Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 400: Chuyang's team

Chu Yang’s heart suddenly broke out: Hey, he overturned a vinegar jar, woman, no matter what kind of woman, even if it is a kind of honesty, the depth of the realm, can never get rid of the nature of women.

In the eyes of the purple evil spirits full of expectations, Chu Yang waved his hand, Tie Butian, Wu Qianqian, Xie Danfeng, Hu Yan Aobo and other people who came out.

Instantly the entire falling flower building became a woman's legion, from a man and a woman, into a man and a bunch of women.

Fortunately, many of these women in the women's army are aware of the purple evil. For example, Wu Qianqian and the purple evil have just met each other. At this moment, suddenly unexpected reunion, but it is a surprise.

Everyone is very excited to talk together.

The hot scene that Chu Yang expected did not appear.

Tiebu Tian and Zi Xieqing met for the first time, and both of them looked at each other.

Then there is a strong intuition in the hearts of two people: the enemy!

However, the atmosphere of the purple evil spirits is unattainable, and the king of the iron-filled heavens is graceful, but it makes the two appreciate each other very much. Although there is some sourness in the heart, there is a kind of unstoppable one.

"Attention, everyone must know now that everyone has been hiding here... Well, do you understand?" Chu Yang made a gesture and said.

The girls laughed at the same time: "Yes, we have been taking refuge here at the big purple sister. Haha..."

Chu Yang couldn't smile, but at the same time, facing so many women's soldiers, it was really unsuccessful, and they had to continue to let people go.

Then the cat is greasy, the cat is lazy; the king knife, the tiger brother, the paragraph Cangkong······ Then the lightning snake and so on, and their subordinates, all of them are released by the 30s and 40s. The voice is louder and louder than the vegetable market.

After explaining the situation at hand and paying attention to the matter, everyone will understand the current situation.

After careful calculation of the repairs of the people, Chu Yang could not help but be shocked.

It was discovered that the original capital was so strong that it was unconsciously.

The highest number of people in this group is the old man of the tiger brother. The tiger brother is now a middle-aged strongman, especially in Chuyang and purple evil spirits. Then there are lightning snakes and other people. The three of them originally had only It is the peak of the holy level, but now it has been upgraded to the middle of heaven, and there is still a section of sky, he has now reached the intermediate level of heaven and man.

However, it is said that the most horrible progress is the King's knife. He is now promoted to the primary level of Heaven and Man, and there is more than enough. I believe that there will be room for breakthroughs in time. As for the limits of practice, he is not in him, but in Chuyang, Chuyang is promoted. The higher he gets, the more space he can advance to! .

In this way, even if it is not a catastrophe, there are already three saints in Chuyang. If there is no dream, then it is four.

The master of heaven and earth, even Bai Yuchen and others counted no less than thirty.

Most of the others are holy. The weakest is a few women, but even the weakest Mrs. Mei has reached the peak of the day, enough to cope with the general situation!

Such a strong lineup is almost comparable to a super martial art. And it has to be the top ten in the Nine Heavens!

Even though the old brand top super martial art like the red dust such as Mengxuan and Tianjianmeng, there is still a long way to go in terms of comprehensive strength. However, if it is compared with the strength of several martial arts in the eighty or ninety, it is definitely not too much, even Have it!

The most difficult place for this team is that everyone is loyal to the extraordinary worship of Chu Yang, which means that an iron army has been formed that is not to be beaten!

This team Chu Chu from the beginning of the formation, until the achievement of today's weather, a total of only a short period of more than half a year!

Now looking at the present can definitely be regarded as the glory of the glory, in retrospect, it is really a dream.

Many things that have been experienced in the past six months, if Chu Yang really re-experienced once, Chu Yang is afraid that he would rather die than willing to die! How many of them are difficult, it really makes people not want to read the renewed...

Nearly a thousand times of experience in the past nine deaths, sometimes one day has to encounter two or thirty times of life and death. At that time, I didn’t feel it when I experienced it. It’s just a sigh of sorrow, but afterwards, it’s All of them are all cold sweats, so I don’t know how I came over.

Maybe as long as there is a little bit of ... error, or even the bones are rotten at the moment!

The purple evil sentiment looked at Chu Yang's current people, and he was really surprised: "Chu Yang, you haven't been idle during this time. What kind of means have you used to gather so many masters? The team is afraid that even the super super sects are not there!"

Looking at the lightning snake and other people who are in the whole team, Chu Yang’s heart is a bitter smile, I don’t know how to answer it.

Then Chu Yang let everyone wait here, first go back to the inn, and prepare to bring all the people there, and do a full-scale reorganization.

