Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 412: When the dream wakes up, the Thunder revenge!

Some white people start with extreme care and just right. In addition to not causing embarrassment, they can also let them fall into a long sleep, and even wake up again, they may not be able to confirm whether they are asleep or stunned.

Immediately, these white people made a very strange "squeaky" cry, which was still low in the dark night, like the underground mouse is calling.

But with this sound, countless white shadow brushes quickly came, and for a time it was countless and difficult to count.

The next moment, these people stopped at the side of the military camp.

There is a garrison where the rain is delayed, and the only task is to guard against someone who has escaped.

A white man made a whistle, and the military camp just came out at this time, an officer, looked around in a majestic, said: "Is there any abnormality?"

The sentinel replied: "Sir, no abnormalities have been found for the time being."

"Well." The officer nodded mammothly: "It’s hard work. During this time, everyone must raise their eyes. The rebellious embers are huge, and there must be no negligence. If anything happens, we can all be miserable."


"Well, this will also be the time to change the shift, but in the early winter, it’s like this cold, fucking, that is, our brigade is a squad, and **** here is like freezing a popsicle. Go back to the shift and go."

"Thank you for your concern."

With the voice of gratitude, a total of thirty-two checkpoints were unanimously erected. Immediately afterwards, more than 30 people behind the officer began the handover procedure, which took over the original tasks of these people.

The footsteps began, the two teams came running, facing the empty snow, loudly shouted a few voice interface numbers, and then began patrolling.

The officer smiled in amazement and said: "The handover is smooth. It must be foolproof! Do you know?"

Then I just went back and went back.

When he walked to the corner, he took out a sharp dagger from his arms without warning. He roughly made a stroke and then slashed into his chest.

The officer slowly fell down in a corner. It seems to be a coma. It is the meaning of serious coma at this moment...

A white man appeared in front of him, carefully examined his injury and confirmed that he was not in danger of life. This was a long sigh of relief, and with a wave of his hand, numerous white shadows swarmed and passed the checkpoint level. .

All the guards who have just handed over the guards are standing up like wooden stakes. So thousands of people have passed by themselves at high speed, but they have never seen it.

The patrol team that had just been replaced with the white people swayed and passed by. Both sides seemed to be facing a group of air, and then the white people marched inside, and the patrol team continued to patrol the military.

If there are three camps in succession, it will be passed silently.

All the checkpoints of the three military camps, all the dark lines, all the patrols, all the ones who changed the group.

Countless white people finally entered the unspeakable ink cloud Tiantian prison.

All of this process is as smooth as a peer. The rain is slow to think that the defensive system of the tens of thousands of years of operation, after the real action of Mutianyu, is so vulnerable.

Wood Scorpio has been concentrating on hundreds of thousands of years of operation. Almost military political parties, both hands are completely controlled, and how deep the tentacles are in the end. Even the Yuantian limit is absolutely unclear.

Just when the rain has just risen, Wood Scorpio has been plugging in the rain and I don’t know how many people, but with so many years, the rain is slow, how many people are the people of Mutian, and it’s true. Yes……

Hundreds of thousands of years of hard work, this rumor, its horror, is absolutely indescribable.

If you don't move, once you get it all out, it's a Thunder, and your opponents have no chance to resist.

This will, the white man has entered the dungeon.

As of now, all the periphery of the entire Tianqiang has been changed. It has already fallen into the hands of the white people, and the Tianzhu of Moyuntian has completely lost contact with the outside world.

From the first time when they entered the dungeon, the white men were careful before they started. They started the road of killing, silently guarding the dungeons, killing them, and slashing their swords. Everything is done.

It seems that there is no revenge for these people!

I saw the cold light flashing everywhere, everyone was already killed when they saw the first time of the sword. Each of these white people used the kind of thin and thin blade. A sword directly broke into the heart, and the sword gas exploded in the heart. The internal organs of the five internal organs were turned into powder, and the sword gas rushed. Even the brains are instantly turned into a pot of porridge.

In the next moment, when the narrow sword body was pulled out from the chest, there was no visible scar on the outside, but the person in the sword was already a complete body.

