Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 397: Tragic "sentimental hand"

At the thought of this, the purple evil spirits are even more chaotic, and even the reluctance to fight has gradually failed.

No, you can't admit defeat, even though you don't object, although Chu Yang is the one you love, but you can't give yourself the whole person in the case of your own defeat, let it do whatever you want!

In that case, how can I lift my head to be a man in the future?

The more urgent the heart is, the more chaotic the mind is, the more naturally the moves are scattered and soft, and it is not a rule. The consciously winning the Chu Yang is more proud, chasing after the victory, sneer: "Big sister, admit defeat, quickly admit defeat..."

The purple evil spirits were in a hurry, and suddenly they had an idea.

Chu Yangzhi’s full-fledged punch is aimed at the nose of the purple evil spirit. According to the martial arts, the purple evil is undoubtedly to be avoided.

But this time, the purple evil sentiment in Chu Yang’s fist is about to smash the subtlety of his face. At the moment, suddenly it seems to be scared, and he can’t move, and there is no intention of evading.

Chu Yang saw a shock: according to the strength of both sides, this is definitely not able to hit the purple evil, and naturally, there is no natural force, but the purple evil is really a flash If you can't open it, you can't compare it... Chu Yang is very clear about how big his fist is. If it's a real one, the nose of the purple evil must be broken on the spot.

Although I have Jiu Dan in my hand, I can cure her immediately, but...what is it so beautiful?

Chu Yang hurriedly closed his hand and took the fist that had already been thrown out to fight back!

Although Chu Yang has been promoted to the level of saints, the strength is deeper than before, but it is always the first step. The use of its own power is not as good as the fingers, from the heart of the wishful world, when the move, how many It’s hard to get rid of it. At the moment, it’s only a move, and it’s rushing back. It’s going to withstand more than twice the power of counter-frustration. This is the deep foundation of Chuyang, far better than the ordinary sage of the common saints, but still have to be in a hurry.

At this moment, the purple evil sentiment!

Taking advantage of Chu Yang’s rushing moments, a fist slammed on Chu Yang’s shoulder, Chu Yang’s body was awkward, and then he was kicked on the body by flying legs for seven or eight consecutive legs, and he was too busy to cope with the past. A somersault turned over.

I was about to get angry, but I heard the opposite purple evil saying: "I don't need to give up, I just distracted. Come again."

It was an active attack.

Chu Yangyi: Distraction? seriously?

I hurriedly piled up the spirit and once again greeted me. Slowly, the purple evil sentiment once again fell into the disadvantage. Chu Yang regained the overall advantage, and the palm of the hand took a look at the purple evil.

The purple evil feelings are crisp and the chest is welcoming.

Chu Yang saw the moment suddenly, but in desperation, rushed to stop ······ The purple evil screamed and grabbed the arm he had just recovered, and suddenly smashed the body of Chu Yang, heavy Kneeling on the ground!


A large humanoid pit on the ground.

Chu Yang kicked up and was full of depression and shouted: "This is not fair!"

The purple evil is cold and cold: "Who wants you to let it?"

Stand up again.

Such a dozen times, every time as long as Chu Yang has the upper hand, purple evil is about to be able to fight back, then come to this set, but Chu Yang still eat this set: he is not willing to really hurt purple in any case Evil love!

So many times, I was turned around by the purple evil, and I was thrown to the ground again and again...

Puff puff……

In the last few times, Chu Yang simply did not say hello to the three roads, and did not greet the predecessor, only to the purple evil feelings back and hips, heart, so this is all right, right? End this farce!

I thought that every time he wanted to succeed, he saw that the purple evil spirits completely ignored the rules and regulations, regardless of the forced turn around, and greeted the beauty of his national color in the hands of Chu Yang!

Even if you don't hesitate to be short, you have to deal with it.

Where did Chu Yang really hurt her face? Of course, it’s a busy move to retreat. However, just between the short electric light stone fire, the purple evil spirits have quickly turned passive into absolute initiative, completely occupying the upper hand, and will beat Chuyang like a sandbag.·····

After a long while...

Chu Yang is weak and lying on the ground in another humanoid crater, life and death can not be up: "You are a slap! I am not doing it!"

Chu Yuzuo is extremely angry!

Fighting, is there anything he is doing?

Is this too bully? !

Actually use the body to make weapons, this is how people fight! ?

Every time I have suffered a lot of twists and turns, I finally get the upper hand. I am smothering the wish that I am about to reach. I am immediately confused by the evil spirits. If I just confuse the past, I will pass it. The master is too tricky. Trinidad, own mercy, and close hand, people purple sister but did not hesitate, they have been replaced instantly hit, was hit by splinters, inexplicably miserable!

