Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 389: A hero three help!

"Why don't you go out now? Is there anything else?" asked Tiefutian frowning. !

Chu Yang was a slogan, but he was embarrassed to break his own intentions and said with anger: "You dare to question Benfujun’s most correct decision, it is simply to fight!"

Dragging her over this unreasonable, pressing on his knees and taking a shot on his hips.

Suddenly, the soft buttocks swayed, and Chu Yang saw his heart fire, and he could not help but rest his hand on it and gently shake it.

Iron-filled days are shy and angry, and an inexplicable feeling in the body has risen. The momentary heart has a clear understanding, and he trembles: "Let me down..."

Chu Yang evil laughed: "Like a bold woman who dares to question the husband, you must be severely punished. Look at me and wait for the big stick to wait. See if you ask for mercy and don't ask for mercy. The surrender does not surrender to the master of the husband!"

Wu Qianqian saw this embarrassing situation. I still don't know what Chu Yang's plan is. I only feel that my face has a fever and I can't escape. At this time, I really don't have the mood to care about the sisters. It is the right way to protect myself.

I didn't want to be caught by Chu Yang. When I was about to struggle, the lip was suddenly blocked, and a soft tongue was drilled in, and I was weak in an instant.

On the other side, the iron-filled sky is already half-baked in the chest. In such a short period of time, Chu Yang has taken off his clothes, showing that the current Chu Yu seat has been hungry to what extent, too, this road is coming. It is really broken...

The room is full of spring...

For a long time, for a long time, a certain king sat in bed in a very satisfying position. He was surrounded by two beautiful women who couldn’t move. He looked at him with shame and helplessness.············

After half a martial effort, Chu Yang went to see other people.

The strength of Tiger Brothers today, during this period of escalation of the nine robbery space, has completely recovered, even in the past. Others, such as Wangdao and Lightning Snake, have also improved two or three levels, especially the Wangdao. His body has only a large number of hidden Lingyuans, or because Chuyang has risen too fast. Indirectly, his potential has also increased relatively, and the future will be promising.

The lightning knife, their repairs are originally much higher than those of Tiebutian, so the level of promotion is relatively small.

As for Hu Yan Aobo and others, the foundation is a little worse, and it is similar to Tie Butian. After this time, it has basically improved six or seven levels. Now the weakest is Xie Danqiong’s wife, Mrs. Mei, who has also arrived in the day. At the peak level, several other women have been promoted to the holy level.

Chu Yang is overjoyed.

This time, it is equivalent to adding a lot of masters out of thin air, and the security has increased greatly, at least not to send many experts to protect from time to time.

However, another problem that needs to be faced, even a very frustrating one, is: How to release these people?

If Bai Yuchen, dreamless and other people find that they suddenly appear in nothing, surprise is still second, but suspect that they have a small world, but it is equivalent to revealing all their cards.

Bai Yuchen and others are fine, after all, they have become their own hardcore.

But what about the Yaozu? What about those people in the inn? What about the nightmare army?

Any one of these people will divulge a word and a sentence. Your biggest secret will be exposed! If the secret of this trump card is known to the people of Mo Yuntian, the consequences are obviously extremely unimaginable.

Chu Yang frowned and thought hard.

After thinking about it for a long time, I decided to not be exposed, waiting for a suitable opportunity to let them come out to meet people.

Concealing this new force, it is not a different addition to an unknown card.

Just until the time of getting out of the nine-robbery space, Chu Yang is still thinking about this matter: What kind of way is needed, when all the people are released, they do not cause other people's doubts at all?

In this way, there are too many directions to be considered. No matter the time or place, we need to consider proper considerations. We don’t even need to consider the ideas of these people outside. The thoughts of people in the space can not be ignored.

Those who are in the space now, except for Tie Bu Tian and Wu Qianqian, do not know where they are,

They certainly have some kind of suspicion, but this is not a big deal, but once inside and outside combined with a relatively rational inference - oneself, this time is actually in Chuyang's own space. In the middle? !

That's really bad, and everything is stuffed.

Some 阎 万 万 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 万 万 万 万 万 万 万The spirit is gone.

The other two talks were on the side, and the gloating laughter laughed.

Huma’s two sages glared at the glare. Obviously, the anger has been brewed to a considerable height. It is estimated that after a few more days, he will carry a sack on the back of the demon Ningning, and then scream for a meal. Angry in my heart! ?

