Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 416: The trust of the military [second! 】

The white man laughed: "It's the same."

Xie Danqiong frowned, said: "Not the same! The decision is not the same! Forget it, it is hard to talk about it. Don't go on this topic for the time being. Go back to business. Come here, can you teach me? Now In this situation, how do we cooperate?"

He reached out and said: "Now, in this situation, we have even withdrawn from the Emperor's area. I am afraid that we can't do it. If it is the manpower of our Tianbing Pavilion, or if it is better to say, how can these people be preserved?"

The white man said: "This... is the thing of your Tianbing Pavilion. How can we surpass it? And we absolutely believe that Xie Kui will definitely have a way to deal with these things."

Xie Danqiong was silent and said: "People, I have already picked it up for you. Although I have not shot it from beginning to end, there is no damage, but it has always helped you a lot." These people, you still take it with you, my Tianbing Pavilion, I will withdraw from it as soon as possible, I can't be joking with the lives of tens of thousands of children."

The white man suddenly frowned.

Xie Danqiong’s decision made him somewhat unexpected.

The white man indulged and said: "This, Xie Kui first, some words, I will explain it to you... First, these people are the dreamless army, and their The family has been canceled. Now, after the incident, these people have become the rebellious Mo Yuntian. They are absolutely unable to go back."

"And it is unrealistic for us to force them to protect them. After all, we have to be noticed by many parties now. Once they are discovered, they are the crimes of Zhulian, and they will die. Although we are not afraid, these people will sooner or later. Still dying."

"So, these people can only follow you for the time being." The white man looked at Xie Danqiong frankly: "We will find a way to make you all zero and send you all out of 30,000 miles. ······Where is the place where Tianbing Pavilion started, I believe that there is room for maneuver in there."

Xie Danqiong calmed his face and did not speak, did not say good, did not say bad.

"In addition, we have sent people to uproot the roots of the two sects that have followed the nine princes, and to vent their anger... Of course, all the materials of the two super martial arts have remained unmoved...···· · In other words, the two bases, as long as you are there, are all yours. This is one of the rewards."

"And, I also brought some gifts for Xie Kui." The man shook his hands and took out a series of space rings, which were as many as four or fifty.

“There are the same twenty in each of these space rings. That is to say, there are a thousand space rings here, and there are Zixia coins in it! There are all kinds of heavenly treasures. There are also all the equipment that belonged to the Nightmare Army, and there are many healing herbs. I believe that there are plenty of injuries to treat the wounds here."

"For this matter, we copied the warehouses of more than a dozen drug dealers overnight and packed everything in it."

"In addition, there are quite a few military stocks, weapons, etc.. This is our last wish for the 500,000 brothers." The white man sighed long: "But we only have It can be guaranteed that you will be safely transferred to the place where the Wanshan base is located. Once you have arrived there, we will not make river water after that."

"Even if you see you later, each other is just a stranger!"

"Please, Xie Kui is the first." The white man gently squatted: "Although it is suspected of being an enemy, but for the 500,000 brothers, we can't give up... This is the last piece we made for these brothers. It’s awkward, we can only do that much.”

"It is enough!" Xie Danqiong had some vibration in his heart. Even, deeply moved.

The friendship between the iron-and-blood soldiers is indeed a shock to the soul. Whether these people are wronged, or framed, or what, but after all, there is a fact: since then, it is a strange way!

And for these brothers who will become enemies in the future, they have made a terrible case, subverted the Tiantian Dungeon, slaughtered 200,000 people, and sent all the necessary and all!

Xie Danqiong suddenly had an admiration for Mu Tianyu!

Regardless of the future, Mutian can do this step, is a well-deserved husband, man! Loyalty!

Xie Danqiong took a long sigh of relief and said: "Well, just do it, I should accept this! You must arrange the people as soon as possible, and send us out as soon as possible. Now here, every moment It’s a shock, it’s too bad!”

"This section is completely ok!" The white man laughed.

At this point, the collusion between the military and the bandits officially came to an end.

Xie Danqiong, from now on, has changed into a powerful force with millions of people. Tianbing Pavilion, also from this time, officially became a force that can influence the general trend of Mo Yuntian!

The Mengmeng Army has always been loyal to the Mo Yuntian, but it has finally been betrayed. The Zhulian and the Nine, everyone is inexplicably inexplicable.