If there are more people, they must have a unified leadership. Otherwise, the name is not right, it is a big power to be taboo!

When I returned to the inn, I saw the dreamlessness sitting in the hall, and the people around him were squatting around, and there was chaos. The voice of the demon Ningning was the sharpest: "No, no! I am willing to gamble and lose! You can't play it! It doesn't work anyway!"! Where do I play? I am just waiting for Chu Yang to come back, and I am betting now. How can I see that I lost...··········································

"Come on the gambling soon.... I lost my baba to see jokes here, but I waited for a day and a night... I said that I didn’t do it, I would like to gamble and lose. How can you use the means of playing this kind of abuse?" Tang Jiasan’s voice was dissatisfied, and he said that he still yawned, apparently not sleeping for a long time.

This situation seems obvious. There is a talk about gambling, and talking about it is a slap in the face.

Chu Yang despised the schadenfreude and watched the fun and idle guys, then went to the endless dreams and said: "Dream general, let's talk about it?"

The dreamless eyes looked at him and said, "Okay."

The two went to the room.

"But I don't know what the Chuzhuang master wants to find about old things?" The dream is not obvious. The whole person is not very arrogant. The whole person is very decadent. No matter the appearance, the temperament and the body, it looks like a lot of old. a lot of. Under this encounter, in addition to the serious injury, even the state of mind was also hit hard, the creed of life completely collapsed, and the dream is still standing now, it is quite difficult.

Chu Yang sighed and took out a nine-deno Dan handed over: "Dream General, before the conversation, I think you need to restore the state first, what you look like now, I can’t look at it.

The dream sighed in nowhere, seemingly hesitated for a moment, and finally took over the past. "The owner has a heart, but my injury I know, no three or fifty years. It is broken and cannot be recovered, but no matter How to thank the master of Chu Zhuang for his kindness."

Said, I took the Jiuzhong Dan down.

The next moment, the dream is boundless suddenly ‘hey, a voice, unexpectedly wide open eyes, surprised to see Chu Yang, then suddenly close his eyes, began to exercise, urged the drug to go all over the body.

In fact, Jiu Dan's medicinal power does not need to be deliberately guided by the exercise, but under the full force of the dream, the drug spreads more quickly and quickly flows through his body, constantly making up for nourishing his insidious injury. In a very short period of time, the meridians that have almost collapsed into a group have returned to the well-organized, unimaginablely large spiritual flow, and have flowed rapidly in his body.

The dream is boundless and extremely serious, even in an instant, it has recovered a little and a half, and the spiritual hooligans have not been exhausted and slowly flowed!

Even the trauma of the body surface is slowly healing, crusting, itching, and growing new muscles...

It is as magical as the legendary "life and death, meat and bones".

After a while, the dreamless head is gradually emerging from the thick white fog.

For a long time, the white mist gradually dispersed.

The dream has not taken a deep breath, and after some swallowing, slowly spit out again, opened his eyes, and looked at Chu Yang with brilliance: "What kind of medicine is this? Is it effective?!"

Chu Yang smiled and said: "But I don't know the injury of the general, how many times have you recovered?"

I felt a bit of a dream, and said: "When it is a **** medicine, my injury, it took at least a few decades to regain hope. I didn’t care that in such a short period of time, I recovered 70%...not only, There are actually more than 75%!"

Seven and a half!

Chu Yang’s heart is roughly calculated; in the general sense, Jiuzhong Dan, in the case of Jiuzhongtian, one can restore all the nine masters. You can also take care of any serious internal and external injuries.

However, in this nine-day scorpion, a super-modified version of Jiu Dan, in the presence of the saints, can only recover 75%!

Chu Yang breathed a sigh of relief: It can be quite good if it is 75%.

After all, the object is a strong sage, almost the highest level of existence in this world.

However, the effect of a new version of Jiuzhong Dan may not be so great, because the saints themselves must be self-healing during the treatment, so the effect of Jiuzhong Dan should be discounted, so the real effect It is about 60% more, 70% less, but this is already quite a lot; at least, at the crucial moment can completely save the life of a top master!

"This is my unique medicine, I call him... Jiuzhong Dan!" Chu Yang said softly: "I can be very happy with the injury of the General Monster, I am already very happy."

The dream is nowhere to stand up, and a deep ritual: "Thank you Chu Zhuang for giving me such a magical medicine! This grace, the dream is in the heart, not afraid or forget."

Chu Yang laughed and waved his hand and said: "This medicinal medicine is a small matter in Chu. It is not enough to hang on. Please don't worry about the general. Today, I will talk to the dream general. The main purpose is to ask, the dream general. What are the plans for the future?"

After my father’s birthday, I will prepare for the outbreak. Thank you.

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