Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 413: Counterattack!

On this night, there are thirty-five cities around the Emperor Moyun, and things have happened!

All the prisoners in the prison are missing.

All the officers and men in the prison, without any exceptions, died.

Every big prison has been heavily guarded; but the most bizarre and incredible thing is that every officer who is responsible for guarding the post that night is very bizarre and can be fatally wounded, and all the guards are missing. I can't see anyone, I can't see the dead.

Among all the prisons, as long as they are related to the nightmare army, regardless of men, women and children, all of them are as evaporated.

Even some cells, even other prisoners, are missing.

In thirty-five cities, more than 50 official cells have become a dead place!

Because there is only the body!

The total number exceeded 200,000 people, all of which died in this incident. Among them, there are only more than 30,000 people, but the original prison cell guards the prison and the governor of the criminal department.

The rest, more than 75% of the total, almost fifteen or sixty thousand, are the **** men.

The incident is far more than that. The nine small family members of the Mo Yuntian deputy handsome rain are at the same time, and they are full of copying, and the dogs are not left.

The rain has delayed the loss of nine old husbands overnight, and countless mother-in-laws...

Wang Yueyue, the number one military officer who was late in the rain, went to the military camp after returning home because of what he thought of. So he escaped from the robbery, but his whole family went up and down, but he died at home.

The rain has been delayed by several generals, and they have also been attacked fiercely. Countless deaths and injuries...···

As soon as the case came out, the world shook again!

Mo Yuntian Emperor Yuan Tianjun was still in his sleep, but he was awakened.

Before the time of the Shang Dynasty, the Mo Yuntian context has already gathered in front of the main hall!

Overnight, 200,000 people are killed!

More than half a million recidivisms have quietly escaped!

This kind of thing, no matter at any moment, is a super big case! Even the Moyun Heaven Court is the first such event in a million years!

When Yuan Tian was limited to knowing this incident, the slap on the spot smashed the dragon case in front of him!

And the walls with the words written have been completely moved and placed on the main hall.

The name of the wooden scorpio is impressive!

Iron proof is like a mountain? !

"Your next...·····You have to be the master of me..." The rain is slow and painful, and a nose and a tear are not hidden. He is really sad this time; this incident, dispatched It’s all about the absolute heart of his side.

It has always been everyone who has made a difference with Mu Tianyu and Mu Shuai.

Although the high-ranking officers did not have many deaths, the most iron-clad ones were turned into corpses... The loss was really heavy, and the rain was too late to ask for it. It was a loss. It’s too heavy.

"This time of the jailbreak must have been done by the old boy of Mutianzhu! Only Wood Tianzhu has such great strength and ability to make this thing, and there is no such thing as a wooden scorpion. Loyal loyalty, sin is not awkward! Please kneel down to see..." The rain slowly whispered and trembled slightly on the ground, full of despair.

It is not necessary to delay the rain, saying that everyone in the civil and military is all in the heart: this is a revenge. This is a revenge for the rain.

The reason is very simple. The rain delayed planning and implementation of the nightmare army.

If it is just a filthy dream, there is no one, or this is the case.

But the problem now is that the rain is too late, the appetite is too big, and the dream is boundless, but it falls into the grave, kills the hero, and innocents, and creates the first big case of the past and the present!

This **** case is involved in a wide range of rumors, and the ultimate goal is more straightforward.

This caused the most **** revenge in the most determined.

And such a large-scale hand-off tens of thousands of sacred masters, thousands of days of people, even among them are absolutely led by the super-sage of the saint-level...

Such a luxury lineup, such a super-big hand, and can be done so unconsciously, look at the entire ink cloud, at best only two people can do it.

One article and one Wu.

丞 丞 落 , ,, Marshal Wood 澜 澜.

In addition to these two people, even the Emperor Yunyun Tiandi is not necessarily able to do it. Because if the Emperor is the shot, it must be the right way, and the Thunder will never act in this way.

Nowadays, the person who has been sinful in the rain is Mu Tianyu. As for who is mobilizing this revenge, is it still asking? There are counts in my heart, it goes without saying!

Although the facts are known, everyone knows very well, but at this moment, everyone’s reaction is absolutely not the case!

Not waiting for the Yuan Tian limit to speak, there are already many people playing in the civil and military officials.

