Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 394: Get out all! [Supplement 4]

The purple evil sentiment saw a smile, and it was only after a leisurely drift away, making tea. It was not until my tea room that I suddenly spit a breath, and then I was flushed and my hands and feet trembled.

"That family...································································································· Road: "I really owe it! It is owing! Three days without playing, the room is uncovering the tile!"

Suddenly, I muttered: "Well, I didn't see through his repairs just now? Chu Yang, he is now... What is the order? Is it that I didn't think about it, didn't look at it? I am now It has already been sacred to the sage level. As long as it is a little touched, it can be checked at all. Is it because the first time you are in this situation, and the thoughts are not subordinate, slightly oversighted, um, certainly so!"

Slightly precipitated the mood, and this came out with the tea set.

When I came out, my face was already cold before it recovered.

At this moment, the air screamed in the air, Chu Yang was like a cloud, and all the way turned over, the big thorns entered the gazebo, haha ​​smiled: "Going around, you are back."

The demon, Ning, Ning, three faces at the same time, the face is sluggish, white eyes and even the sky: Are you a ride? You are clearly being taken out...·····

The purple evil spirits slowly came out with the tea, and looked coldly at Chuyang. He said faintly: "How? Chu Dagong, can your gambling be cashed? But won?"

Chu Yang slammed, haha, laughing: "I know I have to say that I really didn't bet, you certainly don't believe it now, but the problem is that I really don't..."

The purple evil squinted at him: "If you dare to say this again, I will dare to let you be a trapeze again! You dare not dare?!"

Chu Yang opened his mouth, smiled dryly, and closed his mouth with joy, and did not dare to say a word.

Who is the purple evil? Chu Yang is too clear, let alone change yourself to a flying person, even if it changes several times, it is an ordinary thing!

"Come, everyone drinks tea." Purple evil sentiment from the tea bowl, the first to a certain Prince said: "This, demon Ningning, has long been a heart, can not promise you, sorry."

Demon Ningning was greatly flattered and hurriedly stood up and said incomprehensibly: "No... It doesn't matter... Fortunately, you didn't agree...······Cough... I mean...······You didn’t promise me Great... I don't mean this, I actually said... If you promised, I am a bit unlucky..."

Demon Ningning said and said. The more I feel that I am too brainy, how to tell all the truth in my heart, and when I say it, I can’t say anything, and I’m so angry that I raise my hand, “啪” I slammed myself with a clear and slap in the face: "What are you talking about in the second place, saying that your goods are simply too correct?······"

Everyone looked at each other and tried to hold back the impulse to laugh. But still remember that his heart is exploding.

If you promised me... I should be unlucky...···

Such a very talented sentence, I really don’t know what the demon Ningning said.·····

The face of the purple evil has become the color of the bottom of the pot, and I look at the demon Ning: "You think so in your heart!?"

Demon, Ningning, sweating, and ignorant, almost no consciousness: "I, I, I, I am wrong..."

"Roll!" Purple evil feelings anger at the door. I can't help but feel ups and downs. A wave of turbulence: If I promise you, how bad should I be? Isn’t the old lady not waiting to be seen? So what did you pursue for me for a long time before this git? Are you doing nothing? I was also planning to use you to breathe someone, but I am not angry with him now. I am mad at myself!

Demon Ning Ning lost his soul and went out, until his figure came out of the falling flowers, and the voices of all the people heard the voices constantly coming in. The voice of the demon Ning Ning repented: "How is this mouth so embarrassing!" Even if it is the truth, you can’t say it face to face, this broken mouth...·····

"Hey! Hahahaha..." "I can't help it anymore. The tea that just entered the mouth suddenly burst into a flower of the goddess, and opened his mouth and laughed.

But when I turned my head, I was very abruptly confronted with the cold and ice-like eyes of the purple evil. The big laughter was still exported in the future, and I was frozen back and forth. I coughed up and coughed up. I coughed red and sighed. fork.

"Talk about it... is it? Is it funny?" The purple evil was very gentle and very gentle.

"Not funny, not funny, not funny at all..."

"What do you laugh at? I see you smile very happy!" Purple eyes and evil eyes turned into sharp ice cold again, it is the meaning of the forest.

At this time, I heard the demon Ningning’s screaming outside: “You shouldn’t tell the truth, how can I tell the truth? This broken mouth...” was suddenly stunned by the volcano. The outbreak generally rushed up.

This time, I can no longer control the purple evil in front. I laughed at Shitai’s heartbreaking laughter: "This **** said the truth, how did he tell the truth, wow, hahahaha..."

The purple evil sent a deep breath: "Roll! You also give me a roll, let me roll!"