Therefore, Xie Danqiong almost did not inspire, everyone agreed to follow, just, when leaving, hundreds of thousands of heroes with tears, the heart is shocking.

This is the go, the old man is the enemy!

Once you go, you can't go back to your home.

The glory of the past has become a thing of the past. From then on, the name of the thief must be smashed, and the gathering of mountains and forests...·····

This kind of helplessness, who knows?

The ink cloud is in chaos.

Not only the emperor, but the entire land of Mo Yuntian is in chaos.

At a glance, all the places are fast-moving, and the beasts are flying around.

It’s just because of a little Tianbing Pavilion, which was not known until recently, and it’s a bonfire!

The army under the command of Mu Tianqiu was almost one-third of the troops. Apart from the troops stationed in the frontier, the others were basically mobilized.

In addition, the army is also full of members of the army.

It is the movement of the Moyun Tianjun, although they are all slogans of arrest, but the former is actually aid, the latter is the real arrest, the two are the opposite

Since the day when the nightmare army was removed, Mo Yuntian’s entire day has fallen into the snow, and it has not stopped for ten days!

However, in the days when these snow-covered days are in the snow, the clouds are in full swing.

However, in such a squad, the officers and men of the original Nightmare Army came together from the north of the sea, with their own homes, like a flood, usually put into a certain team, and then with the brigade Rolling forward.

I don't know where to go.

The Tianbing Pavilion, which was led by Xie Danqiong, enjoyed the wonderful-taste of the bureaucratic collusion for the first time. It was so arrogant and replaced with the military uniform. It was mixed in the army of the Yunyun Tianjun, all the way to the south, and the passage was unimpeded. Did not meet.

Occasionally, the whistle of the checkpoint, the leader of the leader slap in front of him, is arrogantly rushed out.

Anyone, fart can not put one!

Even the wounded have a carriage sitting, all the way to healing, occasionally chatting and smashing, and immediately gather a small bet, try not to be too angry, if you drink a little wine, the human thing is really more than this. ......

Is this small day surrounded by encirclement? It’s just not too happy! The better the end of this good life, the better!

Some members of the Tianbing Pavilion rushed to heaven one by one!

Fucking, if the cofferdam is like this, then, every day, come and encircle us!

Come on, buddy is not afraid! The expectation of 10,000 points...·····

Xie Danqiong was full of squatting, but he was happy to keep his mouth shut. I only feel that my life is the most bizarre. The head of the inexplicable - the first Mo Yuntian robbers head to the head, drinking and chatting with the military's powerful powers; and this process, in the process of the Mo Yuntian official claims to fully encircle themselves...

This is really not too wonderful - too...

Also, seeing the team that belongs to you is growing stronger...························································································ ····

Xie Danqiong, while drinking, said: "This is really...····Hey, I am not Ji Mo, I will not swear, but I still have to say today, this is really a life like a dream, a world unpredictable... I Really **** his uncle, I am dying..."

On this road, there is a constant encounter between the army of Mu Shuai and the army of Yu Shuai. When the two armies meet, the scenes are extremely popular, no exception.

"The other army temporarily stopped marching, we have to search!"

"Search your mother!"

"Do you dare to marry?"

"What are you doing? I still want to beat you!"

"I rely, do you dare to try? I still don't believe it!"

"Not only Laozi dares to do it, but the brothers dare! Come, give it to me, kill the help of the bitch, let them all believe..."


"Everyone is still hand! They must be hiding rebellious!"

"Drafting mother! You **** with your master's rain is as late as the **** mouth, swearing words! Brothers together! Kill this bastard!"

"Kill you killed this day!"

"Suddenly kill your bitch!"

"The bastard!"

"Look at the knife! Hahahaha..." Let your kid still cross the old man, and get rid of it!"

"Ah~~ Who the mother dared to attack, it is the man who stood up with Laozi······"

The piece is full of smoke!

This road is basically so beaten in life.

Wherever you go, the forests are all destroyed and unrecognizable, and both sides will be reported to the next level: Our army encounters Tianbing Pavilion in a certain forest in a certain mountain, fought bravely and violently, and has a fierce battle. The battle is unprecedentedly fierce, and there are many deaths. How many people...

It is guilty that no one has ever mentioned the cause of the matter. Of course, I dare not mention it. Then Tianbingge took up the black pot again and again.

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