"Ha ha ha..." is really laughing, I said, Nanning, can your kid not be so interesting? Chasing a woman actually chased so hard... Hey! It’s too much to lose me to talk about the big devil. Face, don't you know me when you go out! I can't afford to lose that person." Talking about Zhang Daxiao, it seems that he is really a great master.

Demon Ning Ning wants to stop and say, crying and sorrowful face: "Talk about brother, you said that I can do anything else? People just ignore me, and now people can play too much than I can, in addition to..."

"The explanation is to cover up, cover up is indeed something, in the end it is not a sentence, that is, you have no interest! Still looking for so many reasons! All are cover up, are excuses!"

Talking about it, I looked up and said: "Like me and my brother, our brothers and sisters have always been in this respect." Hey, there is nothing to get the hand of the hand, then it must not be looked down upon!?"

Speaking of this, suddenly I feel complacent: "It is definitely the case. In this world, not everyone is as handsome as me, and the Yushu is in the wind..."

Demon Ningning, this will obviously be no more than a quarrel, a sigh of strength: "I am now like a snow millennium snow, love is like ice... What ice is coming?"

Actually, when I said that I suddenly forgot my words, it really turned out to be quite a realm.

The white poetry, who was reading and pretending to be calm, couldn’t help but laugh at it, laughing and swaying.

Demon Ningning is now in the midst of sorrow, suddenly seeing the poetry of the white poetry, the picturesque, can not help but keep an eye on the eyes and whispered: "My lady, a smile, and laughter, it is difficult to write difficult..."

Hu Shushu and Ma Shushu heard a moment of black lines.

You are really disappointing, and it’s no wonder that people have buried you. Just now, for a woman to die, to live now, now facing another woman, actually in a blink of an eye, the hare is revealed....

You said that you still have some **** exercises, can you can...

Talk about this time, the schadenfreude of self-satisfaction, smiled a mouth and went to the gang to go up and screamed at the belly, suddenly saw Chu Yang down, and the machine said: "Do you want me and my brother to help you? Helping me? My brother is a wonderful woman. No matter what kind of difficult woman is, in front of him, all the things that have been turned around are soft and sturdy, and he is absolutely second to none in the world. The fire is pure, the peak is at its peak, and it is free to do whatever it pleases!"

"As long as my brother goes, no matter what kind of woman, immediately!"

"Up to eighty to eight years old, there are ways for my brothers to pass!"

Just after the Chuyang heard the words, I immediately looked at the black line: Do you have such a voice? Besides, I have only seen a few women in total... I was told by you that I was like a sacred hand. You are filthy, you are a rumor.

The demon Ningning heard that the eyes were bright, but hesitantly said: "This is a girl's thing... can you help others? Isn't that good?"

Talking about the swearing of iron and steel, "You are really a pig. No, you are a pig. You just don't know the truth of a good man. Do you want to waste me?" Saliva!"

"This sentence also makes sense..." "Xing Ning Ning suddenly made up his mind: "Good! Actually, I am basically dead now, but I don't know who is in the hands of death. I am really a bit jealous; strong The twisted melon is not always sweet, as long as Chu can help me ask who her sweetheart is, I will be satisfied, I will not expect more."

Talk about raising your eyebrows: "Ask it out!! This request is really not high?······································································

"How can I be that kind of person?" Demon Ning screamed very loudly: "I just want to talk to that person, so that he must treat her well. She is a good girl, I can't take care of her." For a lifetime, I hope she can be happy... How can I do it, then what do you think of me?!"

Tan Yi looked at him with some suspicion: "I didn't expect it, I really can't see you, it's still a love, it's my brother..."

Demon Ning Ning is red-faced: "My love experience, you can't stop you!"

Talk about weird smiles: "Well, you will be your heart, as long as you can wait for you to be comfortable, you big brother Chu, personally, and show your skills, this thing is definitely hand-to-hand, easy. !"

Demon Ning turned to look at Chu Yang and pleaded: "Chu Big Brother, you······"

Chu Yang sighed deeply and shook his head: "I can't help this thing, I don't have the ability..."

When I haven’t finished talking, I’m talking about it and I’m going to go out with my arms and arms around me: “No, you don’t have to go, you have to go. Anyway, it’s all counting on you, boss, take Come out, you have the skills to make a fuss..."

Two people are unanimous.

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