Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 399: Jinjin Yuye

Purple evil always believes that Chu Yang will be able to come here, find yourself, and reunite with yourself! His strength is still weak, and he needs such a place to improve his strength.

Chu Yang was able to understand that moment, and for a time, the heart was warm and infinite, and he could not speak.

After a long while, I gently said: "Zi Dajie... If it is... I will beat you one day... you will marry me."

Just finished, I can't wait to slap myself. What is this shit? Doesn't this remind her again? Do I not speak people today? !

But I thought that the purple evil was an unusually docile nod, saying: "Good!"

Chu Yang never thought that there would be a promise, and could not help but shake the spirit. "In fact, I can win you now, or will you marry me now?"

There is already a meditation practice on the other side of the purple evil; only Chu Yang is full of tears on the other side, remorseful and slap in the face: "I pouted you this... It’s too greedy...····· Too insatiable... Chu Jun, you are also a fool, knowing that your own broken mouth will not speak today, but it is to say that it should be so bad..."

There are only two people sitting on both sides of the practice.

As usual, the purple evil spirits have been practiced for a while, and suddenly I feel that something is wrong. When I saw it, I saw that Chu Yang was sitting next to her, and did not go to the center.

However, the speed of his absorption of aura is more than a hundred times more than his own! The aura made a sound of 咻咻, and then it rushed into the body of Chu Yang.

If you say that you are practicing here for one day, it is equal to one year of cultivation. Then, sitting here in Chuyang is equivalent to practicing for decades or even more!

I drop a god! How could this look like this?

Even if the nine emperors came in person, it does not seem to have such absorption capacity?

Chuyang’s face is solemn and arrogant, and it is clearly in the state of deep levitation that has gone to the heart. The purple evil spirits are profound in this reason. Naturally, they will not be tempted to rush, and they will continue to adjust their interest slowly and return to practice.

When Chu Yang opened his eyes again, he couldn’t help but be shocked!

The aura in this space is actually very poor and very poor.

It seems that there is only a cloud of white fog left in the core position, covering a vague water.

Other auras all over the sky, nothing at all!

"Scared! How could this be? In addition to what happened?" Chu Yang squinted his eyes, his eyes were unbelievable, and he was really ridiculous.

Turning his head, he was seeing the purple evil and screaming at him silently.


"Hey? You dare to ask me what?!" The purple evil sentiment did not hit one place: "You have sucked all the places! You told me what?"

"I?" Chu Yang pointed at his nose: "Do I have such awesome?"

Purple evil feelings nodded and noisy face; these things, this is what she kept for Chu Yang, even if it is all sucked up, there is nothing to say. But the question now is: How can he absorb it so fast? Is this too fast? !

Chu Yang is also puzzled by this: If I have such absorptive capacity, will I not be invincible in the world? But what about this time?

The gods instantly entered the nine-robbery space and saw that Jianling had already smiled.

"It's so cool, I can find such a good place. ································································································ It!"

Chu Yang looked at the sword spirit without words: "The change outside is what you get, the aura is what you **** in!?"

"This is of course." Sword Spirit said bluntly: "If you encounter such a good thing, don't hurry up all the time and sneak in. Do you have to wait until he is cheaper?"

Chu Yang snorted: "The problem that can be first is that we still have to practice here... You can do this with your hand, and directly **** it away. How do you say this? This kind of practice is not a waste. · Even if the characteristics of the nine-star gas gathering are different, and the power of aura is re-emphasized, but you want to reunite the aura. When it takes time, there is no tens of thousands of years. It is definitely hopeless to recover. What do you say that you are doing this? what?!"

Sword Spirit completely disapproved and said: "What have I done? I am doing serious things! As long as we have our nine-robbery space, we still use it to practice in this place? The current nine-robbery space is already great, and the inside Aura is not much worse than this place outside, and it is endless and will never shake the source. It is like here. There is no such thing as wood. Once it is exhausted, it will take a lot of time to reunite. There are many drawbacks."

"You two directly go to the nine-robbery space to practice, the effect is not far behind, and never have to worry about the usefulness of the aura. Isn't it much more comfortable than outside? The fools bought the beads and laughed for a thousand years. You become the Lord of the Nine Robbers, and you have fooled the fools!!"

