Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 409: Ink cloud chaos (5)

"Below." Several shadow-like people suddenly flashed out. !

"In the next period of time, all the time, pay close attention to all the movements of Mushuai Mansion, and... the action of the center of the wooden Shuaifu, one by one, don't let any clues go, once you have the news, report it to me immediately.


"Would you like, take this opportunity to kill the wooden scorpion?" The rain was slow to carry both hands and stood in front of the window.

After thinking for a long time, I still shook my head. ,

"In any case, His Majesty will never allow the military to be alone. It was this truth that helped me to rise up against Mu Shuai. This time, although it made the woods hurt, it hurts the roots, but said It is impossible to really pull him uprooted..."

"Even if you are kneeling, you will not be allowed to fall, at least not immediately."

"And, I believe that as long as the sorrowful emotions in this period have passed, I must take care of Mu Tian’s personal feelings, and to a certain extent, allow Mu Tianyi to retaliate against me...

"In order to create a new balance..."

The rain was slow and my heart was rolling different thoughts: "But this time, I have completely torn the skin with Mu Tianyu.... Since they stand out from each other, it is not as good as ..... Good time, go further. Even if you can't get rid of Mutian, you must make him more uncomfortable. Even if you want to establish a new balance, I must be strong and weak... just a dream, a nightmare army. ……not enough!"

The rain that made up his mind was ordered again, and after three consecutive orders, he was sitting in a chair with a tired body. He was seriously injured and his body was actually weak.

If you want to recover completely, I am afraid that within a year or two, it will not be possible. Even if the secret medicine given by Yuantian is magical, it is still not the equivalent of Jiu Dan.

However, the three orders of the new rain are like the three sharpest knives, and the knives will break into the heart of Mu Tianyu.

"Let the people in the dungeon grasp a little, torture them, do not ask them to give the export, but to torture the body to the maximum extent! The only taboo is not to hurt your life, but still try to do it, if one day let them out ····· You can only live in bed in the second half!"

"As for the punishment of the son-in-law! No scruples, no matter what you live!"

"If any of the deceased beheaded the crowd!"

The three orders, one more than one poisonous, completely leave no room.

I will know that he is a loyal soldier, tortured into a disability!

Means poison, heart is more poisonous!

It is a taboo for the son-in-law of the son-in-law. What is more, the family of the soldiers?

If you really do everything, even if you stand against each other, this means is too much!

The deceased beheaded the public and equals the world.

The crime of rebellion was completely crucified, and there was no room for change!

The rain is late, knowing that if you do this, you will have a great chance to cause public outrage. Especially from the rebound of the military side. However, the rain is not worried at all, because he is waiting for the other side's rebound!

The bigger the rebound, the heavier the crime!

When the rebound reaches a certain level, Mu Tianyi will be completely devastated in this incident!

In the future, the military will still have a situation of confrontation between the two, but at that time, Mutian, no longer, is no longer his opponent!

At least, in the power and influence, it has plummeted!

But if there is no rebound, you can't even protect your subordinates and even your subordinates. You just watched your subordinates being framed, your family was abused, and you have any qualifications for standing. On the seat of the military's first handsome man?

Regardless of the outcome, whether there will be a rebound, the decline of Mutianyu can be expected!

Under the impetus of the rain, under the acquiescence of the Moyun Heavenly Emperor Yuantian, the Moyun Heavenly Emperor’s first prison was launched.

The objects faced by the prisoners are all the loyal soldiers who were born and died for Mo Yuntian. These soldiers, all year round bloody, killing, out of the country, each one is a battle of strength.

Perhaps when they are galloping on the battlefield to kill the enemy, no one will think that their final end is actually in the heavens where they have forgotten their lives.

Those who died in their own countless sacrifices ensured safety.

The depth of this prisoner’s misfortune is staggering, and later generations are called: the prison of the entire Nine Heavens!

Even Yuan Yuan has not thought of himself, what will this jail lead to...·····

Another day passed, the city of Moyun Emperor City was still up and down.

There is snow and blood!

The voice of shouting, the trend is becoming more and more popular and popular; and the means of delaying the military rain, the more tough, the more unscrupulous.

There are too many soldiers, just riding a horse and flying over the road.

After the horse, dragging a fleshy body with a long rope, letting the screams of the body scream for the sound of the world, the rider always laughed so much, no stop, and flew away.

Leave a blood mark.

Blood marks with snow marks!

Marshal House in front of the gate.