These white people are all the coldest cold face to kill God, go all the way, all the way to harvest people, always without any expression.

But behind him, he did not leave even a living mouth, and he never lived. !

Some of the more important interrogation rooms were audited by the late military officers who were slow to rain. The door opened silently and suddenly, and then the white shadow suddenly broke into, and even the greetings did not hit one, which was the killer.

The moment before, I was still unscrupulous and arrogant, and I was already in the same position at the last moment.

Before and after but the scene of a cup of tea, the **** smell in the dungeon is actually even stronger.

The nightmare officers who had been tortured to be unconventional were carefully carried by the whites and immediately rolled forward.

This one-sided massacre was carried out silently for more than half an hour; finally, I heard a strange scream in the dungeon.

However, the screams in the dungeons have always been one after another. This scream will not be noticed by anyone, and the white men have slaughtered and don’t know how many people have entered the Tianzhu belly.

Everyone is not flustered and calm.

A sword is out, the cold light flashes, the person's life is broken, the sword is taken away... The face is cold and rushed to the next place, continue to swing the sword, kill, save people...

Everything is so orderly, everyone seems to be the master of the scorpion.

Kill people to come to the end, and enjoy the road.

Thousands of people are actually top killers.

As a result of killing all the way, although the dungeon occupied a large area, at this moment, it finally went to the end of the Tiangong, countless white people began to check around, check to confirm that there is no fish. No matter how dead or dead, every corpse must be filled with at least one sword.

Immediately, in the whisper of a surprise, all the military officers of the Nightmare Army were carried by the white people and quickly evacuated.

There are just too many people who need to bear the burden. Although the number of white people is not high, it is still unsuccessful. Even if they are carrying two at a time, they will go back and forth three times before and after, and all of them will be saved.

In such a violent war, the risk of reappearing at any time, the white man named the first actually carrying his hands, turned around in the dungeon, and checked again and confirmed. It’s like a test, all the students are leaving, and the examiner Shi Shiran turns around again.

The calm and unrestrained footsteps, walking in the **** dungeon, actually have a subtle feeling of pleasing pleasing.

After a round, the white man showed a satisfied smile and whispered: "When the dream is awake... Whose dreams should wake up?"

Then the white man waved his sleeves and slammed the blood on the floor and wrote on the wall: "An sinfulness is my subordinate, this is the end!"

Signature: Wood Scorpio is here!

The body suddenly floated, and the lightning was out of the dungeon.

In the Tianmong, which can accommodate 100,000 people, it is silent!

Only the blood, from the wounds of the body, the sound of flowing gently outside, full of blood.

Outside the dungeons, the rains that were standing at the whistle, and the patrol team that had been replaced, had already changed into white at the moment, following the former white men and flying away.

After walking a distance, everyone went into a house that was not very eye-catching. Tens of thousands of people walked in with the wounded, but this small hospital with no eye-catching ability could hold it. It seems that there is endless capacity inside...·····

In the end, everyone disappeared into this small courtyard, without even any noise.

After a long while, an old buddha came out of the small courtyard and looked at the surrounding environment. Suddenly, deeply and deeply, took a deep breath, and then, both hands slowly patted the ground.

At the moment when the palm touched the ground, half of the land of the emperor was snow, and suddenly all of it melted silently. On the ground, it immediately ignited a white mist, and all the traces of all the white people walked with With this evaporation, all disappeared without a trace.

At the same time, there are people in the northeast and northwest of the emperor, and they have taken their own hands on the ground.

Ever since, the entire emperor, a super-large city that can accommodate tens of millions of people, has no trace of snow in any place other than the Imperial City.

It seems that there have been two consecutive days of heavy snowfall in the early winter, and there has never been a general.

However, the snow in the sky is still slowly falling.

The old **** raised his palms slowly from the ground, coughed and muttered: "It’s so big snow..."

Kneeling, putting his hand in the sleeve, screaming and walking in, squatting, white hair, is an old man who may be screaming at any time...

The heavy snow continued to fall and continued to dye the ground into a piece of silver...·····

But the footprints that have been there, the traces of everything, have disappeared without a trace...

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