"Your Majesty, this matter has nothing to do with Mu Shuai; Mu Shuai has been at home for a few days to avoid suspicion, and has closed his door. Moreover, he has issued a question to the next officer. Who dares to go out without a step, is equivalent to rebellion. The whole family copied the command of the nine ethnic groups. How could this matter be the work of Mu Shuai? Please take care of you. Don’t worry about the good work of the woods, hundreds of thousands of years of loyalty, never worry about the heart of the old minister. ·······”

"Yes, you want to do such a big thing, even if you are a master, you need to use at least 100,000 people. If you calculate the manpower needed to take the prisoner away, I am afraid there are no three." Ten thousand people may not be able to do things... But this night, all the military camps of Mu Shuai are calm, and there is absolutely no wind and grass. The court guarantees that this matter is correct, and the interruption has nothing to do with Mu Shuai!"

"Yeah, if you are really handsome, how can you stupidly leave your name, deliberately concealing it, and the means of blaming it is really inferior...·"

"Yes, yours is suspicious!"

"Your Majesty, maybe this is simply the means of delaying the rain to deliberately frame the wood handsome, but it is to use some personal life to achieve their own ulterior ambitions, and their heart can be ·······" The officials of the words clearly had already licked their ass, and they went to the horizon.

Yuan Tianzhi listened to this sentence and licked his mouth without any disguise.

Really confusing, with some personal life? Is that 200,000 people's life is good, or is it to use the life of 200,000 irons to frame the wood? Although the rain is slow, although the ability is much worse than that of Mutian, it is definitely not so brain-destroying...

However, this is still not clear, because the current limit is not the rain, but the rain that everyone knows is too late. In order to achieve the goal, this may not be done. If it can be borrowed This really took down Mu Shuai, and the rain slowly thought that these people died too much!

"People come, immediately pass the wooden heaven to the temple." Yuan Tian limited heart anger.

This incident is obviously made by Mutian, and even if someone else has this heart, there is no such energy!

Wood Scorpio came very quickly, because since he got out of this incident, he got the news and went outside the palace. Although in order to avoid suspicion, he has been waiting outside the hall to summon; but with his cultivation as natural, it is unreasonable to hear the roar of Yuan Tian.

"Your Majesty, the old minister glimpsed, the old minister knows that he is guilty, please sin." Mu Tianyu looked sad.

"Oh, what crime do you have? The Emperor did not know!" Yuan Tian limitedly asked.

"There is a strong heart and a strong man, and the old court is negligent, so that there are such a big case in the capital, and since then, the old minister has to blame himself. Please take a heavy punishment." Answered in pain.

"Hehehe······" Yuan Tian limit laughed strangely.

"Wu Tianzhu! You are so poisonous!" The rain was slow and the heart was sobbing: "My father-in-law is just a civilian, why are you suffering from such poisonous hands? You are dissatisfied with me, rushing me alone. That is to say, what are my sergeants? Why are you so painful?"

This sentence came out, and 90% of the ministers in the hall were screaming.

Everyone is still quite clear about the delays in the rain -

Your father-in-law is innocent? Then, is the 500,000 soldiers of the Nightmare Army and their millions of families innocent? Still not what you have to do is not necessary to have a case? You are dissatisfied with Mutian, who is hostile and has a clear stand. But what is wrong with the 500,000 soldiers?

Still not being ruined by you, is there nowhere to complain?

Now that such a thing has happened to you, is it true that the red mouth is white?

The word "innocent" is worth the loss!

Wood Tianyi smiled and turned around, scornfully watching the rain delay: "Yu Shuai seems to be that this big case is made by someone I am?"

The rain screamed with resentment: "Not you, or who? Who else?"

Mu Tianyu said faintly: "Nine-Heaven Scorpio has always been a place of stressing the rule of law; especially, the land of Mo Yuntian is even more legally strict; since Yu Shuai is so determined that I am doing it, then I think the rain handsome is conclusive. Evidence? Please take a look at me and let the handsome person take it orally. There is nothing to say, no words can be distinguished!"

The rain is slow and stunned, and Wood Scorpio has nothing to say, but he is really worthy of nothing at the moment! .

Conclusive evidence? Is there any conclusive evidence there? Even the forged evidence is not honoured!

Everyone has committed a myth, and the rain is slow. Now, I haven’t really figured out how Woody is doing everything yesterday!

I can't figure it out, but where can I find evidence?

"Why is Yu Shuai hesitating, please take out the evidence. If there is any conclusive evidence to prove that it is my hand, then Wood Scorpio will never resist and willingly accept the sanctions. But if Yu Shuai can't get evidence, just A mouthful of red mouth and white teeth, then you can break the blame of the handsome man to counterclaim your **** mouth!" Mu Tianyi said with a sigh of relief.

"It is a non-self-discipline, fair and self-sufficient. The rain is late, you are so filthy, but why?"

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