu Yang immediately put his eyes on the light and looked at the pile of thousands of pills. He said greedily: "That is to say, this is actually thousands of Jiuzhong Dan? I, I, I..." I have to faint..."

During the time, Chu Yuzu’s life was really tight; there was no such thing as the time when Jiu Dan’s body was gone. There are still many people outside of the country who have been seriously injured and have not recovered.

This made Chu Yang feel very uncomfortable. Now, after hearing about it, he can have thousands of Jiuzhong Dan, and suddenly he happily fainted.

Urgent sword spirit: "Then you don't hurry to get the time to get it, this stuff should now be the top priority, the rest are on the side."

"Of course." Jianling is very proud: "I have been working on these few days. When I finish this batch, I will retreat and try my best to open up my new path. I will also become a person who creates history, immortal. legend!"

"it is good."

Chu Yang patted the shoulders of Jian Ling: "I am waiting for your good news."

The sword spirit is full of ambitions.

Chu Yang is going to look at the current situation of Tiebu Tian, ​​and suddenly found that there is a place in front of it, but at the same time it emits white light and black light, flashing and shining, but they are only black and white. But it is not monotonous at all.

Chu Yang has never seen such a thing, and he has gone through curiosity.

Unexpectedly, wherever he went, the three medicine spirits that were busy in the medicine field stood up at the same time and followed behind Chu Yang’s ass. The three small faces were an indescribable desire.

Chu Yang is very curious about what makes these three little guys so excited, but the three little guys are incarnate, but they still can't talk. Chu Yang has no way of knowing that the Central Committee is just feeling that they are really excited. .

When I came closer, I saw that it was a strange seal, the white light and the black light that radiated from it.

There is a huge amount of energy to the extreme.

"What is this? How do you feel very familiar?" Chu Yang thought for a long time, suddenly remembered: "Is this not the special place that I took out a strange fruit? It is heaven and earth. Why? Is the seal now loose? Can I open it?"

Reaching out and touching, I found that the seal is still unbreakable, but Chu Yang has been sensitive to the feeling that this seal seems to have a little gap, with his current strength, go all out, you should be able to break through!

I think of the countless magical fruit inside, Chu Yang is the mouth flowing, but I thought about it. At this moment, I am definitely not enjoying it. Now that I have determined that I can break the seal, I can always take it and I am not in a hurry. .

So I plan to turn around and go.

It doesn't matter if he does not go, but the three medicines are in a hurry. Six small hands, hugged his legs at the same time.

Raise his head, his face is longing, and he has never concealed it.

Chu Yang looked down and couldn’t help but laughed. "Small things, I want to get something out of it, but the thing is magical. When I take out the aura inside, I will continue to escape. I can’t Stop, I always want to think of a way... Now, if it’s a resounding aura, it’s a pity, are you saying that?”

The three little guys stared at him with squinting, seemed to understand his words, and finally slowly released his hand.

Chu Yang heartily sighed and finally got out of the way, was entangled by these three little guys, couldn’t, couldn’t, and didn’t even dare to show an unhappy look. Fortunately, these three little guys are still very reasonable, if If you run into an unreasonable situation, it is really difficult to get out of it today.

The closed nine-robbery space was restarted, and the most worried Chuyang in the nine-robbery space was Wu Qianqian and Tietiantian.

Wu Qianqian and Tie Butian are now in a separate courtyard, but they still can't get out. Although the diet and other aspects are not lacking, the two women can't see Chu Yang coming in, but how is it? Can't be safe.

Especially after the horrible Aura storm passed, after the two women's cultivations got a lot of terror, I realized that I would no longer be Chu Yang's burden, and I couldn't help but look more and more.

After such a long time, Chu Yang has not come in yet...·····

Wouldn't it be something in the middle?

The two were simply worried that they couldn't sleep. Although the sword spirit came in a few days ago, Chu Yang was completely okay, but the two were still worried. As long as you don't see Chuyang's safety with your own eyes, no one can say anything, and Sword Spirit is no exception.

Even knowing that the sword spirit is credible, I believe that the sword spirit will not deceive the two of them, but they are afraid of it! !

"Isn't it true that Chu Yang is okay? How can I still not come? What is he doing outside?!" Wu Qianqian looked a little impatient.

"Yeah, it’s unreasonable to say that it’s true." Tiebu Tian frowned: "Is it too much to be chased? Or..."

