Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 396: Who is better than anyone?

"What?" The purple evil only felt that his heartbeat was slow and slow, and it seemed to be fearful and hopeful.

"Does the big sister really miss the days when everyone was together in the world of Jiuzhongtian... Is it because of that that made this place like this... This should still miss me..."

After Chu Yang had not finished a sentence, he was chased by the purple evil.

For a time, Jianqi Huo Huo, but no killing machine.

Chu Yang slaps in front of the haha, purple evil feelings gnashing his teeth in the back, in this long-lost pursuit of the atmosphere, both of them are full of memories of the warmth. ,

Chu Yuzuo is very proud of his heart: I am doing it right, like a woman like Zi Dajie, absolutely can not follow the method of dealing with Tian Tian and Qian Qian... This girl is too strong, it must be so effective... really! I guessed it right. It seems that I am really talking about the kind of genius that the kid said, the holy hand, the little knife at the moment, why was it bad? Wow haha……


Someone is self-satisfied and wants to enter the wrong mouth. He has already been kicked by the purple evil spirits and fell to the ground. He has come to a dog for food.

The purple evil sentiment stepped on his back, and he was arrogant and murderous and shouted: "A little bit of a smashing bastard, dare you dare to tease me?"

"Don't dare, don't dare, really dare not..." Chu Yang hurriedly begged for mercy, people under the roof, how dare not bow.

The purple evil feeling seems to have suddenly recovered the feeling of comfort in the days of Tianji City, which was awkward and abusing Chuyang. It was a time when it was unreasonable. It seemed that time suddenly went back, and then screamed: "Say, dissatisfaction?"

Chu Yang took two hands: "Served, I served..."

The purple evil sentiment was awkward; this product was so abused at the beginning, he was biting his teeth and said: Come again!

What happened to today? How do you step on it now and take it?

The purple evil spirits were full of suspicion, subconsciously loosened their feet, and Chu Yang turned up a rib, and both of them were relative and laughing. Then they suddenly said in unison: "What are you going to repair now? How can I not see you?" ”

Speak together, open your mouth together and shut up, then smile again.

"I am now... the sage primary." The purple evil said indifferently: "I just broke through yesterday."

Speaking, Ming Yu looked at Chu Yang, waiting to see the shocked look of this guy, and the sorrowful face of ‘distance from farther away.’ In the purple evil thoughts, Chu Yang can't see through his cultivation now, and it is natural that it is just right.

As for the self-improvement of Chu Yang's cultivation, either it is a new breakthrough, it has not yet fully adapted to the level of the sage, or this guy has used some means.

Anyway, this guy is the owner of the nine robbery swords. There are definitely a lot of cards, and there are endless streams.

Chu Yang heard it as a surprise, and made a stunned look: "Saint... saint... primary? my goodness... my land... how can you improve so fast? Ah... These are too fast wow..."

Although I feel that Chu Yang’s expression is a bit too exaggerated, it seems that there is still some leave, but the purple evil feeling is still feeling a heartfelt refreshment in my heart, and said: "Nothing, my previous foundation is thicker, now than yours It is also a good thing to cultivate a higher level. I have gone so many steps more than you. Is it worse than you now?!"

Chu Yang sighed: "Hey... how can this be a good thing..."

The purple evil feelings became more and more happy, and squinted and smiled: "What about you? What are you doing now? Tell me, let me see your progress, not too slow, sorry to say?!"

"It is really worth mentioning, not worth mentioning..." Chu Yang sighed and looked lost: "I am really embarrassed to say... I thought I am now stronger than you, but I did not expect The result is actually like this... Hey, things are unpredictable, God is getting people."

In the purple evil heart, it seems to be a joy to open the flower, said: "How? Still embarrassed to say? Quickly say! What order are you now, and said with pleasure, what is the strength of the big man's family?!"

Chu Yang sighed deeply, looked up at the eyes of the purple evil, and said in an extremely helpless tone: "I seem to be a sage at the beginning, but also broke through yesterday. I still can't surpass you, sorry..."

"Ha ha ha... It doesn't matter, with your original foundation, it is very good to be able to go to the holy level now... 恩?!" The purple evil said half, suddenly returned to God and widened his eyes; "What do you say?" Sacred? You said that you are already a saint beginner? Did you break through yesterday?"

"Yeah..." Chu Yang's face is innocent: "Sage is junior... Like you, how can I not surpass you? It is a pity of life! I thought it would be almost this time!"

The purple evil had stayed for a long while, and suddenly he grabbed his wrist. After the operation was checked, his face changed.

A pretty face became blunt, and the nose was squirting out.

This bastard, it turned out to be a pastime...

I remembered the exaggerated look that Chu Yang had just dumbfounded, and that he had just been proud and proud. He turned out to be a clown in front of this guy...

