Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 410: Ink Clouds

"Mu Shuai······Do you not care about the lives and deaths of these brothers?!

"Don't we have the brothers' families, don't we care?"

"It’s so good to stand by and watch them being framed and let them be abused?”

"Mu Shuai, don't you really have the heart?"

Everyone didn't leave immediately, and they all looked at Mu Shuai. They didn't understand the eyes and there was some hate.

Isn’t Mu Shuai really frightened by this series of rains? This time, I am willing to go down the wind? ? Is this really going to give in this time?

"If I said something, I never said the second time, don't let me repeat the second time!" Mu Tianyan looked blue and green: "Come on! Give me a big stick, give me these people out! Who dares to go out Defying the military order, in order to rebel, the whole family copied, and the troubled nine people!"

"Mu Shuai!" Everyone shouted at the same time. However, they were pushed out of the door by the guards of the Marshal House.

“砰”, the door closed tightly, completely separating the space on both sides.

A group of generals stood in front of the door, one by one, cold and cold, and each other looked at each other. Everyone was full of grievances and despair.

If this thing is really handsome, then I will ignore it. The people of the Nightmare Army basically announced the end of a dead end.


A deep sigh.

Wood Scorpio drove all the men out of the gate and stood in the yard for a while, and slowly walked into his study.

"How is it?" Mu Tianyu asked quietly in his study.

It seems to be talking to himself.

However, in the seemingly empty room, someone immediately answered.

"The rain has been delayed, so that all the insomnia officers who have been arrested will be recruited and drawn, and everyone will be tortured into a waste, and the family will live and die. As long as they are insulted, the deceased will beheaded."

"As long as there is a population spurt, but any officer involved in other military forces should immediately take the case to the case. No matter who is involved!"

"The descendants of these officers are basically married, and there are inextricably linked links between the families. Under the command of annihilating the Nine, the family members are also taken to the case. It’s shocking.”

"So far, the number of mid-level military officers who have been caught in the dungeon has exceeded 7,000. With the family of these people, it has already exceeded 100,000 people. This number is still rising, prison cells. At present, it is gradually overcrowded. In the rain, some people who believe that the suspect is too heavy and have a high background are being held in private prison.······

"However, the search and arrest is still going on, and there is a tendency to gradually expand. At present, this is only limited to the realm of the emperor. The people in the surrounding areas are also facing the same situation. Overall, this time, there are at least one million people. Suffering, even this number is still the most conservative estimate."

"In addition, the 500,000 people who were dismissed by the Nightmare Army, the whole was disbanded and named as the return to the field, but every one who went home, although not detained, suffered a lot of insults in the process, it is miserable, it seems As long as it is a person, even if he is innocent and sinful, but as long as he is in front of the Nightmare Army, he is a superior. You can insult them at will and insult in any way!"

"This unscrupulous persecution has become more and more intense; it has now grown to forty-one cities around the Imperial City!"

“And it’s still spreading and expanding.”

"If you really don't care, wait for the matter to come to a close, I am afraid that at least 30 million people, so they are unfortunate..."

The voice in the void is faintly telling, telling the story of such a terrible thing, but not the slightest emotion in the voice.

Mu Tianyan took a deep breath and said: "How is the Tianbing Pavilion now? Where is it going to be active? Can activities be frequent?"

"From yesterday, our people began to provoke them. However, the host of the Tianbing Pavilion, Xie Danqiong, is getting more and more embarrassed, and he is not willing to go deeper, and his masters have become more... his own strength is also more reinforced. It’s hard to lead.” The shadow said, the voice said.

"You immediately set foot in the past and told him in person that the military decided to cooperate with him once and let him bring people to the emperor five hundred miles away for activities. Then, we sent him a big gift." Said, there is a hint of pain in his eyes.

"This, I am afraid that Xie Danqiong will not believe that his personality is not only cautious, but also the place where the phoenix does not fall." The shadow man hesitated.

"This is not afraid, all you have to do is determine the general orientation. Then, the soul is sent to me, I will use the method of the soul to separate the body and personally negotiate with Xie Danqiong." Mu Tianyan took a deep breath.

"This transaction must be kept confidential."


In a jungle.

Xie Danqiong was dressed in black, and Junxiu’s face was full of doubtful colors, standing quietly on the treetops and standing still.

On the forest road, there was a large team of escorts, and the team was crying and screaming. This way, the closer to the emperor's land, the more such things, Xie Danqiong had to be surprised, this situation is really strange.