Described as a few minutes, the wooden scorpion, carrying his hands, his face cold and cold, quietly looking at his own one after another was taken away, the subordinate family screamed! He was arrested, just from the street in front of his eyes Drag and drop.

Batch after batch.

The shape of the wooden scorpion has always stood firm, and it seems to be indifferent. Only the meaning of the icy cold in the scorpion is getting more and more prosperous.

Many people, there is no need to pass through this road at all, but under the deliberate command of the rain, even if you want to deliberately circle a circle, you must pass through the door of Mutian.

Pick L衅!

No disguise!

Yes, I just want to see, when can you endure?

Forbearance, when it is unbearable, there is no need to endure it, but also endure it!

No need to bear it! Then you are waiting for the Thunder to scream!

One endures? Then you can wait until the hearts of the people are scattered!

It is precisely because of this reason that the wooden scorpion is in a dilemma. The hands and bones behind him have already turned white. Although the face seems calm and waveless, the whole body is already stretched like a bow full of strings. !

Is it a hit, or...

Finally, Mu Tianyan turned his faceless expression and returned to the mansion, no longer seeing him.

Behind me, I heard the cruel drink from the distance: "Grass mud horse! Let's go faster! If you break a leg, you won't leave? Catch the old man! Climb! I can't climb, I can't move you, hacking you, the province's fallacy. effort!"

A sip of sorrow will be accompanied by a whistling sound of "啪", followed by a sharp and screaming scream, and it will continue to be repeated!

Wood Scorpio went in as if he had turned a deaf ear.

In the yard, hundreds of military generals gathered here, watching Wood Tianyi walk in, and "Hula" screamed up.

"Mu Shuai! What should I do?"

"Mu Shuai, you ordered it, we fight with them!"

"Mu Shuai, can't drag any more. Then drag on, those people are really finished..."

"Mu Shuai... please for you..."

The eyes of the eagle eagle eagle turned from the faces of the geniuses, and the eyes flashed a little hard to conceal the pain. But it was a flash of death, Shen Sheng said: "All the people go back and go back, how are they here?" What's the matter? What do you want to gather here? Is it going to be rebellious? Let me roll it all! Immediately, right now, now it's all gone!"

"Mu Shuai!" Nearly a hundred people simply did not believe what they had heard, and they brushed up neatly and screamed.

"This is the decision of the Majesty, and I have to do it according to this. How can it be broken?" Mu Tianyu squinted: "The nightmare army is not guilty, and naturally will give them an innocence; if it is guilty No one can save them! You all go back, waiting for the next message."

Everyone widened their eyes and looked at Mutian, his eyes full of incredible, amazing and strange colors.

This... Is this what Mu Shuai said?

How could he say this? !

How can he say this? !

These people are now in the dungeons. Even if they are lucky enough to come out later, they will basically be abolished, especially those son-in-law. They have entered the cell. How can they still have anything... innocence?

Under the supervision of the rain, how can these old opponents still have a little luck?

"Ah ~ ~ ~, there was a sudden scream of screaming from the outside, dragging a long sound, hoarse voice, but revealed the pain of untold words.

"That is..." It is the voice of the tiger!" Several generals have heard it. This is the voice of Li Yujun, the deputy general of Li Meng. His voice is very unique, but it is because one battlefield was captured. The enemy tortured and forced the confession, and eventually he was cut off half of his tongue. Later, although he was rescued, he could never say it in the future...···

Such an iron man would actually lose his voice, so what kind of pain did he have before? !

"I want to go see!" Many people got up.

Even if there is something wrong with the Nightmare Army, it should not be treated like a lot of iron man for the sake of Mo Yuntian!

"All of them stop for me! No one is allowed to go! This is the order!" Mu Tianyi screamed and shouted.

"Everyone will give me a go home! Without my order, who dares to go out, is to defy the military order! It is rebellion! It is rebellious!" Mu Tianyan iron face, and even screamed: "Roll! Roll! All Give me back!"

Everyone heard it like a three-nine-day cool water topping.

The military army, the official statement is the superiors of the heavens, obeying the command is the duty of the soldiers, but the real emphasis is on the officers and soldiers.

The military chief has never been short-sighted: You can't even protect your own soldiers, but what are you talking about? Before Mu Shuai, he was always the most caretable one.

In order to let the people know how much they have done, how many things have been done, so everyone is convinced and convinced, and there is nothing wrong with it.

But now the wooden scorpio, the wooden scorpion at the moment, makes everyone feel a sense of strangeness.

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