For a time, the purple evil feelings are almost self-sufficient!


The purple evil screamed loudly, and the pretty face was red, and he gasped, and the pretty color was actually adding three more points.

Chu Yang saw a big laugh, but the laughter at the moment made the purple evil feelings in the ears, but it was such a hateful, and could not help but want to violently slap someone.

Chu Yang smiled and said: "Zi Dajie, can you still remember our original agreement?"

"What **** agreement?! Do not remember!" Under the anger of purple evil, the temper is violent, and the gas field instantly expands to the extreme.

"When you left, I made an appointment with you." Chu Yang was serious, but his eyes revealed a heartfelt enthusiasm.

"At the time, I said, if one day, my cultivation is stronger than you, what reward do you have for me?" Chu Yang said.

As a result, the purple evil thoughts suddenly thought of it, could not help but face the red, angry: "Do you think that you have now stronger than me? Everyone is a saint primary, how can I see you not as good as you!?"

At that time, the purple evil was about to go to the battle of the canal. Chu Yang raised this question, and the purple evil spirit said proudly: "Well, if one day, if your cultivation is stronger than me, I can unconditionally promise you anything!"

At that time, Chu Yang’s eyes lit up and said: “Anything!? Including spanking? I want to return all your **** in this time, you promised??”

Purple evil remembered that he said at the time: "Yes, if you want to come back, of course you can. Anything I said, no matter what, how to do it, promised! As long as you can beat me."

"Do you want what I want?" Chu Yang squinted.


Thinking of this, the face of the purple evil has become more blushing, and there is still a trace of shame. His full hips seem to have a strange feeling, and it seems that he is being gently beaten by someone with his palm...

In an instant, the body of the purple evil trembled without any warning.

"How, remember?" Chu Yang squinted: "Zi Sister, you can't talk without saying anything? I remember you said that I can do whatever I want, what to do, you promise, including stripping off Spanking...including anything else... is it not?"

He sighed: "Purple Sister, just for your incomparable and tempting conditions, I will be so ignorant of my life. Now that everyone is doing the same, I think I still have a chance..."

The purple evil face is red as if it were going to drop blood, but it is a big anger: "The words I have said are of course counted, but the premise is that... you have to beat me! You think you are doing the same with me. Have you decided to eat me?"

Chu Yang blinked his eyes and smashed his hand and said: "This... still a little bit grasped!"

Purple evil is furious: "A big tone, that fights!"

"Here? Isn't it?" Chu Yang was shocked.

"Do you still want to find another feng shui treasure?" The purple evil teeth gently bite the rich lips.

"The big sister said that here is here, look at the move!" Chu Yang fluttered unexpectedly.

The purple evil sentiment sneered, and the body whirls, and the white clouds floated: "Chuyang, don't blame me for not being merciless this time!! It's all you are looking for!"

"Oh, this time I want to take revenge is!" Chu Yang excitedly screamed and slammed into the body.

The two contemporary powers, who are both sage-levels, have once opened up their respective forces, and they are not guarding themselves. Instead, they have carefully protected the entire flowering building. If not, even if the two men did not make every effort to fight, just the strength of the flying, it is enough to completely break down the city!

Nowadays, among the two people's gas field packages, others don't even know that there is a shocking battle between the saints and the strong!

Although the two are not in the true sense of desperation; but Chu Yang wants to achieve his own 'purpose', and naturally go all out; on the other side, purple evil in order to maintain his dignity and majesty... certainly spare no effort!

If this war is attended by a bystander who is "intelligible", he will surely be dazzled.

It was really a splendid battle!

The fight is still only a half-time, the purple evil has been secretly complained.

Nowadays, the cultivation of Chuyang is like a breakthrough in the sage level. It is clearly more than yourself! If it is hard, you are definitely not an opponent!

How is this possible? Chu Yang has no reason to lie to himself, but if everyone is a junior saint who broke through yesterday, how can they get so much different?

What's more, my original foundation is ten times thicker than him! How can this happen now?

This is impossible to explain, it is difficult to understand!

If you try again and then circumvented a few tricks, the purple evil feelings finally confirmed: I now seem to be really not an opponent of Chu Yang!

This will already be a comprehensive downturn, and there is no effort to fight back!

Recalling the "gambling contract" between the two people, the purple evil feelings are shy and anxious, but there is nothing to do, no help.

Is it really necessary to let him "return" back? But how can this guy "just come back" so honestly? I will do whatever I want, and do everything I need...


Recommend a good book: "The World of Warriors" airway nine turns, nine turns above the black

Heaven and Man, Wu Sheng, Wang Kaifu, Di Zunfeitian

This is a magical world -

A lonely boy, even from a floating body on the sea, got a magical purple bone, which records an ancient soul that has long been lost.


Who knows after three thousand years, why must Laojun report Taiping

(To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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