Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 408: Ink cloud chaos (four)

Constantly, military officers dressed in nightmares suddenly jumped out and stopped on the road! `The sorrow and anger: "What crime did I commit? What crimes did my family commit?"

"Black Wind Gorge, I have fought **** battles; Tianmu Mountain, I have died for a lifetime, I have locked the soul of the river. I have three hundred enemies in my hand. I have made meritorious deeds for heaven. I have passed the blood for my majesty, and I have merits and hard work. I am not guilty. Let go of my family and let go of my family!"

The Black Wind Gorge, Tianmu Mountain, and the Locking Soul River are the three most memorable battles in the dreamless life. In the past, Mo Yuntian had a rebellious force, and his dreams were unleashed. The three major battles laid the foundation for his invincible glory in the military.

He and the army he led led all hostile forces to a dead end.

The name "The Nightmare Army" began to form from that time.

Nightmare - smashed the dreams of all the rebels!

However, after these officers shouted at this moment, they could not save their loved ones, and they only waited for more rude treatment. When one person asked, countless soldiers immediately swarmed out, took him, and stumbled on one foot. On the ground, there was a big tie, and it was not tied up. The face was stunned by the slap in the face. There are countless sticks on the move, where is the most painful place to greet.........

These iron and blood soldiers, who have been fighting for the past, are almost dragged into each other when they are put into prison. Everyone’s arms or calves have already been cut off, and the whole person is no longer human!

These loyal hepatobiliary soldiers are only screaming, but no one tries to resist by force.

On the second day, such a search was still ongoing.

The entire Moyun Heaven, the 30 major cities outside the Imperial City, are in sync, and the same scenes are being staged.

The dream has no end in the battle, and countless battles have been made. The nightmare army he led has also risen with him. From the remote places, he has moved his family to the most prosperous city.

This was once the privilege of the Emperor Yunyun Tiandi, and it was a privilege for the military.

But now, the situation has suddenly changed. This honor has become a reminder of nowhere to escape! And the goal is clear.

As more and more people are caught, the military is guilty.

In particular, when I saw some partial tactics, the deputy generals, and even the main force pioneers were all unfortunately unable to copy the whole family. When all the tyrants entered the prison, the officers of the scorpion of the scorpion finally began to produce commotion.

Looking at the brother's family was caught and abused, but I could only watch it, I couldn't help but even have no chance to try to save!

This kind of painful and painful taste is definitely not something that normal people can bear.

After the incident, Mu Tianyu had been in front of the Moyuntian Palace, and spent two full days and two nights, begging for Yuan Tian to recover his life. With him, it is almost the top of all the military pillars of Mo Yuntian.

There are even some civil servants who are squatting here, hoping for their own actions and praying for the nightmare.

However, Yuan Tianjun did not pay attention to the advice of these people.

At this moment, Yuan Tianji and his love 妃 are mourning the lost son in the mourning hall of the Nine Princes. This nephew is the birth mother of Yuan Datu.

The sound of pleading for the tsunami outside the mountains is completely ignored.

"What the **** is doing?" A white-bearded veteran asked angrily: "So many people are crying for blood, can't they hear it? Is it completely indifferent?!"

Others are eye-catching.

No one knows why this is.

The general manager of the palace and the wooden celestial corps have known each other for a long time. I have a lot of friendship. When I saw this situation, my heart was really uncomfortable. I quietly came to Mu Shuai and said, "Mu Shuai, you don't have to worry anymore." Even if you squat down, it will not help... Your Majesty is now screaming for the prince of the Nine Princes... Now in the mourning hall of the Nine Princes, you will not care about everything that happens here..."

This sentence comes out, the wooden sky is like the ice cave. With the support of its deep cultivation, even if the knees of the two days are still flexible, but this sudden sentence, the knees of the legs are instantaneously stiff, and several Can't move.

Yuan Shitu’s accidental death, Yuan Tian’s most hated is undoubtedly Chu Yang; however, now, outside Chu Yang, Yuan Tian’s most hated person, no matter the dream, no longer thinks of the second person.

At this moment, everyone is arguing for the dream outside, Yuan Tian is in the spirit of the Yuan Shutu... In the face of the son of the son, Yuan Tian is only more angry.

If you say that you have another chance or have a chance to open the Internet, now, the more people plead for it, the more they push the nightmare to the road.

The only thing that is caused is the reaction! And there will never be any use of it.

"Who is this ambiguous idea for the sire? Spiritual? What kind of soul? The prince was slain by Chu Yang, the soul flies, the gods are destroyed, where is there any soul to recruit?" Mutian eyes like an eagle. Yuan Shi Road died, owning the spirit hall, and the Emperor of Heaven said: Chu Yang is not dead, Lingtang does not withdraw!

