Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 395: break the ice

Long-lasting thoughts, the extreme care of each other, the sudden surprises and shocks... Innumerable complex emotions intertwined, it is speechless.

For a time, both of them were hopping. If you are an ordinary person, or you are yelling and yelling and yelling, you will be together.

But the two are very restrained people, and there is: before the two people, although they know each other's sentiment, but the layer of window paper, but it has not been smashed...·····

After a long period of time...········································

"Cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough..." Chu Yang unexpectedly issued a series of coughs again, as if he had a bad cold.

Originally, a certain king finally remembered that he was always a big man, and men always took the initiative in this regard.

But when I looked up, I had to speak, and I saw the cold and cold face of the purple evil. I remembered that this girl was the one who had put this face on his face and died. There was some fear in the heart, and it was swallowed again if it was about to be exported. Going back, it became a series of coughs.

"What do you cough? Is it sick?" The purple evil spirits had already eliminated a little anger, and they could not help but intensify again.

You said this goods, since you met, except to drink tea, and then you got the same cough.

Can you still make something else?

You are a big man, why don't you have a point? Do you still want this little woman to break the deadlock first? !

"I am oh... I am a little bit stunned..." Chu Yang smiled very quietly. For a time, he did not know what to say, and there was a simple spiritual motive.

"If you really have nothing to say, I will take a break. Everyone is an old man, but now I have seen it, and the hospitality has been served. The number of ceremonies is full. I don't have so much leisure time to sit with you." The evil spirits are tempting.

"Do not·········································································································

"Is there anything to say? You say, I listen!" The purple evil face is inexplicably red, and this moment is actually a bit shy.

This duo, finally have something to say?

"Well... I have something to say... I want to say..." Chu Yang scratched his head and searched for the stomach: "Amount, that is... What are you doing now?"

Did you tell me this for a long time?

For a time, the purple evil squint looked at this stag-headed bird, and the anger rose from the heart, and the evil came to the gallbladder. The old man’s meaning was born and he was cold and cold. “You just want to ask this is it? I want to know what I am doing now. This is very simple. If you try it for yourself, you will know it clearly!"

"Cough, ·························································································· · Urgent remedy: "I mean actually... your repair is progressing fast, are you really amazing?"

Saying a face of a flattering thumbs-up, the meaning of compliments is not disguised.

Just wag the tail.

"I am making rapid progress? I see that you are sarcastic. I am slow to progress. Isn't it possible for you to improve?" The purple evil is not moving at all: "I left you at that time, at least a few times higher than you." Ten grades, now I can't see you, is it that I have progressed too slowly? People have self-knowledge, and I feel that I still have it, I will not remind you!"

"No, no, no, no..." Chu Yang repeatedly shakes his hand: "I don't mean this, I really don't mean that!"

"You can have it. You are clearly aware of this. They all say that they are in the face. They still say that they don't have that meaning. I really can have it. I don't mind!" The purple evil mouth said that he didn't mind, and his heart became more and more angry. If you are not fluent, your breath will be more arrogant, and the gas field will be just a touch.

Chu Yang said very arrogantly: "Can you do this? When I was in the mainland of Jiuzhongtian, I was used as a sandbag every day. I said it was awkward, and I didn’t say anything..."

Purple evil eyes are dangerous: "Do you still want to say 啥?! Well, I understand, you mean that I fixed you at the beginning. At that time you could not resist, you can only shut up. Now you have the ability to retaliate back. Do you want me to be a sandbag? Let me shut up too? Yes!"

Chu Yang is stunned and dumb.

Suddenly I found out that I was too stupid to bicker with a woman. It was simply stupid and hopeless.

"哎······You don’t know, since you left that day, I really miss you for such a long time...” Chu Yang said softly.

The cold-blooded face of the purple evil has finally revealed a hint of melting, but it is still a faceless expression, apparently waiting for Chu Yang's following.

"In the beginning, the battle of the slaughterhouse..." Chu Yang looked up, his face was full of deep memories, and suddenly he sighed with a deep breath: "In that year, the day's things are still unforgettable, unforgettable in this life, eternal life. memorable."

The purple evil sentiment sent a slight sigh inadvertently.

Suddenly remembered before the battle of the massacre, in the courtyard of the Lanxiang Garden, under such a flower stand, Chu Yang learned that he would go and change his way to give himself something. Jiuzhong Dan, the Fountain of the Holy Spirit, Bu Tianyu······

There is also Hong Meng Zi, the origin of heaven and earth......

There are many, many good things...