It’s not a matter of talking about the reaction, and reaching out to grab the collar of the talk, and throwing it out. I only heard a sound, and I don’t know where I was thrown...

There was only one scream in the air.

The sky sees the humanoid meteor!

"What about you?" Purple love looked at Tang Yangwei: "It’s funny, not funny."

Tang San Shaozheng is sitting in danger, and his sentiment is serious: "It’s not funny! Where is funny, these two guys are too cumbersome! It’s really stupid! I can’t stand it anymore, I can’t even listen to it! The purple girl is so fairy People, the wind and the ages, these two people simply do not know how to appreciate the beauty."

"Really? What do you mean in your heart?!" The purple evil eyes suddenly became deep and decided to look at Tang Yangwei.

Tang Sanshao suddenly felt that his spirit suddenly fell into a bottomless whirlpool, and suddenly became confused. At the most confused time, I only heard someone gently asking: "What are you thinking about? Tell me your true thoughts, okay?"

The voice is like one of my closest friends. Absolutely trustworthy friends are asking their own questions. They can’t help but want to know everything.

"My real thoughts?" Tang Jiasan was less confused and repeated, and then the mouth was raised and it was difficult to hide his smile. He suddenly burst into laughter and said: "Wow, hahaha..." Every sentence is telling the truth, how can you tell the truth to a woman? Even if she is glad that she didn’t look at us, but you have to show some regrets...···You can do it now. Hahaha... really enjoyable. To be honest, such a fierce woman, who dares to want it... It’s fortunate that I didn’t look at me, or else, how can the days of this young master go through, and the days are pitiful, it’s too lucky... ”

"Ha ha ha ha ha ··········································································

Immediately, the next time I returned to reality, my mouth opened and laughed, but my eyes suddenly saw the face of the purple evil, which was almost distorted. The laughter suddenly stopped, and straightened and smiled: "Oh. · What I just said is a dream, I don’t know what I am talking about...·...

"Roll! You also give me a roll!" The purple evil has been so angry that it has to collapse.

Tang Sangong yelled and the whole man flew out.

After fluttering for a long time, I finally fell down with a bang. I was kneeling on the ground and looked straight at my neck. My mother... I have already returned to Tang Dynasty...·· ·

And being kicked so far by a kick, actually no injuries at all?

This is this...this is really...miracle...

After the embers still smeared a sweat, Tang Jiasan said that the two legs were soft, and stood up and fixed his mind. Suddenly muttered to himself: "The gambling appointment, I have to go to the Falling Flower Inn to retire... can watch That ugly ugly, it’s also a happy life. There’s also a Chu doctor, so...”

Pat the butt, actually applied a small tune to the Falling Flower Inn.

The guardian of the Tang family gate has a big eyes: What is the scorpion of the three sons? I was so embarrassed that I fell from the sky, stretched my neck and lost my soul for a long time. How could this happen? It seems that there is nothing wrong with the pat and the **** went out...···

What the **** is this! ?

Is it nerve?

Among the falling flowers, there is only one woman and one man left - purple evil and Chu Yang.

The two men were silent and half-speaking.

"I finally got away the people who shouldn't be there?" Chu Yang smiled and gave himself a cup of tea and brought it up. He whispered: "Since you have already planned to let them go, why bother? Are they coming in?"

The purple evil is cold and cold: "Is you thinking that you know my thoughts well? I am happy! I am willing to invite people first, then drive out, can you manage it? Who do you think you are?! ”

The sounds of Chu Yang and Zi Xie are seemingly calm.

But both of them can clearly feel that the other party is under the calm voice, the hidden hot emotions. At the moment, I am almost unable to restrain myself!

The atmosphere is frozen at this moment.

Chu Yang slowly drank tea, purple evil feelings also served tea cups on the opposite side, the faces of both of them are the same calm, but they also have some uncomfortable feelings, bit by bit.

I have been able to entrust each other with life and death, and I have promised two people who have vowed each other.

There used to be two people who had no regrets.

After the long years of separation, I finally reunited again, but it was silent to each other and it was difficult to say a word.

There are a thousand sentences in each other's hearts. Ten thousand sentences must be said to the other party, but they can't be said in one sentence. No, it’s not that you can’t say it, but everyone is thinking. What is the best way to start the game with that sentence?

Thinking about it, there is no one sentence that fits the current mood and the environment at the moment.

It was so silent all the way down.

Only Chu Yang coughed a little after a while, and then stopped talking, and then bowed his head and started drinking tea. Slowly drinking your stomach and bulging, actually still can't decide what to say.

Opposite, the purple evil sits quietly like a beautiful statue.

The change is finished. I want to ask you a few annual author votes... Thank you!

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