Chu Yang heard the words bright, right, to practice in the nine robbery space! Gong is not better? And don't worry about being disturbed, even if it's hidden, it's better than nothing.

Chu Yang then suddenly remembered another urgent need to solve things: "Or you can use this place to completely solve their problems here, it is exactly two things, just right."

Thinking of this, I rushed to explain the situation with the purple evil.

The purple evil sentiment learned that this was the result of the nine-robbery space, and suddenly put the heart down. Speaking of it, the purple evil is not necessarily unreliable. In fact, the relationship with the disappearance of the aura is not great. From the beginning to the end, what she really worried about is whether Chu Yang will be blasted by this huge spiritual power...

At this moment, I know the reason, and naturally I feel at ease. As for what to do after Chu Yang, she will not care, and will only work hard.

The two walked into the core position of the Jiuxing gas gathering place. I saw that there was a small water pool at the position of the nuclear core. The water pool was full of golden liquid, extremely viscous, and especially The most pure heaven and earth energy is emitted.

"Compared to the auras of the past, these are the real good things." Chu Yang took a breath: "It is the purest Jinjin Yuye!"

Purple evil spirits also looked at this place, only a hundred drops of Jinjin Yuye are dull; here, Jinjin Yuye is not a large number, but as long as one drop can play a miraculous powerful effect! That is to say, the current cultivation of the two people in Chuyang, even if it is to repair itself to the extreme, the oil is in the light, but at most only one drop, it can completely replenish all the spent repairs, even There is still quite wealthy!

"This treasure is not fast."

Without saying a word, Chu Yangzhong shot, at the tip of the finger touched Jinjin Yu Liquid. Jinjin Yuye has been sucked into the inner space of the nine-robbery space by the sword spirit.

"Leave a drop here, don't take it and fish and take it all away." Chu Yang hurriedly said a word, finally left a drop of thought that the root, rolling alone in the pool, but exuding a splendid golden light, lingering .

"If you really take all of it out, the feng shui here will not be completely destroyed, but if you want to return to the current scale, you may not be able to get it for eight million years! But just leave a drop here, Thought that the root cause will greatly shorten the process of re-accumulation, or only need hundreds of thousands of years, you can have such a pool.

Being a person can't be too much. The practice of scribbling roots applies to deep hatred, but it is not suitable for this kind of heaven and earth.

It’s undoubtedly the most stupid way to fish with Zeze.

The purple evil feelings of course understand this truth, and look at Chu Yang with a glance.

"If you use Jinjin Yujing as a magical medicine for instant recovery, it will be too wasteful. I will use them to improve the spring of life." Jian Ling said from the space of nine robbers: "As long as The life spring will be upgraded to a higher level, and then used to nourish the nine great elixir and the nine robbery space. Then, every drop of the spring of life can be used as a medicine for the super-heavy dan, in other words, the mass production of the super-heavy dan is not far away. And dreams...······

“Really?” Chu Yang had some surprises.

"There is still a fake. Now that these Jinjin Yuye are available, Jiulong Dan can basically do it inexhaustibly. Moreover, the required medicines will be relatively reduced, and the Jinjinyu liquid will be consumed gradually. But the cost is too much!" Sword Spirit said affirmatively.

"Great." Chu Yang spirit is uplifting.

"The benefits here are all taken up by you, let's go out." I can see that the purple evil is very happy.

"Well, good." The two came together.

All the way out, all the way will completely block the passage of silence, and put an end to the possibility that the latecomers will reach this space from this passage.

After that, I know that there are only two people in Chuyang and Zixie in this world.

Here, after a long time, it will be a wonderful hidden practice place.

At that time, you can come out from here and there is an endless stream of masters...

"Right, there is one more thing, you need the help of Zi Dajie." Chu Yang said.

"What? Tell me!"

"It's like this..." Chu Yang will iron up the days of their current situation in detail, said: "I will let everyone start from here, and then, it is said that it is always in you. Practice exercises here... Can you see that?"

"This is no problem." The purple evil sentiment agreed to it: "Tell your female emperor, but I haven't seen it yet... I really want to see and see, how is the national color, The wind of the king."

Although the voice of the purple evil sentiment is very calm, there is no twists and turns, but Chu Yang clearly can feel the thick sour taste hidden in it.


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