"It won't be like that. If he is really chased and killed, he must have come in to avoid the disaster." Wu Qianqian never knew the things that had been closed in the nine-robbery space. Even Chu Yang could not enter. Wrinkled his nose and snorted and said: "I think maybe this guy has met another little girl, let's put aside these ruins... Well, maybe it's a light dance..."

Tiebu nodded in the sky: "There is also reason in this statement... Calculate the time, Mo light dance is now growing up...····· already available...·...

“Can it?” Wu Qianqian’s eye-catching eyes suddenly burst into laughter: “What can I do? My Majesty?”

Tiebu Tianwen’s words suddenly became red, knowing that he said the wrong words, and he said with anger: “How is your gimmick’s thought so unhealthy, what do you think every day! Is it broken by someone?!”

Wu Qianqian laughed happily: "I don't know who is thinking first, but if you are taken badly, you are first brought bad..."

Iron-filled days are even more shy, and they rushed to catch Wu Qianqian and the two women instantly laughed into a ball.

Between the fights, Tie Bu Tian suddenly felt different, it seems that there is a hot big hand, suddenly placed on his own bumpy buttocks. This big hand is still extremely unfair, after touching it, it seems to be still If you are not satisfied, you will be embarrassed, and then you will have more to eat.

Then a voice-colored smile: "Two beautiful women, what are they playing so busy, don't know if the niche can insert a leg to participate in it? Do you want to come and don't mind me joining?!"

When the two women first heard the sound, they couldn't help but be stiff at the same time, and then they reacted. They shouted: "Chuyang!" Then he jumped up, completely ignoring the image and ignoring him in disregard of his manner!

For a time, I even cried!

Sure enough, he is innocent and really innocent.

It seems that even Chu Yang was shocked by the excessive reaction of the two women, and the color of the heart was almost extinguished.

The two of them were stunned by him, and they said that Chu Yang’s heart had a long-lost feeling of warmth.

In the world, only my own family, I will be so worried about myself, and I will worry about it...

For a long time, the excitement of the two women gradually stabilized.

"How is the outside environment now? Is it better?" Tiebu Tian asked straight up from Chu Yang's arms and asked red face.

"It’s better, it’s basically stable. I believe it should be fine in a short time.” Chu Yang smiled and said: "Mo Yuntian army has already returned completely. If you want to make a comeback again, how can it take more than a month? time."

"Great!" Wu Qianqian clap her hands.

"You have asked me, how are you? What level have you broken through?" Chu Yang asked.

Tiebu Tian reveals a particularly embarrassing look. "The frequency of this practice break is really too fast. ······················································································· In the meantime, there is a danger of exploding the body almost every moment, and I can only work hard to digest it..."

"The kind of subtlety that breaks through several times in a day--feeling is really unforgettable!" Tiebutian is still the first time in his life. In a day, he is so wandering in the sea. Inhaling the aura and then breaking through the promotion, there are some surprises that are not adaptable.

"I am not the same." Wu Qianqian smiled and said: "I am now more than eight levels of improvement. I have improved eight times. I don't know what level it is. Anyway, it should not. Very bad."

Tiebutian said with some uncertainty: "I only know that it is definitely stronger than before, and it is many times stronger. As for the improvement in the end several times, I don’t remember it at all. At that time, there is always a danger of explosion, and where is it? Got a number of breakthroughs..."

Chuyang rarely sees the iron-filled days and so on. The more I look at it, the more I feel cute, I can't help but laugh.

This shows that the fundamental difference between Tiebu Tian and Wu Qianqian.

Wu Qianqian is a specific performer. Every step is very clear, and he is meticulous and clear. The iron-filled sky is the master of the general trend. For the details, it is not paying attention to it. If you are concerned about everything, if you are concerned about everything, you may be exhausted early.

"All in all, everyone has improved, and it has improved a lot. In this world of nine heavens, there is some self-protection." Chu Yang smiled reassuringly: "I will take you out after a while." , seeing the sky again."

The day is updated late, sorry, there will be updates in a while. >

<The game company gave me a picture of Yumanlou. If you have seen Lingtian legends, you should know that this is the best, and I will pass on the prestige. Let’s go and have a look. I didn't add my prestige to search for the world in the prestige of the public, and then I would like to pay attention to it. I would be grateful.

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