Because among the prisoners who are being escorted, there are many good men in the middle, and they are strong and strong. It is easy to distinguish with the eyes of Xie Danqiong. These people are top masters, even if they are not alone. The extent of ● is already quite impressive...

But why are so many masters committing things together? And many of them have even been physically disabled!

Such a person can be regarded as a great fortune in any world. How is this?

"I am afraid that this matter is very embarrassing, and I will go down and focus on investigating!" Xie Danqiong

This incident is really nothing to focus on, I believe that as long as you just grab a person to ask, you will know the Central Committee.

However, it is the competition between the strength of the military. These people are the ones who failed!

"The Nightmare Army? Is it a nightmare?"

"Because of the annihilation of Chu Yang's loss? The remnants were all conquered by Chu Yang? Betrayed Mo Yuntian?"

"Is the sin of the nightmare army that stayed in Moyuntian so guilty? One person is guilty, the nine people are involved?"

The eyebrows of Xie Danqiong Junxiu, who knew the story, wrinkled tightly.

This is a bit of fun... So what do you do?

Also, during this time, some people in the Mo Yuntian deliberately lured themselves to the direction of Kyoto, but they were clearly not malicious, but the attitude was very sturdy...·····

How is this possible?

Does this deliberate "seduction" have nothing to do with this matter?

Xie Danqiong knows his family affairs from his family. Although he has died several times in his life, and he has made a fortune, he has already reached a very high level. But from the level of the saints, there is still a considerable distance. It is difficult to get there.

Even if it can be promoted to become a sage primary, it is definitely not the opponent of the giants of the Moyuntian military, let alone not!

If they really want to completely annihilate themselves, I am afraid that it seems to be a prosperous Tianbing Pavilion, but it will not be able to survive the day and night. At the end, only one person can rely on the boss’s Jiu Dan’s strength to escape... ...

But why is this so different now?

Xie Danqiong thinks that this should not be a bad thing. At least, it is worth taking a chance to try. Now, suddenly, I got such an uplifting news. Let Xie Danqiong get a little more grasp.

It turned out that the beginning and end of the matter was directly related to the boss Chu Yang. However, they should not know the relationship between me and Chu Yang! However, this Tianbing Pavilion is now the largest bandit group in Moyuntian... In this case, they are looking for me...

Xie Danqiong Zhuo Li treetop, deep meditation, to calculate the next direction.

"The leader, the man asked to see. Please decide." Someone passed.

That person is the specific address of a mysterious master by Xie Danqiong. I don’t know where this person comes from, I don’t know the specific identity of this person, but this person is all the way to lure and persecute, with a kind of almost heaven. Means, gradually led Xie Danqiong’s Tianbinge to the current position.

Xie Danqiong did not understand this person.

However, I still know one thing: the cultivation of this person is much higher than that of the present. If he really has any unfavorable thoughts, these people have already suffered heavy casualties. If they are deliberately traced by this person, they will not even have a chance to escape.

"Well, I will look at it in the past." Xie Danqiong felt the Qionghua, who was almost everywhere, and took a deep breath.

In the dungeon.

The unique "啪啪" sound of the whip touches the flesh. The sound of this kind of slap is everywhere. After this kind of sound, it is often a burst of muscley smell. The heartbreaking screams...·····

The entire Tianqiang is filled with this taste, full of such a voice.

Dim environment, ridiculous bureaucracy, miserable screams...···················································································································

Even those who are heinous prisoners have not accepted such cruel treatment? !

What the **** are these people doing? Will you encounter such "entertainment"?

As more and more prisoners are stationed, almost a short day, they are already full of dungeons.

After the rain was delayed, the prisoners originally held in the dungeons were directly executed collectively if they were sinful; and those who were relatively minor and served more than three years in prison, each hit a hundred lashes and released the prison, everywhere Cell space.

This decision has made countless prisoners stunned.

But where do you know that the hundred whips are not good? Basically, this hundred whips come down, and one hundred people will die for ninety-nine. The lucky ones who survived are also five labors and seven injuries.

For a time in the sky, the blood flowed into the river, and the burial of the bones was like a mountain...·····

Just this night.........

These days, the website leader came to me and had to suspend the eruption, but I will work hard immediately after I send the guest away. Of course, the bottom-up update will definitely be there in any case.

There will be updates, and there will be an outbreak.

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