Every time this is the case, the cycle is repeated, and it is endless.

How do you fight this? How to fight is your own, you are unlucky!

The only way to solve it is to be jealous - don't fight!

"Playing? Who cares?" The purple evil sentiment screamed, and the wind blew and said: "The two sides fight, the victory and the moment are the moment, the winner is the king, the loser is the disaster, who let you stop? You are not afraid That is! I have not let you let me! You keep your own hands, that is, you have failed to succumb to yourself, and you have resentful of others. If you lose, you will lose, you have to make a word, and you are really unreasonable and shameless.

"Heaven, earth, you still have no conscience when you say these words! How do you say what you mean?" Chu Yuzuo is so angry that he wants to die, I can be willing to go to your pretty face like a flower. Do you punch a punch? You are willing to promise me?

Isn't this a joke?

Under such a mentality, it is unreasonable to be unruly! Is it true that people are purple? Obviously not, obviously it is that some people are fascinated by the sorrows, and they are stunned!

"Not convinced? Get up again! You get up again! Is it useful to play with your mouth? We are warriors!" The purple evil spirits are high, and the winners are temperamental.

"Do not fight!" Chu Yang one head: Have you ever played? As long as your tricks come out, I still have to be targeted by you? Want to play dead me? The fool has only played again!

"Don't fight? Don't dare to fight again?" Purple love looks: "Can I understand that what you mean is that you admit that it is better than me? If so, that bet, Is it abolished? I really can't bear to beat you again, always so embarrassing you, big sister, I also feel bad, just like this, people, still have to be a little self-aware!"

"That won't work!" Chu Yang was anxious when he heard it. He jumped up and said, "I can't do it! I won't believe it! I won't believe it!"

After an hour.

Someone who is obviously owed to the blame is not surprised, his nose is swollen and his head is lying on the ground. He is watching the sky and crying.

"Isn't it convinced? I won't be convinced and fight again!" The purple evil kicked him with his feet, and the provocation was full.

"Kill me, I won’t fight anymore!" Chu Yang did not move, and his mouth was still hard: "But the gambling contract can't be canceled! I can't say the deadline for the gambling on the day, as long as I won you that day, I have to count, I have to fulfill the contract! I will one day be taller than you. When I am, I will trap you with the gas field, and I will not let you fish! See how you are arrogant!?"

The purple evil sentiment was inexplicably red, and said: "Fish? When do you want to fish?"

Chu Yang’s eyes showed a strong sigh: "I... I want to smack you, the naked spank! Then I will..."

"Stop!" Purple evil face red face, kicked on him.

After a long period of time, Chu Yang sighed and sighed and finally realized that, at least at this stage, it is impossible for his own cultivation to fulfill the gambling promise of purple evil.

This matter can only be slowly illustrated, waiting for the coming day...···

Things can't be done, and it is serious to recover the scars on the face. Chu Yang sat down with a listless look, and his face was motionless.

"Oh, still angry? So careful?" Purple evil eyes squinted at him, and the tone was somewhat cautious.

"No, I am so stingy." Chu Yang said that he was not angry, secretly turned a blind eye, and his heart was not angry.

"Hey!" The purple evil feelings also turned a blind eye.

This bastard, the real soul is weak, simply do not understand the thoughts of the daughter's family, you come up, leave the first time to meet for several years, do not say soft words, mutual complaints, and actually want to be so direct... ………Yep?

Under the sun, how can there be such a cheap thing?

If this guy is sweet and swearing on me for a few days, after a period of more buffering, the girl may be able to take the shelf first, then put the water, half-push, and let you not get what you want...

But when you actually come up, you want to hit the ball...

Really thought that the old lady is not tempered? Chu Yang, if you want to conquer me in the future, come up with your true skills!

Chu Yang never thought that his impulsive behavior actually led to such serious consequences. If he let him know what he was thinking about in this moment, he would definitely be upset.

Therefore, someone seems to be really not a sentimental sage, 100,000 people should not be blinded, thinking that they can be unprofitable, ridiculous and generous!

Since there is no way to make a wish, I have to talk about business right now.

"Zi Dajie, how can your repairs be so fast?" Chu Yang asked: "I am sincerely asking for advice. I want to say that my cultivation is faster than you, but you don't know me during this time. How many hardships have happened, how many things have happened, and almost shocked the nine heavens. In short, it is a series of adventures, and with the huge resources of the nine-robbery space, it can be born to such a degree, so I am now repairing, eighty-eight Nine are from external catalysis, but you are promoted so quietly, but it is a real practice, but I feel that it is somewhat unreasonable."

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