It is also that Chu Yang has sent so many good things to himself. After returning to Jiuzhong, he has the courage to incarnate an adult. Because, I know that behind myself, there are so many materials supported by Chuyang, the future is boundless, the road can be...·...

Suffered from injury, encounter bottlenecks, there is a super version of Jiuzhong Dan; usually tired, improve physical fitness, wash the tendons, strengthen vitality, there is the Fountain of the Holy Spirit. Even if it is facing a situation where there is no death, there is still a life that can be brought back to life...·····

With these things in mind, what are the risks that I dare not take?

What's more, there is also the origin of the day.

Suddenly remembered, on that day, Chu Yang said to himself: "I am a big sister, can I hug you?"

The face burned inexplicably.

I remembered the warmth in his arms at that time.

The purple evil spirits gradually softened, and they looked at Chuyang with a gleaming look. The scenes of seeing each other again, although they have already seen thousands of times in their dreams, they often dream back every night, but this time they are real seeing each other. what.

"You seem to be a lot of sorrow..." The purple evil voice was soft and with a burst of inexplicable heartache.

At the moment, I looked closer. Chu Yang’s face really added a lot of wind and frost. In the last three days, although some people were young, they always had a few young sons, but the past was tender. It has disappeared completely now.

Although still young, still fascinating and graceful; but the invisible temperament, but lacked a bit of jump, and a little more sturdy.

"When I was old, I was so old..." Chu Yang was so clever, and immediately hit the snake with the stick. He seemed to sigh with a dry wound: "I haven’t seen you for a long time, even though you are still young. The heart is already old...·······························································

"After just one sentence, it began to stinky again!" Purple evil eyes flow, and finally could not help but smile.

This smile, suddenly blooming flowers, full of room color, the original dull atmosphere has completely broken, vanished.

Chu Yang’s rigid thinking immediately seemed to be a splendid spring flower, and it quickly spread and came up lively. He said with a smile: “Zi Dajie, have you thought about me during this time? If you say you don’t want me, I will sad!"

The purple evil snorted and said: "Hey, I don't think anyone who wants you will be in my heart, there is no weight at all."

Chu Yang blinked and suddenly whispered: "The wind rushes to the sky and hides the glory of China······"

The first sentence has just come out, and the face of the purple evil has turned into a pig liver color, and the shyness is glaring at him.

The mind of the daughter's family was dismantled, and no matter who was annoyed, let alone the purple evil of the fire!

Chu Yang Xiaoxiao: "··························································

The purple evil sentiment did not say that he had already flew up, and blushes to smack him; Chu Yang sneaked away from the sly and said: "Please please Jiangnan to sweep the flowers ······"

Purple evil feelings: "You!"

Chu Yang loudly promised: "In the big sister, what do you want me to do? Please tell me!"

The purple evil sentiment snorted, and the temperament went back, sitting heavily, and the face was tight.

Chu Yangxi came up with no idea of ​​life and death: "Zi Dajie, the younger brother wants to ask you something."

"What?" The purple evil gnawed his face and resisted the urge to repair someone again.

"This is the last two sentences of this poem. He is like a cloud in the sky. Please ask Jun Jiangnan to sweep the flowers... I am probably unclear.

Chu Yang hippie smile.

"If you don't understand, don't think about it, explain your dead head!" The purple evil face was red like Zhu, and he slammed it on Chuyang's head. This time, Chu Yang did not dodge, and his neck was hard.

If you want to eat a big sweetness, it is natural to not suffer from the pain of eating it first. This is a necessary investment.

There is a house to have it, and there is a reward to pay!

"People want to know, explain and explain..." Chu Yang pursued it, so it was very delicate and greasy.

"Roll!" The purple evil screamed.

Chu Yang was not afraid of it. He continued to play hippie and smiled and said: "The big sister came to hug..."

"Get out of the way!" The purple evil squatted to the side and angered: "You are a disciple, let me go and go!"

"I won't roll!" Chu Yang Laipi stretched his limbs and was lying on the stone platform. Suddenly, he found the New World and said: "Wow, I found out how this place is so familiar. Why? It’s like that... The Lanxiang Garden in the last three days, really like...·...

The purple evil bite his teeth and said: "Do you dare to say another kid?"

"The big sisters have spoken, I don't say this sentence..." Chu Yang raised his hand: "Okay, okay... I asked Zi Dajie a word..."

Let me confess. Everyone is wondering what the big purple sister is saying: I let you bet on gambling... In fact, things have a source of life.

Damn, a monk who lost money that day called me, was heard by my wife... Then the phone was taken over... I was completely tragedy!

The monk who called! Your **** Laozi is now only seven cents on his body! I cursed your little vault every day and your wife found it! ! !

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