Be sure to use the head of Chu Yang to pay homage to your dying beloved son!

"It is the suggestion of Yu Shuai..." The inner general manager is an old **** who does not need a white face. He said in a low voice: "Yu Shuai said that the soul of the prince may not be eliminated. If the Emperor of Heaven is able to be in the Prince's Hall." In the midst of self-improvement, the search for souls and slays in nine days and ten days may make the remnant soul of the prince feel the call and return. If there is any remnant of the soul, the light of the heavenly emperor can be blessed and reintroduced. Reincarnation is a man, and the father and son still have a reunion..."

Mu Tianyi slammed his fist on the ground.

This punch is clearly not repaired with the upper half, but it is still a solid pit that is hard as a star steel.

"The ridiculous!" Woody screamed angrily.

In the nine days and ten places to search for the soul of Dafa, there is indeed such a mysterious skill, and the situation that the rain has been late is indeed there.

But the premise is that the sorrow of Yuan Shutu must be in the near right, and now the situation is that Yuan Shitu is dead in Donghuangtian! For the Yuan Tian limit, it has long been a long time, and it is difficult to turn it around.

What's more, the Prince has been dead for more than half a year, and now I think of the soul? Although there is still its feasibility in theory, the actual operation is not a half chance.····· ‘

Moreover, after confirming that Yuan Shuo’s soul is flying and disintegrating, Yuan Tian’s limit has already recruited a soul for it. That time there is no point at all. In other words, Yuan Shitu is the real soul flying, even a little soul residue. There is nothing left, and how to recruit souls will only be futile and useless.

"Don't you be confused?" Mu Tianyu's chest continued to rise and fall. The beard was windless and automatic. When the heart was anxious, he said something.

"My Majesty's move is still a matter of love. I know that I can't do it. I have to try it again. I want to see it." The general manager of the city deeply sighed.

Wood Scorpio suddenly wakes up.

The rain is late to raise this matter at this time, and it is by no means a pure soul for the Prince!

But ······ completely blocked the way the Chinese people pleaded for the nightmare army!

As long as you are in Yuanshutu Lingtang, the hatred of Yuantian is infinitely magnified. It may even lose reason and lose the minimum decision-making ability.

In this way, if any point is a dreamless pleading, in the ears of Yuan Tian, ​​you will think of the tragic death of the son.

This kind of love-seeking, every point is the pain of the funeral that stimulates the bottom of Yuan Tian. Every time I ask for a love, it is to push the situation of the dreamless army of the dreamless to a more uncomfortable place.

This thought is simply the end of the poison.

However, the delay in the rain has caught the mind of the parents. Although Yuan Tianzhi also knows that this method is not feasible, it is futile, but for the sake of peace, how can he try hard, if there is a problem? ? !

Wood Scorpio said this situation to everyone, everyone is sighing.

Everyone stood up.

At the moment, the original pleading from goodwill has turned into a rock.

However, without pleading, I will watch these loyal soldiers one by one.

Everyone looks at each other and faces one by one.

Wood Tianyi stepped back a few steps, and looked a little desperately in a certain direction in the palace.

There, the smell of cigarettes that are faintly floating out of the way, the average person can not detect anything at such a long distance, but the wooden scorpion is able to accurately grasp it.

There, there is the place where the Emperor of Heaven is screaming for the Prince.

The atmosphere there was peaceful and there was no sign of any fluctuations at all.

Obviously, my heart’s mind hasn’t moved, and I’m not going to care about how many country’s cadres are squatting and crying.

Mu Tianyan looked deep and looked at it for a while, finally straightened up and turned away.

The snow in the air is drifting, and the back of the wooden sky is gone, but it seems to be to smash the snow.

He did not look back, and he made an unusually determined move.

His steps are getting faster and faster.

From beginning to end, there is no more words to say.

Others watched Mu Shuai leave, everyone was a look of sorrow and misery.

"What, the dreamless family will not be found? And the family members of the confidant generals who followed him are now completely missing? There is no gain at all?!" The rain was slow and angry and looked at the news. The face of the soldier, his face is abnormal, almost a person will swallow the future.

"I really can't find it." The general said in a low voice: "It is said that... they had all moved away a month and a half ago..."

"After a month and a half ago, all of them moved away..." The rainy eyes narrowed up and immediately said, "I know, you continue to search for other nightmare core soldiers and their families, especially dreams." Confidence in the belly... As for the confirmation that I have left, I will handle it personally."


The officer salute and went out.

The rainy and calm face slowly turned into a haze, and there was a hint of danger.

The next moment, he clapped his hands and said: "Come on."

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